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Ndumbaro Tells Dangerous Lies about Loliondo, Majaliwa Holds Fraudulent Spectacle about NCA with the Imposter Lekisongo, and Maasai Land is Attacked in Every Other Way



After PM Kassim Majaliwa’s agenda-driven, tricky (his kind of word), and non-listening visits to Loliondo and Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) in mid-February (see previous blog posts) there have been protest and prayer meetings in both Loliondo and NCA, statements, further contributions to the anti-Maasai ethnic hate campaign, very confused media coverage, international solidarity, and the president selling Tanzania in Dubai. Another issue that urgently should (but won't) be brought to light, is that the government has used an ill-intentioned law to kill the case against Thomson Safaris that’s older than this law. 

I may have written this before, but at calmer times, these developments could all have got their own blog post. Now, I’m not even keeping up. Then Ndumbaro started telling full-blown Kagasheki-style lies about Loliondo to Deutsche Welle, and the following day Majaliwa held a misleading spectacle with traditional leaders not from Ngorongoro to receive a list of households willing to “voluntarily” relocate from NCA. I hope I haven't missed anything important and that this blog post will be read depite its length.


Reportedly, Majaliwa will very soon visit Ngorongoro.

Update 15th March: Majaliwa's visit has been postponed. 


While the anti-Maasai hate campaign is speeding and spinning with its more malicious disinformation, not enough of an effort is made to at least make serious people and allies keep to facts. Those who don’t know anything make up their own “facts”, and those who know are too polite to correct them, or worse ... I’ve almost myself stopped telling writers about their mistakes after publication, since corrections are never made, and too often misconceptions are kept even when information is received before publication.


These are three different, but closely related problems:

In Loliondo OBC, that organises hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, have for years lobbied to have 1,500 km2 of important grazing land, village land belonging to the local Maasai, turned into a protected area. A local police state had, until recently, silenced all local leaders and activists, and still people from Loliondo are much more silent in the debate than those from NCA.


In NCA, an 8,292 km² multiple land use area, the Maasai live under the purposeful poverty-inducing rule and restrictions of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority, and since 2019 there’s a genocidal eviction plan, that extends to annexing some surrounding areas, the area under threat in Loliondo included. Current government efforts focus on “voluntary” relocation and disinformation, while an ethnic hate campaign rages in media and in the parliament.

In Loliondo, but outside the 1,500 km2 area, the American Thomson Safaris claim ownership of a 12,617 acres private nature refuge and have copied OBC’s use of the local police state. Sadly, for years it’s been basically impossible to get information about this land grab. 


In this blog post:

Loliondo after Majaliwa’s trick

Ndumbaro lying about the 1,500 km2

The government’s many tricks to grab the 1,500 km2

Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Majaliwa keeps tricking

The anti-Maasai hate campaign does not stop

The president selling Tanzania in Dubai

Government kills the Thomson Safaris case in the court of appeal


Deputy Minister Masanja's caravan of women on 5th March. The MNRT's ideal land use. 

Loliondo after Majaliwa’s trick

As mentioned in earlier blog posts, in Loliondo on 14th February, PM Majaliwa didn’t make any precise announcements about the 1,500 km2, or about NCA for that matter, which for many was a relief after the genocidal momentum that had been built up in an anti-Maasai media campaign and some extremely crazed and aggressive incitement against the Maasai by a long line of members of the one-party parliament. Though with his talk about “wider interest of the nation”, apparent wilful ignorance about the existence of land laws, and expressed pleasure with not hearing anyone saying, “this is our land”, he was not any better than RC Mongella whose visit a month earlier had led to loud protests after years of frightful silence. The public was locked out of the meeting, but some independent press was there. Sadly, the leaders present did not speak up about the law, or about the ongoing case in the East African Court of Justice, and kept talking about how very ready they were to work with the government. Some attendants addressed other issues, NCA included, by the message was also very clear from several local leader, that being ready to work with the government does not mean being ready to be evicted, and the importance of the 1,500 km2 for grazing was explained, not least by MP Emmanuel Oleshangay.


And as mentioned earlier, on 17th February in Ngorongoro Division where he was supposed to address NCA issues, Majaliwa ended by throwing in some alarmingly ignorant comments about Loliondo. He said that the 1,500 km2 (the land that OBC lobby to have converted into a protected area) is “empty” (there are both permanent and seasonal bomas). The PM said that, if the problem is water, we have the minister here, and boreholes can be drilled elsewhere. Just threedays earlier, the Ngorongoro MP had very clearly explained the area’s importance for grazing. Excising the 1,500 km2 from the 4,000 km2 Loliondo GCA signifies destruction of lives and livelihoods. The remaining area has two towns, with district headquarters and hospitals, agricultural areas, forest, and the horrible American company Thomson Safaris claiming their own private nature refuge. If anyone has missed it, Majaliwa has an agenda and won’t listen to anything else. Unsurprisingly, on 1st-2ndMarch, the Minister for Water and Irrigation, Jumaa Aweso, visited Loliondo to announce water projects. Majaliwa ordered a demarcation exercise of the disputed 1,500 km2 to be initiated to “know the boundaries”! There aren’t “boundaries”, since the area is part of the village land and has not been grabbed! No boundaries are needed, unless there are bad intentions.


In a written statement from his office and when presenting his Loliondo and Ngorongoro visits in parliament, Majaliwa continued with the same threatening and misleading nonsense. His claim is that the dispute is between local villagers and conservationists, but since nobody knows the exact boundaries of the disputed land, at a meeting in Ololosokwan in 2018 there would have been a resolution to place beacons to demarcate the area. There was no such meeting in 2018. Further, the written statement says that Majaliwa instructed authorities concerned with the issue of placing beacons to ensure that they involve the leaders of the areas at all stages. To make it even more absurd, the statement says that this isn’t any trick (the word is used in English), that the government isn’t like that, and that everything is beneficial and done in good faith! A decades long land rights struggle in which the Loliondo Maasai have managed to maintain their 1,500 km2 osero, despite extremely violent illegal operations, a local police state that for some years silenced everyone, and the constant lobbying by OBC, and there isn’t any “trick” involved in demarcating the threatened land. To me it sounds like a textbook example of the nastiest trick!

Mzee Kimeriai from Kirtalo lives in the 1,500 km2, and after Majaliwa’s lies that this land is “empty” he is begging the government not to finish off his people.

Following Majaliwa’s threat there has been several land protection and prayer meetings in Loliondo, even if not as many as in NCA. In Malambo, 24/7 patrols have reportedly been set up across the village to report any cars resembling Tanzania Wildlife Authority (TAWA), Tanzania National Parks Authority (TANAPA), or the Tanzania People’s Defence Force (JWTZ). On 23rd February a meeting was held in Ololosokwan, organised by traditional leaders, who reported that they had been hopeful when meeting Majaliwa in Wasso, but terrified after hearing his words in parliament. This was a prayer meeting attended by some 1,000 people, and strategies of how to protect the land were discussed.



The following day, around 11am there were reports from people in Soitsambu and Ololosokwan of two army vehicles full of soldiers moving from Wasso towards Ololosokwan and once in Ololosokwan in direction towards the osero. An hour later two more army vehicles travelled the same route. These were the soldiers from the Tanzania People’s Defence Force that since March 2018 are stationed at Olopolun near Wasso. During normal routine work that many vehicles aren’t used at the same time, and reportedly the soldiers were making rude gestures using weapons when passing people along the way. Most people interpret this as an act of intimidation, while some say it was normal routine.


A statement about land conflicts in Ngorongoro, Loliondo and Sale, signed by all Ngorongoro councillors, including the most unlikely, regarding the 1,500 km2 mentioned OBC’s lobbying, land ownership, the ongoing case in the East African of Justice, Majaliwa’s lie about a meeting in Ololosokwan 2018, and the disquiet caused by his talk about demarcating the land was addressed. Unfortunately, this statement was never read, since due to problems with logistics, no journalists showed up. Reportedly, other statements are on the way.

Today, 14th March, there was a protest and prayer meeting in Malambo in Sale Division, at the southernmost end of Loliondo GCA where people are under threat of having land robbed from them for a protected area allowing hunting.

Malambo councillor Clement Joel Reson


Ndumbaro lying about the 1,500 km2

On 8th March, or that’s when the audio clip was shared, Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Damas Ndumbaro had some fun lying to Deutsche Welle Kiswahili, or maybe he’s genuinely stupid (some are convinced that’s the case). His lies were in response to the global web movement Avaaz that’s returned to petitioning about Loliondo (now mixing it with NCA), and are loved by everyone in Ngorongoro, while this blogger has more mixed feelings. Avaaz started their petition in 2012, which was bewildering to all local leaders, as there hadn’t been any threat from the government since OBC’s land use plan was rejected, and their first petition text was frankly misleading, talking about “the Serengeti sell-off” when it was about Loliondo (some signatories believed the threat to be the opposite of what it really was). In 2013, when Kagasheki tried to rob the Maasai of the 1,500 km2, Avaaz were both helpful, and misleading. Even when they had all facts, they insisted on writing everything in their own insincere style. What they did in 2014 is so horrible that I just don’t want to write about it again. Then Avaaz didn’t say one word during the years of worst terror and violence. This could be because their contacts in Loliondo didn’t alert them, but others certainly did. Maybe Avaaz this time are doing the best with the information they’ve been given, and new people are involved. Though it would be good to arm allies with all facts … It’s what I’ve been working on for over a decade with not that much to show for it.


In the Deutsche Welle interview Ndumbaro seems to have been told that only “first peoples” can have “ancestral” land and enjoys saying that the Maasai came from Sudan. This is what most Maasai seem to have reacted to – maybe because those from Loliondo are still quite silent - advising Ndumbaro who’s Mgoni to return to South Africa, but we already knew that Ndumbaro has a personal hatred against the Maasai, and against pastoralism. Then the minister moved on to saying that nobody owns land in Tanzania and that everyone can be moved, citing infrastructure projects, but this is a case of foreigners practicing a hobby, and Ndumbaro has still not learnt that there are land laws, even if he this time wasn’t saying that the president owns all land, which was what he said when parliament had its first anti-Maasai day. The minister says it isn’t true that there’s hunting in NCA, in which he has a point. Though the petition was originally about Loliondo, and the NCA MLUM review proposal includes annexing areas with hunting, which would require changes to the NCA Act.


The by far most dangerous lies are when Ndumbaro mentions Loliondo. He’s back to Kagasheki’s shameless, and frankly twisted, lie that the 4,000 km2 Loliondo Game Controlled Area (Loliondo division plus part of Sale division) would be a protected area that has been “invaded”, which previously would have been allowed, but not anymore, says the minister, ignoring the simple fact that it’s legally registered village land. This means that he considers the district headquarters and the DC’s office to be “invaders”. PM Pinda put a stop to this lie on 23rdSeptember 2013 … The lie is based on that in Wildlife Conservation Act 2009 (that came into operation in 2010) Game Controlled Areas are protected areas, and they are not allowed to overlap with village land. Therefore, OBC funded the draft district land use plan that proposed turning the 1,500 km2into this new kind of GCA, which was rejected by the district council in 2011, since it would have led to very serious destruction of lives and livelihoods. For further horror, Ndumbaro pretends that nobody is living in the 1,500 km2! Whose houses have then been razed in several illegal invasions of village land? Ndumbaro has a feeling that it’s foreign countries with an interest in Loliondo and Ngorongoro that are misleading the public … I wonder if anyone has told this unbelievably ignorant minister that there’s an ongoing case in the East African Court of Justice to stop the governments efforts to rob the Maasai of the land.

The government’s many tricks to grab the 1,500 km2

Since tricky PM Kassim Majaliwa says that the government doesn’t engage in tricking Tanzanians there are a few nasty tricks to remind about, and this is also to remind Loliondo leaders about the circumstances in which you’re most likely to be tricked.


In 2008 local leaders were tricked, or coerced, by then DC Jowika Kasunga to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with OBC. There were supposed to be talks to coordinate grazing and hunting, but when the 2009 drought turned catastrophic, OBC went to the government to complain, and village land in the 1,500 km2 osero was illegally invaded by the Field Force Unit working with OBC’s rangers, with mass arson, dispersal of cattle, and abuse of every kind.


The Maasai moved back, and some leaders reconciled with OBC that went on to funding a tricky draft district land use plan that proposed turning the land that had been invaded into a protected area. The Maasai were united and weren’t tricked. The draft land use plan was rejected by Ngorongoro District Council.


The government and the investor had another dirty trick up their sleeve. In 2013, Minister Kagasheki lied to the world saying that the whole 4,000 km2 Loliondo Game Controlled Area (Loliondo Division and part of Sale Division of Ngorongoro District) was a protected area and that alienating the important 1,500 km2meant generously giving the remaining land to the Maasai. This trick did not work, since the Maasai were more serious and united than ever, garnered support from both the opposition CHADEMA and from CCM, and then PM Pinda stopped Kagasheki (not that anyone thought that Kagasheki was doing this on his own, but he did show enthusiasm).


Then the many tricks to buy off local leaders started creating serious divisions and weakening. Some found it convenient to benefit from openly praising the “investors” and attacking the people who they at the same time expected to take risks to defend the land. Though nobody was tricked enough to sign any MoU.


The investors OBC (and Thomson Safaris) had for many used the tricks of the local police state that through the successive DCs, security committee, and most every government employee will threaten anyone who could speak up about them, and engage in defamation and illegal arrests. The repression and fear of this police state became worse with Magufuli in office, and by 2016 it was so bad that Majaliwa could enter the stage with his trick of a select non-participatory committee, set up by RC Gambo. Some of the members were local leaders and other representatives that found themselves at the opposite side of the people when marking “critical areas” under protests in each village. The tricky proposal handed over to Majaliwa was seen as a victory, even though it was a sad comprise that had earlier been rejected for many years of better unity and less fear.


Maybe since tricking was so easy, the government went on with the unthinkable and while everyone was still waiting to hear Majaliwa’s decision on 13th August 2017 an illegal mass arson operation, like the one in 2009, was initiated and continued, on and off well into October. Hundreds of bomas were razed to the ground by Serengeti rangers, assisted by NCA rangers and those from OBC, NCA, TAWA/KDU, local police and others. People were beaten and raped, illegally arrested, and cattle seized. Some leaders were frightfully silent while others protested. Minister Maghembe pretended that OBC’s land use plan would have been implemented and the operation was taking place on some protected land, while the DC, and Maghembe’s own ministry, said it was not about the 1,500 km2, since Majaliwa was to announce a decision, but that village land was invaded because people were entering Serengeti National Park “too easily”.


Oloosek, Ololosokwan, 13th August 2017

The illegal operation wasn’t stopped until late October 2017, a couple of weeks after Kigwangalla came into office. The new minister also made grand promises, like saying that OBC would have left Tanzania before 2018. I don’t know if this was a trick, but it was very soon clear that OBC weren’t going anywhere. On 6th December 2017, Majaliwa delivered his vague but terrifying decision that was about creating a “special authority” to manage the land. He also said that OBC were staying. The decision was celebrated in the anti-Maasai press (the Jamhuri). Fortunately, implementation has been delayed, and would of course be contempt of court.


In March 2018, Kigwangalla welcomed OBC’s hunters to Tanzania (directing himself to a fake account of the Dubai crown prince) and in April OBC - once again - gifted the Ministry of Natural Resources of Tourism with 15 vehicles. In March 2018, a military camp was set up in Lopolun, near Wasso in Loliondo, first temporary, but eventually made permanent with donations from the NCAA.


Next trick was done by the OCCID and local police that tried to derail the case in the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) – filed during the illegal operation in 2017 - by summoning local leaders and villagers. Nobody dared to speak up about this, except for the applicants' main counsel. On 25th September 2018 the court finally issued an injunction restraining the government from evictions, destruction and harassment of the applicants, but this injunction was soon brutally violated, as a “trick” by soldiers that in November and December tortured people, seized cattle, and burned bomas in Kirtalo and Ololosokwan. This was the lowest point ever in the land rights struggle and I have still not understood how it could happen without anyone at all speaking up. Local leaders claimed to fear for their lives and thought that the brutality was directly ordered by president Magufuli. When RC Gambo in January 2019 condemned the crimes in a very vague way, they changed to thinking that OBC’s director had contracted the soldiers.


There were finally some promising developments in 2019 when OBC’s director Isaack Mollel was arrested on economic sabotage charges and OBC tuned down (they never left and Mollel was never fired) their activities on the ground, but the local police state wasn’t dealt with and after a lengthy stay in remand prison Mollel was out and back to work, reportedly after plea bargaining.


Then in September 2019, followed the terrible trick of a genocidal zoning proposal for NCA, which included the proposal to annex most of the 1,500 km2 and turn it into a protected area allowing hunting … This Multiple Land Use Model review proposal has since been met with innumerable protests from every kind of group of people from NCA, but near silence from Loliondo.


The worst trick of all were the stolen elections of 2020, in which Salula Ngorisiolo was killed when police and NCAA rangers opened fire at Oloirobi polling station in Ngorongoro.


2021, besides the big relief of 17th March, brought the trickster Jumaa Mhina as new DED using every trick to kill the court cases against land grabbing “investors”. Though the village chairmen have stood their ground and Reference No. 10 of 2017, Ololosokwan, Kirtalo, Oloirien, and Arash versus the Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania continues in the EACJ.


On 11th January 2022, a new trick was brought by Arusha RC John Mongella who summoned village and ward leaders from villages with land in the 1,500 km2 to inform them that the government would make a painful decision for the broader interest of the nation. The leaders weren’t tricked, not even those who for years had worked for OBC and against the people. They refused to accompany the RC for a tour of the 1,500 km2, or to sign the attendance list, which could have been used to claim that they’d agreed to something. On 13th-14thJanuary in Oloirien there was a public protest meeting and a statement by village, ward, and traditional leaders.


Oloirien 14th January 2022

Then tricky Majaliwa came and wasn’t much better than Mongella, but too well-received, since something worse was expected.


Three days later, on 17thFebruary in Ngorongoro, Majaliwa ordered the disputed land to be marked by beacons, so that we may know the boundaries – while claiming that this is NOT a trick!


Then Ndumbaro on 8th March re-introduced Kagasheki’s lies, and on the 11th Majaliwa again mentioned beacons and water projects when informing parliamentarians about a fake spectacle that he had set up in Arusha, without people from Ngorongoro, the previous day.


Placing beacons to mark the 1,500 km2 osero would be a serious invasion of village land and only serves the interests of those who want to rob the Maasai of this land. It must be dealt with urgently!


Ngorongoro Conservation Area after Majaliwa’s trick

In NCA there were big prayer meetings before, during and after Majaliwa’s visit. There are reports of such meetings most every day. Just as in Loliondo, the public was locked out of Majaliwa’s meeting in NCA on 17th February (which I wrote about in the previous blog post), but with the difference that two journalists were arrested, and those locked out kept singing outside the NCA hall. Majaliwa kept to his agenda of “too many” people and livestock and would not listen to anything else. The far too polite attendants followed the agenda of “conservation”, but their contributions, including reports about missing rhinos and suspected culprits (briefly mentioned in my previous blog post), weren’t reported, since due to the arrests there weren’t any independent journalists present.


What Majaliwa later communicated in the written statement from his office and in parliament was only that those willing to “voluntarily” relocate from Ngorongoro should not be hindered, but helped, and that they should register at the offices of the DC. The terror is in the context, in the years of restrictions imposed by the NCAA on growing crops or building modern houses, in the loss of grazing areas and saltlicks, and in the current ethnic hate campaign in media and in parliament, and in how Majaliwa refers in a neutral, or positive way, to these MPs who laugh approvingly when their peers suggest sending in tanks against the Maasai and fabricate one dehumanizing story after the other. And the genocidal Multiple Land Use Model (MLUM) review proposal, that was presented by Chief Conservator Manongi in September 2019 has still not been thrown into the rubbish bin.


The MLUM review report’s proposal is so destructive that it would lead to the end of Maasai livelihoods and culture in Ngorongoro District. When it was presented, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) had once again visited Ngorongoro and in their report repeated that they wanted the MLUM review completed to see the results and offer advice, while again complaining about the visual impact of settlements with “modern” houses, and so on. Recommendations and concerns from UNESCO has in the past repeatedly led to a worsened human rights situation.


When the Maasai were evicted from Serengeti in 1959 by the colonial government, losing access to over 14,000 km2, as a compromise deal, they were guaranteed the right to continue occupying the 8,292 km² Ngorongoro Conservation Area as a multiple land-use area administered by the government, in which natural resources would be conserved primarily for their interest, but with due regard for wildlife. This promise was not kept, and tourism revenue has turned into the paramount interest.


The MLUM review report proposes to divide Ngorongoro into four zones, with an extensive “core conservation zone” that is to be a no-go zone for livestock and herders. In NCA this includes the Ngorongoro Highland Forest, with the three craters Ngorongoro, Olmoti and Empakaai where grazing these past few years has been banned through order (residents in Ngorongoro Crater were violently evicted in 1975). This has led to losing 90% of grazing and water for Nainokanoka, Ngorongoro, Misigiyo wards, and a 100% loss of natural saltlicks for livestock in these wards. The proposal is to do the same with Oldupai Gorge, Laitoli footprints, and the Lake Ndutu and Lake Masek basins. In the rest of Ngorongoro District, the proposal is for NCAA to annex the Lake Natron basin (including areas of Longido and Monduli districts, like Selela forest and Engaruka historical site) and the 1,500 km2 in Loliondo and Sale Divisions and designate most of these areas to be no-go zones for pastoralists and livestock. These huge areas include many villages and are important grazing areas, the loss of which would have disastrous knock-on effects on lives and livelihoods elsewhere. The annexation of the Osero in Loliondo caters almost perfectly to the wishes of OBC.


A list of 52 heads of households willing to voluntarily relocate from Ngorongoro was released a few days after Majaliwa’s visit. Some of those were deceased while others had moved away from Ngorongoro over a decade ago. Only two of those on the list were actual residents of Ngorongoro.


People have for decades been tortured by the NCAA, so that they will leave “voluntarily”, and in December 2021 the researcher Teklehaymanot G. Weldemichel translated this to academic language about how people are made relocatable and land grabbable through long processes of marginalisation.


The village chairmen from the 25 villages of Ngorongoro Division held a press conference on 22ndFebruary to set the record straight about PM Majaliwa’s visit. The village chairs reminded of that Majaliwa only for an hour listened to leaders, not the public, and that journalists and local experts were not allowed in. They explained that they are ready, have always been ready, to discuss challenges with conservation and tourism, like the number of people and livestock, but not least the disorderly growth of hotels damaging the environment, of traffic congestion in the crater, of invasive weeds (significant increase since the Maasai were blocked from accessing the crater). What they are not ready to discuss is evictions. They are not going anywhere. Their message to the world is that they don’t need tourism that robs them of their land.


On 5th March, Deputy Minister Mary Masanja, who’s very much involved in the war against the Maasai, brought a caravan of 600 women in diesel guzzling vehicles to Ngorongoro. This was supposed to be in celebration of International Women’s Day, but celebrated tourism, domestic tourism, and not least the CCM government. Almost all these women were overweight, which was a striking contrast to the (due to purposeful ill-intentioned restrictions by the NCAA) often malnourished Maasai women. The ministry and the NCAA uploaded video clips of these women squirting champagne and – like foreign tourists at other times (the return of which is celebrated) - overcrowding the Ngoitokitok picnic site in Ngorongoro crater, an image that was much celebrated. This wastefulness and destructiveness were obviously the image that the anti-Maasai ministry want to show the world, and it’s been much shared by them. Meanwhile, the Maasai climbed Mount Makarot to pray for their land.

On 10th March in Arusha, Majaliwa held a meeting with Maasai traditional leaders – not from Ngorongoro – in which he was handed a list of 86 households or 453 persons “willing” to relocate from Ngorongoro. Not only when speaking, but also in the written message from his office the PM said that the government had set aside 400,000 km2 in Handeni. It was the first thing many people saw, but newspapers just copied it, and everything else about the Handeni plans, unquestioningly. The total area of Tanzania is 945,087 km². Present, and speaking for evictions from NCA, was of course the imposter Lekisongo from Monduli who in October 2021 falsely was presented as the leader of all Maasai traditional leaders at a public meeting with President Samia. At that time, Ngorongoro representatives were forced to hold a press conference to denounce this individual – which I suppose made him irresistible to tricky Majaliwa. Among the numerous attendants, the only person from Ngorongoro was an allaeged NCAA informer from Alailelai who’s one of the two persons on the first list that’s been made public who actually is a Ngorongoro resident, but it has later been revealed that he left Ngorongoro over five years ago. The rest of the attendants were from Arusha town and Monduli. This kind of fraudulent spectacle may seem too strange to be true, but remember that Majaliwa when Magufuli hadn’t been seen since 27th February 2021, at prayer in the main mosque in Njombe town on 12th March, assured Tanzanians that the president was in good health and working hard, with loads of files on his desk. On 17th March 2021, Magufuli was officially declared dead.


Fraudster Lekisongo on the right

The following day in parliament, when talking about his meeting with Maasai traditional leaders … Majaliwa said that he had a slip of tongue and that it was acres and not square kilometres. He did not explain what he slipped on to meet with Maasai from Arusha and Monduli, including a well-known fraudster, to talk about Ngorongoro.


On 11th March, the chairman of the laigwanak of Ngorongoro, Metui ole Shaudo, told Watetezi tv that he and his peers had not been invited to, or informed about, the PMs meeting in Arusha, and that they do in no way agree with what was said by Lekisongo, who keeps pretending that he can represent them. The councillor for Malambo and laigwanani, Clement Joel Reson, said that in Sale division the traditional leaders had been waiting in vain for the PM to visit, and then they see how he shows up in Arusha to discuss Ngorongoro with people not from Ngorongoro.  


On 12th March, the Ngorongoro laigwanak, traditional leaders, held a press conference to denounce Majaliwa’s spectacle. The message was that they will sue Lekisongo in a court of law for repeatedly and fraudulently claiming to represent them while speaking in favour of the government’s relocation plans. They also denounced Ndumbaro’s talk that they would be from Sudan. The laigwanak declared that no ward, village, or traditional leaders had been involved in any Handeni plans.

All journalists were unable to cover this press conference due to restrictions from Majaliwa!

On 13th March, Majaliwa visted Msomera village in Handeni where houses are being built to relocate Maasai from Ngorongoro. It would be interesting to know if it’s the COVID-19 funds mentioned in the leaked document from January that are being used.


Now it’s said that Majaliwa will very soon visit Ngorongoro. I’ll write a new blog post about that.

Update 15th March: Majaliwa's visit has been postponed. 


The anti-Maasai hate campaign does not stop

As mentioned in earlier blog posts, this year has seen a vicious anti-Maasai hate campaign conducted by Habib Mchange of the Jamvi la Habari below-gutter tabloid, known for fabrications and slander of opposition politicians, and for starting numerous “organisations” to quote himself as their representative. Another member is the sports presenter, turned frontpage reviewer, Maulid Kitenge, who shortly after having joined the hate campaign was in Ngorongoro on a first time visit with his colleague Oscar Oscar in a NCAA vehicle. Anything Kitenge sees: a cow, an elephant, a modern building, or his own shadow will make him scream like a pig in heat that the Maasai must be evicted from NCA. The main “arguments” of this hate movement is that the Maasai are too many, that their livestock are owned by “rich people from elsewhere” fabricating some baseless anti-Kenyan paranoia, that they are living like animals, being eaten by predators, and that there aren’t any graves in NCA! Other members are the editor of the old anti-Maasai newspaper, the Jamhuri, Deusdatus Balile who added some lurid colonial fantasies about Maasai burial practices to a well-funded press conference by this group.


Balile’s colleague in the Jamhuri, Manyerere Jackton, in well over 50 articles has been spewing out unhinged hate rhetoric against the Maasai of Loliondo, and campaigned for taking the 1,500 km2 away from them. He has claimed that 70 percent of the Loliondo Maasai would not be Tanzanian, and published lists of hundreds of private persons that his “sources” consider to be “Kenyan”. His slandering of those speaking up for land rights, or those he thinks could speak up for land rights, has been vicious and insane. Even worse is that I’ve experienced first-hand how he likes to boast about being directly involved in arrests of innocent people.


Most shameful is how other media - including Deutsche Welle Kiswahili – have treated this anti-Maasai hate group and their organisation “MECIRA” as some kind of legitimate conservation actors.


Though one news outlet, Darmpya online news, are asking questions, like how come the “allowances” for attending the press conference were so extraordinary heavy, who funded it, and for what purpose. There are also many Tanzanians online who have spoken up against the hate campaign.


Further, Kitenge has shared a photo of himself visiting PM Majaliwa …

Kitenge visiting Majaliwa. Birds of feather ...

Even worse was of course the spectacle in parliament on  9th February when the atmosphere was such that the crazier hateful lies a parliamentarian spewed out against the Maasai, the more laughter and table banging there was, and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism to their Instagram page uploaded clips of the most hateful MPs, in case anyone thought they are just deranged individuals who happen to be members of parliament. Only three parliamentarians, all Maasai, spoke up against this hate feast that was followed by a one-sided “seminar” to educate the MP, in which to same behaviour just went on.


Lately, a briefer version of a clip uploaded by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism in September has again been shared online. I wrote about this clip at the time, in which Deputy Minister Mary Masanja, on a visit to NCAA complains about having seen livestock, and chief conservator Manongi says that conservation is a war that they aren’t fighting for their own interest, but for the nation. He says that the pastoralists have many “conspiracies” and that they sadly are winning, adding that now conservationists must “start” developing conspiracies. As if he hadn’t already in the restrictions and abuse of the Ngorongoro Maasai, and in his “workshops for editors and senior reporters”. Basically, everyone from Ngorongoro is convinced that Manongi is behind the current hate propaganda. Remember that the clip isn’t even any leaked secret plan, but something used to show off, or get sympathy.

On 22nd February a new article was published by the old anti-Loliondo “journalist”, Manyerere Jackton, who after over 50 articles full of defamation and fabrications, toned down his campaign for OBC when the director, Isaack Mollel, spent some time in remand prison for “economic sabotage”. This time without mentioning names, except for mine, he attacks those who work against Majaliwa’s plans to “save” Ngorongoro and Loliondo, and parrots what he was told in one of Manongi’s workshops. In the past, this individual has described me as an international spy who gets billions of money from those who’ve sent me to destroy the Serengeti ecosystem, among other deranged fabrications. In this latest article Manyerere claims that in Loliondo Majaliwa reprimanded people who spread hate propaganda, including one foreign national who has been deported twice, and who in social media tarnishes Tanzania and her own critics. I haven’t been able to get hold of anyone else who heard this, but the “journalist” knows that the PM was referring to me, and he even spells my name correctly. Though instead of linking to my blog, he can’t abstain from the baseless fabrication of describing me as an important fundraiser for Loliondo NGOs, when the truth is that I’ve never fundraised one shilling for the NGOs, and totally lack any skill for making people give away money. It’s how this “journalist” works. He lies all the time, even about unimportant issues. Though so much worse than this is how he has sent me triumphant one-liner emails when innocent people are about to get arrested in the Loliondo police state. I hope to some day meet Manyerere Jackton in a court of law about this.


President selling Tanzania in Dubai

At the end of February, President Samia attended the Dubai Expo 2020 and signed a US$7.49 billionbusiness partnership deal with the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Here’s photo of her and OBC’s hunter, the UAE Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum.

There’s a lot more to report about this, but I’m already afraid that nobody will read this blog post.


Government kills the Thomson Safaris case in the court of appeal

The government is moving forward all over the district in its efforts to hand over Maasai land to “investors”, or what’s in their terminology is called, “the broader interest of the nation”. The American Thomson Safaris, owned by Rick Thomson and Judi Wineland claim their own private Enashiva Nature Refuge in the villages of Sukenya and Mondorosi, or Soitsambu before the sub-division of villages. They base this claim on having bought the right of occupancy from Tanzania Breweries that cultivated a small part of it in the 1980s and then, using forged documents, got a 99-year right of occupancy in 2003, selling it to Thomson in 2006. The right of occupancy was for 10,000 acres that somehow was turned into 12,617 acres (51 km2) before selling it to Thomson. Though most of all this land grab is based on the Loliondo police state and Thomson’s way of learning and perfecting OBC’s strategies of how to use it for divide and rule, violence, threats and defamation via the DC, security committee, and government officials. Besides the local Maasai, several journalists have experienced how this local police state work for Thomson, and so have I.


In 2013, at the height of unity and seriousness in Loliondo, Land Case 26 of 2013 was filed: Mondorosi Village Council, Sukenya Village Council and Soitsambu Village Council versus Tanzania Breweries Ltd, Tanzania Conservation Ltd (Thomson Safaris), Ngorongoro District Council, the Commissioner for Lands, and the Attorney General. An earlier case had been dismissed on a technicality. In 2015 the High Court in Arusha, ruled against the Maasai on all points except a minor one concerning TBL adding 2,617 acres. Since then, this case has continued in the court of appeal. To my sadness and frustration, since 2016 it has been basically impossible to get any updates from the ground. The local police state worsened considerably, and even more so to silence those speaking up about Thomson Safaris that also affect a smaller area than OBC. Occasionally I hear from people who talk about harassment of herders, without explaining well, and then they go offline for years, literally.


As mentioned in earlier posts, in 2021 the new DED Mhina started working hard to make the village chairmen withdraw the cases against OBC and against Thomson Safaris. He almost succeeded with the heavily compromised chairmen of the villages that have sued Thomson Safaris who declared that they would sign the DED’s letter of withdrawal, but then they changed their mind, and such a letter never reached the court.


This year, late-January, out of court negotiations failed. Thomson Safaris and the government only wanted to discuss the 2,617 acres, and then only pointing out borderline areas, so the case continued until 18th February when the Solicitor representing the Attorney General who was in the case one of the respondents stood before the Court and claimed to have been representing both parties (the appellants and the respondents) and as such, the government (the respondent) has no interest in the Appeal.


The same prayer was brought to the East Africa Court of Justice in Application no 15 of 2017 (arising from Reference No. 10 of 2017, Ololosokwan, Kirtalo, Oloirien, and Arash versus the Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania) and was overruled. Unlike the East African Court, the Court of Appeal of Tanzania without affording the appellants the right to be heard, dismissed the appeal


This was based on legislation introduced under Magufuli to do away with all separation of power, so that local governments can’t sue the central government, but it should not be possible to use this on a case filed before the law came into operation. Still, the court ruled that there wasn’t a case, and the lawyers to the villages weren’t even added to the records. Now a new case must be filed. The ruthless hypocrites must be forced to move their very private nature refuge to Boston, USA.


There’s too much to write about, I have probably missed something important, and everyone’s too busy. I hope it’s because those who want to rob the Maasai of their land will soon be stopped …

Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (now increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com


Illegal Arrests Again in Loliondo, German Ambassador Supports the Government’s Efforts, UNESCO Denies Responsibility, Ndumbaro is Removed from the MNRT and His Successor Makes Sure to Look as Bad as Possible in the Shortest Time



After years of – like many others - painting a disappointing figure, Methew Siloma, councillor of Arash (Loliondo division) spoke up, with unexpected bravery, calling a spade a spade in a way I thought could no longer happen in Loliondo, and subsequently he was arrested by his own CCM party. Several other local leaders and NGO people suffer from increased police harassment.


There’s no end to the ethnic hate campaign (allegedly funded by the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority) against the Maasai in parts of media (and most of parliament). PM Majaliwa and – now former - Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Ndumbaro have kept appearing in fake spectacles and telling outrageous lies about NCA and Loliondo in a tempo that’s hard to keep up with. Before being moved to the Ministry of Legal and Constitutional Affairs - Ndumbaro announced that he would hold regular meetings with diplomatic missions to “inform” them about NCA and Loliondo. It looks like the government has full support from the German ambassador. Meanwhile, UNESCO say that they have never asked for the displacement of the Maasai of Ngorongoro. And it seems like the NCAA has finally found some real traitors instead of only using actors.


The new minister, Pindi Chana, was installed on 2nd April, met with the German ambassador on the 5th, and made a militaristic visit to Ngorongoro on the 6th.


Again, this blog post is too long and delayed, since too much is happening, while some important information is hard to obtain. It should be even longer, with more detail to avoid misunderstandings, but then nobody would read it.


In this blog post:

The meeting in Arash and the CCM arrest/abduction

Brief reminder about the efforts to rob the Maasai of 1,500 km2 in Loliondo

New “article” by OBC’s “journalist”

The old trick of public services as a weapon of war in Loliondo and NCA

Brief summary of NCA, including latest news

UNESCO denying responsibility for the genocidal Multiple Land Use Model review proposal and everything else

Ndumbaro meeting ambassadors and Germany is discreetly anti-Maasai as usual

Support by Kenyan senator

Bye, bye Ndumbaro


Pindi Chana in Ngorongoro on 6th April


In Loliondo OBC, that organises hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, have for years lobbied to have 1,500 km2 of important grazing land, village land belonging to the local Maasai, turned into a protected area. A local police state had, until recently, silenced all local leaders and activists, and still people from Loliondo are much more silent in the debate than those from NCA.


In NCA, an 8,292 km² multiple land use area, the Maasai live under the purposeful poverty-inducing rule and restrictions of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority, and since 2019 there’s a genocidal eviction plan, that extends to annexing some surrounding areas, the area under threat in Loliondo included. Current government efforts focus on “voluntary” relocation and disinformation, while an ethnic hate campaign rages in media and in parliament.


A question: How can allies of the Maasai be stopped from mixing up NCA and Loliondo, from claiming that OBC would have left in 2017, from saying that there were evictions in Loliondo in 2013, and other misinformation that keep being repeated, again and again?


The meeting in Arash and the CCM arrest/abduction

In the previous blog post I mentioned that despite the protests in January, after the years of panicked silence and abysmal treason, Loliondo Maasai are still so much more silent than those in Ngorongoro division, even when both Ndumbaro and Majaliwa have lied in threatening ways about the 1,500 km2 of important grazing land bordering Serengeti National Park, which OBC that organize hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, for years have lobbied the government to convert into a protected area. Though on 19th March this silence was broken in an impressive way, which lead to more repression.


On 19th March, a huge gathering – some mention 3,000 attendants from 8 wards in Loliondo and Sale divisions, and others from Ngorongoro divisions – was held in Arash in Loliondo. The press was conspicuously absent, but some local youths had prepared themselves to film the event


The message sent from this meeting was:

-PM Majaliwa is a liar.

-The Maasai are not renouncing one square inch of land.

-They request to meet with the president, since Majaliwa can’t be trusted.


The fraudster and imposter Isaack Lekisongo Meijo, an individual from Monduli district, near Arusha town, who repeatedly and fraudulently has misrepresented the Ngorongoro Maasai was finally condemned in a traditional way. In October 2021, Lekisongo at President Samia’s meeting with the public at Sheikh Amri Abeid Memorial Stadium was presented as the leader of the Tanzanian Maasai, while defending evictions from Ngorongoro. A press conference was held by traditional leaders from Ngorongoro to denounce this imposter, and then they held a meeting with him to sort things out, but after the meeting Lekisongo told the press that the Ngorongoro laigwanak had come to apologize to him! On 10th March 2022, Lekisongo at a spectacle in Arusha repeated his misrepresentation of Ngorongoro when PM Majaliwa announced a list of Ngorongoro people, none of whom were still living in Ngorongoro, that were “volunteering” to relocate to Handeni. Only one of the attendants to this fake spectacle, which Majaliwa then boasted about in parliament, was originally from Ngorongoro. The Ngorongoro laigwanak once again had to hold a press conference to denounce Lekisongo. On 18th March, while celebrating one year of Samia Suluhu Hassan’s presidency and its many successes, RC Mongella – whose threatening visit in January finally brought Loliondo people out from where they were hiding, in a delusional style brought up how he’s working with local people to strengthen conservation in Ngorongoro and Loliondo. The indispensable imposter Lekisongo was of course present and dressed up Mongella in a kind of Maasai outfit.

This is how a curse was placed on Lekisongo in Arash on 19th March. I’ve asked why this treatment hasn’t been given to so many other people who have been threatening the land through the years. Apparently, it has, but without broadcasting.


The councillor of Arash, Methew Siloma, refreshingly explained that the Maasai were not asking anyone for any permit to hold this meeting. He said that (regarding both NCA and Loliondo) it had been decided to form a committee of 25 representatives (the number has grown since then) to collect the views of the public and take them to the president, not any minister. He said they didn’t have any faith at all in PM Majaliwa, since he’s a liar who claims that the Maasai would agree to the alienation of the 1,500 km2 osero in Loliondo. Further, Siloma made it clear that the Maasai would not cooperate with any person our authority trying to demarcate the 1,500 km2 with beacons. Compared to Siloma’s disappointing time as district chairman when he not only was a coward at a time when everyone was a coward but set the discouraging mark already in 2017 accepting German funds that the councillors, after Minister Maghembe had announced that these funds carried the condition of implementing OBC’s land use plan (which led to a manifestation by 600 women), had decided not to accept, this was a very serious and impressive statement.


Siloma could of course not be allowed to speak the truth. On 23rd March he and the councillor for Malambo, Joel Clement Reson, who also has been speaking up in an admirable way, were summoned to the ethics committee at the CCM office in Loliondo. Siloma was summoned via a letter from CCM signed by the party secretary of Ngorongoro District, Abubakar Chati. After the interrogation, police entered the CCM office and arrested Siloma who was abducted and driven all the way to Arusha accompanied by Security Officer Hassan. In Arusha family and lawyers weren’t allowed to see Siloma. The Regional Commanding Officer said that it was a political case, and the councillor was being interrogated outside the police by TISS (Tanzania Intelligence and Security Service). On 25th March, Siloma was finally released on bail, without charges, but he must continue reporting to the police.

The trap.

The Ngorongoro CCM chairman, Ndirango Laizer, spoke up for Siloma and is now having his citizenship questioned by Immigration. This is the most classic abuse by the Loliondo police state. I encountered it before I had even heard about this local police state (and before becoming a blogger) in 2008 when a friend of Thomson Safaris told me that their problem was a “Kenyan” Maasai woman (later I got to know that this referred to a very Tanzanian woman who has been very much harassed). Now even the very Tanzanian CCM district chairman since 2018 is being harassed, accused of being “Kenyan”.


The victims of this repression (the CCM leaders) aren’t exactly innocent, but enablers of the system who were targeted when they finally decided that enough was enough. In the past, the party has often saved Loliondo leaders, and the land, from the government, but now they are being arrested by CCM. It may be time to say goodbye to this party once and for all (but it will hardly happen).


Since some time, there are two local Loliondo NGO representatives, Robert Kamakia and Loserian Maoi, who are being harassed about a “cybercrime” and are now being summoned to the Arusha central police station almost daily. In a Loita group they called someone a “sell-out” and this person confirmed it by running to the police. Maybe I should write a blog post about all the things I’ve been called.


More disconcerting in Arash on the 19th was the talk by the councillor of Ololosokwan, Moloimet Saing’eu, who spoke up for the land as if he were an activist since forever. This individual used to occasionally act as an activist until he in 2015 joined OBC as their assistant director with the explanation, “If you can’t beat them, join them”! So, he just spent the years of most silence, and abuse, comfortably working for the enemy, fully aware of OBC’s long-time lobbying for land alienation, which had led to so much fear and violence. He just continued through the illegal mass arson invasion of village land in 2017, and in 2018 – the year of worst terror, and after the anti-OBC talk by Minister Kigwangalla was forgotten (at least by the minister himself), he reinforced OBC’s love relation with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism handing over 15 vehicles on the company’s behalf in April 2018. This blogger was basically the only person calling a spade a spade when speaking up about the unbelievable treason, which made me unpopular among Moloimet’s fans, to put it mildly. After the 2020 “elections” Moloimet became the councillor for Ololosokwan. In 2021 he left OBC. Some say he was laid off, since they didn’t “trust” him, while others (closer to him) say that he had to distance himself from OBC to fulfil his political ambitions. And indeed, also at this meeting Moloimet complained about how CCM are blocking the election (by councillors) of new district chairperson after Oleshangay became MP for Ngorongoro. Apparently, being a traitor hasn’t cost Moloimet anything at all.


Brief reminder about the efforts to rob the Maasai of 1,500 km2 in Loliondo

Since 1993 (first contract signed in 1992) Otterlo Business Corporation, that organize hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, has the 4,000 km2 Loliondo hunting blocks (permit to hunt), which they got in the Loliondogate scandal covered by Stan Katabalo in 1993. This area includes two towns, district headquarters, and agricultural areas, so OBC have lobbied to have it reduced to their core hunting area bordering Serengeti National Park, and to make it a protected area, which would signify a huge land loss to the local Maasai, leading to lost lives and livelihoods.


In 2008, then DC Jowika Kasunga coerced local leaders into signing a Memorandum of Understanding with OBC. There were supposed to be talks to coordinate grazing and hunting, but when the 2009 drought turned catastrophic, OBC went to the government to complain, and village land in the 1,500 km2 osero was illegally invaded by the Field Force Unit working with OBC’s rangers, with mass arson, dispersal of cattle, and abuse of every kind.


The Maasai moved back, and some leaders reconciled with OBC that went on to funding a draft district land use plan that proposed turning the village land that had been invaded into a protected area. The Maasai were united, and the draft land use plan was rejected by Ngorongoro District Council in 2011.


In 2013, Minister Kagasheki lied to the world saying that the whole 4,000 km2 Loliondo Game Controlled Area (Loliondo Division and part of Sale Division of Ngorongoro District) was a protected area and that alienating the important 1,500 km2meant generously giving the remaining land to the Maasai. This ugly trick did not work, since the Maasai were more serious and united than ever, garnered support from both the opposition CHADEMA and from CCM, and then PM Pinda stopped Kagasheki (not that anyone thought that Kagasheki was doing this on his own, but he did show enthusiasm).


Then the efforts to buy off local leaders started creating serious divisions and weakening. Some found it convenient to benefit from openly praising the “investors” and attacking the people who they at the same time expected to take risks to defend the land. Though nobody signed any MoU.


The investors (OBC and ThomsonSafaris) had for years used the local police state that through the successive DCs, security committee, and most every government employee will threaten anyone who could speak up about them, and engage in defamation and illegal arrests. The repression and fear of this police state became worse with Magufuli in office, and there were lengthy illegal arrests, torture, and malicious prosecution, by 2016 it was so bad that Majaliwa could enter the stage with a select non-participatory committee, set up by RC Gambo. Some of the members were local leaders and other representatives that found themselves at the opposite side of the people when marking “critical areas” under protests in each village. The proposal handed over to Majaliwa was seen as a victory, even though it was a sad compromise that had earlier been rejected for many years of better unity and less fear.


Maybe since the Maasai showed such weakness, the government went on with the unthinkable and while everyone was still waiting to hear Majaliwa’s decision, on 13th August 2017 an illegal mass arson operation, like the one in 2009, was initiated and continued, on and off, well into October. Hundreds of bomas were razed to the ground by Serengeti rangers, assisted by NCA rangers and those from OBC, NCA, TAWA/KDU, local police and others. People were beaten and raped, illegally arrested, and cattle seized. Some leaders were frightfully silent while others protested loudly. Minister Maghembe pretended that OBC’s land use plan would have been implemented and the operation was taking place on some protected land, while the DC, and Maghembe’s own ministry, said it was not about the 1,500 km2, since Majaliwa was to announce a decision about that, but that village land was invaded because people were entering Serengeti National Park “too easily”.


The illegal operation wasn’t stopped until late October 2017, a couple of weeks after Kigwangalla came into office. The new minister also made grand promises, like saying that OBC would have left Tanzania before 2018, but it was very soon clear that OBC weren’t going anywhere. On 6th December 2017, Majaliwa delivered his vague but terrifying decision that was about creating a “special authority” to manage the land. He also said that OBC were staying. The decision was celebrated in the anti-Maasai press (the Jamhuri). Fortunately, implementation has been delayed, and would of course be contempt of court.


In March 2018, Kigwangalla welcomed OBC’s hunters to Tanzania (directing himself to a fake account of the Dubai crown prince), and in April OBC - once again - gifted the Ministry of Natural Resources of Tourism with 15 vehicles. In March 2018, a military camp was set up in Lopolun, near Wasso in Loliondo, first temporary, but eventually made permanent with donations from the NCAA.


In June 2018, the OCCID and local police tried to derail the case in the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) – filed during the illegal operation in 2017 - by summoning local leaders and villagers. Nobody dared to speak up about this, except for the applicants' main counsel. On 25th September 2018 – a year after the illegal operation - the court finally issued an injunction restraining the government from evictions, destruction and harassment of the applicants, but this injunction was soon brutally violated. In November and December soldiers from the camp in Olopolun tortured people, seized cattle, and burned bomas in Kirtalo and Ololosokwan. This was the lowest point ever in the land rights struggle and I have still not understood how it could happen without anyone at all speaking up. Local leaders claimed to fear for their lives and thought that the brutality was directly ordered by President Magufuli. When RC Gambo in January 2019 condemned the crimes in a very vague way, they changed to thinking that OBC’s director had contracted the soldiers.


There were finally some promising developments in 2019 when OBC’s director Isaack Mollel was arrested on economic sabotage charges and OBC toned down (they never left and Mollel was never fired) their activities on the ground, but the local police state wasn’t dealt with and after a lengthy stay in remand prison Mollel was out and back to work, reportedly after plea bargaining. Speculations about Mollel’s misfortune include his clashes of egos with Kigwangalla and Gambo, and Magufuli wanting to send a message to OBC’s old friend Abdulrahman Kinana (and to Membe) that nobody is untouchable.


In September 2019, a genocidal zoning proposal for NCA, which included the proposal to annex most of the 1,500 km2 and turn it into a protected area allowing hunting was presented. This Multiple Land Use Model review proposal has since been met with countless protests from every kind of group of people from NCA, but near silence from Loliondo.


2021 brought Jumaa Mhina as new DED and he started working to kill the court cases against land grabbing “investors”. Though the village chairmen have stood their ground and Reference No. 10 of 2017, Ololosokwan, Kirtalo, Oloirien, and Arash versus the Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania continues in the EACJ.


On 11th January 2022, Arusha RC John Mongella summoned village and ward leaders from villages with land in the 1,500 km2 to inform them that the government would make a painful decision for the broader interest of the nation. The leaders, even those who for years had worked for OBC and against the people, refused to accompany the RC for a tour of the 1,500 km2, or to sign the attendance list, which could have been used to claim that they’d agreed to something. On 13th-14th January in Oloirien there was a public protest meeting and a statement by village, ward, and traditional leaders.


On 14th February, Majaliwa came and wasn’t much better than Mongella, but too well-received, since something worse was expected, because of the crazy anti-Maasai hate campaign, and parliamentarians calling for tanks to be sent to Ngorongoro.


Three days later, on 17thFebruary in NCA, not Loliondo, Majaliwa ordered the disputed land to be marked by beacons, so that we may know the boundaries – while claiming that this is NOT a trick!


Then Ndumbaro on 8thMarch re-introduced Kagasheki’s lies in an interview with Deutsche Welle Kiswahili, and on the 11th Majaliwa again mentioned beacons and water projects when informing parliamentarians about a fake spectacle that he had set up in Arusha, without people from Ngorongoro, the previous day.


Placing beacons to mark the 1,500 km2 osero would be a serious invasion of village land, contempt of court, and only serves the interests of those who want to rob the Maasai of this land. Any attempt must be dealt with without delay!


On 31st March Abdulrahman Kinana was brought in from the cold, after having fallen out with Magufuli, and is now set to be the Vice-Chairman of CCM mainland. Kinana is one of OBC’s and Sheikh Mohammed’s best and oldest friends since at least 1993.

Abdulrahman Kinana and Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai on 24th March 2018

Yesterday, 6th April the new minister Pindi Chana visited Loliondo, but I haven’t got any details about this part of the visit.


New “article” by OBC’s “journalist”

On 5th April, the frontpage of the Jamhuri weekly “newspaper” carried the images of several ministers for natural resources and tourism and poses misleadingly the question about what had them removed from that Ministry. Tanzanians like to comment on why no minister lasts long at the head of this ministry, it’s an issue that raises some interest. Though reading the article, it’s obvious that Manyerere is just urging the new minister Pindi Chana to destroy the Maasai of Ngorongoro district, particularly (and unsurprisingly) those in Loliondo.


The “journalist” is once again singling out the ministers that came after those most aggressive and anti-Maasai, as if those would have been more corrupt than others: Maige who replaced Mwangunga under whom the illegal mass arson operation of 2009 was committed, Nyalandu who replaced Kagasheki who in an aggressive way was trying to via vociferous lies have the 1,500 km2 osero, according to OBC’s wishes, stolen from the Loliondo Maasai, and Kigwangalla who replaced Maghembe under whom the illegal mass arson operation of 2017 was committed, and who even spoke up against OBC for a few days until he U-turned. Kigwangalla openly complained that OBC’s director had tried to bribe him more cheaply than he bribed is predecessors. Further, Manyerere paints Khamis Suedi Kagasheki as an anti-corruption example … innocent of Operation Tokomeza (he even became internationally popular for calling for extrajudicial executions before this blood-soaked operation) and claims that unnamed MPs with cattle in Serengeti National Park wanted him removed. OBC’s “journalist” complains that PM Pinda putting stop to Kagasheki’s terrible threats against the Maasai made the conflict last …


Manyerere has told every lie imaginable, and unimaginable, about Loliondo, and in this “article” he repeats Kagasheki’s lie that the Loliondo Maasai are landless and that robbing them of the 1,500 km2 means giving them 2,500 km2. Besides reaching the target of 5 million tourists by 2025, the “journalist”, says that Pindi Chana must deal with “saving” NCA and Loliondo, for which she has the blessing of President Samia.


Manyerere Jackton, in well over 50 articles has been spewing out unhinged hate rhetoric against the Maasai of Loliondo, and campaigned for taking the 1,500 km2 away from them. He has claimed that 70 percent of the Loliondo Maasai would not be Tanzanian, and published lists of hundreds of private persons that his “sources” consider to be “Kenyan”. His slandering of those speaking up for land rights, or those he thinks could speak up for land rights, has been vicious and insane. This year, the Jamhuri joined Habib Mchange and Maulid Kitenge is their hate campaign against the Maasai, and Manyerere’s colleague, Balile, introduced lurid colonial fantasies about Maasai burial practises. Even worse is that I’ve experienced first-hand how Manyerere likes to boast about being directly involved in arrests of innocent people.


The old trick of public services as a weapon of war in Loliondo and NCA

Public services such as water projects, classrooms, and dispensaries have been used against the land rights of the Loliondo Maasai. In the form of charitable projects by the investors that want to alienate and manage land, notably OBC and Thomson Safaris, such projects have always been used as a dirty weapon of war, to be able to say, “look they accept us and our plans, since they accept our projects”. It would have been a relief, that as it should be, the government is doing something, if it weren’t because now the government is using the same ugly weapon. For non-Tanzanians, I may need to clarify that the word “government”, and not “state”, is always used, clad in green as the CCM ruling party, and inspections and inaugurations of development projects are invariably accompanied by embarrassingly stupid shouting and answering in chorus so that nobody will miss that its Mama Samia Suluhu Hassan who should be thanked for the good use of taxpayer or donor money.


At his meeting in NCA on 17thFebruary, as mentioned in several previous blog posts, PM Majaliwa winded up by talking about Loliondo in a way that he hadn’t done when in Loliondo three days earlier, ordering the of placing beacons to demarcate the disputed 1,500 km2“so that we know what land we are talking about(!)”. He also mentioned water projects outside this area as solving problems when he very clearly, on the 14th, had been told about this land’s importance for grazing. Unsurprisingly, on 1st-2ndMarch, the Minister for Water and Irrigation, Jumaa Aweso, visited Loliondo to announce water project, which was filmed in action mode. This was brought up at the RC’s one-year celebration of President Samia, in which he claimed to be strengthening conservation in Loliondo and Ngorongoro, and then was dressed up by the multiple-times condemned and exposed imposter Lekisongo.


Lately Edward Kohi from TAWIRI (this case is unsurprising) and Ngorongoro livestock officer Chobi Chubwa (also not surprising) have lent themselves to the campaign to rob the Maasai of the 1,500 km2 osero. The current reasons listed by the proponents of this old land grab proposal that would cause massive destruction to lives and livelihoods are: Saving corridors and breeding grounds for wildebeests. Protecting the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem. Biodiversity and saving water sources for Serengeti. The area’s value for tourism. The areas importance for national borders. And - public services via the government and investors.


Does this mean that there are land alienation conditions for public services? Last time I heard about that was in relation to German funds that Maghembe and Mwakilema (current head of TANAPA) in March 2017 told a parliamentary committee (and very much the press) would only be released on condition of turning the 1,500 km2 into a protected area, which wasn’t denied by the Germans until two years later by representatives of the development bank in an interview with Chris Lang. When Kigwangalla in November 2017 revealed that the funds had been accepted despite of a decision by all councillors to reject them in March the same year (after big protests) then MP Olenasha said there wasn’t any danger, since the 1,500 km2 would not be excluded from the development projects, but as far as I’ve been able to find out, nothing has been done there the past five years.


It should be remembered that we are talking about is the same as extending the boundaries of Serengeti National Park, but allowing hunting (the reason for OBC’s lobbying), which in land grab lingo is called a “buffer zone” and not a “corridor” or anything else. If the land were taken away from the Maasai, these people would continue wanting more “buffer zone”. It should also be remembered that the main breeding grounds for wildebeest are found further south in Ndutu. The logic behind evicting people in this area to guard the national border escapes me, but I suppose the answer would be some paranoia about “Kenyans”, even if this north-south stretching area of Loliondo is a tiny part of the border with their scary republic. As known, one main point by the current anti-Maasai campaign (and the old Loliondo police state) is that all protests are caused by “Kenyan” organisations that want to destroy Ngorongoro to benefit their own tourism industry.


Being a government authority, the NCAA used to weaponize development projects in the same way as unethical investors do, like when the chairman of the Pastoral Council in 2019, shortly after having spoken up about the MLUM review proposal, was touring Olbalbal ward together with NCA chief conservator Manongi, the main promoter of the genocidal proposal, promising development projects. This makes any person look compromised. However, since 2021 the NCAA are blocking any construction of public services. Schools and dispensaries are not getting permits. Classrooms have been built with COVID-19 funds in Loliondo and Sale divisions, but not in Ngorongoro. In the short-term plan for “voluntary” relocations to Handeni and Kitwai, which was leaked in January, it’s said that permission will be sought to use COVID-19 funds allocated for the development of projects to instead relocate Ngorongoro Maasai. I still haven’t found out where the funds for the building of houses in Handeni come from.


Much of the rhetoric about Handeni concerns public services, when it’s the NCAA itself that’s blocking those in Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Regarding Handeni, Majaliwa has said that – unlike in Ngorongoro – the Maasai would have electricity in Msomera. Is that impossible in Ngorongoro? Ndumbaro, when meeting with foreign diplomats on 25thMarch was saying that in Msomera the Maasai would be given land with title deeds, which is not possible in Ngorongoro. This is the same minister who during the anti-Maasai hate session in parliament said that all land in Tanzania is owned by the president and had to be corrected by the speaker. Ndumbaro has also gravely lied about the land status in Loliondo, and now he’s Minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs.


The message from the NCAA and MNRT is that Msomera is so much better than Ngorongoro for the Maasai, but the only thing that’s better is that NCAA isn’t there with its restrictions, harassment, and blocking of public services. Ngorongoro is home, it has a better climate, and a bigger, less densely populated area. Those moving to Msomera will live together with villagers they don’t know and who have not been consulted about getting thousands of new neighbours, and it seems like they aren’t organized enough to question what’s going on. What could go wrong? It can’t even be said that NCAA isn’t there, since it’s a NCAA project, led by well-known malicious liars.


Brief summary of NCA, including latest news

When the Maasai were evicted from Serengeti in 1959 by the colonial government, losing access to over 14,000 km2, as a compromise deal, they were guaranteed the right to continue occupying the 8,292 km² Ngorongoro Conservation Area as a multiple land-use area administered by the government, in which natural resources would be conserved primarily for their interest, but with due regard for wildlife. This promise was not kept, and tourism revenue has turned into the paramount interest.


The Maasai in the 25 villages in NCA live under restrictions not found in Loliondo, are not allowed to grow crops, or build permanent houses, have the past years been losing access to one grazing area after the other, and as a result are suffering from high levels of child malnutrition, while throughout the years they have been shaken by rumours and threats of eviction. In 1975 those residing in Ngorongoro Crater were brutally evicted (the NCA Act was changed in 1974), and in 2017 – by order and after a visit by Majaliwa in December 2016 - the Maasai lost access to the three craters (see below).The current threat was announced in September 2019, when chief conservator Freddy Manongi made public the Multiple Land Use Model review report’s proposal, which is so destructive that it would lead to the end of Maasai livelihoods and culture in Ngorongoro District.


There have been uncountable protests and delegations against the MLUM review proposal, and several promises from the government to do the exercise afresh in a “participatory” manner, but then the same genocidal proposal has been repeated.


Shortly after taking office in March 2021, in a speech on 6th April President Samia said that something had to be done about too many people and livestock, or it was “bye, bye Ngorongoro”. Little more than a week later, demolition notices were made public, ordering the demolition within 30 days of over a hundred buildings, private houses, but also those built by the government, like schools, dispensaries, and the Endulen police station. Two churches and a mosque were included. Further, 45 people accused of having returned from Jema to where they were relocated in 2006, were ordered to leave, and so were 174 families deemed to be “illegal immigrants”. After big protests these demolition and eviction notices were withdrawn until further notice.


In May 2021, the NCAA headquarters were abruptly relocated to Karatu. Then, the first days of June, Manongi and NCAA held a promotional event on parliament grounds in Dodoma, handing out goodie bags with t-shirts, leaflets, and whatever. On 30th June, deputy minister Mary Masanja flew to Ngorongoro with 35 MPs for domestic tourism.


On 3rd September 2021, the Ministry of Natural Resources and tourism uploaded a video in which Deputy Minister Mary Masanja complains about having seen livestock, and chief conservator Manongi says that conservation is a war, that the pastoralists have many “conspiracies” and sadly are winning, adding that now conservationists must “start” developing conspiracies.


On 6th September, under heavy police deployment and with several arrests to prevent any kind of protest, President Samia came to Ngorongoro to film the documentary The Royal Tour. She has still not met with Ngorongoro people. There is a petition against this documentary.


In August and September 2021, NCAA rangers assaulted several young herders and killed four sheep with a vehicle, which led to protests on 23rd September, which lasted for several days. An uprising seemed to be on the way, but then everything was put on hold when MP Olenasha sadly passed away on 27th September.


Also in September 2021, the Germans were having a nice time with deputy minister Masanja and – again - giving away millions for sustainable natural resource and ecological sustainability development in the Serengeti ecosystem


Stefan Oswald, Head of the Africa Department at Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and Deputy Minister Mary Masanja. Grzimek and Nyerere were “present”

On 17th October President Samia held a speech in Arusha talking about how important Ngorongoro is for tourism and that “we” can’t continue considering people’s interests while destroying it. She was accompanied and supported by the imposter Lekisongo.


2022 started with a leaked plan – apparently written on New Year’s Eve - for “voluntary” evictions from Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) to be fully prepared to begin in February.


Then, as mentioned above, on 11th January RC Mongella visited Loliondo and issued a land alienation threat that made even the biggest traitors speak up.


Habib Mchange’s Jamvi la Habari paper, that focuses on fabrications and slander of opposition politicians, initiated a hate campaign against the Maasai of NCA that spread all over regular and social media, was joined by crazed sports presenters, Maulid Kitenge and friends, and later (or from the start?) the old anti-Maasai Jamhuri paper with Deusdatus Balile and Manyerere Jackton. These “journalists” started an organization with its sole focus on evicting the Maasai from Ngorongoro and were treated as serious actors by other media. Though Tanzanians in social media who had earlier not paid much attention to Ngorongoro saw what was going on, were appalled, and started speaking up.


In parliament on 9thFebruary MPs competed in being wilfully ignorant, hateful, and calling for evictions from Ngorongoro, and Loliondo, there was much laughter and table banging, while only three MPs spoke up for the Maasai. Majaliwa said that the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Act would be reviewed, but first there was to be a seminar for the MPs and he would meet with people in Ngorongoro and Loliondo. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism uploaded some of the worst clips of MPs. On 12th February a one-sided “seminar” about Ngorongoro was held for the MPs who continued their hateful and defamatory incitement against the Maasai.


On the 13th the new anti-Maasai organisation held a loathsome press conference, adding to their many crazed and dehumanizing “theories” one saying that there were no graves in Ngorongoro. The Darmpya online news, are asking questions, like how come the “allowances” for attending the press conference were so extraordinary heavy, who funded it, and for what purpose.


In NCA people many people stopped sleeping and started praying incessantly.


On 17th February Majaliwa held a brief agenda-driven meeting at the NCA hall, for leaders and closed to the public. There was confusion and thorough registering of the attendants. Two journalists were arrested and released later the same day. Those who were locked out stayed outside the hall singing.


On 5th March, Deputy Minister Mary Masanja, who’s very much involved in the war against the Maasai, brought a caravan of 600 women in diesel guzzling vehicles to Ngorongoro, to celebrate tourism, CCM, or supposedly International Women’s Day. Meanwhile Maasai women climbed Mount Makarot to pray for their land.


On 10th March in Arusha, Majaliwa held a meeting with Maasai from other areas, without any connection to Ngorongoro, led by the denounced fraudster Lekisongo. The PM was handed a list of 86 households or 453 persons “willing” to relocate from Ngorongoro. All had already left the district years ago and are apparently now looking for compensation money. The following day the PM boasted about this meeting in parliament, and on the 12th real traditional leaders from Ngorongoro held a press conference to denounce the fraud, but journalist didn’t want to cover it after having been advised otherwise by Majaliwa.


On 13th March, Majaliwa made a much-publicised visit to Msomera village in Handeni where houses are hurriedly being built to relocate Maasai from Ngorongoro, without consulting them, and apparently without consulting people from Msomera that’s a legally registered village, with its land use plan. Majaliwa was to visit Ngorongoro on the 15th, but it was postponed.


On 29th March it was reported that NCAA vehicles with armed rangers were driving around in Alailelai ward in an intimidating way, and later did the same in Endulen. The following day the behaviour was reported from Olbalbal, and it has continued in other areas.


NCAA informers are reportedly moving around trying to convince people to register to be relocated. Most (all in the first list that was made public) who are doing so have already left and are now looking for compensation money.


On 25th March Ndumbaro met with ambassadors to tell them the “truth” about Ngorongoro and Loliondo, and on the 31st President Samia replaced him with Pinda Hazara Chana.


On 3rd April, the NCAA had found some real traitors to show off, unlike the previous imposters/actors from other places than Ngorongoro, even if long-gone or unknown people are still looking for a compensation deal. And they are of course not traitors for wanting to relocate, but for lending themselves to the dirty war against their own people, thanking President Samia Suluhu Hassan. I will return to these people, but their argument for being “thankful” for the dubious Handeni project is all about the problems that NCAA are causing in Ngorongoro, and then they lend themselves to NCAA’s propaganda, some to the latest addition to the false government narrative that in this recent form says that land rights defenders would be denying people the human right of moving to Handeni … The worst one, part of the richest NCA 1%, had her 300-million TShs house on last year’s list for demolition without compensation and was supposed to demolish at her own expense (the order that was stopped until further notice). Now she’s registered for compensation, but I doubt she’ll live in Handeni, but rather in the Kwa Iddi area of Arusha.


A committee of representatives from Ngorongoro are writing a report with community views. This has been criticized as dancing to Majaliwa’s tune. Even if the main point would be that the PM is a dangerous liar who should be fired, he will in some way present it as if people support him. Though at the meeting in Arash, councillor Siloma said that this report would be taken to the president and not any minister. On 4th April, the committee that apparently has grown to about 60 members issued a press statement urging Minister Pindi Chana to start working on Ngorongoro land disputes by doing the following: “to stop smear campaigns and vile propaganda against the people of Ngorongoro especially those from the Maasai ethnic group, secondly to stop all on-going activities and give the opportunity for member of the society to be heard, third to ban intimidation and arbitrary arrests of innocent members of the society, community leaders, and human rights defenders who are working tirelessly to defend the rights of the society, to stop harassment against independent journalists who are doing a noble job to inform the public about the situation in Ngorongoro, four, to ban any malicious utterance against members of the Ngorongoro society branding them non-Tanzanians, five to order provision of basic services to the people of Ngorongoro division, six to meet with members of this committee and to start to collectively strategize on the way forward.”


UNESCO denying responsibility for the genocidal Multiple Land Use Model review proposal and everything else

On 21st March, UNESCO issued a statement regarding Ngorongoro saying, UNESCO has never at any time asked for the displacement of the Maasai people.” This is said by the main instigator for evictions and worsened living conditions. While there are other actors operating in the shadows, like tourism industry, other international organizations, and “Germans”, the Tanzania government has through the years used UNESCO’s threats of delisting Ngorongoro Conservation Area as a World Heritage Site, its repeated population panic, and distaste for agriculture of any kind, or “modern” buildings, as an excuse to worsen the human rights situation. As late as 15th March, Tanzania’s worst long-term anti-Maasai “newspaper”, the Jamhuri, wrote about how UNESCO support the government’s eviction plans. Not that this is a credible source in any way, very much the contrary, but other evidence is overwhelming.


When the Multiple Land Use Model review proposal was presented in September 2019, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) had once again visited Ngorongoro in March the same year and in their report repeated that they wanted the MLUM review completed to see the results and offer advice, while again complaining about the visual impact of settlements with “modern” houses, and so on. They did also recommend the State Party to continue to, “promote and encourage voluntary resettlement by communities, consistent with the policies of the Convention and relevant international norms, from withing the property to outside by 2028”.  As known, unlike recommendations about vehicles, the MNRT loves this kind of recommendation, and the resulting MLUM review proposal was so destructive that it would lead to the end of Maasai livelihoods and culture in Ngorongoro District.


The MLUM review report proposes to divide Ngorongoro into four zones, with an extensive “core conservation zone” that is to be a no-go zone for livestock and herders. In NCA this includes the Ngorongoro Highland Forest, with the three craters Ngorongoro, Olmoti and Empakaai where grazing these past few years has been banned through order (residents in Ngorongoro Crater were violently evicted in 1975 after a change in the Act in 1974). This has led to losing 90% of grazing and water for Nainokanoka, Ngorongoro, Misigiyo wards, and a 100% loss of natural saltlicks for livestock in these wards. The proposal is to do the same with Oldupai Gorge, Laitoli footprints, and the Lake Ndutu and Lake Masek basins. In the rest of Ngorongoro District, the proposal is for NCAA to annex the Lake Natron basin (including areas of Longido and Monduli districts, like Selela forest and Engaruka historical site) and the 1,500 km2 in Loliondo and Sale Divisions and designate most of these areas to be no-go zones for pastoralists and livestock. These huge areas include many villages and are important grazing areas, the loss of which would have disastrous knock-on effects on lives and livelihoods elsewhere. The annexation of the Osero in Loliondo caters almost perfectly to the wishes of OBC. Only 18% of NCA would remain for people and livestock. Is there any sincere person who would dare to say that this can be achieved through “voluntary” relocations?


I should plough through all UNESCO’s writing about Ngorongoro, and will do so when I get the time, but I’ve had a look at their decision about Ngorongoro in the 44th session of the “Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage World Heritage Committee” from July 2021. Still in this decision UNESCO are requesting the State Party to provide information about “the status of agricultural activities in the property” when even the smallest kitchen garden has been banned since 2009, because of UNESCO’s repeated “deep concern” which has led to malnourishment. They continue being concerned with, “challenges resulting from the significant increase in the number of people residing in the property since its inscription”


UNESCO has never expressed any concern, deep or otherwise, about that the MLUM review proposes a cultural genocide. When you keep inciting an authoritarian government that values tourism revenue above human rights, is prone to violence and lawlessness, and full of pathological liars, to do something about too many people, you’re complicit to crime, however much you keep mentioning consultations with stakeholders and rightsholders, and international norms.


UNESCO’s general secretary in Tanzania, Dr Hamisi M. Malebo, on 28th February in a zoom meeting about developments in the tourism sector with one year of Samia Suluhu Hassan as president, explained that children in Ngorongoro can’t go to school and mothers can’t fetch firewood safely for the risk of being snatched by wild animals like lions, leopards and hyenas (in the original version he mentioned cheetahs as well ..), so UNESCO’s recommendation to the government is to find the Maasai other places to live to avoid these challenges. He didn’t say anything about that NCAA should stop blocking the construction of schools.


It's good that UNESCO have been rattled to the extent of writing that statement, or are they just trying to wash their image because they know that a crime that they support, and even have instigated, could be committed?


My recommendation to UNESCO is to delist Ngorongoro as soon as possible and then shut forever up about Maasai land.


Ndumbaro meeting ambassadors and Germany is discreetly anti-Maasai as usual

On 25th March in Dar es Salaam, Minister Ndumbaro met with ambassadors, heads of international organisations, and development stakeholders to tell them the “truth” about Ngorongoro and Loliondo. Very little of what he said has been shared online, but what’s available is all about the construction of houses in Handeni to where people will be “voluntarily” moved. Ndumbaro insisted on that it’s against human rights to prevent anyone from leaving Ngorongoro. Who has prevented anyone from leaving Ngorongoro? The threat is, obviously, very much the other way.  I’m worried about what Ndumbaro could have said about Loliondo, since he has earlier engaged in very dangerous lies about the status of the land that OBC lobby to have alienated from the Maasai. It was reported that the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation, Liberata Mulamula, insisted on how important it was to give the ambassadors correct information, since there were fabrications by people inside and outside the country (which is sadly true, but the fabrications by the government side are both wilder and more dangerous, and the government’s main worry is about those telling the truth).


Also reported was that the German ambassador, Regina Hess, supported the government's efforts to protect conservation and the environment in the Ngorongoro area to address the impacts of climate change. Several people, this blogger included, have since 26thMarch sought confirmation in social media if it’s true that the ambassador, and Germany, support the government’s eviction plan, but there still hasn’t been any kind of reply. Germany does have a long history of working against Maasai land rights, through Frankfurt Zoological Society, and of staying silent when Tanzanian government officials claim to have German support against the Maasai, like in the case of development fund subject to the condition of alienating the 1,500 km2 in Loliondo (see above). The German Embassy doesn’t say anything, but on 5th April, the MNRT published a picture of the new minister Pindi Chana handing over a gift to Ambassador Hess who was visiting her office in Dodoma to discuss cooperation to improve the tourism sector.

I won’t forget the ugly image of Regina Hess’s predecessor Detlef Wächter on 22nd August 2017 - while the illegal invasion of village land in Loliondo was ongoing - smilingly handing over buildings for park staff in Fort Ikoma, in Serengeti National Park, to an equally smiling Minister Maghembe, while commenting on the long and successful partnership between Germany and Tanzania in protecting the Serengeti.


The Germans must be stopped!


Support by Kenyan senator

The Kenyan senator Ledama Olekina of Narok County on 22rd March, in senate proceedings warned that if evicted, Maasai from Loliondo and Ngorongoro are likely to seek refuge in Narok and Kajiado counties, and that they will be very welcome, but straining the counties' economy. The senator has also tweeted calling on the government of Samia Suluhu Hassan to stop any eviction plans, and participated he in a Twitter Space about Ngorongoro. In 2017 Ledama Olekina, during the illegal mass arson invasion of village land, took a delegation from Ololosokwan to meet with the then leader of Kenyan opposition, Raila Odinga, a close friend of President Magufuli, and Raila phoned his friend, which was followed by, maybe causing, the replacing of Maghembe with Kigwangalla.


Someday I must write a blog post about how incomprehensible cross-border solidarity is to many Tanzanians, notably government supporters. One sorry anti-Maasai example, with good command of English, interpreted the senator’s word as “proof” that Ngorongoro was full of Kenyans. He just couldn’t understand that the senator was talking about Tanzanians.


Bye, bye Ndumbaro

The removal of Ndumbaro as Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism is good news. He was a shameless liar, an anti-pastoralist, and maybe also authentically stupid. However, his deputy Mary Masanja isn’t any better at all, and she stays. Then, obviously, the biggest threats are apparent psychopath (non-professional diagnosis) PM Majaliwa, and President Samia herself. From what I’ve so far heard about Pindi Chana, she seems to be a CCM careerist.


On 2nd April at the installation of new ministers, the despicable Majaliwa told Chana, after talking about tourism and learning from different countries, “We have conservation work. And you start with Ngorongoro”, and then he laughed. The PM said, “It’s going well. We are educating the pastoralist and they understand. The exercise registering themselves for voluntary relocation is going well.” President Samia commented on Chana’s diplomatic experience as useful in her new function. Some interpret this as that she will be better than Ndumbaro at listening to all sides, while others interpret it as that she will be better at lying to foreign missions and organisations. The former appear to already have been overrun by reality.


As mentioned, on 5thApril Chana met with the German ambassador. Yesterday, 6th April, there were reports that she would be in Loliondo, and later in the evening the MNRT quoted her, "I have visited Ngorogoro Conservation Area and Loliondo to see the great work being done to preserve, protect the wildlife, develop tourism activities and rehabilitate the infrastructure that the government has been providing funding for.I thank the NCAA leadership for managing so well and I have seen the great work going on.”She added that the government will continue to ensure that the Ngorongoro Conservation Area is protected by all means as one of the most important World Heritage Sites and the source of government revenue from tourism activities. Then Chana of course thanked president Samia for The Royal Tour. 

Leave Ngorongoro in peace!


Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (now increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com


The Ngorongoro MP Spoke Up in Parliament About the Shocking Transfer to Handeni of Funds for Public Services, in Loliondo the Intimidation of Local Leaders Continues, and The Royal Tour is Used as Expected



Rest in peace Anny Daniel Laizer. My condolences to family and friends.


In the latest blog post, among several other issues, I mentioned that in addition to decades of other restrictions and harassment, obviously meant to drive the Maasai out of Ngorongoro Conservation Area, since 2021 the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA) has been blocking all new, already funded, public service projects. While writing (now long ago), I was asking for more details about what projects were being blocked, and since then such a list has been shared, and later letters were made public in which schools in Ngorongoro Conservation Area were being ordered to send Covid-19 funds already in their accounts to the account of Handeni District Council. On 13th April, the Ngorongoro MP Emmanuel Oleshangai, spoke up in the national assembly, and in a confident way fought off several intervening ministers.

Update:on 6th May, Lendukai Kimaay, who was one of those writing the report on community views to be handed to PM Majaliwa, was arrested in Karatu and then taken to Arusha for interrogation. He was released on the 7th.

Update: On 6th May. the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues called on the government of Tanzania to immediately cease efforts to evict the Maasai people from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.


Meanwhile, I’m worried that not enough attention is given to protect the 1,500 km2in Loliondo that this year has been seriously threatened by both the Arusha RC, the PM and the former Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, and as reported in the latest blog post, in a new turn of the Loliondo police state the councillor of Arash was arrested, or abducted, by his own CCM party for speaking up. On Easter Eve the illegal arrests of councillors continued with those from Malambo, Piyaya, and Maaloni. The councillors of Arash and Malambo must keep reporting to the police. The latest I heard is that the Malambo village chairman and a traditional leader are summoned to the Loliondo police tomorrow, 6th May.


In President Samia’s own “documentary” The Royal Tour, the words about the Maasai were as if preparing for evictions from Ngorongoro, and in a related interview she now also mentioned Loliondo, trying to engage in the usual anti-Loliondo rhetoric by the MNRT and investors, without getting even that right.  


In this blog post:

Blocked public services in Ngorongoro Division

Ngorongoro Conservation Area brief background

NCA developments since 2021

Public services as weapon of war

Intimidation continues, but Loliondo is not back to silence, I hope

Brief reminder about the efforts to rob the Maasai of 1,500 km2 in Loliondo

The Royal Tour


First remember that:

In NCA, an 8,292 km² multiple land use area, the Maasai live under the purposeful poverty-inducing rule and restrictions of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority, and since 2019 there’s a genocidal eviction plan, that extends to annexing some surrounding areas, the area under threat in Loliondo included. Current government efforts focus on “voluntary” relocation and disinformation, while an ethnic hate campaign rages in media and in parliament. This is about Ngorongoro Division of Ngorongoro District.


In Loliondo OBC, that organises hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, have for years lobbied to have 1,500 km2 of important grazing land, village land belonging to the local Maasai, turned into a protected area. This caused illegal mass arson operations in 2009 and 2017. A local police state had, until recently, silenced all local leaders and activists, and still people from Loliondo are much more silent in the debate than those from NCA. This concerns Loliondo and parts of Sale divisions of Ngorongoro District.


The interest in Ngorongoro has reached unprecedented levels nationally and internationally, which is good indeed. Though most articles get at least something wrong, while some old misleading articles are circulating again.

Blocked public services in Ngorongoro Division

During the one-party parliamentary debate on the budget estimates of the Prime Minister’s office, on 13th April, the MP for Ngorongoro brought up the issue of new, already funded public service projects - all of them - being blocked in Ngorongoro division and the money sent to Handeni to where the government want the Maasai to relocate “voluntarily”. One after one, several ministers intervened to say that there are indeed new public service projects in Ngorongoro District (or similar interventions) and Shangai responded with confidence and great patience to their not so innocent ignorance. Those intervening were Innocent Bachungwa, Minister of State in the President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government (TAMISEMI), Juma Aweso, Minister of Water and Irrigation, Godwin Mollel, Deputy Minister of Health, and Kundo Methew, Deputy Minister for Communication and Information Technology.


There is a long list of public services in water, education and health for which there are funds, but which since last year are being blocked (not given permits) by NCAA. I was mostly in vain asking for examples for my latest blog post, but now there is a list.


On Easter Sunday, two frankly disgusting letters were revealed, one from DED Jumaa Mhina to the headteachers of Endulen, Misigyo, and Essere primary schools, and another one from the same to the Embarway, Nainokanoka, and Ngorongoro Girls secondary schools. These letters, dated 31st March, refer to a letter from the TAMISEMI permanent secretary, Riziki S Shemdoe, ordering Covid-19 funds already in the accounts of the Ngorongoro schools for the construction of classrooms and dormitories to instead be transferred to Handeni District Council! There were instructions with the account number of the Handeni District Council for transferring the money before 5th April.

The lawlessness of the Tanzanian government is apparently without boundaries. Though the good thing with these letters is that it’s unusually strong evidence, unlike when crimes are being committed while the rhetoric is saying the opposite.


On 19th April, MP Shangai shared a picture together with the TAMISEMI permanent secretary, as “photo of the day”. Though nothing transpired of what had been said.


The dirty war against the Maasai is being fought at all levels. The Controller and Auditor General, Charles Kichere, again, when presenting his report on 19th April, parroted chief conservator Manongi’s anti-Maasai rhetoric about too many people and livestock, permanent infrastructures and motorcycles – yes, motorcycles and not the traffic jams formed by tourist vehicles – while throwing in claims about violation of sections of the NCA Act, totally ignoring the blatant and brutal violation of NCAA’s function, “to safeguard and promote the interests of Masai citizens of the United Republic engaged in cattle ranching and dairy industry within the Conservation Area;” These are issues about which the CAG can’t possible have much knowledge or understanding, and the one-sided copying of the anti-Maasai campaigners is more than obvious.


On 24th April, PM Majaliwa was again visiting the hurried construction of houses in Msomera Village in Handeni, while local villagers looked on agape, and nobody knows where the money is coming from, except for what’s openly stolen from Ngorongoro. Deputy Minister Mary Masanja was of course there talking about how dangerous it is to live with wild animals, as if moving to an overpopulated district, infamous for its clashes between pastoralists and cultivators, would be safer. Anti-Maasai people online used to very frequently bring up such clashes, but I haven’t heard them since the Handeni scam was made public, maybe since they’re so enamoured with the idea of moving the Maasai. Masanja also said that the president has provided funds for 400 more houses.


There has been some international news coverage of Ngorongoro, often mixing things up with Loliondo, and other misunderstandings. These articles make it sound like evictions are imminent. I hope they are very wrong, even if the government seems determined and united. Perhaps most important is that eight UN Special Rapporteurs wroteto the Tanzanian government, and to the UNESCO World Heritage, IUCN, and International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) already in February, about their concern about the threats of evictions and further restrictions against the Maasai of NCA. I didn’t see these letters until the Oakland Institute wrote about them on 11th April. 


While the anti-Maasai hate rhetoric has this year been more virulent than ever, the solidarity expressed by Tanzanians from all walks of life, at least online, has also reached levels never previously seen, not even during the most brutal and illegal mass arson operations. Thank you and please keep it up.


On 24th-25thApril the committee that’s collecting community views about the conflict concerning the 1,500 km2 in Loliondo and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (to hand over to PM Majaliwa) held a press conference to say that they’re finalizing this task. This committee of representatives from Ngorongoro and Loliondo has by some been seen as dancing to the extremely dangerous and manipulative PM’s tune. At the protest meeting in Arash on 19th March it was declared that the report would instead be handed to the president, but in parliament on 13th April the Ngorongoro MP was again mentioning the PM, and so did the committee members at their press conference.


The committee’s advice to the government were the following:

1. "We urge the government, through the Prime Minister, to condemn the arbitrary arrests of leaders, including councillors, community members, leaders and human rights defenders who stand up for human rights, as well as to prevent threats against journalists who report information and community views concerning this conflict.”

2. "We urge the government to stop any propaganda against the people of Ngorongoro, especially the Maasai community, and to suspend all ongoing processes to allow for listening to the views of the community in order to provide a peaceful solution to this conflict."

3. "The government should return all development projects and social services that have been blocked in Ngorongoro Division."


On 28th April, in the social media app Clubhouse the government spokesperson Gerson Msigwa cried crocodile tears about the Ngorongoro Maasai and wildlife, “crocodile” because all problems are caused by the government itself. Then he said that stakeholders had recommended blocking social services in NCA so that “the problem isn’t increased”. He also said that the removal of the Maasai would be done slowly and educating them about the necessity of doing this. He made it clear that the interest of tourism is to be given precedence.


The Minister of Information, Communication and Information Technology, Nape Nnauye, on 30th April, in the same social media app, defended the refusal to deliver postcode services to Ngorongoro Division with that it’s for where the government has agreed that there are formal residences, and not where there is conflict. Then he went on to complain about false propaganda about Ngorongoro and blocking of services, asking Tanzanians not to let neighbouring countries stir things up … Nape continued saying that nobody is being prevented from talking to journalists, that there are rules and regulations in Ngorongoro that journalists must follow, and then they will be allowed to do their job, but what’s not acceptable is to engage in activism. He claimed that the government is treating Ngorongoro issues very well, assisting those who want to relocate. Then he said that under the presidency of Samia there is press freedom, but your freedom ends where another person freedom begins.


Unfortunately, any Tanzanian minister will say stupid things like this, or worse.


On 2nd May, the eve of World Press Freedom Day, Nape forced the Darmpya online news outlet to apologise for not getting the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority’s view before accurately reporting sudden rises in mobile data prices.


The Royal Tour film premiered and among the words about the Maasai by President Samia and the reporter Peter Greenberg “primitive tribes” wasn’t the worst (see below for more about The Royal Tour).


Ngorongoro Conservation Area brief background

Remember that the Maasai already lost access to over 14,000 km2 when evicted from Serengeti in 1959 by the colonial government, and as a compromise deal, they were guaranteed the right to continue occupying the 8,292 km² Ngorongoro Conservation Area as a multiple land-use area administered by the government, in which natural resources would be conserved primarily for their interest, but with due regard for wildlife, and in case of conflict the interest of the Maasai would take precedence. This promise was not kept, and tourism revenue has turned into the paramount interest.


Ngorongoro has become Tanzania top source of tourism revenue and many wildlife numbers have increased, with he Maasai living there, in their home.


For decades the Maasai have suffered restrictions, more and more purposefully designed to impoverish them and force them out of Ngorongoro Conservation Area. In 1975, after a change in the NCA Act in 1974, they were brutally evicted from residing in Ngorongoro crater and all cultivation was prohibited. The cultivation ban was lifted in 1992, but brought back in 2009, after many “grave concerns” by UNESCO and IUCN. Now not even the smallest kitchen garden is allowed, which together with loss of access to grazing areas has led to malnutrition. They are not allowed to build permanent houses and suffer all kinds of harassment by NCA rangers, that want to restrict motorbikes, building materials, or demanding permits for just anything.


In 2017 – by order (not a change in the NCA Act) and after a visit by PM Majaliwa in December 2016 - the Maasai lost access to the three craters Ngorongoro, Olmoti, and Empakaai,which has led the loss of 90% of grazing and water for Nainokanoka, Ngorongoro, Misigiyo wards, and a 100% loss of natural saltlicks for livestock in these wards.


The UNESCO World Heritage Centre, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) once again visited Ngorongoro in March 2019 and in their report repeated that they wanted the Multiple Land Use Model review completed to see the results and offer advice, while again complaining about the visual impact of settlements with “modern” houses, and so on. They did also recommend the State Party to continue to, “promote and encourage voluntary resettlement by communities, consistent with the policies of the Convention and relevant international norms, from within the property to outside by 2028”.


In the previous blog post I wrote my reply to UNESCO’s claim that they have never at any time asked for the displacement of the Maasai.


In September 2019, chief conservator Freddy Manongi made public a Multiple Land Use Model review report proposal, which is so destructive that it would lead to the end of Maasai livelihoods and culture in Ngorongoro District. The MLUM review report proposes to divide Ngorongoro into four zones, with an extensive “core conservation zone” that is to be a no-go zone for livestock and herders. In NCA this includes the Ngorongoro Highland Forest, with the three craters, Oldupai Gorge, Laitoli footprints, and the Lake Ndutu and Lake Masek basins. In the rest of Ngorongoro District, the proposal is for NCAA to annex the Lake Natron basin (including areas of Longido and Monduli districts, like Selela forest and Engaruka historical site) and the 1,500 km2 in Loliondo and Sale Divisions and designate most of these areas to be no-go zones for pastoralists and livestock. These huge areas include many villages and are important grazing areas, the loss of which would have disastrous knock-on effects on lives and livelihoods elsewhere. The annexation of the Osero in Loliondo caters almost perfectly to the wishes of OBC. Only 18% of the expanded NCA would remain for people and livestock.


Uncountable protest meetings and statements against the MLUM review proposal followed in 2019 and 2020. Several promises were issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism to do the exercise afresh in a “participatory” manner, but then the same genocidal proposal kept being brought back.


NCA developments since 2021

Shortly after taking office in March 2021, in a speech on 6th April President Samia said that something had to be done about too many people and livestock, or it was “bye, bye Ngorongoro”. Little more than a week later, demolition notices were made public, ordering the demolition within 30 days of over a hundred buildings, private houses, but also those built by the government, like schools, dispensaries, and the Endulen police station. Two churches and a mosque were included. Further, 45 people accused of having returned from Jema to where they were relocated in 2006, were ordered to leave, also within 30 days, and 174 families were listed as “illegal immigrants”. After big protests these demolition and eviction notices were withdrawn until further notice.


In May 2021, the NCAA headquarters were abruptly relocated to Karatu. Then, the first days of June, Chief Conservator Manongi and other NCAA representatives held a promotional event on parliament grounds in Dodoma, handing out goodie bags with t-shirts, leaflets, and whatever. On 30th June, deputy minister Mary Masanja flew to Ngorongoro with 35 MPs for domestic tourism.

On 3rd September 2021, the Ministry of Natural Resources and tourism uploaded a video in which Deputy Minister Mary Masanja complains about having seen livestock, and chief conservator Manongi says that conservation is a war, that the pastoralists have many “conspiracies” and sadly are winning, adding that now conservationists must “start” developing conspiracies.

On 6th September, under heavy police deployment and with several arrests to prevent any kind of protest, President Samia came to Ngorongoro to film the documentary The Royal Tour. She has still not met with Ngorongoro people.


In August and September 2021, NCAA rangers assaulted several young herders and killed four sheep with a vehicle, which led to protests on 23rd September, which lasted for several days. An uprising seemed to be on the way, but then everything was put on hold when MP Olenasha sadly passed away on 27th September.


Also in September 2021, the Stefan Oswald, Head of the Africa Department at Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany was having a nice time in Serengeti with deputy minister Mary Masanja and the Germans were – again - giving away millions for sustainable natural resource and ecological sustainability development in the Serengeti ecosystem. Grzimek and Nyerere were “present” in spirit and as cut out figures.


On 17th October President Samia held a speech in Arusha talking about how important Ngorongoro is for tourism and that “we” can’t continue considering people’s interests while destroying it. She was accompanied and supported by the imposter Lekisongo from Monduli, who pretended to represent the Ngorongoro Maasai while supporting relocations. Several protest statements were issued by Ngorongoro Maasai against this individual.


2022 started with a leaked plan – apparently written on New Year’s Eve - for “voluntary” evictions from Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) to be fully prepared to begin in February.


Then, as mentioned above, on 11th January RC Mongella visited Loliondo and issued a land alienation threat that made even the biggest traitors speak up, but contrary what had been feared, he didn’t make any announcement about NCA.


Habib Mchange’s Jamvi la Habari paper, that focuses on fabrications and slander of opposition politicians, initiated a hate campaign against the Maasai of NCA that spread all over regular and social media, was joined by crazed sports presenters, Maulid Kitenge and friends, and then the old anti-Maasai Jamhuri paper with Deusdatus Balile and Manyerere Jackton. These “journalists” started an organization with its sole focus on evicting the Maasai from Ngorongoro and were treated as serious actors by other media. Though Tanzanians in social media who had earlier not paid much attention to Ngorongoro saw what was going on, were appalled, and started speaking up.


On 3rd February, six journalists were detained and harassed after having attended a community rally in Nainokanoka.


In parliament on 9thFebruary MPs competed in being wilfully ignorant, hateful, and calling for evictions from Ngorongoro, and Loliondo, there was much laughter and table banging, while only three MPs (all Maasai) spoke up for the Maasai. Majaliwa said that the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Act would be reviewed, but first there was to be a seminar for the MPs and he would meet with people in Ngorongoro and Loliondo. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism uploaded to its Instagram account some of the worst clips of MPs. On 12th February a one-sided “seminar” about Ngorongoro was held for the MPs who continued their hateful and defamatory incitement against the Maasai.


On 13th February, the new anti-Maasai organisation, formed by “journalists”, held a loathsome press conference, adding to their many crazed and dehumanizing “theories” one saying that there were no graves in Ngorongoro, which had earlier been heard in parliament. The Darmpya online news, asked questions, like how come the “allowances” for attending the press conference were so extraordinary heavy, who funded it, and for what purpose.


In NCA many people stopped sleeping and started praying incessantly at combined prayer and protest meetings.


On 17th February Majaliwa held a brief agenda-driven meeting at the NCA hall, for leaders and closed to the public. There was confusion and thorough registering of the attendants. Two journalists were arrested and released later the same day. The local people who were locked out stayed outside the hall singing.


On 5th March, Deputy Minister Mary Masanja brought a caravan of 600 women in diesel guzzling vehicles to Ngorongoro, to celebrate tourism, CCM, or supposedly International Women’s Day. Meanwhile Maasai women climbed Mount Makarot to pray for their land.


On 10th March in Arusha, Majaliwa held a meeting with Maasai from other areas, without any connection to Ngorongoro, led by the denounced fraudster Lekisongo. The PM was handed a list of 86 households or 453 persons “willing” to relocate from Ngorongoro. All had already left the district years ago and are apparently now looking for compensation money. The following day the PM boasted about this meeting in parliament, and on the 12th real traditional leaders from Ngorongoro held a press conference to denounce the fraud, but journalist didn’t want to cover it after having been advised otherwise by Majaliwa.


On 13th March, Majaliwa made a much-publicised visit to Msomera Village in Handeni where houses are hurriedly being built to relocate Maasai from Ngorongoro, without consulting them, and apparently without consulting people from Msomera that’s a legally registered village, with its land use plan (I hope to soon have more information about Msomera, which some people are working at). Majaliwa was to visit Ngorongoro on the 15th, but it was postponed.


NCAA informers are reportedly moving around trying to convince people to register to be relocated. Most (all in the first list that was made public) who are doing so have already left and are now looking for compensation money.


On 25th March Damas Ndumbaro, then Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, met with ambassadors to tell them the “truth” about Ngorongoro and Loliondo, and his ministry reported that the German ambassador supported the government’s efforts in Ngorongoro, which has still not been publicly denied by any German representative.


On the 31stPresident Samia replaced Ndumbaro with Pindi Chana who within a few days was off to visit Ngorongoro and Loliondo, without meeting with residents.


On 3rd April, the NCAA had found some real traitors to show off, unlike the previous imposters from other places than Ngorongoro, even if long-gone people are still looking for a compensation deal. And they are of course not traitors for wanting to relocate, but for lending themselves to the dirty war against their own people. These few, and very dubious, people keep being paraded in media.


Some evidence emerged about how blocked funds for social services in Ngorongoro division are being transferred to Handeni and on 13th April the Ngorongoro MP denounced this in parliament.


And as mentioned, a committee will hand over community views to PM Majaliwa, as if he would care.


Public services as weapon of war

In the previous blog post I wrote about how development projects, often basic social services have always been used as a weapon, but I forgot one way in which it has been done.


The projects are always used as a CCM party event, and the president is personally thanked in the most embarrassing way. In Loliondo people have been humiliated and forced to receive social services as charity from the violent anti-land rights investors – OBC and Thomson Safaris– who use it in their propaganda. Because of this, Mondorosi Village was refusing charity from Thomson for years, and the chairman was severely harassed, arrest included, until he “changed”. Similar used to happen earlier in NCA where chief conservator Manongi could compromise anyone with development money. In 2017, Minister Jumanne Maghembe said that German development funds would only be released on condition of turning the 1,500 km2 into a protected area, which led to protests against receiving this money, but then it was revealed that the district council chairman had done so anyway.  After two years of German silence, representatives of the development bank denied any such conditions. The funds, or any other, have still not been used in the 1,500 km2 though. Lately PM Majaliwa has used water projects in other areas of Loliondo as an argument for alienating the 1,500 km2, while pretending not to know that people live there or that it’s essential grazing land.


Social services were one of the weapons strategically used to – with 100 % success - bring back opposition councillors to CCM in 2017-2018, including removing planned for projects in opposition wards.


Now, as seen, social services 600 kilometres away in Handeni are much trumpeted as a benefit for Ngorongoro Maasai, while the same in Ngorongoro Division is not only being blocked, but the funds are, in some cases openly, redirected to Handeni.


Intimidation continues, but Loliondo is not back to silence, I hope

Even if in large part caused by outspoken threats by national leaders – the Arusha RC, PM Majaliwa, and former Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Ndumbaro - against the 1,500 km2 that the government so many times have tried to rob the Maasai of, this year has in many ways seen a remarkable change for the better with big protests in January and then again in March. As reported in the previous blog post, on 19th March, the since 2017 painfully disappointing councillor of Arash, who was district council chair 2015-2020, spoke up with great seriousness describing PM Majaliwa as a liar (which is well-known by most Tanzanians) and declaring that the Maasai would never cooperate with anyone who wants to demarcate the 1,500 km2 with beacons, which is what the PM had ordered.


On 23rd March Methew Siloma and the councillor of Malambo, Joel Clement Reson, were summoned to the CCM ethics committee at the party’s office in Loliondo, after which the police entered and Siloma was arrested – or abducted – and taken to Arusha accompanied by Security Officer Hassan. In Arusha family and lawyers weren’t allowed to see Siloma. The Regional Commanding Officer said that it was a political case, and the councillor was being interrogated outside the police by TISS (Tanzania Intelligence and Security Service), which TISS do not have a mandate to do. On 25th March, Siloma was released on bail, without charges, but he must continue reporting to the police. Later Siloma has in social media said that he was locked up, interrogated and threatened in an unknown building, not at the police station.


On Easter Eve, 16thApril, the councillor of Malambo was arrested and so were the councillors of Piyaya and Maaloni. They were released the following day, but Joel Reson from Malambo was told to report to the police in Arusha, which he did on 22ndApril and then he was locked up at Arusha central police station, interrogated, released on bail the following day, and told to continue reporting to the police.


The silence achieved by the Loliondo police state continues and there’s a very noticeable difference between how Maasai from Loliondo and NCA are speaking up in social media, but I’m happy to say that the councillors from Arash and Malambo reportedly appear to be in high spirits and even participated online with NCA people, sharing what they were interrogated about (somewhat old school Loliondo police state, but now done in Arusha). All focus was apparently laid on making them stop defending the land and “confess” to having received millions from the Kenyan Senator for Narok County, Ledama Olekina and that this would be the reason that they were speaking up against any plans of turning the 1,500 km2 of vitally important grazing land into a “protected area”.


I doubt it’s by chance that the latest article by OBC’s “journalist” Manyerere Jackton had a focus on “Kenyans”, in a re-hash of some of his over 60 articles viciously inciting against the Loliondo Maasai, and that he’s active again with his anti-Loliondo hate campaign after lying low since OBC’s director had a long stay in remand prison accused of “economic sabotage” in 2019.


These recent arrests differ from the illegal arrests of 2015-2019 in that CCM councillors are targeted and not so much NGO staff (now silenced, but still two of them have been arrested this year and must keep reporting to the police) or real or assumed activists (they now apparently only exist in NCA). Councillors and village chairs have been targeted before, but not as those worst hit, and have been somewhat protected by the party. Siloma and Reson were lured to the CCM ethical committee. It’s suspected that the recent arrests have been ordered by the Arusha RC, John Mongella, and another change is that those arrested are taken to Arusha for interrogation instead of being held in Loliondo. The recent illegal arrests are not as prolonged as the earlier ones that used to last for over a week.


The Loliondo local police state never ends, and after years of almost complete silence following the terror of 2018 when extreme abuse was taking place and not one single leader spoke up, I fear silence and can never assume that it means that nothing is happening. It’s painful to know that anyone can be silenced, and that too many can be compromised. That’s why just a few confident words by those harassed mean so much.


Then in an interview with Peter Greenberg of The Royal Tour (see below), published on 30thApril, President Samia when asked to define “sustainable tourism” tried to repeat the anti-Loliondo rhetoric, but mixing it up with the Mara River.


The Malambo village chairman Moitiko Risanda and the traditional leader Simon Ndare are summoned to Loliondo police station on 6th May.


Brief reminder about the efforts to rob the Maasai of 1,500 km2 in Loliondo

Since 1993 (first contract signed in 1992) Otterlo Business Corporation, that organize hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, has the 4,000 km2 Loliondo hunting blocks (permit to hunt), which they got in the Loliondogate scandal covered by Stan Katabalo in 1993. This area includes two towns, district headquarters, and agricultural areas, so OBC have lobbied to have it reduced to their core hunting area bordering Serengeti National Park, and to make it a protected area, which would signify a huge land loss to the local Maasai, leading to lost lives and livelihoods.


In 2008, then Ngorongoro DC Jowika Kasunga coerced local leaders into signing a Memorandum of Understanding with OBC. There were supposed to be talks to coordinate grazing and hunting, but when the 2009 drought turned catastrophic, OBC went to the government to complain, and village land in the 1,500 km2 osero was illegally invaded by the Field Force Unit working with OBC’s rangers, with mass arson, dispersal of cattle, and abuse of every kind.


The Maasai moved back, and some leaders reconciled with OBC that went on to funding a draft district land use plan that proposed turning the village land that had been invaded into a protected area. The Maasai were united, and the draft land use plan was rejected by Ngorongoro District Council in 2011.


In 2013, Minister Kagasheki lied to the world saying that the whole 4,000 km2 Loliondo Game Controlled Area (Loliondo Division and part of Sale Division of Ngorongoro District) was a protected area and that alienating the important 1,500 km2meant generously giving the remaining land to the Maasai. This ugly trick did not work, since the Maasai were more serious and united than ever, garnered support from both the opposition CHADEMA and from CCM, and then PM Pinda stopped Kagasheki’s threats.


After the unity, efforts to buy off local leaders started creating serious divisions and weakening. Some found it convenient to benefit from openly praising the “investors” and attacking the people who they at the same time expected to take risks to defend the land. Though nobody signed any MoU.


The investors (OBC and Thomson Safaris) had for years used the local police state that through the successive DCs, security committee, and most every government employee will threaten anyone who could speak up about them and engage in defamation and illegal arrests. The repression and fear of this police state became worse with Magufuli in office, and there were lengthy illegal arrests, torture, and malicious prosecution, by 2016 it was so bad that Majaliwa could enter the stage with a select non-participatory committee, set up by RC Gambo. Some of the members were local leaders and other representatives that found themselves at the opposite side of the people when marking “critical areas” under protests in each village. The proposal handed over to Majaliwa was seen as a victory, even though it was a sad compromise that had earlier been rejected for many years of better unity and less fear.


Maybe since the Maasai showed such weakness, the government went on with the unthinkable and while everyone was still waiting to hear Majaliwa’s decision, on 13th August 2017 an illegal mass arson operation, like the one in 2009, was initiated and continued, on and off, well into October. Hundreds of bomas were razed to the ground by Serengeti rangers, assisted by NCA rangers and those from OBC, NCA, TAWA/KDU, local police and others. People were beaten and raped, illegally arrested, and cattle seized. Some leaders were frightfully silent while others protested loudly. Minister Maghembe pretended that OBC’s land use plan would have been implemented and the operation was taking place on some protected land, while the DC, and Maghembe’s own ministry, said it was not about the 1,500 km2, since Majaliwa was to announce a decision about that, but that village land was invaded because people were entering Serengeti National Park “too easily”.

The illegal operation wasn’t stopped until late October 2017, a couple of weeks after Kigwangalla came into office. The new minister also made grand promises, like saying that OBC would have left Tanzania before 2018, but it was very soon clear that OBC weren’t going anywhere. On 6th December 2017, Majaliwa delivered his vague but terrifying decision that was about creating a “special authority” to manage the land. He also said that OBC were staying. The decision was celebrated in the anti-Maasai press (the Jamhuri). Fortunately, implementation has been delayed, and would of course be contempt of court.


In March 2018, Kigwangalla welcomed OBC’s hunters to Tanzania (directing himself to a fake account of the Dubai crown prince), and in April OBC - once again - gifted the Ministry of Natural Resources of Tourism with 15 vehicles. In March 2018, a military camp was set up in Lopolun, near Wasso in Loliondo, first temporary, but eventually made permanent with donations from the NCAA.


In June 2018, the OCCID and local police tried to derail the case in the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) – filed during the illegal operation in 2017 - by summoning local leaders and villagers. Nobody dared to speak up about this, except for the applicants' main counsel. On 25th September 2018 – a year after the illegal operation - the court finally issued an injunction restraining the government from evictions, destruction and harassment of the applicants, but this injunction was soon brutally violated. In November and December soldiers from the camp in Olopolun tortured people, seized cattle, and burned bomas in Kirtalo and Ololosokwan. This was the lowest point ever in the land rights struggle and I have still not understood how it could happen without anyone at all speaking up. Local leaders claimed to fear for their lives and thought that the brutality was directly ordered by President Magufuli. When RC Gambo in January 2019 condemned the crimes in a very vague way, they changed to thinking that OBC’s director had contracted the soldiers.


There were finally some promising developments in 2019 when OBC’s director Isaack Mollel was arrested on economic sabotage charges and OBC toned down (they never left and Mollel was never fired) their activities on the ground, but the local police state wasn’t dealt with and after a lengthy stay in remand prison Mollel was out, and after a while back to work, reportedly due to plea bargaining. Speculations about Mollel’s misfortune include his clashes of egos with Kigwangalla and Gambo, and Magufuli wanting to send a message to OBC’s old friend Abdulrahman Kinana (and to Bernard Membe) that nobody is untouchable.


In September 2019, a genocidal zoning proposal for NCA, which included the proposal to annex most of the 1,500 km2 and turn it into a protected area allowing hunting was presented. This Multiple Land Use Model review proposal has since been met with countless protests from every kind of group of people from NCA, but near silence from Loliondo.


2021 brought Jumaa Mhina as new DED and he started working to kill the court cases against land grabbing “investors”. Though the village chairmen have stood their ground and Reference No. 10 of 2017, Ololosokwan, Kirtalo, Oloirien, and Arash versus the Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania continues in the EACJ.


On 11th January 2022, Arusha RC John Mongella summoned village and ward leaders from villages with land in the 1,500 km2 to inform them that the government would make a painful decision for the broader interest of the nation. The leaders, even those who for years had worked for OBC and against the people, refused to accompany the RC for a tour of the 1,500 km2, or to sign the attendance list, which could have been used to claim that they’d agreed to something. On 13th-14th January in Oloirien there was a public protest meeting and a statement by village, ward, and traditional leaders.

On 14th February, Majaliwa came and wasn’t much better than Mongella, but too well-received, since something worse was expected, because of the crazy anti-Maasai hate campaign, and parliamentarians calling for tanks to be sent to Ngorongoro.


Three days later, on 17thFebruary in NCA, not Loliondo, Majaliwa ordered the disputed land to be marked by beacons, so that we may know the boundaries – while claiming that this is NOT a trick!


Then Ndumbaro on 8thMarch re-introduced Kagasheki’s lies in an interview with DW Kiswahili, and on the 11th Majaliwa again mentioned beacons and water projects when informing parliamentarians about a fake spectacle that he had set up in Arusha, without people from Ngorongoro, the previous day.


Placing beacons to mark the 1,500 km2 osero would be a serious invasion of village land, contempt of court, and only serves the interests of those who want to rob the Maasai of this land. Any attempt must be dealt with without delay!


On 31st March Abdulrahman Kinana was brought in from the cold, after having fallen out with Magufuli, and is now Vice-Chairman of CCM mainland. Kinana is one of OBC’s and Sheikh Mohammed’s best and oldest friends since at least 1993. On 27thApril when visiting Arusha, Kinana was dress up in a kind of Maasai outfit. This is something that the enemies of the Maasai have been doing since forever, but it appears to have become a trend that’s irresistible to all the worst of the worst.


On 6th April, the new minister Pindi Chana visited Loliondo.


Then as mentioned, CCM councillors that have spoken up against plans of robbing the Maasai of the 1,500 km2 osero are, after a protest meeting in Arash on 19thMarch being intimidated, arrested, and summoned to be “interrogated” in Arusha. Currently the councillors of Arash and Malambo must keep reporting to the police, and a laigwanani together with the village chairman of Malambo have been summoned to the Loliondo police.


The committee has maybe already handed over their compilation of “community views” on both NCA and the 1,500 km2osero in Loliondo to PM Majaliwa. I do hope - and expect - that they’ve learnt not to dance to Majaliwa’s tune. In 2017, the results of doing so were catastrophic.


The Royal Tour

President Samia travelled to the USA for 10 days for the premier of The Royal Tour, the “documentary” in which reporter Peter Greenberg travels a country with the head of state as his tour guide, and even better -it seems - if this is an authoritarian leader with no regard for human rights. The researcher Alex Dukalskis in his book Making the World Safe for Dictatorship describes President Kagame of Rwanda’s use of The Royal Tour as “authoritarian image management”, recommended by consultants who specialize in this. Who recommended Samia to do the same? How was it funded? Who are the Tanzania Forward Foundation? What has been established is that Tanzania paid for it, allegedly via the private sector, and that Peter Greenberg has the copyright (since he’s used it against at least one Youtube account that uploaded it), but that’s not what this blog is about.

On 28th April, The Royal Tour was shown in Arusha in an exaggeratedly spruced up venue.


When the president in September 2021 was to film the part showing Ngorongoro, there was heavy police deployment, and nobody was allowed near, while in other areas, like Moshi and Karatu, Samia addressed the public from atop her vehicle. Three staff members of the NGO Pastoral Women’s Council, together with the ward councillor and special sets councillor of Piyaya, and two people who were being given a lift, were detained until the evening, suspected of having planned to make protest signs out of a flip chart, and then they had present themselves to the police for further investigation.


During the president’s US visit some members of the Tanzanian diaspora held a manifestation outside the Tanzanian embassy to demand constitutional reform. This is safe to do in the USA, but still they were very few. One of them was the woman who for years, together with her American husband, was employed by Thomson Safaris as their very aggressive PR person for their neo-colonial land grab, a participant in the local police state, in charge of Thomson’s charitable branch and of compromising councillors. Years after having left Thomson, she appeared in social media as a moderate fence sitter and friend of the most crazed Magufuli supporters. Then she got another account and reinvented herself as a freedom fighter, which is a commendable thing to do. However, she and other participants in the manifestation were wearing t-shirt against Maasai eviction from Ngorongoro, which is taking hypocrisy too far, when she’s still excusing Thomson with that there was conflict since Tanzania Breweries used the land (and then almost two decades later fraudulently got a right of occupancy that they sold to Thomson), and that they would have wanted to switch it for another area, as if there were empty land lying around for a “private nature refuge”. Thomson Safaris worsened the situation a thousand times or more, and copied OBC’s use of the local police state, with even worse repression of their critics.


The Maasai, who in Ngorongoro are threatened by cultural genocide by Samia´s government, are shown off in The Royal Tour as a tourist attraction for four minutes. No other tribe or group of people are shown this interest. The president says that the Maasai are the “newest arrivals” in Tanzania, migrating from the “Nile valley” in the 1700s. Greenberg says, “At lower attitude it was fascinating to see this primitive tribes still holding on to their traditional values. But at higher attitude, a different perspective, it was fascinating to see how many villages they were”.“Many” compared to where? Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, or any rural area? The first sentence is to attract tourists, even if most will cringe at exactly that racist sounding choice of word, and the second one to attract support for evictions. The use of the word “primitive” has led to somewhat widespread negative reactions online. Later Greenberg mentions that “it is not uncommon for a Maasai man to have 18-20 children”. Anyone who’s spent some time online encountering discussions about any kind of African issue will have encountered non-Africans whose final argument or response to everything is that “they” have too many children, so we’re doomed. Greenberg says that the government has tried to turn the Maasai into farmers or ranchers, but that they have clinged on to their “ancient ways”. Now they may be forced to change, he adds, without explaining that he’s making a propaganda film about the person who wants to force them, not to change, which they have always done, but to extinguish their culture via mass evictions. President Samia uses the word “genocide” earlier in the film, but then she’s referring to elephants …


On 30th April, Greenberg published a radio interview with President Samia. Greenberg mentions “overtourism” and asks the president for her definition of “sustainable tourism”. The only thing she can think of is to try to repeat the anti-Loliondo rhetoric of the worst of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism and investors. Samia says that we must come up with strategies to protect the whole ecosystem, so that tourist attractions last for a longer time, and gives the example of Loliondo that’s bordering Serengeti, claiming that Loliondo is close to the Mara River (it’s not) and that we can’t allow the river to dry up, since there will not be the migration and Serengeti will not be the same.



The claim by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, that the German ambassador supports the government’s efforts in Ngorongoro, has still not been publicly denied by any German representative.


A brightly shining rising defender of Ngorongoro is lost forever.


Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (now increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com

President Samia Keeps Threatening the Maasai of Ngorongoro, PM Majaliwa has Received Community Recommendations, and OBC’s Director is Back to Sharing His Views in Media



Another delayed blog post that’s too long, since too much is happening when I am about to publish, some information is impossible to obtain, I can’t keep up, and it must be put in context to avoid the confusion that will happen anyway. The president continues as a most significant threat to the Ngorongoro Maasai, OBC’s director has broken his media silence, harassment goes on, and then the Oakland Institute published a report about the anomalous relocation plans. “Community recommendations” on NCA and Loliondo/Sale have been handed over to PM Majaliwa to whose tune it’s not advisable to dance, which everyone has understood long ago, I hope. The NCA report is available and impressive. I must write more about it in another post.


In this blog post:


The president insulting the Maasai and her hosts

The president’s Ngorongoro fixation

A reminder of the efforts for “voluntary” evictions

Dangerous dance with Majaliwa

Oakland report on resettlement plans

Some of NCAA’s “preparations” the past year

Transfer of local NCAA workers

Ngorongoro youths arrested by SENAPA rangers

Ngorongoro Conservation Area brief background


OBC’s director Mollel breaks his long media silence

The confusion

OBC’s “journalist” again

This year’s Loliondo arrests

Brief reminder about the efforts to rob the Maasai of 1,500 km2 in Loliondo


Since the mix-up continues, I must still repeat:

In NCA, an 8,292 km² multiple land use area, the Maasai live under the purposeful poverty-inducing rule and restrictions of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority, and since 2019 there’s a genocidal eviction plan, that extends to annexing some surrounding areas, the area under threat in Loliondo included. Current government efforts focus on “voluntary” relocation and disinformation, while an ethnic hate campaign has raged in media and in parliament. This is about Ngorongoro Division of Ngorongoro District and the government’s aim is to get rid of as many Maasai as possible.


In Loliondo OBC, that organises hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, have for years lobbied to have 1,500 km2 of important grazing land, village land belonging to the local Maasai, turned into a protected area. This caused illegal mass arson operations in 2009 and 2017. A local police state had, until recently, silenced all local leaders and activists, and still people from Loliondo are much more silent in the debate than those from NCA, even if protests erupted when threats were renewed this year. This concerns Loliondo and parts of Sale divisions of Ngorongoro District and the government’s aim is to rob the Maasai of 1,500 km2.


The president insulting the Maasai and her hosts

On 13th May, President Samia Suluhu Hassan continued her habit of publicly attacking the Maasai of Ngorongoro. She did this as guest of honour at the 10th anniversary of Tanzania Human Rights Defenders’ Coalition (THRDC). This invitation may seem like inviting the hyena to the biannual goat convention, and to me it’s terribly unsettling. THRDC’s subsequent reporting from this anniversary was far from reassuring.


THRDC have always stood firmly on the side of the Maasai, and at times served as the only outlet covering local protests. I was personally helped in 2015, when I was illegally arrested, or kidnapped, and THRDC’s director sent lawyers. There could of course be some strategic reason that I don’t understand (I tried to ask). THRDC’s bank accounts were frozen by the government leading up to the 2020 “elections” and not unfrozen until seven months later when Samia had come into office.


The president mentioned the government’s efforts to protect the World Heritage Site while expressing her displeasure with the human rights defenders’ insistence on instead defending the human rights of those who (according to her rhetoric) are putting it in danger. “What is most important between letting people continue endangering our world heritage or supporting the preservation of the heritage and relocating those people to a better place?”, Samia asked. She added that she left it to the human rights defenders to sit down and discuss this, which sounds like a threat when coming from the head of an authoritarian government.

On 16th May a group of Ngorongoro youths spoke with great seriousness on Sessan online media. No other outlets were interested.


Finally, on 27thMay, in connection with the handing over of community views to PM Majaliwa, THRDC’s director Onesmo Olengurumwa described the president’s stance as if she had recognised that human rights defenders defend the human rights of people, and that she has given the organisations the opportunity to offer advice to the government.


The president’s Ngorongoro fixation

It shouldn’t be forgotten that violence and repression were worse under Magufuli, and even Kikwete (against pastoralists, particularly during his first term), but those presidents didn’t personally engage in the rhetoric of the enemies of the Ngorongoro Maasai like Samia does in an obsessive way. The terrible statements have been accompanied by hurried “voluntary” relocation plans, blocking of new, already funded, public services and illegal transfer of funds from NCA to Handeni, a feverish ethnic hate campaign in the press and in parliament, staged spectacles featuring imposters not from Ngorongoro, and repression of reporting (resembling that in Loliondo). All this added to the continued restrictions that worsen each time that UNESCO and IUCN express their “grave concerns”, openly wanting the Tanzanian government to do something about the population figures (actually low even in the most inflated versions) and the more discreet pressure from the tourist industry and some diplomatic missions, with Germany as the most notable suspect. Samia’s fear is that the value of the prime tourism real estate would decrease if deregistered as a World Heritage Site. UNESCO should just remove this status from Ngorongoro (as I said in the blog post from 7th April, under the heading, “UNESCO denying responsibility for the genocidal Multiple Land Use Model review proposal and everything else”). The genocidal proposal of the Multiple Land Use Model review report, presented in September 2019, after UNESCO’s insistence that it should be finalized, has still not been thrown into the rubbish bin where it belongs.


Shortly after taking office in March 2021, in a speech at the swearing in of newly appointed Permanent Secretaries and heads of public institutions at State House in Dar es Salaam, Samia said that the Maasai of Ngorongoro and their livestock had become too many, that she didn’t know how or if people should be evicted, but concluded that something had to be done, or it was “bye, bye Ngorongoro”.


Little more than a week later, demolition notices were made public, ordering the demolition within 30 days of over a hundred buildings, private houses, but also those built by the government, like schools, dispensaries, and the Endulen police station. Two churches and a mosque were included. Further, 45 people accused of having returned from Jema to where they were relocated in 2006, were ordered to leave, also within 30 days, and 174 households were listed as “illegal immigrants”. After big protests these demolition and eviction notices were withdrawn until further notice.


On 6th September, under heavy police deployment and with several arrests to prevent any kind of protest, President Samia came to Ngorongoro to film the documentary The Royal Tour with the presenter and producer Peter Greenberg. In December she came unofficially to complete the filming but has still never met with local leaders or addressed people in Ngorongoro.


On 17th October 2021, Samia held a speech in Arusha talking about how important Ngorongoro is for tourism and that “we” can’t continue considering people’s interests while destroying it. She was accompanied and supported by the imposter Lekisongo from Monduli, who pretended to represent the Ngorongoro Maasai while supporting relocations. Several protest statements were issued by Ngorongoro Maasai against this individual, which didn’t deter him from later showing up acting as an imposter at spectacles together with PM Majaliwa and RC Mongella.


When The Royal Tour finally premiered in April 2022, the Maasai featured prominently as a tourist attraction, but almost every word seemed geared towards Samia’s bad wishes for Ngorongoro. Greenberg mentions being fascinated by how “many villages” there are, which is a strange thing to say. Compared to where? Then it’s mentioned that, “it is not uncommon for a Maasai man to have 18-20 children”, obviously to further drive home the population panic. The Maasai are described as stubbornly clinging on to their ancient ways, but that they will be forced to change. The president further calls the Maasai “newest arrivals”. Though Greenberg isn’t as smooth delivering this product as would be expected, since he uses the word “primitive” about the Maasai, which even anyone not at all familiar with the threats against the Maasai will find racist and out of touch in 2022. Similarly out of touch is a kind of joke about Maasai women being impressed by Greenberg jumping. I have written about The Royal Tour in several blog posts but will have to dedicate something exclusively to this authoritarian image management. In a radio interview in connection with the premiere, Samia also made a confused, but not so innocent comment about Loliondo.


And as mentioned, on 13thMay Samia had complaints about human rights defenders that defend the human rights of those she wants out of Ngorongoro.


A reminder of the efforts for “voluntary” evictions

2022 started with a leaked plan for “voluntary” relocations of Ngorongoro Maasai to be finalized very hurriedly before the end of February. Even if the documents aren’t signed, they seem directed from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA) to Damas Ndumbaro, then still Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, on how to implement President Samia’s instructions on evicting the Ngorongoro Maasai. In the plan the Kitwai and Handeni Game Controlled Areas are named as the areas for relocation and misleadingly described as protected areas that will be declassified. Did the NCAA really believe this and were then when on the ground in Msomera, Handeni, surprised to find a registered village with its land use plan and bewildered villagers looking on as houses were speedily being built for Ngorongoro Maasai? Allan Kijazi, (then) Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (and head of TANAPA) was described as lacking the right vision to oversee the project, and was shortly after transferred to the ministry of lands. Arusha RC John Mongella was mentioned as the recommended overseer. The plan recommends seeking permission to use COVID-19 money allocated for the development projects to fund the eviction of Ngorongoro Maasai (and then on 31st March the DED sent letters to Ngorongoro headteachers ordering them to transfer COVID-19 funds to Handeni), and warns about “Kenyan” NGOs, particularly PWC, in the style of the old Loliondo police state.

When Mongella visited Loliondo on 10th January 2022, there was fear of what he would announce about NCA, but instead he issued a threat against the 1,500 km2 in Loliondo that led to protest by local people who had been silenced by intimidation for years.


A crazed anti-Maasai hate campaign had raged in media for over a month when in parliament on 9th FebruaryMPs competed in being wilfully ignorant, hateful, and calling for evictions from Ngorongoro, and Loliondo, the Mtwara MP screamed that tanks were needed, there was much laughter and table banging, while only three MPs (all Maasai) spoke up for the Maasai. The arguments, besides the old population panic, ranged from dehumanizing colonial fantasies to crocodile tears about poverty and backwardness, to lies that rich people not from Ngorongoro, but from town or the neighbouring country, would own the livestock in NCA, to blaming Kenya for being behind the anti-eviction resistance with the aim of sabotaging tourism in Tanzania. Majaliwa said that the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Act would be reviewed, but first there was to be a seminar for the MPs and he would meet with people in Ngorongoro and Loliondo. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism uploaded to its Instagram account some of the worst clips of MPs, not with any comment of distancing or warning, but obviously to show off the support from parliamentarians in the war against the Maasai. On 12th February a one-sided “seminar” about Ngorongoro was held for the MPs who continued their hateful and defamatory incitement against the Maasai. At this seminar, one non-Maasai MP supported the Ngorongoro Maasai: Professor Kitila Mkumbo, MP for Ubungo.


In NCA many people stopped sleeping and started praying incessantly at combined prayer and protest meetings.


On 17th February Majaliwa held a brief agenda-driven meeting at the NCA hall, for leaders and closed to the public. There was confusion and thorough registering of the attendants. Two journalists were arrested and released later the same day. The local people who were locked out stayed outside the hall singing.


On 5th March, Deputy Minister Mary Masanja brought a caravan of 600 women in diesel guzzling vehicles to Ngorongoro, to celebrate tourism, CCM, or supposedly International Women’s Day. Meanwhile Maasai women climbed Mount Makarot to pray for their land.


On 10th March in Arusha, Majaliwa held a meeting with Maasai from other areas, without any connection to Ngorongoro, led by the denounced fraudster Lekisongo. The PM was handed a list of 86 households or 453 persons “willing” to relocate from Ngorongoro. All had already left the district years ago and were apparently now looking for compensation money. The following day the PM boasted about this meeting in parliament, and on the 12th real traditional leaders from Ngorongoro held a press conference to denounce the fraud, but journalists didn’t want to cover it after having been advised otherwise by Majaliwa.



On 13th March, Majaliwa made a much-publicised visit to Msomera Village in Handeni where houses were hurriedly being built to relocate Maasai from Ngorongoro, without consulting them, and without consulting people from Msomera that’s a legally registered village. Majaliwa was to visit Ngorongoro on the 15th, but it was postponed.

Does not look empty. 


On 25th March Damas Ndumbaro, then still Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, met with ambassadors to tell them the “truth” about Ngorongoro and Loliondo, and his ministry reported that the German ambassador supported the government’s efforts in Ngorongoro, which has still not been publicly denied by any German representative.


On 31st March, President Samia replaced Ndumbaro with Pindi Chana who within a few days was off to visit Ngorongoro and Loliondo, without meeting with residents. This was quickly followed by a visit to Msomera where Chana heaped praise on the relocation project.


On 3rd April, the NCAA had found some real traitors to show off, unlike the previous imposters from other places than Ngorongoro, even if long-gone people were still looking for a compensation deal. And they are of course not traitors for wanting to relocate, but for lending themselves to the dirty war against their own people. These few, and very dubious, people keep being paraded in media, and the star is a special seats councillor, Foibe Lukumay, whose by Ngorongoro standards luxurious house was up for demolition without compensation and at her own cost in the halted orders from April 2021. Now she’ll get compensation and could get a house in Handeni, where she will hardly live, since her family reportedly owns real estate in Arusha.


Evidence emerged about how blocked funds for social services in Ngorongoro division are being transferred to Handeni and on 13th April the Ngorongoro MP denounced this in parliament. Then letters were made public in which schools in NCA were being ordered to send Covid-19 funds already in their accounts to the account of Handeni District Council.


On 24th April, PM Majaliwa was again visiting the hurried construction of houses in Msomera Village in Handeni.  Deputy Minister MaryMasanja talked about how dangerous it is to live with wild animals, which has become quite popular in the anti-Maasai rhetoric that earlier used to bring up clashes between pastoralists and cultivators in Handeni, of all places … Masanja also said that the president has provided funds for 400 more houses.


On 6th May, the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues called on the government of Tanzania to immediately cease efforts to evict the Maasai people from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.


Then the president, at Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition’s own 10-year anniversary, expressed her displeasure with human rights defenders defending Ngorongoro Maasai and not her genocidal plans, and was covered with praise …


Dangerous dance with Majaliwa

As mentioned, a 60-member committee, dressed in matching clothes, on 25th May finally (the PM kept postponing this meeting) handed over a report on community recommendations to PM Majaliwa, who perhaps is the most dangerous person in Tanzania.  Knowing Majaliwa, he won’t read the report, but use it to further pretend to be working with the Maasai and even if the main recommendation would be to roll him in tar and feather, Majaliwa will interpret it as support.


The NCA part of the report isn’t shy to tell the truth and over-ambitious considering the time restraint. Its dedication says, 

Further, the report identifies the main environmental threats as being caused by tourism investment.

Though I have big worries, hopefully totally unfounded, about the Loliondo/Sale part.


I’ve been told that Majaliwa just spoke “as usual” (and that isn’t good) but said he will work on recommendations. According to the press, the PM told the committee members to keep believing in the government, and ignore nonsense by irrelevant people, since it can’t have bad plans for its citizens, as if those present didn’t have first-hand knowledge of both the government’s bad plans and its bad actions. Unsurprisingly, Majaliwa spoke about Msomera where 103 houses are being built and 400 more are on the way, and he mentioned how the government is strengthening the livestock sector. Apparently, Majaliwa didn’t say anything about Loliondo where he earlier that year (when in NCA) ordered beacons to be erected to demarcate the 1,500 km2 that the government want to alienate from the Maasai. Though it seems like he didn’t really say anything about what’s happening in NCA either.


A press conference by the committee members the following day, confirmed that there hadn’t been any time to present their findings in a power point, so as suspected, there was one-way communication from Majaliwa. They were however very thankful that he received the report, and brought up some problems, like the transferral of local Maasai NCAA staff (see below)


I don’t think anyone has forgotten Majaliwa’s glowing reports on Magufuli’s health when the president hadn’t been seen for weeks and was dying, or already dead. Even more unforgettable are his catastrophic interventions in both NCA and Loliondo in 2016-2017.


As mentioned in the previous blog post, one of the committee members, Lendukai Kimaay, was arrested on 6thMay, taken to Arusha for interrogation, and is supposed to continue reporting to the police.

The NCA report

Oakland report on resettlement plans

On 24th May a report by the Oakland Institute was released. It,examines resettlement plans for Maasai from NCA and identifies serious flaws with the resettlement process, feasibility of selection sites, and major discrepancies between government promises and the actual situation on the ground.” 


Anonymous people have conducted a fact-finding mission to Msomera village where – as reported frantically, and unquestioning, for months now – houses for relocation are being built, and Kitwai A and B that’s the other hurriedly planned for areas, but where construction has not yet begun. The researchers were told that only after construction had already commenced, the government allegedly informed the Handeni District Council that the houses would be for NCA residents who have “volunteered” for resettlement. In Kitwai B, the village, ward and district leaders had no knowledge that their village had been chosen as a resettlement site. No social or environmental impact assessments appear to have been conducted prior to choosing the relocation areas – but how would anyone even have had the time for that? As late as in December, NCAA didn’t know that there were villages in Handeni and Kitwai GCAs, at least judging from their leaked documents. One traditional leader is quoted, “We didn’t agree with the government plan to give our land to Ngorongoro people but we have no objection on that, as the government authority is too big, we can’t fight[against them].”


The anonymous researchers also found serious problems with access to water and grazing in Msomera and Kitwai, and requests for information about a dam project (much celebrated in the press) in Msomera from Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (RUWASA) have not received a reply. Further, promises for social services in Msomera do not seem to have materialized on time. The risk for conflict is obvious.


Some of NCAA’s “preparations” the past year

The NCAA chief conservator, Fredy Manongi, has for years organized fancy workshops for editors and senior journalists, domestic tourism included in the package, and they have uncritically reported his views that the Maasai and their livestock are “too many” and something must be done. This is just an incomplete listing of the increased effort this past year:


In May 2021, the NCAA headquarters were abruptly relocated to Karatu. Then, the first days of June, Manongi and other NCAA representatives held a promotional event on parliament grounds in Dodoma, handing out goodie bags with t-shirts, leaflets, and whatever. On 30thJune, deputy minister Mary Masanja flew to Ngorongoro with 35 MPs for domestic tourism.


On 3rd September 2021, the Ministry of Natural Resources and tourism uploaded a video in which Masanja complains about having seen livestock on the way to Oldupai together with parliamentarians – as if it would have been something terrible and unexpected … - and Manongi says that conservation is a war, that the pastoralists have many “conspiracies” and sadly are winning, adding that now conservationists must “start” (when did they stop?) developing conspiracies.


In August and September 2021, NCAA rangers assaulted several young herders and killed four sheep with a vehicle, which led to protests on 23rd September, which lasted for several days. An uprising seemed to be on the way, but then everything was put on hold when MP Olenasha sadly passed away on 27th September.


Towards late January 2022, Habib Mchange’s Jamvi la Habari newspaper, that focuses on fabrications and slander of opposition politicians, initiated a hate campaign against the Maasai of NCA that spread all over regular and social media, was joined by crazed sports presenters, Maulid Kitenge and friends – who soon appeared in Ngorongoro, in a NCAA vehicle, with Kitenge screaming in horror about everything he saw, basically including his own shadow. The old anti-Maasai Jamhuri paper with Deusdatus Balile and Manyerere Jackton who in over 60 articles has incited against the Maasai of Loliondo, soon joined in, and the “journalists” started an organization with its sole focus on evicting the Maasai from Ngorongoro - and were treated as serious actors by other media. Though many Tanzanians in social media who had earlier not paid much attention to Ngorongoro saw what was going on, were appalled, and started speaking up.


On 3rd February, six journalists (obviously not from the anti-Maasai group) were detained and harassed after having attended a community rally in Nainokanoka.


As mentioned, on 9thFebruary, the anti-Maasai hate feast spread to parliament, and following days to a seminar for MPs, in some extreme way, and mostly hidden from a world that doesn’t speak Swahili.


On 13th February, the new anti-Maasai organisation, formed by “journalists”, held a loathsome press conference, adding to their many crazed and dehumanizing “theories” one saying that there were no graves in Ngorongoro, which had earlier been heard in parliament. The Darmpya online news, asked questions, like how come the “allowances” for attending the press conference were so extraordinary heavy, who funded it, and for what purpose.

Then, as mentioned, PM Majaliwa made his non-listening visit to Ngorongoro, organised non-Ngorongoro imposters in Arusha to show off support for planned relocations to Handeni, to where he also made a much-publicised visit, and boasted about it all in parliament.


On 25th March 2022, Damas Ndumbaro, then Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, met with ambassadors to tell them the “truth” about Ngorongoro and Loliondo, and his ministry reported that the German ambassador supported the government’s efforts in Ngorongoro, which has still not been publicly denied by any German representative. In September 2021, the Germans had – once again – showered Tanzania with money for “sustainable natural resource and ecological sustainability development in the Serengeti ecosystem”, and Stefan Oswald, Head of the Africa Department at Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany had a nice time in Serengeti with the notorious deputy minister Mary Masanja.


On 31st March, President Samia replaced Ndumbaro with Pindi Chana who within a few days was off to visit Ngorongoro and Loliondo, without meeting with residents, followed by a visit to Msomera.


NCAA had since 2021, by not issuing permits, been blocking already funded new social services in Ngorongoro division. On 31st March headteachers received letter from DED Mhina instructing them to send COVID-19 funds already in the school accounts to the bank accounts of Handeni District Council.


I’ve mentioned how the NCAA have impacted on President Samia, and it can’t be overstated.


The genocidal MLUM review proposal has still not been scrapped.


Transfer of local NCAA workers

The latest NCAA activity that has been reported is that at least ten local Maasai NCAA employees in early May have received letters of transferral to other parastatals within the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, like TTB, TAWA, BASATA, TARURA, and TANAPA. I would have thought that they’d like to use these employees for divide and rule, but it’s been explained to me that the NCAA leadership just hates the Maasai and wants to get rid of them.


Ngorongoro youths arrested by SENAPA rangers

Saturday evening 21stMay, five young men were arrested by TANAPA/SENAPA rangers in the Imbarbali or Lemuta area in NCA when they were looking for lost sheep and had entered Serengeti National Park. The following day they were taken to Mugumu in Serengeti District at the other (west) side of the national park, while 62 sheep were seized and kept at the site. The youths were fined 200,000 TShs each (the police first accepted 100,000, but senior officers insisted on 200,000), the sheep 20,000 TShs each, and 100,000 TShs for the person holding the sheep during the arrest, and they were not released until 25th May (some say 26th or 27th), and then returned home on the 27th, since they were looking for fares.


The rangers could have issued tickets without taking the youths all the way to Mugumu, or better, not issued any fines at all. This is part of the general pattern of harassment and disrespect, and in Loliondo many people have suffered the same, often illegally without even having entered the National Park, and not only during the brutal and illegal operation in 2017 of which SENAPA was the main implementor.


Ngorongoro Conservation Area brief background

Remember that the Maasai already lost access to over 14,000 km2 when evicted from Serengeti in 1959 by the colonial government, and as a compromise deal, they were guaranteed the right to continue occupying the 8,292 km² Ngorongoro Conservation Area as a multiple land-use area administered by the government, in which natural resources would be conserved primarily for their interest, but with due regard for wildlife, and in case of conflict the interest of the Maasai would take precedence. This promise was not kept, and tourism revenue has turned into the paramount interest.


Ngorongoro has become Tanzania top source of tourism revenue and many wildlife numbers have increased, with the Maasai living there, in their home.


For decades the Maasai have suffered restrictions, more and more purposefully designed to impoverish them and force them out of Ngorongoro Conservation Area. In 1975, after a change in the NCA Act in 1974, they were brutally evicted from residing in Ngorongoro crater and all cultivation was prohibited. The cultivation ban was lifted in 1992, but brought back in 2009, after many “grave concerns” by UNESCO and IUCN. Now not even the smallest kitchen garden is allowed, which together with loss of access to grazing areas has led to malnutrition. They are not allowed to build permanent houses and suffer all kinds of harassment by NCA rangers, that want to restrict motorbikes, building materials, or demanding permits for just anything.


In 2017 – by order (not a change in the NCA Act) and after a visit by PM Majaliwa in December 2016 - the Maasai lost access to the three craters Ngorongoro, Olmoti, and Empakaai, which has led the loss of 90% of grazing and water for Nainokanoka, Ngorongoro, Misigiyo wards, and a 100% loss of natural saltlicks for livestock in these wards. Supplementary artificial saltlicks were provided by the NCAA, but these were found to be adulterated, and reportedly causing cattle deaths.



The UNESCO World Heritage Centre, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) once again visited Ngorongoro in March 2019 and in their report repeated that they wanted the Multiple Land Use Model review completed to see the results and offer advice, while again complaining about the visual impact of settlements with “modern” houses, and so on. They did also recommend the State Party to continue to, “promote and encourage voluntary resettlement by communities, consistent with the policies of the Convention and relevant international norms, from within the property to outside by 2028”.


In September 2019, chief conservator Freddy Manongi made public a Multiple Land Use Model review report proposal, which is so destructive that it would lead to the end of Maasai livelihoods and culture in Ngorongoro District. The MLUM review report proposes to divide Ngorongoro into four zones, with an extensive “core conservation zone” that is to be a no-go zone for livestock and herders. In NCA this includes the Ngorongoro Highland Forest, with the three craters, Oldupai Gorge, Laitoli footprints, and the Lake Ndutu and Lake Masek basins. In the rest of Ngorongoro District, the proposal is for NCAA to annex the Lake Natron basin (including areas of Longido and Monduli districts, like Selela forest and Engaruka historical site) and the 1,500 km2 in Loliondo and Sale Divisions and designate most of these areas to be no-go zones for pastoralists and livestock. These huge areas include many villages and are important grazing areas, the loss of which would have disastrous knock-on effects on lives and livelihoods elsewhere. The annexation of the Osero in Loliondo caters almost perfectly to the wishes of OBC. Only 18% of the expanded NCA would remain for people and livestock.


Uncountable protest meetings and statements against the MLUM review proposal followed in 2019 and 2020. Several promises were issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism to do the exercise afresh in a “participatory” manner, but then the same genocidal proposal kept being brought back.


OBC’s director Mollel breaks his long media silence

On 17th May, the website Toward Freedom published an article about Loliondo by the Kenyan reporter Charles Wachira. This article contains some confusion that I’ll have to straighten out - since I’m writing about it - but most interesting, the reporter had got some words from OBC’s director Isaack Mollel, which if I remember correctly, hasn’t happened since 2017, but somewhat regularly before that, including starring in two “documentaries” by then reporter, later DC (Arumeru and then Ikungi) Jerry Muro. In 2017 Mollel apparently sat back to watch the horror unfold, in 2018 OBC’s love relation with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism was publicly reaffirmed after the fallout with Minister Kigwangalla in October/November 2017, but with Mollel keeping a low profile, and in 2019/2020 Mollel had a very long stay in remand prison for economic sabotage.


In the article, Mollel is presented and OBC’s “spokesperson” and under his other names, “Isaya Lesion”. He keeps to his old rhetoric that the government, not the Maasai, owns the land, and has placed OBC there, but now he’s gained some sophistication telling the reporter that, “all the land in Tanzania belong to the public and the president holds the land in trust of the citizens and may intermittently change its usage for the benefit of the country”.


To further drive home his point, and perhaps to be more threatening, he reminds of some evictions known for their massive human rights crimes, “It has happened before in Ihefu Basin, Mtwara and Kilombero, just to name a few places where evictions by the government have happened to pave the way for development on behalf of the nation.” “The wider interest of the nation” was indeed what RC Mongella claimed to be defending when he in January this year renewed the threat against the 1,500 km2 of important grazing land that OBC lobby the government to have converted into a protected area.


Then Mollel lashes out against CSOs that are opposed to the eviction plans saying that they, “turned the Maasais into their milking cows, using them to secure funding from external donors. It’s a lucrative business and the key players, who disproportionately live in urban centers, live large as the Maasais continue languishing in poverty.” This time he doesn’t call these NGOs (that in Loliondo were silenced through intimidation years ago) “Kenyan”. Maybe because he was talking to a Kenyan reporter. Such is the talk of the Loliondo police state, and it’s been copied in NCA.


Mollel is OBC’s director since 2007 and has through the years been a driving force behind the land threats, extreme violence, divide and rule, and the local police state that for some time silenced absolutely everyone. Though he hasn’t succeeded in having OBC’s 1,500 km2core hunting area turned into a “protected area” and in 2019 he ran into serious misfortune when he was arrested for economic sabotage.


One theory about why Mollel in 2019 was no longer untouchable says that he was used to send a message from Magufuli to OBC’s old friend Abdulrahman Kinana and by extension to Bernard Membe. Though Mollel also had serious clashes of egos with RC Gambo and with Kigwangalla.


Initially, the Prevention and Combatting of Corruption Bureau seemed intent on dealing with the Loliondo police state at the service of investors and its enormous corruption, but were soon stopped and Mollel, while truly evil and far from innocent, became a scapegoat. PCCB arrested District Security Officer Issa Ng’itu to whose SIM card Mollel ha sent money, but Ng’itu was quickly released and promoted to RSO in Rukwa. Some Pakistani OBC workers after losing a lot of time waiting for court hearings were finally fined for having worked without permits and deported. Then Mollel’s case, mostly related to the importation of vehicles, was just drawn out while he languished in remand prison and sought plea bargaining. Mollel was released on 2nd October 2020 and, reportedly after some time in Dubai, he was back to work.


After the arrest, OBC’s activities on the ground were for some time down to a minimum, while their staff and supporters kept saying that the case was about Mollel personally, not OBC, and that Sheikh Mohammed would soon visit. In 2021, OBC laid off a lot of staff and new people were hired. Among those laid off was the local traitor who since 2015 had been OBC’s assistant director, and since 2020 councillor for Ololosokwan. Some say he was let go because OBC didn’t trust him, and others say that he left on his own accord since being employed by OBC hindered his political ambitions. Anyway, it seems like his enormous treason during the years of worst repression hasn’t cost him anything at all.


I hope the reason that Mollel is now talking to media again is not that he’s feeling more confident about his lobbying for land alienation from the Maasai.


The confusion

As said, the article in Toward Freedom contain some confusion, which is something it has in common with almost all articles about Loliondo. This is a failure for this blog that exists to combat such confusion, misinformation and not least disinformation, but there isn’t any way that I can force people to read.


Part of the confusion is mixing up Loliondo with NCA, which is something that this year has spiralled out of all control, and is found in many articles. The article is about Loliondo, but suddenly, out of nowhere, the reporter starts writing about NCA (and UNESCO etc.) as if it were the same thing. In this case it seems like those interviewed have been talking about both issues and the reporter has mixed it up. He writes, “The government plans to lease to OBC the NCA, which encompasses the Loliondo division, among others.”No, OBC has since 1993 had the hunting block (permit to hunt) that encompasses Loliondo and part of Sale division of Ngorongoro district. NCA is the same as Ngorongoro Division of Ngorongoro District, and hunting is not allowed there. The threat is about reducing the 4,000 km2hunting block to OBC’s 1,500 km2 core hunting area and making this into a protected area. Confusion is also caused by the fact that the MLUM review proposal for NCA includes the proposal to annex the 1,500 km2in Loliondo to NCA which would require a change in the NCA Act, and that without Maasai, NCA could be turned into a National Park or a Game Reserve, and the latter alternative allows, or almost requires, hunting. Reportedly, there is also hunting in Kakesio where NCA is being encroached by Mwiba Holding that has hunting block in the neighbouring Meatu district. I wrote about this a decade ago, and apparently it continues.


Some misinformation that’s very unnecessary is writing that there were evictions in Loliondo in “2009, 2013, and 2017”. No, there were most definitely not any evictions in Loliondo in 2013. This is something that an otherwise most serious international organisation started writing this year, and other are copying.


The article claims that OBC is owned by “a group of Dubai royal families” and attributes this information to those behind a petition earlier this year. Since 1992, the named owner has been the businessman Major General (or Lt. General) Mohammed Abdul Rahim Al Ali (he used to be called “brigadier”), and Dubai has only one royal family, the Maktoums.


The reporter quotes the article from 2017 that has misled so many people into believing that the government ended a deal with OBC in November 2017 and was then never followed up. As known, it was Kigwangalla who said that OBC would leave before January 2018, but they didn’t goanywhere (Mollel’s brother and the assistant director were quite rude about this) and on 6th December 2017 PM Majaliwa declared that OBC would stay. This is salvaged by further down quoting an article by Chris Lang of Redd Monitor who quite uniquely made corrections.


There’s a mention of a hunting ban that was lifted in November 2018, but that ban restricted resident hunters, and not trophy hunting tourists.


I really should write like this about all articles, this one was far from the worst, but I neither have the time, especially now when there are so many articles, nor can I afford the unpopularity that it sometimes leads to.


OBC’s “journalist” again

On 17th May the Jamhuri newspaper published yet another article in which Manyerere Jackton calls for evicting the Maasai from OBC’s 1,500 km2 core hunting area in Loliondo, “Kwa nini kigugumizi Ngorongoro, Loliondo?” He’s been conducting his dirty campaign in over 60 articles, but laid low when Mollel was arrested in 2019 and until this year 2022.


Except for a worry that The Royal Tour missed the wildebeest migration, which could lead to the neighbouring country appropriating it in their own Royal Tour, and a confused wish for more patriotism in palaeoanthropology, Jackton was full of praise for President Samia’s noble intention for reaching five million tourists by 2025, and her understanding that the way is through “conservation” (eviction of Maasai). The journalist wanted it speeded up in Ngorongoro, and of course in Loliondo. He mentioned that for Ngorongoro this needed time and money for efforts like that in Handeni, but he couldn’t understand why beacons hadn’t been erected in Loliondo already. The cost of complaints by some people was well worth it for the wider interest of the nation, he wrote. The message from this “journalist” is that beacons must immediately be erected to “save” what’s OBC’s core hunting area and to attract guests. Otherwise, it will serve as an example for any Tanzanian to oppose anything beneficial for the nation … He’s seen those opposing the plan in social media saying that they have support inside the government. I hope that’s true …


This article was restrained by Jackton’s standards.  In over 60 articles he has been spewing out unhinged hate rhetoric against the Maasai of Loliondo and campaigned for taking the 1,500 km2 away from them. He has claimed that 70 percent of the Loliondo Maasai would not be Tanzanian, and published lists of hundreds of private persons that his “sources” consider to be “Kenyan”. His slandering of those speaking up for land rights, or those he thinks could speak up for land rights, has been vicious and insane. Besides this, he’s capable of fabricating any story for apparently no reason at all. This year, the Jamhuri joined Habib Mchange and Maulid Kitenge in their hate campaign against the Ngorongoro Maasai.


Even worse is that I’ve experienced first-hand how Jackton likes to boast about being directly involved in arrests of innocent people. He’s been boasting quite publicly, published photos of the phones of those illegally arrested, and used to email me rude one-liners when someone was about to be arrested. This appeared to be continuing when Manyerere Jackton’s article from mid-March engaged in the same wild “theories”, as the arrested councillors had been interrogated about.


This year’s Loliondo arrests

As mentioned in earlier blog posts, following a protest meeting 19th March, on the 23rdMethew Siloma councillor of Arash and the councillor of Malambo, Joel Clement Reson, were summoned to the CCM ethics committee at the party’s office in Loliondo, after which the police entered and Siloma was arrested – or abducted – and taken to Arusha accompanied by Security Officer Hassan. In Arusha family and lawyers weren’t allowed to see Siloma. The Regional Commanding Officer said that it was a political case, and the councillor was being interrogated outside the police by TISS (Tanzania Intelligence and Security Service), which TISS do not have a mandate to do. On 25th March, Siloma was released on bail, without charges, but he must continue reporting to the police, which has reportedly lately calmed down. Later Siloma has in social media said that he was locked up, interrogated and threatened in an unknown building, not at the police station.

The meeting on 19th March

On Easter Eve, 16thApril, the councillor of Malambo was arrested and so were the councillors of Piyaya and Maaloni. They were released the following day, but Joel Reson from Malambo was told to report to the police in Arusha, which he did on 22ndApril and then he was locked up at Arusha central police station, interrogated, released on bail the following day, and told to continue reporting to the police.


As mentioned by Siloma and Reson themselves in social media, all focus of the “interrogations” was laid on making them stop defending the land and “confess” to having received millions from the Kenyan Senator for Narok County, Ledama Olekina and that this would be the reason that they were speaking up against any plans of turning the 1,500 km2of vitally important grazing land into a “protected area”.


While these arrests have been “mild” compared to what was happening in 2016 (or even 2015) to 2019, I worry that the affected councillors then didn’t speak up about anything in media, which could be because the focus was on delivering a report to PM Majaliwa, which was done on 25th May, even though Siloma at the protest meeting said that nothing would be handed to the liar Majaliwa, but to the president directly. On the other hand, reporters have allegedly also been receiving “instructions” from the PM.


At a press conference the day after handing over community recommendations from NCA and Loliondo/Sale to Majaliwa, Joel Clement Reson said that the conflict in Loliondo was caused by OBC, and that the company had insisted on placing beacons on people’s land. He reminded the government of that the Maasai don’t eat wildlife and said that if the government love OBC they can come to do business, but not force people to relocate. The councillor also engaged in some praise of Majaliwa …


Brief reminder about the efforts to rob the Maasai of 1,500 km2 in Loliondo

Since 1993 (first contract signed in 1992) Otterlo Business Corporation, that organize hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, has the 4,000 km2 Loliondo hunting blocks (permit to hunt), which they got in the Loliondogate scandal covered by the reporter Stan Katabalo in 1993. This area includes two towns, district headquarters, and agricultural areas, so OBC have lobbied to have it reduced to their core hunting area bordering Serengeti National Park, and to make it a protected area, which would signify a huge land loss to the local Maasai, leading to lost lives and livelihoods.


In 2008, then Ngorongoro DC Jowika Kasunga coerced local leaders into signing a Memorandum of Understanding with OBC. There were supposed to be talks to coordinate grazing and hunting, but when the 2009 drought turned catastrophic, OBC went to the government to complain, and village land in the 1,500 km2 osero was illegally invaded by the Field Force Unit working with OBC’s rangers, with mass arson, dispersal of cattle, and abuse of every kind.


The Maasai moved back, and some leaders reconciled with OBC that went on to funding a draft district land use plan that proposed turning the village land that had been invaded into a protected area. The Maasai were united, and the draft land use plan was rejected by Ngorongoro District Council in 2011.


In 2013, Minister Kagasheki lied to the world saying that the whole 4,000 km2 Loliondo Game Controlled Area (Loliondo Division and part of Sale Division of Ngorongoro District) was a protected area and that alienating the important 1,500 km2meant generously giving the remaining land to the Maasai. This ugly trick did not work, since the Maasai were more serious and united than ever, garnered support from both the opposition CHADEMA and from CCM, and then PM Pinda stopped Kagasheki’s threats.


After the unity, efforts to buy off local leaders started creating serious divisions and weakening. Some found it convenient to benefit from openly praising the “investors” and attacking the people who they at the same time expected to take risks to defend the land. Though nobody signed any MoU.


The investors (OBC and Thomson Safaris) had for years used the local police state that through the successive DCs, security committee, and most every government employee will threaten anyone who could speak up about them and engage in defamation and illegal arrests. The repression and fear of this police state became worse with Magufuli in office, and there were lengthy illegal arrests, torture, and malicious prosecution, by 2016 it was so bad that Majaliwa could enter the stage with a select non-participatory committee, set up by RC Gambo. Some of the members were local leaders and other representatives that found themselves at the opposite side of the people when marking “critical areas” under protests in each village. The proposal handed over to Majaliwa was seen as a victory, even though it was a sad compromise that had earlier been rejected for many years of better unity and less fear.


Maybe since the Maasai showed such weakness, the government went on with the unthinkable and while everyone was still waiting to hear Majaliwa’s decision, on 13th August 2017 an illegal mass arson operation, like the one in 2009, was initiated and continued, on and off, well into October. Hundreds of bomas were razed to the ground by Serengeti rangers, assisted by NCA rangers and those from OBC, NCA, TAWA/KDU, local police and others. People were beaten and raped, illegally arrested, and cattle seized. Some leaders were frightfully silent while others protested loudly. Minister Maghembe pretended that OBC’s land use plan would have been implemented and the operation was taking place on some protected land, while the DC, and Maghembe’s own ministry, said it was not about the 1,500 km2, since Majaliwa was to announce a decision about that, but that village land was invaded because people were entering Serengeti National Park “too easily”.


The illegal operation wasn’t stopped until late October 2017, a couple of weeks after Kigwangalla came into office. The new minister also made grand promises, like saying that OBC would have left Tanzania before 2018, but it was very soon clear that OBC weren’t going anywhere. On 6th December 2017, Majaliwa delivered his vague but terrifying decision that was about creating a “special authority” to manage the land. He also said that OBC were staying. The decision was celebrated in the anti-Maasai press (the Jamhuri). Fortunately, implementation has been delayed, and would of course be contempt of court.


In March 2018, Kigwangalla welcomed OBC’s hunters to Tanzania (directing himself to a fake account of the Dubai crown prince), and in April OBC - once again - gifted the Ministry of Natural Resources of Tourism with 15 vehicles. In March 2018, a military camp was set up in Lopolun, near Wasso in Loliondo, first temporary, but eventually made permanent with donations from the NCAA.


In June 2018, the OCCID and local police tried to derail the case in the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) – filed during the illegal operation in 2017 - by summoning local leaders and villagers. Nobody dared to speak up about this, except for the applicants' main counsel. On 25th September 2018 – a year after the illegal operation - the court finally issued an injunction restraining the government from evictions, destruction and harassment of the applicants, but this injunction was soon brutally violated. In November and December soldiers from the camp in Olopolun tortured people, seized cattle, and burned bomas in Kirtalo and Ololosokwan. This was the lowest point ever in the land rights struggle and I have still not understood how it could happen without anyone at all speaking up. Local leaders claimed to fear for their lives and thought that the brutality was directly ordered by President Magufuli. When RC Gambo in January 2019 condemned the crimes in a very vague way, they changed to thinking that OBC’s director had contracted the soldiers.


There were finally some promising developments in 2019 when OBC’s director Isaack Mollel was arrested on economic sabotage charges and OBC toned down (they never left and Mollel was never fired) their activities on the ground, but the local police state wasn’t dealt with and after a lengthy stay in remand prison Mollel was out, and after a while back to work. Speculations about Mollel’s misfortune include his clashes of egos with Kigwangalla and Gambo, and Magufuli wanting to send a message to OBC’s old friend Abdulrahman Kinana (and to Bernard Membe) that nobody is untouchable.


In September 2019, a genocidal zoning proposal for NCA, which included the proposal to annex most of the 1,500 km2 and turn it into a protected area allowing hunting was presented. This Multiple Land Use Model review proposal has since been met with countless protests from every kind of group of people from NCA, but near silence from Loliondo.


2021 brought Jumaa Mhina as new DED and he started working to kill the court cases against land grabbing “investors”. Though the village chairmen have stood their ground and Reference No. 10 of 2017, Ololosokwan, Kirtalo, Oloirien, and Arash versus the Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania continues in the EACJ. The case against Thomson Safaris in the Tanzanian court of appeal, however, was in 2022 killed using a law that was introduced after the case was filed.


On 11th January 2022, Arusha RC John Mongella summoned village and ward leaders from villages with land in the 1,500 km2 to inform them that the government would make a painful decision for the broader interest of the nation. The leaders, even those who for years had worked for OBC and against the people, refused to accompany the RC for a tour of the 1,500 km2, or to sign the attendance list. On 13th-14th January in Oloirien there was a public protest meeting and a statement by village, ward, and traditional leaders.


On 14th February, Majaliwa came and wasn’t much better than Mongella, but too well-received, since something worse was expected, because of the crazy anti-Maasai hate campaign, and parliamentarians calling for tanks to be sent to Ngorongoro.


Three days later, on 17thFebruary in NCA, not Loliondo, Majaliwa ordered the disputed land to be marked by beacons, so that we may know the boundaries – while claiming that this is NOT a trick!


Then Ndumbaro on 8thMarch re-introduced Kagasheki’s lies in an interview with DW Kiswahili, and on the 11th Majaliwa again mentioned beacons and water projects when informing parliamentarians about a fake spectacle that he had set up in Arusha, without people from Ngorongoro, the previous day.


Placing beacons to mark the 1,500 km2 osero would be a serious invasion of village land, contempt of court, and only serves the interests of those who want to rob the Maasai of this land. Any attempt must be dealt with without delay!


On 31st March Abdulrahman Kinana was brought in from the cold, after having fallen out with Magufuli, and is now Vice-Chairman of CCM mainland. Kinana is one of OBC’s and Sheikh Mohammed’s best and oldest friends since at least 1993.


On 6th April, the new minister Pindi Chana visited Loliondo.


Then as mentioned, CCM councillors that have spoken up against plans of robbing the Maasai of the 1,500 km2 osero are, after a protest meeting in Arash on 19thMarch being intimidated, arrested, and summoned to be “interrogated” in Arusha. Currently the councillors of Arash and Malambo must keep reporting to the police, even if this seems to have calmed down, and a laigwanani together with the village chairman of Malambo have been summoned to the Loliondo police and are to return when the OCD is there.


On 25th May a committee handed over their report of “community views” on both NCA and the 1,500 km2osero in Loliondo to PM Majaliwa, which Siloma had said they would not do. I hope the Loliondo/Sale part is as good as that for NCA, but I’ve had some worries. In 2017, the results of dancing to Majaliwa’s tune were catastrophic.


The case in the East African Court of Justice is in its very final stages. A win should be certain, but I have some hopefully unfounded worries.


Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (now increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com


Pindi Chana in Her Budget Speech Announces Planned Contempt of Court in the Loliondo Case and Threatens Maasai Land All Over Tanzania



On 3rdJune, in her budget speech for 2022-2023, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana said that her Ministry expects to upgrade Loliondo Game Controlled Area to a Game Reserve. This is not only a criminal threat of violence and destruction of thousands of lives and livelihoods, but if in any way implemented, contempt of court in the case, in its final stages, in the East African Court of Justice. This comes only days after local leaders, on 25thMay, in their futile dance to PM Majaliwa’s tune - at the same time as those from NCA – handed in explanations that the land is theirs, that they need it, that they care for it, and that they aren’t going anywhere. As if Majaliwa, or anyone in the government would listen … There must be loud protests, more court cases, perhaps even a reclaim of Serengeti if the government continues like this.


This blog post is about Loliondo and Sale Divisions, not to be mixed up with Ngorongoro Division (NCA), even if the issues are closely related.


In this blog post:

Chana’s land grab attempt via budget speech

Earlier criminal attempts

Escalation in 2022


Chana’s land grab attempt via budget speech

As mentioned, Pindi Chana in her budget speech indicated that the Ministry expects to upgrade the status of several Game Controlled Areas including Loliondo and Lake Natron into Game Reserves. I assume (it wasn’t specified) Chana was referring to the 1,500 km2of the old 4,000 km2 Loliondo Game Controlled Area, which is the core hunting area of Otterlo Business Corporation (OBC), that organises hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, and that for years have been lobbying the Tanzanian government to have their hunting block since 1993 (the whole of Loliondo GCA, first contract signed in 1992 without involving local people) reduced to these 1,500 km2 and turned into a “protected area” to evict the Maasai and their livestock. This lobbying has led to two major illegal mass arson invasions of village land, ordered by the DC’s office in 2009 and 2017, and a local police state in which anyone who criticises the “investors” (OBC and Thomson Safaris) will be severely harassed.


The 4,000 km2 old/former Loliondo GCA consists of the entire Loliondo Division of Ngorongoro District, and Piyaya and Malambo wards of Sale Division. This area includes two towns, district headquarters, agricultural areas, forest reserves, hospitals, a teachers’ collage, a military camp, and a “private nature refuge” claimed by the deeply unethical American Thomson Safaris. The 1,500 km2 that OBC uses as their core hunting area is essential dry season grazing land, the home of many people, and legally registered village land, on which the new Wildlife Conservation Act No 5 of 2009 prohibits the establishment of Game Controlled Areas.


Each Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism has tried to assist OBC in their own way, but still the Maasai keep their land. Pindi Chana’s strategy is apparently to issue a demented massive attack against almost all Maasai grazing land in Tanzania’s northern zone and beyond, all at the same time. In one sentence she announced not only that Loliondo GCA is to be upgraded to a Game Reserve, but that her ministry expects to do the same with the GCAs of Lake Natron – part of it is in Ngorongoro district and there’s also a threat of annexation to NCA.Other Game Controlled Areas to be upgraded are Kilombero, Lolkisale, Longido, Muhuwesi, Umba River, Mto wa Mbu, Simanjiro, Ruvu Masai, Ruvu Same and Kalimawe; and the Forest Reserves of Litumbandyosi and Gesimazoa.


A Game Reserve, like a National Park, has a strict ban on all activities by local people, while tourism is strongly encouraged, but with the difference that unlike in a National Park hunting by tourists is allowed, or not only allowed, but it’s the purpose of a Game Reserve.

Somewhat outdated map of hunting areas, but the old Game Controlled Areas are the same, and even if not all of them are included, it gives an image of the insanity. Loliondo (27 and 28), Lake Natron (29), Longido (30), Mto wa Mbu (31), Lolkisale (38), Simanjiro (39-42), Ruvu Same (44), Ruvu Masai (45), Kilombero (55,56). Does anyone have a better map?


The announcement would require evictions from such huge areas of Tanzania that it just can’t be seriously meant but could be a strategy to make old mass eviction plans seem measured. There’s been some reactions in social media, but in regular media it isn't mentioned at all. This contrasts with the attention given to a statement issued by the Tanzania Wildlife Authority (TAWA) on 5th June temporarily lifting a ban on exports of live wild animals. Just one day later Pindi Chana reinstated the ban to allow further consultations.


Fortunately, Ngorongoro has an MP, Emmanuel Oleshangai, and in parliament he reminded the Minister and indeed the government that Loliondo representatives have handed over their report of recommendations to the PM as he asked them to do, and the MP asked the Ministry to go through them and those from Ngorongoro division. He wondered why the Ministry didn’t want people in any part of Ngorongoro - Loliondo, Lake Natron or NCA - to be able to exist. Then they go to Mto wa Mbu GCA, wherever that is (it’s a town). Everywhere people will cry because of the Ministry, from Monduli to Longido to Lolkisale to Simanjiro to Kilombero. For whose benefit are such protected areas? Protected areas that make Tanzanians cry every day have no benefit. The conflict in Loliondo has lasted for 30 years. About 307,800 km2 of Tanzania are already protected areas. Let people continue their lives in the rest of the country.


Old Game Controlled Areas do not restrict local human activities and can, and do, overlap with village land. Though in Wildlife Conservation Act 2009, that came into effect in 2010, GCAs are defined as the same as Game Reserve. Per the 2009 Act they are no longer allowed to overlap with village land, and they were to be reviewed within one year of the Act coming into operation, which didn’t happen anywhere, so all GCAs are now to be considered defunct. Though after the illegal mass arson operation in 2009, OBC tried the “legal” (not really) way and funded the surveying of a new draft district land use plan, which unsurprisingly proposed turning their 1,500 km2 core hunting area into the new kind of GCA that would not allow local Maasai and livestock. This proposal was strongly rejected by Ngorongoro District Council in 2011, but then several attempts to impose it anyway have followed:


Previous criminal attempts

In 2013 Kagasheki attempted the strategy of shameless lying, saying that the 4,000 km2 were a protected area, that the Maasai were landless, and that the government was generously gifting them with 2,500 km2, when the actual plan was to steal 1,500 km2. At this time the Maasai were united in an exemplary way, raised support from both ruling party and opposition, and PM Pinda stopped the Kagasheki-style land grab attempt.


With Nyalandu followed the strategy (already widely practised but intensified) of divide and rule and buying off local leaders. This was frightfully successful in some cases, but not to the extent that anyone signed anything about the land.


Next came increased repression with lengthy illegal arrests, which continued between 2016 (or 2015) and 2019, and this is where Majaliwa entered the Loliondo land grabbing circus. In 2016 he tasked then Arusha RC Gambo with setting up a select committee to solve the conflict. Local leaders were weakened to the extent that when the committee reached the compromise proposal of a Wildlife Management Area, that in Loliondo had been successfully rejected when the government and FZS tried to impose it in the 2000s, and even when there were spontaneous protests in village after village against Gambo’s committee, they regarded it as a victory.


While everyone was still waiting to hear Majaliwa’s decision, on 13th August 2017 an “unexpected” illegal mass arson operation, like the one in 2009, was initiated and continued, on and off, well into October. Hundreds of bomas were razed to the ground by Serengeti rangers, assisted by NCA rangers and those from OBC, NCA, TAWA/KDU, local police and others. People were beaten and raped, illegally arrested, and cattle seized. Some leaders were frightfully silent while others protested loudly. Minister Maghembe pretended that OBC’s land use plan would have been implemented and the operation was taking place on some protected land, while the DC, and Maghembe’s own ministry, said it was not about the 1,500 km2, since Majaliwa was to announce a decision about that, but that village land was invaded because people were entering Serengeti National Park “too easily”.

A few weeks after Kigwangalla had been appointed as minister, he stopped the illegal operation, and for at least a couple of days, he appeared to be a completely new kind of minister. He complained that OBC’s director Isaack Mollel had tried to bribe him more cheaply than he had bribed his predecessors and said that OBC would have left Tanzania before January 2018. Though OBC didn’t show any signs of packing, and on 6th December 2017 Majaliwa announced that they were staying. The PM also announced his decision that was something terrifying, but vague, about a legal bill and forming a special authority to manage the land. This decision was celebrated by OBC’s journalist Manyerere Jackton, but then it fortunately kept being delayed.


In 2018, OBC reaffirmed their love relation with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism with yet another gift of 15 vehicles. In Loliondo a military camp was set up and later made permanent in Lopolun near Wasso with donations from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority. Then followed the most inexplicable silence during an attempt by the OCCID and local police to derail the case in the East African Court of Justice, filed during the illegal operation of 2017, when only the main counsel, and not any local leaders spoke up. The silence continued during strange and brutal attacks by the soldiers stationed at Lopolun against several groups of local people. On 25th September 2018 – a year after being filed - the court finally granted the injunction restraining the government from evictions, destruction and harassment of the applicants while the main case continues, but this injunction was soon brutally violated when in November and December soldiers from the camp in Olopolun tortured people, seized cattle, and burned bomas in Kirtalo and Ololosokwan, while nobody at all dared to speak up. Local leaders claimed to fear for their lives and thought that the brutality was directly ordered by President Magufuli. When RC Gambo in January 2019 condemned the crimes in a very vague way, they changed to thinking that OBC’s director had contracted the soldiers.


There were finally some promising developments in 2019 when OBC’s director Isaack Mollel was arrested on economic sabotage charges and OBC toned down (they never left and Mollel was never fired) their activities on the ground, but the local police state wasn’t dealt with and after a lengthy stay in remand prison Mollel was out, and soon back to work. Speculations about Mollel’s misfortune include his clashes of egos with Kigwangalla and Gambo, and Magufuli wanting to send a message to OBC’s old friend Abdulrahman Kinana (and to Bernard Membe) that nobody is untouchable.


Now some local leaders claim that after the arrest of Mollel everything was calm until 2022, which isn’t true at all. It was they who had been silenced. In September 2019, the genocidal zoning proposal for NCA, which included the proposal to annex most of the 1,500 km2Osero from Loliondo and Sale divisions and turn it into a protected area, while allowing hunting, was presented. This Multiple Land Use Model review proposal has since been met with countless protests from every kind of group of people from NCA, but near silence from Loliondo. Then 2021 brought Jumaa Mhina as new DED and he started working hard to make the village chairmen of Ololosokwan, Kirtalo, Oloirien and Arash withdraw the case in the East African Court of Justice, but they stood their ground.


Escalation in 2022

On 11th January 2022, Arusha RC John Mongella summoned village and ward leaders from villages with land in the 1,500 km2 to inform them that the government would make a painful decision for the broader interest of the nation. The leaders, even those who for years had worked for OBC and against the people, refused to accompany the RC for a tour of the 1,500 km2 Osero, or to sign the attendance list. On 13th-14th January in Oloirien there was a public protest meeting and a statement by village, ward, and traditional leaders.


On 14th February, Majaliwa came and wasn’t much better than Mongella, but with a friendlier tone, and not being too specific. Three days later, on 17th February in NCA, not Loliondo, Majaliwa ordered the disputed land to be marked by beacons, so that we may know the boundaries – while claiming that this is NOT a trick!


Then former Minister Ndumbaro on 8th March re-introduced Kagasheki’s lies in an interview with DW Kiswahili, and on the 11th Majaliwa again mentioned beacons and water projects (outside the 1,500 km2, pretending that the land was only needed for water) in Loliondo when informing parliamentarians about a fake spectacle that he had set up in Arusha regarding “voluntary” relocations from Ngorongoro Conservation Area, without people from Ngorongoro, the previous day.


At a huge protest meeting in Arash on 19th March, several leaders spoke up in defence of the land, among them the Arash ward councillor Methew Siloma, who as district chairman 2015-2020 had been a disappointment, spoke up very clearly and strongly. The message from this meeting was:

-PM Majaliwa is a liar.

-The Maasai are not renouncing one square inch of land.

-They request to meet with the president, since Majaliwa can’t be trusted.


Following the protest meeting 19th March, on the 23rd councillor Siloma and the councillor of Malambo, Joel Clement Reson, were summoned to the CCM ethics committee at the party’s office in Loliondo, after which the police entered and Siloma was arrested – or abducted – and taken to Arusha accompanied by Security Officer Hassan. In Arusha family and lawyers weren’t allowed to see Siloma. The Regional Commanding Officer said that it was a political case, and the councillor was being interrogated outside the police by TISS (Tanzania Intelligence and Security Service), which TISS do not have a mandate to do. On 25th March, Siloma was released on bail, without charges, but he must continue reporting to the police, which has reportedly lately calmed down. Later Siloma has in social media said that he was locked up, interrogated and threatened in an unknown building, not at the police station.


On Easter Eve, 16thApril, the councillor of Malambo was arrested and so were the councillors of Piyaya and Maaloni. They were released the following day, but Joel Reson from Malambo was told to report to the police in Arusha, which he did on 22ndApril and then he was locked up at Arusha central police station, interrogated, released on bail the following day, and told to continue reporting to the police.


As mentioned by Siloma and Reson themselves in Clubhouse, all focus of the “interrogations” was laid on making them stop defending the land, “confess” to having received millions from the Kenyan Senator for Narok County, Ledama Olekina and that this would be the reason that they were speaking up against any plans of turning the 1,500 km2 of vitally important grazing land into a “protected area”.


On 31st March Abdulrahman Kinana was brought in from the cold, after having fallen out with Magufuli, and is now Vice-Chairman of CCM mainland. Kinana is one of OBC’s and Sheikh Mohammed’s best and oldest friends since at least 1993.


On 6th April, the new Minister Pindi Chana visited Loliondo, but nothing has transpired of what she said or did.


This year has seen the return of OBC’s journalist, Manyerere Jackton, to incitement against the Loliondo Maasai. The past years he’s parroted chief conservator Manongi’s rhetoric about NCA, but he’s lied low about Loliondo following the arrest of OBC’s director Mollel, after previously in over 60 articles having engaged in extreme incitement, slander and fabrications. Also, Mollel himself has returned to sharing his views in the press, even if only in one international article. His message is that the president can change the land use anywhere in Tanzania to benefit the nation, naming a couple of brutal evictions operations to exemplify, and adding that urban NGOs use the Maasai as milking cows.


President Samia has repeatedly threatened the Maasai of NCA, but she has also mentioned Loliondo. On 30thApril, in connection to the premier of The Royal Tour, Peter Greenberg published a radio interview with her in which she includes a threat against Loliondo when being asked a somewhat unrelated question. Peter Greenberg mentions “overtourism” and asks the president for her definition of “sustainable tourism”. Then Samia uses the occasion to respond that we must come up with strategies to protect the whole ecosystem, so that tourist attractions last for a longer time, and gives the example of Loliondo that’s bordering Serengeti, claiming that Loliondo is close to the Mara River (it’s not) and that we can’t allow the river to dry up, since there will not be the migration and Serengeti will not be the same …


Contrary to what had been announced at the meeting in Arash, on 25th May the committee handed over their report of “community views” on both NCA and the 1,500 km2Osero in Loliondo to PM Majaliwa. The 60 members of the two parts of the committee weren’t allowed to make any presentation. Instead, as usual, there was one-way communication from Majaliwa who, as far as I’ve found out, didn’t say anything at all about Loliondo, and went on about houses that are being built in Handeni for “voluntary” (see previous and coming blog posts) relocation from NCA to Handeni. The PM said that he will work on the recommendations. He told the committee members to keep believing in the government, and ignore nonsense by irrelevant people, since it can’t have bad plans for its citizens, The following day the committee members held their own press conference. While speaking up strongly and making it clear that they aren’t going anywhere, they were also grateful for the opportunity to hand over community views to Majaliwa.


Then, in her budget speech on 3rd June, Pindi Chana, announces that her ministry expects to “upgrade” Loliondo GCA to a Game Reserve!



How can local leaders again and again fall into the trap of dancing to Majaliwa’s tune? He’s such a monumental liar, known by almost all Tanzanians as having said that Magufuli was working hard with heaps of folders on his desk, when the late president had been gone for weeks and was dying or already dead. In 2016-2017 dancing to his tune in Loliondo was followed by unexpected extreme brutality and then a dangerous and disappointing decision, and in NCA his visit in December 2016 led to loss of access to the craters of Ngorongoro, Olmoti and Empakaai. One explanation is of course that all local leaders are CCM members, but some professionals in the committee preparing community reports are opposition supporters. One CCM member explains it as, “The Maasai want peace, and they think negotiations will bear fruit. Just because he is in the government, they have no alternative. The only good thing is Malijwa lies all the time (he gets trapped in his own lies)”.A non-CCM-member, from NCA, not Loliondo says (regarding the latest committee), “Their intention was not only to hand these reports to Majaliwa. It was beyond it. They made an advocacy tool for life and forever.” This was referring to the NCA report. The Loliondo/Sale report is partly impressive as well, but some grave and unnecessary mistakes made me angry.


Meanwhile in Ngorongoro Conservation Area on 4th June, the CCM youth wing UVCCM, has made a 1,000-headed fossil fuel guzzling tourist visit using 140 vehicles, celebrating their Mama Samia, The Royal Tour (see previous blog post) and this unbelievably destructive industry. The same was already done by Deputy Minister Masanja and her caravan of women, and it couldn’t be made clearer that the eviction threats against the Maasai have absolutely nothing to do with environmental concerns.


In February 2022, President Samia attended the Dubai Expo 2020 and signed a US$7.49 billion business partnership deal with the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Here’s photo of her and OBC’s hunter, the UAE Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum.

Pindi Chana has earned her place in the vast, vast Loliondo hall of shame. Her attempt at imposing OBC wishes, stealing the 1,500 km2 Osero from the Maasai, will be stopped!


Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (now increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com


Urgent alert: Massive Police Invasion and Imminent Threat of Illegal Beacons for a Protected Area in Contempt of Court in Loliondo



Never ever again dance to Majaliwa’s tune! It ends in tears however much he smiles and however clearly you explain everything to him!


Updates at the end.

Today, 8th June 2022 (now it's so late that it was yesterday), high numbers of police vehicles from the anti-riot Field Force Unit, were in the morning sighted in Wasso town in Loliondo division of Ngorongoro district. The FFU, and others, have now set up camp in the Oloosek area of Ololosokwan and in Sanjan sub-village of Malambo. Unconfirmed reports also mention camps in Oloipiri and Arash*. Fears were (now confirmed) that the plan is to erect beacons to demarcate 1,500 km2 of vitally important, legally registered, village land that the “investor” OBC, and others, want turned into a “protected area”. FFU were saying that they are sent to erect beacons for a TAWA area (Game Reserve), which confirmed the fears, later further confirmed in a nauseating clip by RC John Mongella. Such an exercise is a heinous crime and contempt of court. Reports say that in Oloosek there are 18 vehicles from the FFU, two from the Tanzania People’s Defence Force (that has a camp in Olopolun near Wasso), some from the Tanzania Wildlife Authority (TAWA)/Jeshi Uhifadhi, and others. In Sanjan there are 11 FFU vehicles, 3 from TAWA and 2 unknown. Numbers may not be exact and others may arrive. Reportedly, the FFU are also saying that they will extend OBC’s hunting area, also known as the Osero, into Serengeti National Park, which seems unlikely, and they may not have been properly briefed.

*Soit Orgoss in Oloipiri confirmed.


Today in Ololosokwan, people gathered to pray in protest of the unexpected police invasion.


Otterlo Business Corporation (OBC), that organises hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, have for years lobbied to have 1,500 km2 of important grazing land, village land belonging to the local Maasai, turned into a protected area. This caused illegalmass arson operations in 2009 and 2017. A local police state had, until recently, silenced all local leaders and activists, and still people from Loliondo are much more silent in the debate than those from Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA), even if protests erupted when threats were renewed this year, and then community recommendations were handed over to PM Majaliwa (who had asked for them) on 25th May. There’s an ongoing case, in its final stages, in the East African Court of Justice, filed during the brutal illegal operation of 2017. The land under threat is in Loliondo Division and Piyaya (or Piaya) and Malambo wards of Sale Division of Ngorongoro District. While not unrelated, this is NOT THE SAME issue as the threat of “voluntary” relocation to Handeni from NCA (Ngorongoro Division).


In 2010/2011 draft district land use plan funded by OBC proposed the alienation of the 1,500 km2of village land. This was strongly rejected by Ngorongoro District Council. In 2013 Minister Kagasheki brought it back via vociferous and shameless lies but was stopped by PM Pinda thanks to the then exemplary unity and seriousness shown by the Maasai. Divide and rule and attempts at buying off local leaders worsened. Some were gravely corrupted but none to the extent of signing off the land in any way at all. Repression worsened with Magufuli as president. PM Majaliwa attempted to “solve the conflict” via a select committee set up by Arusha RC Gambo. This was in 2017 followed by an unexpected, extremely brutal and illegal invasion of village land like the one in 2009, ordered by the DC. The crime continued, on and off, well into October. Hundreds of bomas were razed to the ground by Serengeti rangers, assisted by NCA rangers and those from OBC, NCA, TAWA/KDU, local police and others (in 2009 the FFU and OBC rangers had been the main implementors). People were beaten and raped, illegally arrested, and cattle seized. Some leaders were frightfully silent while many others protested loudly.


Oloosek 13th August 2017

In December the same year, Majaliwa announced a terrifying but vague decision that fortunately was delayed and forgotten until the MLUM review proposal for NCA in 2019 was announced and catered to OBC’s wishes for Loliondo.


By 2018, local leaders were silenced to the extent that they didn’t speak up when soldiers, without any official order, tortured people and set fire to bomas in Kirtalo and Ololosokwan. In 2019 some thought the hostility by the government had lessened when OBC’s director was locked up in remand prison for economic sabotage. Though in September the same year a Multiple Land Use Model (MLUM) review proposal for NCA included OBC’s wish for a protected area allowing hunting, and in this case also annexing the 1,500 km2 to NCA. Compared to leaders and activists from NCA, those from Loliondo have been remarkably quiet about this MLUM threat, except for two joint statements by the councillors in 2019 and 2021 and a press statement by village chairmen in September 2021.


Current reports seem to keep to the map from the MLUM threat that proposed alienating a 1,038 km2area along the boundary to Serengeti National Park, and a 462 km2area in the southeast end of the old Loliondo GCA (therefore the FFU camp in Sanjan) bordering NCA. Though this time the NCA annexation isn’t mentioned but the aim seems to be to create an equally illegal TAWA area (Game Reserve).


The confused build-up to this this year’s Osero grab attempt

In January 2022 there were fears about leaked documents with plans (later confirmed) for NCA, but instead Arusha RC Mongella summoned village and ward leaders from villages with land in the 1,500 km2 to inform them that the government would make a painful decision for the broader interest of the nation. The leaders, even those who for years had worked for OBC and against the people, refused to accompany the RC for a tour of the 1,500 km2 Osero, or to sign the attendance list. On 13th-14th January in Oloirien there was a public protest meeting and a statement by village, ward, and traditional leaders.


Already in January, TAWA set up camp in Sanjan, which led to fears that they were planning to erect beacons, and people protested until the TAWA rangers left. Since then, several other meetings have been held and local leaders have suffered harassment from authorities.


On 14th February, Majaliwa came and wasn’t much better than Mongella, but with a “friendlier” tone, and the attendants were far too soft on him. Three days later, on 17thFebruary in NCA, not Loliondo, Majaliwa lied that the 1,500 km2is “empty” (there are both permanent and seasonal bomas). The PM said that, if the problem is water, we have the minister here, and boreholes can be drilled elsewhere (unsurprisingly, on 1st-2nd March, the Minister for Water and Irrigation, Jumaa Aweso, visited Loliondo to announce water projects), Just three days earlier, the Ngorongoro MP had very clearly explained the area’s importance for grazing. Excising the 1,500 km2from the 4,000 km2 old Loliondo GCA (Loliondo division and parts of Sale) signifies destruction of lives and livelihoods. The remaining area has two towns, with district headquarters and hospitals, agricultural areas, forest reserves, and the horrible American company Thomson Safaris claiming their own private nature refuge. Majaliwa ordered a demarcation exercise of the disputed 1,500 km2 to be initiated to “know the boundaries”! There aren’t “boundaries”, since the area is part of the village land and has not been grabbed! No boundaries are needed, unless there are bad intentions. And bad intentions are now certainly being shown!


On 11th March. Majaliwa again mentioned beacons and water projects (outside the 1,500 km2) pretending that the land was only needed for water, when informing parliamentarians about a fake spectacle that he had set up in Arusha regarding “voluntary” relocations from Ngorongoro Conservation Area, without people from Ngorongoro, the previous day.


At a huge protest meeting in Arash on 19th March, several leaders spoke up in defence of the land, among them the Arash ward councillor Methew Siloma spoke up very clearly and strongly. The message from this meeting was:

-PM Majaliwa is a liar.

-The Maasai are not renouncing one square inch of land.

-They request to meet with the president, since Majaliwa can’t be trusted.


Following the protest meeting 19th March, on the 23rd councillor Siloma and the councillor of Malambo, Joel Clement Reson, were summoned to the CCM ethics committee at the party’s office in Loliondo, after which the police entered and Siloma was arrested – or abducted – and taken to Arusha accompanied by Security Officer Hassan. In Arusha family and lawyers weren’t allowed to see Siloma. The Regional Commanding Officer said that it was a political case, and the councillor was being interrogated outside the police by TISS (Tanzania Intelligence and Security Service), which TISS do not have a mandate to do. On 25th March, Siloma was released on bail, without charges, but he must continue reporting to the police, which has reportedly lately calmed down. Later Siloma has in social media said that he was locked up, interrogated and threatened in an unknown building, not at the police station.


On Easter Eve, 16thApril, the councillor of Malambo was arrested and so were the councillors of Piyaya and Maaloni. They were released the following day, but Joel Reson from Malambo was told to report to the police in Arusha, which he did on 22ndApril and then he was locked up at Arusha central police station, interrogated, released on bail the following day, and told to continue reporting to the police.


Though the illegal arrests of this year of been “mild” compared to those of 2016 (or 2015) to 2019 that were lengthier and included torture.


As mentioned by Siloma and Reson themselves in Clubhouse, all focus of the “interrogations” was laid on making them stop defending the land, “confess” to having received millions from the Kenyan Senator for Narok County, Ledama Olekina and that this would be the reason that they were speaking up against any plans of turning the 1,500 km2of vitally important grazing land into a “protected area”.


On 31st March Abdulrahman Kinana was brought in from the cold, after having fallen out with Magufuli, and is now Vice-Chairman of CCM mainland. Kinana is one of OBC’s and Sheikh Mohammed’s best and oldest friends since at least 1993.

From March 2018.

On 6th April, the new Minister Pindi Chana visited Loliondo, but nothing has transpired of what she said or did.


This year has seen the return of OBC’s journalist, Manyerere Jackton, to incitement against the Loliondo Maasai. The past years he’s parroted chief conservator Manongi’s rhetoric about NCA, but he’s lied low about Loliondo following the arrest of OBC’s director Mollel, after previously in over 60 articles having engaged in extreme incitement, slander and fabrications. Also, Mollel himself has returned to sharing his views in the press, even if only in one international article. His message is that the president can change the land use anywhere in Tanzania to benefit the nation, naming a couple of brutal evictions operations to exemplify, and adding that urban NGOs use the Maasai as milking cows.


President Samia has repeatedly threatened the Maasai of NCA, but she has also mentioned Loliondo. On 30thApril, in connection to the premier of The Royal Tour, Peter Greenberg published a radio interview with her in which she includes a threat against Loliondo when being asked a somewhat unrelated question. Peter Greenberg mentions “overtourism” and asks the president for her definition of “sustainable tourism”. Then Samia uses the occasion to respond that we must come up with strategies to protect the whole ecosystem, so that tourist attractions last for a longer time, and gives the example of Loliondo that’s bordering Serengeti, claiming that Loliondo is close to the Mara River (it’s not) and that we can’t allow the river to dry up, since there will not be the migration and Serengeti will not be the same …


Contrary to what had been announced at the meeting in Arash, on 25th May the committee handed over their report of “community views” on both NCA and the 1,500 km2 Osero in Loliondo and Sale to PM Majaliwa. The 60 members of the two parts of the committee weren’t allowed to make any presentation. Instead, as usual, there was one-way communication from Majaliwa who, as far as I’ve found out, didn’t say anything at all about Loliondo, and went on about houses that are being built in Handeni for “voluntary” (see many blog posts from this year) relocation from NCA to Handeni. The PM said that he will work on the recommendations. He told the committee members to keep believing in the government, and ignore nonsense by irrelevant people, since it can’t have bad plans for its citizens! The following day the committee members held their own press conference. While speaking up strongly and making it clear that they aren’t going anywhere, they were also grateful for the opportunity to hand over community views to Majaliwa. IF Majaliwa has had a look at the community recommendations (which he of course hasn’t), he will see that the land belongs to the Maasai, that they need it, that they care for it, and that they aren’t going anywhere. Though this is something that has been explained to him many, many times for years!


Then, in her budget speech on 3rd June, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Pindi Chana, announces that her ministry expects to “upgrade” Loliondo Game Controlled Areas to a Game Reserve! Not only this, but the plan is to do the same with a long list of other old Game Controlled Areas, which are huge areas of village land. Her words were so ignorant and demented that nobody could take them seriously. They would mean that the whole northern zone from Serengeti to Kilimanjaro would become a Game Reserve, and many other areas below. Still, except for the Ngorongoro MP Emmanuel Oleshangai, this blogger, and some people in social media, there wasn’t any reaction at all! The other MPs from areas mentioned in her speech didn’t utter a word, and nothing at all was written in the press. Is this the reason that it was seen as safe to send the FFU to invade Loliondo?

Messages from the perpetrators of crime

video clip of RC Mongella is being circulated in which he repeats Kagasheki’s old – since long stopped and disproven - lie that the old 4,000 km2 Loliondo GCA would be a protected area, but that the government out of the kindness of its heart would have decided to give people living there 2,500 km2! And that 1,500 km2 are being “kept” for conservation! To make matters worse, he pretends that the exercise is “participatory” through many visits by government officials. He seems to have forgotten what he was told when he issued his threat in January! And it wasn’t exactly subtle.

Further, in a press release dated 7th June, Pascal Shelutete, Tanzania National Parks Authority´s public relation’s manager,writes that RC Mongella at a meeting in Karatu called on the people of Arusha Region to support the Government's efforts in conserving Loliondo GCA, and called on those spreading false information to stop doing so, since the government's goal is to preserve the area for the benefit of Tanzanians and the economy of the country as a whole.


This must be the same meeting in Karatu yesterday, to which the Ngorongoro District Executive Director (DED) summoned all ward and village executive directors via a letter dated 6th June. Just one day’s notice. This DED Jumaa Mhina, who arrived in in Ngorongoro in 2021, has been a destructive force indeed trying to make village chairs abandon the ongoing case in the East African Court of Justice.


I certainly didn’t expect this invasion! Not now!But now all local leaders and activists, together with national and international allies, must speak up in unison, while trying to keep to facts (I will help with that if anyone listens).


Never ever again dance to Majaliwa’s tune! It ends in tears however much he smiles and however clearly you explain everything to him!


Please alert everyone and share all information that you have!


9th June:

There are protests in Ololosokwan.


Protests in Kirtalo after all these years of torture and silence.

Pindi Chana has landed in Karatu to inspect the illegal exercise in Loliondo.

Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (now increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com


The Brutal and Illegal Land Demarcation Operation in Contempt of Court Continues in Loliondo. It Must be Stopped and the Beacons Uprooted!



With total lawlessness, massive deployment of security forces, senseless violence and shameless lies, the Tanzanian government continues planting beacons* in contempt of court to demarcate and alienate from the Maasai the 1,500 km2 of vitally important grazing land that it – lobbied by OBC that organizes hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai - has attempted to steal so many times. This operation started less than two weeks before the East African Court of Justice is expected to deliver its ruling on 22nd June. Many people have been injured, are missing or arrested, including local leaders who were lured by the DC and arrested the first day, kept incommunicado, and now charged with "murder" (for self defence exercised while they were locked up) together with ten others. This crime must be stopped, and the illegal beacons must be uprooted!


*Not sure if the word “beacon” is used this way everywhere, but they are concrete boundary posts.


Following the blog post that I’ve kept updating,

in this blog post:

The crime

Very brief and simplified background

NEVER, through decades of land rights struggle and an increasingly threatening government side, has any village council or village assembly agreed to a Game Reserve under any kind of name. Not even the most corrupt and “investor friendly” groupings (not that they’d have any such authority) have ever signed away the land for a Game Reserve. Losing 1,500 km2 of vitally important grazing land would lead to such destruction that it just isn’t anything anyone can contemplate. The community reports handed over to PM Majaliwa on 25th May, though over-ambitious considering the time frame, did certainly not agree to any Game Reserve. The PM was going to “work on the recommendations”, but instead the government went to war against the Maasai. A pattern can be seen in the PM’s behaviour.


What makes this attack worse than any other is that beacons are being planted, and that local leaders, unlike in the past, don’t get any support from the ruling CCM party, which has turned into an anti-Maasai monolith. Opposition parties support the Maasai, but there's a one-party parliament. The whole country has copied the Loliondo Police State, every government supporter has – to some extent – learnt the old narrative about “Kenyans” and NGOs, breeding grounds and water sources. On the other hand, most thinking Tanzanians now understand what’s going on. Some have been very supportive since early this year, with Maria Sarungi Tsehai at the forefront.


Protest statements from international organisations are so many that I can’t keep up and haven’t had the time to analyse the level of support (“form a commission and sit down at the same table”, isn’t that supportive), but the Oakland Institute and Survival International have distinguished themselves for their speed and Survival for going to the roots by rattling Frankfurt Zoological Society. The much-maligned Kenyan Maasai have shown solidarity by treating wounds and feeding those who are fleeing across the border (they are many). They organize protests in different ways, showing love while bickering with each other.

The crime

In her budget speech on 3rdJune, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Pindi Chana, announced that her ministry expects to “upgrade” Loliondo Game Controlled Areas to a Game Reserve. She never mentioned the 1,500 km2 area (at least not in the written version), and the only Loliondo GCA that has ever existed is the 4,000 km2 - the whole of Loliondo Division and part of Sale Division (Piyaya and Malambo wards) - since Wildlife Conservation Act 2009 defunct, Loliondo GCA that in its totality overlapped with village land and didn’t restrict local people’s land use in any way. It delineated the hunting block, and that’s the only thing it continues to do. Further, Chana didn’t put any stress on Loliondo, but mentioned it in a long list of other (defunct) GCAs to be turned into Game Reserves, which would mean that the whole northern zone from Serengeti to Kilimanjaro, and many other areas. The whole of Longido District would become a Game Reserve. This just couldn’t be taken seriously. Except for the Ngorongoro MP Emmanuel Oleshangai, this blogger, and some people in social media, there wasn’t any reaction at all. The other MPs from areas mentioned in her speech didn’t utter a word*, and nothing was reported in the press.

*Olesendeka from Simanjiro spoke up on 20th June. 


As mentioned in my latest blog post written the same day (with updates since then), on 8th June, in the morning (but abnormal activities had been noticed already the previous day) there was an alarm about heavy presence of vehicles from the anti-riot Field Force Unit (FFU) in Wasso town. The FFU went on to set up camp in the Oloosek area of Ololosokwan, in Sanjan sub-village of Malambo, Soit Orgoss in Oloipiri, and Olchoroibor in Loosoito (later Arash was added). Another camp was set up at the DC's office. Other forces confirmed as participating are Tanzania Wildlife Authority (TAWA), Serengeti and Tanzania National Parks Authority (SENAPA/TANAPA), soldiers from Tanzania People’s Defence Force (JWTZ) that have a camp in Olopolun near Wasso since 2018, OBC’s anti-poaching, and local police. Other on the ground participants in this crime are not yet confirmed.  


It surfaced that on 2ndand 6th June, the Arusha Regional and Ngorongoro District Security Committees had held closed-door meetings in Arusha and Karatu. It was in connection with these meetings that Arusha RC Mongella made a video clip explaining what he termed as the 'exercise'. A letter from the DED summoning all ward and village executive officers (WEOs and VEOs) to Karatu on the 7th had already been leaked. They were asked to come with the stamps of the ward and village offices. WEOs and VEOs are government employees working under the DC, and not representing local people in any way. 


The video clip featuring RC JohnMongella was uploaded and unquestioningly reported in regular Tanzanian media, and in this clip the RC repeats Kagasheki’s old – since long stopped and disproven - lie that the old 4,000 km2 Loliondo GCA would be a protected area since 1951, but that the government out of love for its people decided to give those who had moved in 2,500 km2, while 1,500 km2 are being “kept” for critical conservation. To make matters worse, he pretends that the exercise is “participatory” through many visits by government officials. He seemed to have forgotten what he was told when he issued his threat in January! This:

Further, in a press release dated 7th June, Pascal Shelutete, Tanzania National Parks Authority´s public relation’s manager, writes that RC Mongella at a meeting in Karatu called on the people of Arusha Region to support the Government's efforts in conserving Loliondo GCA, and anticipating protests called on those spreading false information to stop doing so, since the government's goal is to preserve the area for the benefit of Tanzanians and the economy of the country.


In Ololosokwan, people gathered to pray in protest of the unexpected police invasion. Meetings to deliberate what action to take were reportedly held in several villages.


On 9thJune, the Maasai gathered for more protests and were approached by armed FFU that wanted to “explain” the operation to them. The FFU also gate-crashed social gatherings to do the same. The FFU’s explanation – repeating the RC’s words - was that they were there to demarcate 1,500 km2 as a Game Reserve - the vital threat that decades of land rights struggle had managed to avert.


Significantly more pictures than during other illegal operations started circulating, taken by people sitting in the grass at a distance. However, a picture taken from a vehicle behind FFUs confronting Maasai, is obviously not from now, but taken by a journalist when a committee was unexpectedly met by protests in March 2017 (so stop using that one).


In Kirtalo women with pangas and men with bows and arrows made a video clip as a message to show that they were ready to die for their land.


The councillors of Ololosokwan (worked as OBC’s assistant director for years), Oloipiri (big friend of OBC when he was village chairperson), Oloirien, Maaloni, Arash, Piyaya, Malambo, and two women’s special seats councillors, Kijoolu Kakiya and Taleng’o Leshoko were arrested after being lured to a meeting by the DC. Nothing was known of their whereabouts until the 16th (see below).

Reportedly, Parmwaari Merika, Oloirien village chairman, had been arrested already on 7th June, but there are such differing views on where he is now that I just don’t know.


The night before 10th June, the land grabbing forces started planting illegal beacons on village land in Ololosokwan. They Maasai uprooted the beacons and in the morning the FFU attacked them with teargas and live bullets. People were arrested and the FFU destroyed several motorbikes. The injured were taken across the border to Kenya for treatment, some needing surgery. Pictures of injuries were shared, some may not find it ethical, but they made an impact on Tanzanians online. The latest number of injuries I’ve heard, compiled by Kenyan doctors, was 128, but many people are missing.


The over 70 years old Oriais Oleng'iyo who was last seen with bullet wounds and detained by the FFU is not seen on the list of those charged with murder and not found anywhere else.

One FFU officer was killed by arrowshot (or arrowshot is what RC Mongella said). While human life is always irreplaceable, this is a clear case of self-defence. He was 36, not 18, aware of what his profession entailed, and that when sent with hundreds of colleagues to plant boundary beacons on Maasai land, he knew that he was sent to commit a crime.


In parliament, PM Majaliwa’s “explanation” was expected from someone who when Magufuli was dying or already dead declared that the president was working hard with loads of files on his desk. He claimed that beacons are being placed to protect the environment and that the local Maasai will not be affected. He warned people of ill will who are spreading a video with false information, referring to the clip from Kirtalo, saying that the Maasai weren’t pointing their arrows at any police, while missing the point that it was a message sent to himself. Speaker Tulia Ackson, said that the government has explained the operation, that those spreading false information will be dealt with, and that Tanzania is in an economic war with other countries.


On 11thJune, RC Mongella arrived in Loliondo with the regional security committee to repeat Kagasheki’s old lie about the land status in Loliondo, a lie that was put stop to already in 2013, but that the government now is set to keep repeating again and again. He said that the illegal operation was going just fine, while confirming that one police was the previous day killed by arrowshot and putting emphasis on that it happened after PM Majaliwa’s statement. Then he posed in photos planting illegal beacons.


On ITV and Channel 10 doctors from Wasso stood saying that they didn't have any injured people, and Tanzanian media has since continued showing an appalling lack of professionalism, sticking tightly to the government disinformation narrative.


The stream of pictures stopped, and reporting became sporadic.


Violence continued in Ololosokwan and more people were injured.


One elderly man in Malambo died when hit by a FFU vehicle.


In the evening there was teargas and illegal planting of beacons in Oltulelei area of Maaloni. People were arrested and beaten, and the FFU set fire to three motorbikes.


At night the FFU fired shots in all directions in Mairowa in Ololosokwan, not in the 1,500 km2area that’s being targeted by illegal demarcation. Houses were searched and people were beaten. Many ran away into the bush to hide. More people fled to Kenya.

Albert Selembo, legal officer at the organization IDINGO was arrested and then kept being held at Loliondo police station, on unknown charges, until appearing on the murder charge sheet together with the councillors.


International media started reporting to an extent that was hard to keep up with. Some had problems not mixing up this illegal operation with the speeded spin, deprivations and restrictions taking place in Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Some repeated the incorrect information that OBC’s licence would have been cancelled in 2017, and other confusion.


In the WhatsApp group CCM Yetu, and maybe elsewhere, an “article” about me was being shared, in which I was accused of being an international spy, working with a Kenyan senator, and the councillor of Ololosokwan (unlikely) providing young people with smartphones. Further, I had earlier bought arms for the Maasai in the conflict with the Sonjo, created an elephant poaching network, and whatever. Later, I was informed that similar accusations had been entertained in a Clubhouse room with government spokesperson Gerson Msigwa. I haven’t even listened to the recordings.


On 12thJune, at the funeral of the FFU officer, Ngorongoro DC, Raymond Mwangwal – who unlike previous DCs seemed to earlier have left much repression work to the DED - told media that those talking online, instigating things that aren't true, will be found wherever they are, in classic Loliondo police state style. Head of police operations, Liberatus Sabas, declared that anyone involved in the killing of the police who died from arrowshot will be hunted down day and night.


On 13th June, Inspector General of Police, Simon Sirro, arrived in to Loliondo to make his contribution to the illegal demarcation, accompanied by RC Mongella. Sirro said that the demarcation operation is going just fine, but there are some people, politicians included, who are stirring things up, using the Maasai for their own benefit. Sirro too posed with illegal beacons, and with some clueless mostly non-Maasai young men at the area with shops in Soitsambu.

The government spokesperson, Gerson Msigwa, repeated the same old Kagasheki-style lie – that 4,000 km2are “protected”, but that the benevolent government is just keeping 1,500 km2while generously giving the Maasai 2,500 km2, when the whole 4,000 km2 is legally registered village land and the 1,500 km2vitally important grazing land - and the same threats against instigators.

The African Commission of Human and People's Rights called for cessation of the eviction.


MP Emmanuel Oleshangai confirmed that at least 31 people (the numbers have since risen) had been seriously injured in the demarcation exercise on village land, and that they are being treated in Kenya after being denied treatment at the Osero clinic in Ololosokwan for lacking the required PF3 form that the police are supposed to provide. He explained that the injured were his voters and not Kenyans. Further, the MP demanded the release of the detained leaders, and made clear that the operation is most definitely not "participatory" since even he had not been informed, despite sitting in the same parliament as the Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism.


On 14th June, 30 FFU vehicles arrived in Arash and set up camp in the Emoyokwa area.


The Ngorongoro MP was summoned to the police, and so were Olesendeka, MP of Simanjiro and Kitila Mkumbo, MP of Ubungo. The accusations were of incitement and what the three have in common is that they spoke up during the vicious anti-Maasai hatred in parliament in February. The MPs were questioned and released.


On 15th June, Edward Hoseah president of Tanganyika Law Society has made a useless, spineless, and shameless statement advising the Ngorongoro MP to report injuries to the police!


Six UN experts warned about escalating violence amidst plan to forcefully evict Maasai from ancestral lands and urged to immediately halt plans for relocation.


Amnesty International called on the Tanzanian government to halt the brutal security operation in Loliondo.


The FFU opened fire at the market in Oltulelei causing fear and panic. In Malambo as well were they firing shots into the air, and they beat up a motorbike rider whom they thought was following them.


Arrests continued in an apparently aimless way. Freddy Ledidi from Oloirien who's District Natural Resources Officer (which may make some suspect he’s a double dealer) was arrested and so was the elder Koyie, brother of who used to be ward councillor for Orgosorok years ago, which led people to first think that the other brother had been arrested. Ledidi and Koyie were locked up at Loliondo Police Station and nobody has been allowed to see them.


Deputy Permanent Representative to the Tanzania Mission to the UN in Geneva, Hoyce Temu, lied in the most malicious way from start to finish denying any state violence, claiming that a 4,000 km2 reserved area had been encroached and that the government in peaceful talks with local residents had agreed to divide the area and keep 1,500 km2 as a protected area, that a minority against the exercise made recordings while posing threateningly and combined this with unrelated pictures, that the government has called on anyone alleging to have been attacked to come forward for the law to take its course and for treatment, but that  nobody has come forward. The ambassador did literally not say one word of truth.


Meanwhilein Endulen - in NCA, not Loliondo - there was a big spectacle with 20 vehicles carrying RC Mongella and other dignitaries, and the useless press, to witness 6 families who have fallen for the Msomera scam and were demolishing their houses. One of the vehicles hit and injured 14-year old Nemburis Oletombo. For some reason, the government figures seem eager for people not to mix this up with Loliondo, but their supporters do this gladly in social media anyway, and all the time. So do many allies of the Maasai.


The Minister of Home Affairs, Hamad Masauni, arrived in Loliondo in helicopter to make a statement – as if from the warfront - directing Immigration to strengthen border security to prevent illegal entry by foreigners and so avoid incitement activities. He also ordered NGOs to be investigated to make sure they operate within the law and don’t engage in breach of peace. As known to anyone familiar with Loliondo or with this blog, threatening “Kenyans” (anyone who could speak up) and NGOs is the most classic rhetoric of the Loliondo police state. A clip of this was widely shared the following day and the Tanzanian press, that by now has lost all credibility, reported uncritically.


On 17th June, a solidarity demonstration in Nairobi by Kenyan Maasai was broken up by the Kenyan police and demonstrators taken to the Central Police Station. After a few hours they were freed unconditionally. Another demonstration, in Namanga, went on without incidence.


The Tanzanian government organized its own demonstration using supposed Maasai  without any relation to Loliondo, or Ngorongoro, to demonstrate outside the Kenyan embassy in Dar es Salaam thanking the government for dividing Loliondo so that the Maasai have a place to live(!), and accusing Kenyans and NGOs of inciting conflict. Later it was found that people had been told that 150 Maasai were needed to go and sing for some white people at Dar Free Market Mall and would get 20,000 shillings each. Some Parakuyo Maasai gathered, but most fled when they saw what was being cooked. 

The whereabouts of the nine councillors and the CCM district chairman were not known until 16thJune when they were sneaked to court without any legal representation and then locked up in Kisongo remand prison. The following day it was revealed that they, and ten other arrested people from Loliondo had been charged with murder contrary to Section 196 of the Penal Code [Cap 16 R:E 2019] in the preliminary inquiry case No 11 of 2022. Remember that the councillors were locked up the day before the FFU officer was killed by an arrowshot.


Reportedly, after a CCM meeting the DC summoned them to the District Security Committee and there was an agreement that they would keep people calm during the demarcation operation. Then the DC announced that a special task force had arrived and that the councillors were needed for individual interrogations. At midnight they were put in a vehicle and driven to an unknown destination that upon arrival was identified as a smaller police station in Arusha town, Chekereni, where they were interrogated regarding sedition and not murder.


The councillors weren’t allowed to contact family or lawyers, until being joined by ten others and secretly taken to court to be read murder charges. The other group had been arrested in their homes, along the road, or in Wasso town. They had been tortured and accused of reporting about violence in Loliondo, interrogated on suspicion of spreading false information, but later they were told a murder charge had been found and they were re-interrogated for murder. While held at Loliondo police station they weren’t allowed to contact relatives, and not fed for four days, until they were taken to Arusha and charged with murder. Not feeding those detained is common practise at Loliondo police station, as I could see from the writings on the wall when I spent 2 nights there in 2015 (I was fed though). Further problems are very low temperatures, no blankets, and plentiful mosquitoes.


The case will be heard on 30thJune.


The ever patient and negotiating Onesmo Olengurumwa of Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition, that had the president as guest of honour at their 10th anniversary a month ago, tweeted, “It is now officially, our relatives and our leaders in Loliondo have been maliciously charged with murder case. These include those who were illegally detained one day before the killing of the Police officer. This marks the end of any negotiations



Memusi Taki, Njoroi village chairman was arrested on 17th June.


Sadly, since this is Loliondo, even during the most heinous crime, opportunistic traitors will emerge. I wouldn’t mention it without confirmation from sources close to the individual. One Matiko Maoi has been contracted and is driving around on his motorbike looking for women and youths to pay to get involved in a pro-government demonstration.


Immigration Commissioner for Border Control and Administration, Samwel Mahirane came to Loliondo on the 18thto stand next to an illegal beacon (he too), threatening people who are sabotaging the exercise and have fled. He said they are known and will all be dealt with. He also threatened NGOs.


In Arash, and probably elsewhere, the FFU continue using tear gas and planting illegal beacons.


Very brief and simplified background

In Loliondo (and parts of Sale) Division of Ngorongoro District the Tanzanian government has for many years wanted to alienate 1,500 km2 of legally registered village land that’s vitally important grazing land.


The other division of Ngorongoro District is Ngorongoro Division or Ngorongoro Conservation Area where Maasai land rights also are seriously threatened and where they live under restrictions not found in Loliondo. This is a closely related, but separateissue (see many previous blog posts). The government lie about NCA is, “The Maasai are relocating “voluntary” to Handeni” while the government lie about Loliondo is, “The Maasai have been “given” 2,500 km2.” 


Otterlo Business Corporation, that organizes hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, has had the 4,000 km2 hunting block (permit to hunt on legally registered village land) since 1993 (first contract signed in 1992) and kept lobbying the government to turn their 1,500 km2 of preferred hunting area into a protected area, including funding a draft district land use plan in 2010-2011.


OBC’s lobbying has led to illegal mass arson operations in 2009 and 2017, ordered by the DC, and to a local police state in which anyone who dares to criticize the hunters (and an American ecotourism company called Thomson Safaris) is severely harassed and slandered, illegal arrests included, often accused of not really being Tanzanian, but from the neighbouring country.

Oloosek 13th August 2017

It should be noted that OBC licence has never been cancelled (except for the first 10-year contract in the mid-1990s that was replaced with regular 5-year hunting block licenses). After having stopped the illegal operation in 2017, for a few days, Minister Kigwangalla was saying that OBC would have to leave before January 2018, but they never left and on 6th December PM Majaliwa declared that they were staying. In April 2018 OBC again gifted the Ministry of  Natural Resources and Tourism with 15 vehicles. I’ve lost all patience with people who claim otherwise.


The Maasai have celebrated some victories, like in 2011 when the Ngorongoro District Council strongly rejected OBC’s land use plan, and in 2013 when Minister Kagasheki tried to alienate the 1,500 km2 via vociferous lies that the whole 4,000 km2was a protected area and the Maasai would be gifted with 2,500 km2 (the lie that the government has now picked up again), and he was resoundingly stopped by PM Pinda when both opposition and ruling party supported the protests by the Maasai. On 25th September 2018 there was another victory when the East African Court of Justice issued an injunction restraining the government from evictions, destruction and harassment of the applicants, but that happened at the point of most panicked fear and could not be that much celebrated.


There have been many low points, like in 2016-2017 when a select committee after sharply increased repression reached a sad compromise proposal (a WMA), that had earlier been rejected by the Maasai, to hand over to PM Majaliwa, which was followed by unexpected illegal mass arson (there may be a pattern here). Or in 2018 when nobody dared to speak up against police efforts to derail the case in the East African Court of Justice filed during the illegal 2017 operation, and then the silence continued when soldiers from a military camp set up in Loliondo the same year tortured people and razed bomas in Ololosokwan and Kirtalo, violating the recently issued court orders. At that time all local leaders thought that the attack had been ordered by the president, but when the RC denounced it in a vague way, they changed to thinking that it was OBC’s director contracting the soldiers.


In 2019, a most terrible zoning proposal for Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) included turning the 1,500 km2 into the protected area preferred by OBC and annexing it to NCA, was presented by NCA chief conservator Manongi. There have been many protests from every group in NCA against this proposal, but not so many protests from Loliondo, where people had been intimidated into silence.


In January 2022, Arusha RC Mongella came to Loliondo to announce that the government would make a painful decision about the land, for the wider interest of the nation, and this broke the silence and led to protest meetings. This was taking place at the same time as a demented anti-Maasai hate campaign in media and parliament, primarily directed at the Maasai of NCA, but also affecting those from Loliondo who for many years have already been targeted by a hate campaign conducted by Manyerere Jackton in the Jamhuri newspaper. As has happened before, this “journalist”, who this year renewed his incitement after lying low following that OBC’s director in 2019 was kept in remand prison on economic sabotage charges, is now quiet and enjoying the terror that’s unfolding.


On 17th February, PM Majaliwa, known as a psychopathic liar by virtually all Tanzanians, when in NCA, not Loliondo, ordered beacons to be erected “so that we may know the boundaries” of the 1,500 km2, which nobody needs to know unless there are bad intentions. The PM repeated the same in parliament on 11thMarch. He kept talking about water – and then a spectacle was made about water projects outside the 1,500 km2 - when the area’s importance for grazing had been explained to him in Loliondo on 14th February. Protests followed. At a huge protest meeting in Arash on 19th March, several leaders spoke up in defence of the land, among them the Arash ward councillor Methew Siloma spoke up very clearly and strongly. The message from this meeting was:

-PM Majaliwa is a liar.

-The Maasai are not renouncing one square inch of land.

-They request to meet with the president, since Majaliwa can’t be trusted.


Several local leaders in Loliondo were arrested. The councillors of Arash and Malambo were taken to Arusha and interrogated.


On 31st March Abdulrahman Kinana was brought in from the cold, after having fallen out with Magufuli, and is now Vice-Chairman of CCM mainland. Kinana is one of OBC’s and Sheikh Mohammed’s best and oldest friends since at least 1993.


Then a committee agreed to hand over community recommendations to the PM, which was done on 25thMay, and Majaliwa said that he’d work on the recommendations.


On 3rd June, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana in her budget speech announced that her ministry expected to upgrade Loliondo to a Game Reserve, but she did this while listing huge area of Tanzania for the same expectation, which didn’t make it sound believable or realistic in any way, and there was hardly any reaction, except for an intervention by Ngorongoro MP Emmanuel Shangai.


On 9th June the heavily armed Field Force Unit set up camps in Loliondo, after closed-door meetings by the regional and district security committees and no information at all to local leaders, not even the MP, many of whom were arrested the same day, and have now been charged with murder.


The demarcation started on 10thJune. Protesting Maasai were teargassed and shot at with live bullets by the FFU, many were injured, arrested, fled to Kenya, or are missing. One FFU was killed by arrowshot. RC Mongella and PM Majaliwa say that the operation is going on just fine, that instigators will be seriously dealt with, and their explanation is a repetition of Kagasheki’s old and disproven lies. The Tanzanian press almost exclusively keep to the government narrative. Ministers and police authorities appear in Loliondo to make statements as from the warfront, threaten “Kenyans” and NGOs, and take photos with the illegal beacons.


There has been substantial, sometimes confused, international media coverage, and a stream of protest statements by international organisations.


The ruling in the East African Court of Justice is expected on 22nd June.


The constant attacks, the government’s insatiable appetite to - for the conservation-tourism industrial complex - deprive the people who already lost vast areas with the creation of Serengeti National Park, require a new approach. Is it time to reclaim Serengeti?


The illegal beacons planted in blood, and contempt of court, must be immediately uprooted!


20th June

Olesendeka, MP for Simanjiro, spoke up in parliament against the illegal operation in Loliondo and against Chana's talk about GCAs and game reserves. He was viciously bullied by the speaker, Tulia Ackson. Deputy Minister Masanja lied that there aren't any people living in those areas.

Tanzanian press continued quoting Rector for College of African Wildlife Management Mweka, Prof. Jafari Kideghesho’s lies about the “downsizing” of a protected area in Loliondo. This liar also participated in making the genocidal MLUM review proposal for NCA.


Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (now increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com


The Tanzanian Government Keeps Escalating its War Against the Maasai in Loliondo



-After decades of land rights struggle in Loliondo in defence of 1,500 km2 of vitally important grazing land that’s legally registered village land, the Tanzanian government has with demented brutality and lawlessness, in violation of court orders, less than two weeks before expected ruling (which was postponed), illegally planted beacons to demarcate the land.


-Minister Pindi Chana has, against every law and procedure, a week after the illegal and very violent operation started, “gazetted” a fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Controlled Area”.


-Government officials have kept landing in helicopter to, as from the warfront, say that the exercise is going just fine and is participatory, at the same time as issuing threats and clapping to war songs performed by massive security forces.


-The Maasai landowners and their livestock are suffering mostly untold abuse. Independent press is blocked from the area and does not exist in Tanzania anyway.


-Nine councillors and the CCM District Chairman were arrested the day before the illegal demarcation started and have together with 15 (or now 17) other people been charged with the murder of a FFU officer who was killed after the local leaders were locked up.


-Hundreds of Maasai have been injured, at least 31 seriously, and  thousands have fled to Kenya.


-In areas of Malambo, and elsewhere, the Maasai are being chased away from their homes.


-The this time without any exception anti-Maasai expressions among government supporters make this the most dangerous attack so far, but also more Tanzanians than ever before are aware of what’s happening and expressing their support for the Maasai.


-Then started mass arrests of Maasai accused of being so-called “Kenyans”, arson of seasonal bomas, and illegal mass seizing of livestock.  


-The government, that already has the huge Serengeti National Park, is lawless, boundaryless and brutal in satisfying the thirst for Maasai land by the conservation-tourism industrial complex, in this case OBC that organises hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai.


-Where is over 70-years old Oriais Oleng'iyo who was last seen injured and detained by security forces on 10th June?

Illegal beacon in Arash.


Updates at the end of the blog post. 

The Tanzanian government in its effort to alienate Maasai land in Loliondo has committed illegal mass arson operations in 2009 and 2017, and a local police state has for many years now been in force to silence anyone who could speak up about investors that don’t respect land rights (OBC and the American Thomson Safaris) but the current illegal demarcation operation is the worst threat so far and I’ve written about it in two blog posts that have then been updated. 8th June and 19th June.

Currently it’s hard to keep up with all violence and lies, and I may have missed something significant.


In this blog post:

The government’s huge and shameless lie

Pre-emptive illegal arrests and trumped-up charges

The violence

Government showing off its own crime


Government not getting support from its international allies

Don’t confuse Loliondo with NCA, just don't


Tourism as state religion

Summary of previous efforts to rob the Maasai of 1,500 km2 in Loliondo


The government’s huge and shameless lie

In the morning of 8th June, massive joint security forces, most visibly the anti-riot Field Force Unit, had gathered in Wasso town and set off to set up camp in Oloosek area of Ololosokwan, in Sanjan sub-village of Malambo, Soit Orgoss in Oloipiri, and Olchoroibor in Loosoito, while some forces camped at the DC's office. On 14th June, another camp was set up in the Emoyokwa area of Arash.


Information surfaced that on 2nd and 6th June, the Arusha Regional and Ngorongoro District Security Committees had held closed-door meetings in Arusha and Karatu. In connection with this RC Mongella had recorded a clip“explaining” the exercise with some absurd lies that were unquestioningly shared all over regular Tanzanian media. The government had picked up the old lie, used by Kagasheki in 2013, until even then PM Pinda had to recognise that it just didn’t correspond with reality. This lie is to claim that the whole 4,000 km2 Loliondo hunting block (the whole of Loliondo division and Malambo and Piyaya wards in Sale division) is a “protected area” that has been “encroached” and that the government out of the kindness of its heart is “giving” the Maasai 2,500 km2 while only “keeping” 1,500 km2. The whole 4,000 km2 has been customary owned land since before colonial times and was further protected through Local Government (District Authorities) Act, 1982 and Village Land Act No. 5 of 1999, and is without any kind of doubt legally registered village land. The lie is based on that the land was since the 1950s also a so-called Game Controlled Area that regulated hunting but didn’t interfere with local land use in any way and until Wildlife Conservation Act 2009, that came into operation in 2010, could totally overlap with village land. The Loliondo GCA is now defunct, but there have been attempts, funded by OBC, to convert their 1,500 km2 favourite hunting area into a new kind of GCA that’s the same as a Game Reserve, and does not allow any Maasai land use. All such attempts have been strongly rejected by local Maasai and relevant authorities. Believing such a lie is the same as believing that the district headquarters and the DC office have “encroached” on a protected area. Anyone who takes it seriously either supports the demented violence or is a coward who wants to use “it’s complex” as an excuse not to speak up.


Not only did Mongella stand there in his clip repeating the shameless lie, but he also claimed that the demarcation exercise was “participatory”. He of course knew that the response from the Maasai since when he first started announcing the threat in January this year could not have been clearer, that nobody has ever agreed to hand over the land to the government, and illegal mass arrests of local leaders (see below) the following day further showed how very well Mongella knew that he was lying.


In Ololosokwan, and elsewhere, people gathered to pray, protest, and deliberate what action to take. These meetings continued the following day, 9thJune, and were gate-crashed by armed FFU officers “explaining” that they would demarcate the 1,500 km2 to turn it into a game reserve.


In Kirtalo women with pangas and men with bows and arrows made a video clip as a message to show that they were ready to die for their land. A very clear message for PM Majaliwa, which he chose to ignore.


In parliament on 10th June when violence was exploding, PM Majaliwa (known for his glowing reports on Magufuli’s health when the president was probably already dead) claimed that beacons were being placed to protect the environment and that the local Maasai would “not be affected”. He warned people of ill will who are spreading a video with false information, referring to the clip from Kirtalo, saying that the Maasai weren’t pointing their arrows at any police, while missing the point that it was a message sent to himself. Speaker Tulia Ackson, said that the government had explained the operation, that those spreading false information would be dealt with, and that Tanzania is in an economic war with other countries. Another liar, Arusha RC Mongella, later (see below) tried to justify the PM’s behaviour with that he made the announcements before the FFU officer had been killed.


On 15th June, five days after the violent attack on the Maasai had started, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Tanzania Mission to the UN in Geneva, Hoyce Temu, lied in the most malicious way from start to finish denying any state violence, claiming that a 4,000 km2reserved area had been encroached and that the government in peaceful talks with local residents had agreed to divide the area and keep 1,500 km2 as a protected area, that a minority against the exercise made recordings while posing threateningly and combined this with unrelated pictures, that the government has called on anyone alleging to have been attacked to come forward for the law to take its course and for treatment, but that nobody has come forward. This ambassador later continued lying in a Zoom meeting, and probably in many other places that I haven’t kept up with.


On 17th June, the Tanzanian government organized its own demonstration using supposed Maasai without any relation to Loliondo, or Ngorongoro, to demonstrate outside the Kenyan embassy in Dar es Salaam thanking the government for dividing Loliondo so that the Maasai have a place to live(!), and accusing Kenyans and NGOs of inciting conflict. Later it was found that people had been told that 150 Maasai were needed to go and sing for some white people at Dar Free Market Mall and would get 20,000 shillings each. Some Parakuyo Maasai gathered, but most fled when they saw what was being cooked.


Authentic Maasai youths in Dar es Salaam issued a statement to denounce the fake demonstration, but were of course not covered by any of the regular press. 

Tanzanian press kept quoting the rector for College of African Wildlife Management Mweka, Prof. Jafari Kideghesho’s lies about the “downsizing” of a protected area in Loliondo. This liar also participated in making the genocidal MLUM review proposal for NCA, as did the Director of Wildlife, Maurus Msuha, who also has been very active lying about Loliondo.


Deputy Minister Masanja, Minister of Constitution and Legal Affairs Ndumbaro, Director of Wildlife, Msuha, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mulamula on 21st June, stood in front of spineless diplomats telling their blood-soaked, easy to debunk, lies about Loliondo, and about Ngorongoro Conservation Area. In a clip shared by the Tanzanian government, Ndumbaro totally manipulates the diplomats (not shown but heard) making them stand up in silence for the slain FFU officer, clap, and giggle. He lectures them that there aren’t any indigenous people in Tanzania, that nobody owns land, and that human rights aren’t the same in Africa as in Europe, since there are “human and people’s rights”, which I think would mean more rights, but to Ndumbaro it justifies human rights crimes. He talks about a conflict between environmental interests and grazing, but it’s obvious that if had the Maasai used their land in some other way, less compatible with wildlife, they would not now be suffering all this abuse. Ndumbaro shamelessly directs himself to the British high commissioner, thanking the British for having made Loliondo into a protected area that lasts until today – which is the big lie – and the diplomats just laugh and clap. Though maybe this time they had asked not to feature in photos, to avoid situations like in March, when the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism declared that the German ambassador supported their “efforts” in Ngorongoro (still not publicly denied by the ambassador). The ministry did however show off the UAE ambassador, and the following day the French ambassador lent himself to a most deplorable spectacle.


Masanja, Ndumbaro and UAE ambassador Khalifa Abdul Rahman Al Marzouqi

In a government propaganda meeting on Zoom on 22nd June, in which they kept repeating the same lies, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Pindi Chana, went as far as claiming to on 17th June having gazetted the 1,500 km2 into a “Pololeti GCA”– after a week of war against the Maasai, with local leaders illegally arrested, charged with murder for a death the day after they were arrested, and others in hiding. Until then, the government had been talking about a Game Reserve, but finally decided to create a GCA on another GCA, since their lie is that Loliondo Game Controlled Area still exists and is a protected area. The French ambassador participated making some pointless comments about France. He could have been uninformed and not understanding the language, if it weren’t because just the day before diplomats were told the government’s lies in English. On 29th June, the director of wildlife, Maurus Msuha, held another press conference insisting on the same lies.


Two areas, as in the genocidal MLUM review proposal.

On 29th June, a group of anti-Maasai religious leaders was announced, led by businessman Azim Dewji (who also made an appearance in the Zoom meeting, sounding authentically stupid, trying to repeat government lies about Loliondo) and including the government favourite imposter, traditional leader Lekisongo. Not much was then heard about this group, except that it wasn’t welcomed in Ngorongoro ward, but Dewji reappeared on 5th July talking about peace and voluntary relocations from NCA. I may have to return to this individual.

Azim Dewji


A special mention among liars in the war against the Maasai of Loliondo goes to OBC’s journalist Manyerere Jackton. This year has seen his return to incitement against the Loliondo Maasai. The past years he’s parroted chief conservator Manongi’s rhetoric about NCA, but he lied low about Loliondo following the arrest of OBC’s director Mollel in 2019, after in over 60 articles having spewed out unhinged hate rhetoric against the Maasai of Loliondo and campaigned for taking the 1,500 km2 away from them. He has claimed that 70 percent of the Loliondo Maasai would not be Tanzanian, and published lists of hundreds of private persons that his “sources” consider to be “Kenyan” – which he returned to boasting about in his latest article on 28thJune. His slandering of those speaking up for land rights, or those he thinks could speak up for land rights, has been vicious and insane. Besides this, he’s capable of fabricating any story for apparently no reason at all. This year, the Jamhuri joined Habib Mchange and Maulid Kitenge in their more recent media hate campaign against the Ngorongoro Maasai.


Even worse is that I’ve in the past experienced first-hand how Jackton likes to boast about being directly involved in arrests of innocent people. He’s been boasting quite publicly, published photos of the phones of those illegally arrested, and used to email me rude one-liners when someone was about to be arrested. This year I have however not been contacted by this “journalist”.


Also, OBC’s director Isaack Mollel himself has, after a couple of years of lying low, returned to sharing his views in the press, in at least two international articles. His message is that the president can change the land use anywhere in Tanzania to benefit the nation, naming a couple of brutal evictions operations to exemplify, adding that urban NGOs use the Maasai as milking cows (Toward Freedom), and (after the illegal operation had started) repeating the government’s lie about dividing the land while claiming that there’s no land scarcity in Tanzania (Financial Times).


On 5th July, when I finally was to publish this blog post, the same lies about Loliondo and NCA were parroted by the Minister of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Developments, Angeline Mabula, Kennedy Gastorn, Tanzanian representative to the UN, Adelardus Kilangi, Tanzanian ambassador to Brazil, who thought Tanzania could learn from Brazil (!) opening a whole new chamber of  horrors, solicitor general, Gabriel Malata, and others. They must all be documented and taken to court.


See below for lies and threats by government officials while documenting their own crime, on the ground in Loliondo.


Two parliamentarians, both Maasai, have spoken up against the land grab operation.

On 20th June, Olesendeka, MP for Simanjiro, spoke up in parliament against the illegal operation in Loliondo and against Chana's talk about GCAs and game reserves on the 3rd when the minister had engaged in confused talk that would imply turning very extensive areas of the country into game reserves. He was viciously bullied by the speaker, Tulia Ackson, about law paragraphs. Deputy Minister Masanja lied that there aren't any people living in “those areas”, apparently meaning the old defunct game controlled areas, denying the existence of hundreds of thousands of Tanzanians.


On 22nd June, MP Emmanuel Oleshangai spoke up telling the national assembly in no uncertain terms that land in Loliondo is village land, that when we talk about land we talk about people’s lives, and that what's being done in Loliondo is a land grab that no person or village government has agreed to. He rejected several interventions by ignorant, or worse than ignorant, parliamentarians, one of them Ridhiwani Kikwete. I don’t know how the MP can keep calm and smiling in a house so full of evil. "I know there are people laughing here, but I am talking about the lives of my people, my grandparents, my fathers, my brothers and my younger siblings. It is their land”, he said.

In short, the government is robbing the Maasai of 1,500 km2 of mostly less densely populated grazing land, expecting them to squeeze into the remaining 2,500 km2 of the Loliondo hunting block where there are towns, agricultural areas, forests, a “private nature refuge”, and other land occupation, while shamelessly lying that this means that out of love they are “giving” the Maasai the 2,500 km2. Further, the government claims that the exercise is “participatory”, while arresting everyone who could speak up against it, which means basically every single Maasai in Loliondo, and this is what’s being done.


Pre-emptive illegal arrests and trumped-up charges

On 9th June, the day before the illegal demarcation started, the councillors of Ololosokwan, Oloipiri, Oloirien, Maaloni, Arash, Piyaya, Malambo, and two women’s special seats councillors, Kijoolu Kakiya and Taleng’o Leshoko were arrested. At least two of these councillors have until quite recently been working for OBC, against the people. After a CCM meeting they were interrogated by the District Security Committee, and then a special task force arrived to interrogate them individually. The Soitsambu councillor avoided attending the meeting. At midnight they were put in a vehicle and driven to an unknown destination that upon arrival was identified as a smaller police station in Arusha town, Chekereni, where they were interrogated regarding sedition - and not murder.


Nothing was known of the whereabouts of those illegally arrested/abducted until 16th June when they were sneaked to court without any legal representation and then locked up in Kisongo remand prison. The following day it was revealed that they, and ten other arrested people from Loliondo, had been charged with murder contrary to Section 196 of the Penal Code [Cap 16 R:E 2019] in the preliminary inquiry case No 11 of 2022. The murder concerned a FFU officer who was killed the day after the local leaders were arrested. Later three more people were added to the charges. The other group of ten were arrested on the 10th, not allowed to contact anyone and held for four days without being fed. They were tortured and accused of reporting about violence in Loliondo, interrogated on suspicion of spreading false information, but later they were told a murder charge had been found and they were re-interrogated for murder. One of those illegally arrested is a student, The case was up for mention in court on 30th June, but then it was postponed to 14th July for further “investigation”. Wilsong Kilong and Memusi Taki (Njoroi chairman) had been added to the charges, so now 25 people are victims of this idiocy. One new charge was added: “conspiracy to murder”. Then, on 5th July, Simon Saitoti, councillor of Ngorongoro ward in NCA, not Loliondo or Sale, was reportedly added to the charges, as was one older, injured man, but this requires confirmation.


The violence

The night before 10th June, the land grabbing forces started planting illegal beacons on village land in Ololosokwan. They Maasai uprooted the beacons and in the morning the FFU attacked them with teargas and live bullets. People were arrested and the FFU destroyed several motorbikes. The injured were taken across the border to Kenya for treatment, some needed surgery. The Ngorongoro MP later mentioned 31 serious injuries, and Kenyan doctors listed 128. The security forces inflicted bullet wounds, beatings, cuttings and stabbings. 

One of the attackers, a FFU officer, died (according to RC Mongella of arrowshot).


The over 70 years old Oriais Oleng'iyo who was last seen with bullet wounds and detained by the FFU was not on the list of those charged with murder and not found anywhere else. Where is he?


The illegal planting of beacons, shooting and tear gas continued the following day, in Ololosokwan and elsewhere. In Malambo and elderly man died when hit by a FFU vehicle. In the Oltulelei area of Maaloni, people were arrested and beaten, and the FFU set fire to three motorbikes.


On the 11th, at night the FFU fired shots in all directions in Mairowa in Ololosokwan, not in the 1,500 km2 area targeted by illegal demarcation. Houses were searched and people were beaten. The hunt was for those who had participated in protests and those who had shared photos of the government’s violent crimes. Many ran away into the bush to hide. More people fled to Kenya. Thousands of Tanzanians are currently refugees in Kenya. 


Kenyan Maasai have shown great solidary helping with hospital treatment and medicine, feeding and accommodating refugees, and organized protests.

On the 13th, MP Emmanuel Oleshangai confirmed that at least 31 people had been seriously injured in the demarcation exercise on village land, and that they are being treated in Kenya after being denied treatment at the Osero clinic in Ololosokwan for lacking the required PF3 form that the police are supposed to provide. He explained that the injured were his voters and not Kenyans. Further, the MP demanded the release of the detained leaders, and made clear that the operation is most definitely not "participatory" since even he had not been informed, despite sitting in the same parliament as the Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism.


The following day, the Ngorongoro MP was summoned to the police, and so were Olesendeka, MP of Simanjiro and Kitila Mkumbo, MP of Ubungo. The accusations were of incitement and what the three have in common is that they spoke up during the vicious anti-Maasai hatred in parliament in February. The MPs were questioned and released.


The FFU opened fire at the market in Oltulelei on 15th June, causing fear and panic. In Malambo as well were they firing shots into the air, and they beat up a motorbike rider whom they thought was following them.


The very illegal demarcation exercise in clouds of teargas continued. Besides the FFU, those participating in the crime are Tanzania Wildlife Authority (TAWA), Serengeti and Tanzania National Parks Authority (SENAPA/TANAPA), soldiers from Tanzania People’s Defence Force (JWTZ) that have a camp in Olopolun near Wasso since 2018, OBC’s anti-poaching, local police, and others. Eventually it became confused and hard to determine who was doing what.


With all this terrifying violence and lawlessness, there were big expectations for the ruling of the East African Court of Justice on 22ndJune. Shockingly, just one day before the expected ruling, the court communicated that due to unavoidable circumstances the ruling had been postponed to September. This could just be another case of an overwhelming workload. The years of this court case have been filled of frustration of how everyone involved is too busy to give it the required dedication, but there’s a lingering unease that something more sinister could be at work. Remember that the court on 25thSeptember 2018, issued an injunction restraining the government from evictions, destruction and harassment of the applicants, while the case continues. Obviously, this order has been violated to some extreme extent.


There were reports from Malambo that the invading security forces were counting the bomas found inside their illegal demarcation.


On 24th June, at Ngorongoro District Council – the day after Majaliwa had clapped to soldier songs - village and ward executive officers were instructed to tell people to leave the illegally demarcated area within 24 hours, or their livestock would be confiscated. In the evening, there were pictures and reports from Sanjan in Malambo ward of how the Maasai, under fear and panic, were loading their belongings on donkeys. Then came reports that the same was happening in Arash, Oltulelei in Oloirien, and everywhere. Shots were being fired and people were being beaten, reportedly by both the FFU and soldiers from the national army.

The following days, families, women, children and livestock continued leaving Sanjan with their belongings packed on donkeys.


In Ololosokwan the security forces said that they would never leave and will revenge the death of the FFU officer by killing 15 people. Reportedly a road is being cleared along the illegal demarcation. There were unconfirmed reports of widespread theft committed the security forces.


In Ormanie, Arash ward, on 27th June, donkeys, calves, and other livestock belonging to Parkimalo Lupa were shot when on the way to the river. Children accompanying the livestock were severely beaten by the security forces.


At least seven people from Serng'etuny sub-village in Piyaya and ten from Ndinyika, Malambo were on 29th June, arrested and taken to Loliondo police station. Those in Piyaya were reportedly arrested in connection with uprooting beacons.


Mass arrests are spreading to areas in Loliondo far from the illegal demarcation attack. At least 21 people were arrested in Naan, their houses invaded at night, and Ng'arwa in Enguserosambu, several village or sub-village chairmen among them. Also, pregnant women and those with small children. They are "suspected of being immigrants".


Simon Saitoti, councillor of Ngorongoro ward in NCA, was arrested on 1stJuly. The councillor had two days earlier visited those ridiculously charged with murder and when he returned to Oloirobi he himself was arrested. Reportedly, people in his ward have refused to meet with a religious imposter group. Other councillors from NCA have been remarkably silent during this brutal and illegal operation, while activists from NCA have spoken up more than the terrified ones from Loliondo. Simon was sent to Loliondo and then Arusha, but then his location became unknown, and the police denied having him, until he on 5th July was reportedly added to the ridiculous murder charges, according to some because he refused to relocate to Msomera.


The night to 2nd July, 30 people were arrested in Njoroi and 11 in Oloika sub-village, in Ololosokwan ward. They are accused of being "Kenyan”.


In the afternoon of 2nd July, the security forces started burning seasonal bomas (ronjos) in the Oldoinyorok area of Arash. They had caught and tortured a young herder, forcing him to show them the location. Six ronjos were burned to the ground. At least four more ronjos were burned in the nearby Sindin area.


In Malambo, the security forces are demolishing houses.


Some 477 cows and 650 sheep were illegally seized in Ololosokwan, and the livestock held at Klein’s gate. The owners are being told to pay an extortionate 100,000 TShs fine per head of cattle, and 25,000 per sheep. Though other reports mention 1,130 cows that five families have been charged for. 


Reportedly, on 3rd July, Thomson Safaris joined the abuse, and I’m trying to obtain exact information.


On 4th July, the security forces seized cows and sheep from over five bomas in Ildupa sub-village of Ormanie, and drove them to Engutoto sub-village in Arash. Then they went on to extort 100,000 TShs per cow and 25,000 per sheep from the owners.


The police on 4th July announced having detained 72 people, from Loliondo and Sale divisions, suspected of being “illegal immigrants”, 30 will be taken to court, 13 released, and investigation of 29 others continue. Accusing people of being “Kenyan” and going after NGOs, while at any cost protecting the interests of “investors” that don’t respect land right, is the basics of the Loliondo police state. This time, Immigration is looking for the location of vaccine marks, which reportedly isn't the same in Kenya as in Tanzania.

In Olosirwa sub-village of Kirtalo six people were arrested on 6thJuly, including a primary school teacher when police in four vehicles invaded the school.


This section of the blog post is impossible to keep exact, and sadly it never ends.


The government showing off its own crime

On 11th June, RC Mongella arrived in Loliondo with the regional security committee to repeat the shameless lie that stealing 1,500 km2is giving away 2,500 km2. He said that the illegal operation was going just fine, while confirming that one FFU officer was the previous day killed by arrowshot. There has of course not been any independent investigation, but if that’s how he died, the archer was defending his home and his land against very dangerous invaders. Then Mongella posed in photos planting illegal beacons.


Many government officials have followed Mongella and they must all be held personally accountable for this crime. I wish I could keep up with everything that has happened. All these criminals must be punished!


On 12th June, at the funeral of the FFU officer, Ngorongoro DC, Raymond Mwangwala, told media that those talking online, instigating things that aren't true, will be found wherever they are, in classic Loliondo police state style, which he earlier has mostly left to the DED. Then he has stood at the side of most every government official who has come to defend the crime and threaten anyone who could speak up. Head of police operations, Liberatus Sabas, declared that anyone involved in the killing of the police who died from arrowshot will be hunted down day and night.


On 13th June, Inspector General of Police, Simon Sirro, arrived in to Loliondo to make his contribution to the illegal demarcation, accompanied by RC Mongella. Sirro too said that the demarcation operation is going just fine, but there are some people, politicians included, who are stirring things up, using the Maasai for their own benefit.


Sirro in Loliondo

The Minister of Home Affairs, Hamad Masauni, arrived in Loliondo in helicopter to make a statement directing Immigration to strengthen border security to prevent illegal entry by foreigners and so avoid incitement activities. He also ordered NGOs to be investigated to make sure they operate within the law and don’t engage in breach of peace.


Immigration Commissioner for Border Control and Administration, Samwel Mahirane arrived in Loliondo on 18th June to stand next to an illegal beacon (he too) and posing with a legal Kenya border beacon, threatening people who are sabotaging the exercise and have fled. He said they are known and will all be dealt with. Then he threw in some threats against NGOs.


Commissioner General of Immigration, Anna Makakala, arrived in Loliondo to add her statement from the warfront against the Maasai, announcing that there would be 10 days of flushing out illegal immigrants.


A letter was shared with the information that CCM's National Executive Committee had met on the 21st under the chairperson Samia Suluhu Hassan, and among other issues nominated a contestant for Ngorongoro District Council chairperson. Normally there would be three contestants, but now there was only Mohammed "Marekani" Bayo, current deputy chairman and OBC's community liaison for many years. The letter was signed by Shaka Hamdu Shaka. On 5th July, Marekani was “unanimously elected” as district council chairman – with ten of the councillors illegally arrested! It should however not be forgotten that opposition councillors were cleansed out of Ngorongoro district, via threats and bribes, and all returned to CCM well in advance of the bloody 2020 elections. Now there's ethnic cleansing to get rid of the Maasai (by far majority in the district) for the love of the tourist dollar. 


On 23rd June, PM Majaliwa arrived in Loliondo together with the RC, DC, DED, Minister Chana, Immigration Commissioner Makakala, Awesso, Minister of Waters who’s very much involved in this crime, and other criminals. One of his lies was that the beacons had been planted many kilometres from where people are living, which everyone participating in the crime have with their own eyes seen is not true. The following day a creepy clip was shared in which soldiers from the national army were singing a war song to Majaliwa and the other dignitaries upon landing in Loliondo. I’ve been told that such tropes aren’t deployed without the direct involvement of the commander in chief, President Samia.


On 24th June, at Ngorongoro District Council, village and ward executive officers were instructed to tell people to leave the illegally demarcated area within 24 hours, or their livestock would be confiscated. In the evening, there were pictures and reports from Sanjan in Malambo ward of how the Maasai, under fear and panic, were loading their belongings on donkeys.


Every single government official who has been telling lies and issuing threats, from the ground, or elsewhere, must be held personally accountable!



I will probably forget many, but the Loliondo Maasai have received statements of support, of varying strength, from the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, a group of nine UN human rights experts, Amnesty International, the Oakland Institute, Survival International, the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, Indigenous People’s Rights International, Cultural Survival, a group of more than 250 scientists, Forest People’s Programme, ICCA Consortium, International Land Coalition, the Sami Parliamentary Council, and


In Tanzania the political parties CHADEMA and ACT Wazalendo have made statements. So has Legal and Human Rights Centre, and illustrious individuals have spoken up, such as Tundu Lissu, Issa Shivji (in a letter speaking up about the ownership of the land), and Maria Sarungi Tsehai tirelessly in social media. Kenyan politicians like Ledama Olekina and Moitalel Ole Kenta, and others, keep speaking up.


Govt not getting support from its international allies

A video called “Serengeti and Ngorongoro shall never die: the truth about the Loliondo situation” (paraphrasing Bernhard Grzimek) was shared, with a plead to international conservation organisations to support the Tanzanian government’s war against the Maasai. It claims that the survival of the Serengeti ecosystem is at stake, describes any talk about forced evictions as lies, repeats the monumental lie about the status of the land, and boasts about that Tanzanian has allocated 32% of its area for conservation. It must feel unfair to the government that the organisations and conservation researchers that have created the ideology and the promises of tourism revenue that inevitably lead to violence then refuse to express any public support for this violence.


It’s not just a few international researchers that have a manic focus on – while deeply embedded with the parastatals of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism and with human rights criminals as co-authors – finding any faults with pastoralists at the outskirts of protected areas. “Sucha simplistic view will only lead to solutions that promote violence as in the evictions of the Maasai pastoral households in Loliondo in the last few years”This time even Frankfurt Zoological Society, that never has said anything about violence for conservation in the Serengeti ecosystem, seriously rattled by Survival International, has expressed shock about the violence in Loliondo and distanced itself from any involvement in the land demarcation, but still claiming that the land status would be “uncertain”. It’s not a secret that FZS has since its foundation, in close cooperation with Tanzanian authorities, been involved in and promoting land alienation and violent conservation. Another unlikely organisation that has expressed concern about the violence in Loliondo and even called on the government to respect the 2018 injunction in the EACJ is the IUCN that has never had any involvement in Loliondo (as far as I know) but together with UNESCO has been a main instigator of the government’s threats against the Maasai of Ngorongoro Conservation Area. The reactions by organisations like this must be seen as a victory for the - mostly silenced through terror - local Loliondo activists and their work through international organisation for land rights and indigenous rights.


However, we don’t know what they conversations behind the scenes look like, and the government is getting plenty of laughs and applause from foreign diplomats.


It’s important that leaders, naively or tempted by big money, when we’ve stopped this land grab, don’t let non-friendly organisations act as any kind of mediators to alienate the land in some less violent and obvious way, the land must be managed by the villages, without any kind of “WMA”.


Don’t confuse Loliondo with NCA, just don’t

While even lying government officials keep asking people not to confuse Loliondo and NCA, the supporters of injustice themselves do so all the time (enjoying it) as do those who support the Maasai, and many journalists. No, nobodyfrom Loliondo will get any alternative land in Handeni. That’s for those relocating from NCA. What the government is trying to do is to steal 1,500 km2of less densely populated mostly grazing land while expecting the Maasai to squeeze into the remaining 2,500 km2 of the Loliondo hunting block, where there are two towns, including district headquarters, agricultural areas, forests and a private nature refuge claimed by the horrible American “investor” Thomson Safaris.


On the other hand, the government is also lying wildly about NCA, which I’ve written about in previous blog posts, and will hopefully return to once the illegal beacons in Loliondo are uprooted. Relocations to Msomera in Handeni are hardly “voluntary” when the Maasai in NCA live under intolerable restrictions, permits for already funded public services have the past year been blocked, and COVID-19 funds for schools have illegally been transferred to Handeni. Much of the government’s spectacles showing off those who are relocating don’t involve people with a real relation to NCA. One recent spectacle is the family of former MP Telele who have homes in several cities and agricultural business in Simanjiro. Telele will hardly have to fight with mosquitoes and agriculturalists in the more densely populated Handeni. Many people have through the years tried to explain Telele’s previous treasonous behaviour with that he’s good, but not so bright and aware. I’ve wanted to believe them.


On 30th June, President Samia appointed the retired chief of Tanzania People’s Defence Forces, General Venance Mabeyo, as chairman of the board of directors of the NCAA.



Talking about traitors, such people have sadly often been found in Loliondo. In the previous blog post, I mentioned a young man, confirmed by relatives, who was driving around trying to, in exchange of money, find youths and women to speak up in support of the government. He seems to ha failed in his mission, but others have emerged. An old traitor from the days when the “investor-friendly” group – led by Alais and Killel - in 2014 seriously damaged the land rights struggle seeking personal benefits by praising the aggressors and attacking the activists to whom they left the defence of the land, is the former councillor Raphael Long’oi. He has now emerged in a clip filmed at the start of the illegal demarcation operation, in which he lies that there isn’t any violence and that nobody will be evicted. The most benevolent interpretation is that he was trying to assuage the government, in which he failed, but considering his history, I’d guess that it’s worse than that. Long’oi was joined by the traditional leader Lekakui Kanduli and by Freddy Lindi, chairman of Oloswashi village without land in the 1,500 km2 under attack.


I don’t know what the old traitors William Alias and Gabriel Killel are currently doing.


Tourism as state religion

The current state of terror would not be possible without the Magufuli era’s compulsory stupidity and repression of any kind of dissent within the ruling CCM party that in the past used to be divided about pastoralist land rights. This has now worsened considerably with President Samia’s open hostility towards the Maasai of NCA, and less outspokenly also Loliondo

The president’s views and the NCAA’s tireless parliamentary lobbying has made it possible that in the national assembly less than a handful of parliamentarians will object to lies, the wildest colonial fantasies, and extreme ethnic hatred against the Maasai. The president’s participation in a cheesy travel tv show that nobody in the USA or Europe has heard about, but that the researcher Alex Dukalskis has described as “authoritarian image management”, has turned into a cult that can’t be questioned and that is said to be attracting tourists, who will be 5 million by 2025. The reporter Peter Greenberg has done the same show with such criminals as Netanyahu and Kagame as his hosts and guides. In the Tanzanian version of The Royal Tour, the only ethnic group that features as a tourist attraction are the Maasai, who at the same time are insulted by Greenberg and Samia as “too many”, “primitive”, “will be forced to change”, with some added sexism.


Most clear is the message of tourism as state religion, and environmental concerns as pure theatre, when for international women’s day, the notorious deputy minister Mary Masanja’s caravan of hundreds of vehicles in the Ngorongoro crater is celebrated as the highest form of patriotism and when the same is repeated in June by the CCM youth wing.


President Samia and Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai

Brief summary of previous efforts to rob the Maasai of 1,500 km2 in Loliondo

Since 1993 (first contract signed in 1992) Otterlo Business Corporation, owned by Mohammed Abdul Rahim Al Ali, that organize hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, has the 4,000 km2Loliondo hunting blocks (permit to hunt), which they got in the Loliondogate scandal covered by the reporter Stan Katabalo in 1993. This area includes two towns, district headquarters, and agricultural areas, so OBC have lobbied to have it reduced to their core hunting area bordering Serengeti National Park, and to make it a protected area, which would signify a huge land loss to the local Maasai, leading to lost lives and livelihoods.


Al Ali

Sheikh Mohammed at Oloipiri Primary, March 2018

In 2008, then Ngorongoro DC Jowika Kasunga coerced local leaders into signing a Memorandum of Understanding with OBC. There were supposed to be talks to coordinate grazing and hunting, but when the 2009 drought turned catastrophic, OBC went to the government to complain, and village land in the 1,500 km2 osero was illegally invaded by the Field Force Unit working with OBC’s rangers, with mass arson, dispersal of cattle, and abuse of every kind.


The Maasai moved back, and some leaders reconciled with OBC that went on to funding a draft district land use plan that proposed turning the village land that had been invaded into a protected area. The Maasai were united, and the draft land use plan was rejected by Ngorongoro District Council in 2011.


In 2013, Minister Kagasheki lied to the world saying that the whole 4,000 km2 Loliondo Game Controlled Area (Loliondo Division and part of Sale Division of Ngorongoro District) was a protected area and that alienating the important 1,500 km2 meant generously giving the remaining land to the Maasai. This ugly trick did not work, since the Maasai were more serious and united than ever, garnered support from both the opposition CHADEMA and from CCM, and then PM Pinda stopped Kagasheki’s threats.


After the unity, efforts to buy off local leaders started creating serious divisions and weakening. Some found it convenient to benefit from openly praising the “investors” and attacking the people who they at the same time expected to take risks to defend the land. Though nobody signed any MoU.


The investors (OBC and Thomson Safaris) had for years used the local police state that through the successive DCs, security committee, and most every government employee will threaten anyone who could speak up about them and engage in defamation and illegal arrests. The repression and fear of this police state became worse with Magufuli in office, and there were lengthy illegal arrests, torture, and malicious prosecution, by 2016 it was so bad that Majaliwa could enter the stage with a select non-participatory committee, set up by RC Gambo. Some of the members were local leaders and other representatives that found themselves at the opposite side of the people when marking “critical areas” under protests in each village. The proposal handed over to Majaliwa was seen as a victory, even though it was a sad compromise (a WMA) that had earlier been rejected for many years of better unity and less fear.


This picture is from March 2017. DON'T use it to illustrate what's happening now. 

Maybe since the Maasai showed such weakness, the government went on with the unthinkable and while everyone was still waiting to hear Majaliwa’s decision, on 13th August 2017 an illegal mass arson operation, like the one in 2009, was initiated and continued, on and off, well into October. Hundreds of bomas were razed to the ground by Serengeti rangers, assisted by NCA rangers and those from OBC, NCA, TAWA/KDU, local police and others. People were beaten and raped, illegally arrested, and cattle seized. Some leaders were frightfully silent while others protested loudly. Minister Maghembe pretended that OBC’s land use plan would have been implemented and the operation was taking place on some protected land, while the DC, and Maghembe’s own ministry, said it was not about the 1,500 km2, since Majaliwa was to announce a decision about that, but that village land was invaded because people were entering Serengeti National Park “too easily”.


The illegal operation wasn’t stopped until late October 2017, a couple of weeks after Kigwangalla came into office. The new minister also made grand promises, like saying that OBC would have left Tanzania before 2018, but it was very soon clear that OBC weren’t going anywhere. On 6th December 2017, Majaliwa delivered his vague but terrifying decision that was about, through a legal bill, creating a “special authority” to manage the land. He also said that OBC were staying. The decision was celebrated in the anti-Maasai press (the Jamhuri). Fortunately, implementation has been delayed, no legal bill has been seen, and would of course be contempt of court.


In March 2018, Kigwangalla welcomed OBC’s hunters to Tanzania (directing himself to a fake account of the Dubai crown prince), and in April the same year, OBC - once again - gifted the Ministry of Natural Resources of Tourism with 15 vehicles. In March 2018, a military camp was set up in Lopolun, near Wasso in Loliondo, first temporary, but eventually made permanent with donations from the NCAA.


In June 2018, the OCCID and local police tried to derail the case in the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) – filed during the illegal operation in 2017 - by summoning local leaders and villagers. Nobody dared to speak up about this, except for the applicants' main counsel. On 25th September 2018 – a year after the illegal operation - the court finally issued an injunction restraining the government from evictions, destruction and harassment of the applicants, but this injunction was soon brutally violated. In November and December soldiers from the camp in Olopolun tortured people, seized cattle, and burned bomas in Kirtalo and Ololosokwan. This was the lowest point ever in the land rights struggle and I have still not understood how it could happen without anyone at all speaking up. Local leaders claimed to fear for their lives and thought that the brutality was directly ordered by President Magufuli. When RC Gambo in January 2019 condemned the crimes in a very vague way, they changed to thinking that OBC’s director had contracted the soldiers.


There were finally some promising developments in 2019 when OBC’s director Isaack Mollel was arrested on economic sabotage charges and OBC toned down (they never left and Mollel was never fired) their activities on the ground, but the local police state wasn’t dealt with and after a lengthy stay in remand prison Mollel was out, and after a while back to work. Speculations about Mollel’s misfortune include his clashes of egos with Kigwangalla and Gambo, and Magufuli wanting to send a message to OBC’s old friend Abdulrahman Kinana (and to Bernard Membe) that nobody is untouchable.


In September 2019, a genocidal zoning proposal for NCA, which included the proposal to annex most of the 1,500 km2 and turn it into a protected area allowing hunting was presented. This Multiple Land Use Model review proposal was met with countless protests from every kind of group of people from NCA, but near silence from Loliondo.


2021 brought Jumaa Mhina as new DED and he started working to kill the court cases against land grabbing “investors”. Though the village chairmen have stood their ground and Reference No. 10 of 2017, Ololosokwan, Kirtalo, Oloirien, and Arash versus the Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania continues in the EACJ. The case against Thomson Safaris in the Tanzanian court of appeal, however, was in 2022 killed using a law that was introduced after the case was filed.


On 11th January 2022, Arusha RC John Mongella summoned village and ward leaders from villages with land in the 1,500 km2 to inform them that the government would make a painful decision for the broader interest of the nation. The leaders, even those who for years had worked for OBC and against the people, refused to accompany the RC for a tour of the 1,500 km2, or to sign the attendance list. On 13th-14th January in Oloirien there was a public protest meeting and a statement by village, ward, and traditional leaders.


On 14th February, Majaliwa came and wasn’t much better than Mongella, but too well-received, since something worse was expected, because of the crazy anti-Maasai hate campaign, and parliamentarians calling for tanks to be sent to Ngorongoro.


Three days later, on 17th February in NCA, notLoliondo, Majaliwa ordered the disputed land to be marked by beacons, so that we may know the boundaries – while claiming that this is NOT a trick!


Then Ndumbaro on 8th March re-introduced Kagasheki’s lies in an interview with DW Kiswahili, and on the 11th Majaliwa again mentioned beacons and water projects when informing parliamentarians about a fake spectacle that he had set up in Arusha, without people from Ngorongoro, the previous day.


At a huge protest meeting in Arash on 19th March, several leaders spoke up in defence of the land, among them the Arash ward councillor Methew Siloma spoke up very clearly and strongly. The message from this meeting was:

-PM Majaliwa is a liar.

-The Maasai are not renouncing one square inch of land.

-They request to meet with the president, since Majaliwa can’t be trusted.

On 31st March Abdulrahman Kinana was brought in from the cold, after having fallen out with Magufuli, and is now Vice-Chairman of CCM mainland. Kinana is one of OBC’s and Sheikh Mohammed’s best and oldest friends since at least 1993.


CCM councillors that had spoken up against plans of robbing the Maasai of the 1,500 km2 osero were being intimidated, arrested, and summoned to be “interrogated” in Arusha. The councillors of Arash and Malambo had to keep reporting to the police.


On 25th May a committee handed over their report of “community views” on both NCA and the 1,500 km2 Osero in Loliondo to PM Majaliwa who said that he’s work on the recommendations.


On 3rd June, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana in her budget speech announced that her ministry expected to upgrade Loliondo to a Game Reserve, but she did this while listing huge areas of Tanzania for the same expectation, which didn’t make it sound believable or realistic in any way, and there was hardly any reaction, except for an intervention by Ngorongoro MP Emmanuel Oleshangai.


Then the brutal, lawless land grab operation erupted, and now there are some 424 beacons to uproot, illegally arrested people that must be freed, and so many criminals that must be punished. And where is Oriais Oleng'iyo?


Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (now increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com




Cows from five bomas and sheep from one boma were seized in Sanjan, Malambo. There was incorrect information on the 6th saying that livestock were seized in Sanjan, which then was denied by people from the area, but on the 7th they were seized, to demand hefty fines, but reportedly the owners have not yet dared to start negotiating. They would get help from the councillor who's arrested, or the village and sub-village chairmen who have fled. (It's as if some people are actively trying to create confusion). The cattle is being held at Orng'oswa.

According to an eyewitness, in the evening, four vehicles arrived in Arash and took two youths who were wearing clothes with the Kenyan flag. The youths are from Arash. Reportedly people were detained in Piyaya as well.

On 6th July the German ambassador scmoozed with on of the main criminals, RC Mongella.

8th July

The criminals, TAWA and police, are demanding 100,000 per cow and 25,000 per sheep for the livestock seized in Malambo on the 7th. They were seized in Ndinyika sub-village and not Sanjan as mentioned earlier, but are being held in Orng'oswa and another area in Sanjan sub-village. 

The livestock in Malambo were released after the owners paid the extortionate ransom fee of 54,000,000 TShs.

The Kenyan peacher Julius ole Kuyioni - a real Kenyan this time ... - was arrested in Loliondo and taken to Arusha. 

9th July
I was informed that on Tuesday 5th July, the home of 71-year old pastor and nursery school teacher William Risando, was demolished in Sanjan, Malambo. 

Refugees from Sanjan have gone to an area called Olepombo, and in Musurmuny, that's supposed to be for young and sick livestock. The refugees are in need of everything, including food and water, and their cattle are dying. 

Houses have been demolished in Engong'u. in Ololosokwan.

The Kenyan Red Cross distributed food to refugees in Olpusimoru. 

The Horror Continues in Loliondo and the Tanzanian Government Must be Stopped



The Tanzanian government’s dirty war against the Maasai in Loliondo, despite of significant support from international organisations for the Maasai, goes on and on, and sanctions, instead of just words, are needed. The brutal and lawless government – while violating all laws and human rights, and hardly even pretending to follow any procedure – is robbing the Maasai of 1,500 km2 of mostly less densely populated grazing land - all of it legally registered village land - expecting them to squeeze into the remaining 2,500 km2 of the 4,000 km2 Loliondo hunting block where there are towns, agricultural areas, forests, a grabbed “private nature refuge”, and other land occupation, while shamelessly lying that this means that out of love they are “giving” the Maasai the 2,500 km2. Government representatives even lie that this operation would be “participatory” - when ALL councillors (except one who fled) from affected wards were arrested the day before the illegal demarcation started and continue locked up on trumped up charges.

Local leaders that for the past years have shown weakness, and worse than weakness, have with the new version of the threat against the 1,500km2 this year made it very publicly clear that giving away this land for a protected area in any form is not an option.


For years, this land alienation has been lobbied for by Otterlo Business Corporation (OBC) that organizes hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai. Now, after dissenting views inside the government were killed, and the always present repression of activism worsened during the Magufuli regime, the government of Samia Suluhu Hassan has made tourism into state religion, while anti-Maasai hate speech in the one-party parliament flouting on blood has reached insane levels. Unlike in the past, the Maasai don’t have any allies at all in the government and less than a handful in parliament, and there isn’t anyone around to stop a cultural genocide, other than independent or opposition voices, when voices are not enough. Flagrantly violating the injunction in the ongoing case in the East African Court of Justice apparently doesn’t carry any consequences for the Tanzanian government.


The Maasai have been shot at, teargassed and beaten. Thousands have become refugees across the border in Kenya and illegal arrests and malicious prosecution are used for further intimidation. Houses have been demolished or razed. Tanzania Wildlife Authority (TAWA) rangers keep seizing livestock on village land illegally demarcated as a protected area and demanding extortionate fines for their release. The threat is much worse than during the major illegal mass arson operations in 2009 and 2017. And there are illegal beacons that must be uprooted.


Where is Oriais Oleng'iyo? Last seen injured and “accompanied” by security forces on 10thJune.


My delay in publishing this blog post is unacceptable. So many crimes are being committed, but due to a worse than ever coordination and lack of leadership getting confirmed information is very hard. I fear there are many, many horrors that aren’t being reported in any way. Like to blog post since the illegal demarcation started, updates will be added at the end. 


In this blog post:

The illegal, brutal and lawless land demarcation, and the government’s lies about it

Crimes committed to uphold and benefit from the illegal protected area

The bogus murder case

When will the Germans be driven out of the Serengeti ecosystem?

Thomson Safaris – as always, OBC’s copycats in using the Loliondo police state

Summary of previous efforts to rob the Maasai of 1,500 km2 in Loliondo

NEVER share this without making clear how illegal it is!


This blog post is about Loliondo and Sale Divisions, not to be mixed up with Ngorongoro Division (NCA), even if the issues are closely related. Nobody from Loliondo is moving to Handeni. Those so-called “voluntary” relocations are about Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) where the Maasai are victims of unreasonable restrictions, since last year blocking of funds for social services, and illegal transfer of COVID-19 funds for Ngorongoro schools to Handeni. I must soon get back to reporting about NCA, but currently I can’t even keep up with the massive human rights crimes in Loliondo.


The illegal, brutal and lawless land demarcation, and the government’s lies about it

Remember that on 8thJune 2022, vehicles from the anti-riot Field Force Unit (FFU) had gathered in Wasso town in Loliondo and set out to set up camp along the 90-kilometre stretch from north to south in western Loliondo and Sale divisions and in an area somewhat more to the east, in the extreme south in Malambo ward. They were accompanied by Tanzania Wildlife Authority (TAWA) rangers, soldiers from the national army (JWTZ) that since 2018 have been stationed near Wasso, local police, rangers from Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area, OBC rangers, and non-identified vehicles. The main implementors of the brutal and lawless operation that would unfold are the FFU and TAWA.


The Maasai gathered in several places to pray and to determine what action to take. Information surfaced that on 2nd and 6th June, the Regional and District Security Committees held closed-door meetings in Arusha and Karatu. In connection with this, Arusha RC John Mongella filmed a clip“explaining” the operation.


Mongella’s clip was shared all over regular and social media on the 8th. The message was a rehash of Khamis Kagasheki’s old lie from 2013 that the whole 4,000km2hunting block (all of it legally registered village land) was a “protected area” that had been “encroached” and that the government out of love for its people was giving the Maasai 2,500km2, when the actual plan is to fulfil what OBC had been lobbying for – to rob the Maasai of the 1,500km2of vitally important grazing land. This deeply malicious and shameless lie was stopped by PM Mizengo Pinda in 2013, when he confessed that the land without any doubt was village land. Since then, the lie has been repeated by some individuals, like Jumanne Maghembe in 2017, and Damas Ndumbaro earlier this year, but on 8th June, the whole government had decided on using it again to “explain” the massive crimes that were to take place. To pile one monumental lie upon another, Mongella added that the decision had been “participatory”! Since he first appeared in Loliondo in January to announce hard decisions for “the wider interest of the nation” it had been made clear to him that nobody would participate in such self-annihilation. And the latest “participatory” interaction was when PM Kassim Majaliwa on 25th May, was handed “community recommendations” that he had asked for and said that he would “work on the recommendations”. These recommendations made it very clear that the land is village land and under no circumstances will the local Maasai participate in demarcating any “protected area”. Further recommendations concerned the removal of OBC.


The Maasai continued holding meetings and prayers on 9th June, and their worst fears were confirmed when heavily armed FFU officers interrupted the meetings to inform them that they had come to demarcate a “game reserve” on 1,500km2 of village land. Pictures and video clips from these meetings, taken from grass level of the interrupting FFU officers, were shared in social media, and in Kirtalo women with pangas and men with bows and arrows made a video clip as a message to show that they were ready to die for their land.

The same day, 9thJune, all councillors from wards affected by the planned illegal demarcation – except the Soitsambu councillor who fled the DC’s trap instead of attending - were after a CCM meeting and then interrogation, first by the District Security Committee and then a special task force that had arrived, arrested or more exactly abducted, and held incommunicado until the 16thwhen they were charged with “murder”. This says a lot about how “participatory” the operation is.


At night the illegal planting of concrete boundary beacons began. In Ololosokwan, the beacons were uprooted by the Maasai who stayed around until the morning of the 10th when the FFU attacked with teargas and live bullets, seriously injuring at least 31 people. They crossed the border into Kenya for treatment and so did many who were fleeing the violence.


The attacks were unusually well-documented with many pictures of the injuries, and a clip showing how teargas was used and bullets fired.


The approximately 80 years old Oriais Oleng'iyo was last seen on 10th June with bullet wounds and detained by the FFU. Where is he? A habeas corpus was filed.


There were reports that a FFU officer had been killed in the confrontations.


The same day, 10thJune, PM Kassim Majaliwa (known for his glowing reports on Magufuli’s health when the late president was probably already dead, and for otherwise lying all the time) claimed that beacons were being placed to protect the environment and that the local Maasai would “not be affected”. He warned people of ill will who are spreading a video with false information, referring to the clip from Kirtalo, saying that the Maasai weren’t pointing their arrows at any police, that there wasn’t any confrontation, while missing the point that it was a message sent to himself. Majaliwa further lied that the land that was to be demarcated was “far from the villages”. Since he was speaking in Swahili, I’m not sure who he was trying to mislead. The parliamentarians could hardly have been unfamiliar with the definition of a Tanzanian village, especially a village in a pastoralist area. I suppose he was planting the lie for everyone to tell when addressing foreigners concerned about the human rights crime – lying that the Maasai are just fine squeezed into village centres with their cattle. Sadly, some outsiders, not least diplomats, seem to enjoy being told this kind of lie. Speaker Tulia Ackson, said that the government had explained the operation, that those spreading false information would be dealt with, and that Tanzania is in an economic war with other countries.


On 11th June, RC Mongella arrived in Loliondo with the regional security committee to repeat the shameless lie that stealing 1,500 km2 is giving away 2,500 km2. He said that the illegal operation was going just fine, while confirming that one FFU officer was the previous day killed by arrowshot. There has of course not been any independent investigation, but if that’s how this policeman died, the unknown archer was defending his home and his land against very dangerous invaders. Then Mongella posed in photos planting illegal beacons. He was followed by a row of government officials making statements from the warfront against the Maasai, repeating the same lies, issuing threats and posing with illegal beacons.


On 11th June, at night the FFU fired shots in all directions in Mairowa in Ololosokwan, outside the area that was being illegally demarcated. Houses were searched and people were beaten. The hunt was for those who had participated in protests and those who had shared photos of the government’s violent crimes. Many ran away into the bush to hide, and many children were lost in the chaos (and later found). More people fled to Kenya. Some were arrested, accused of having reported and shared pictures.


The reporting and sharing of pictures became much scarcer, maybe because of the general terror, that the hunt was specifically for those sharing pictures, and because so many people had become refugees in Narok. The illegal planting of beacons, in clouds of teargas accompanied by live bullets continued on the 12th , in Ololosokwan and elsewhere. In Malambo Parit Nchorro Makesen (I’ve only got his name now, after spending over two months asking for it) was killed when hit by a FFU vehicle. In the Oltulelei area of Maaloni, people were arrested and beaten, and the FFU set fire to motorbikes. The destruction of motorbikes has been a constant in earlier illegal operations and has continued in several locations during this brutal and illegal demarcation. The FFU opened fire at the market in Oltulelei on 15th June, causing fear and panic. In Malambo as well were they firing shots into the air, and they beat up a motorbike rider whom they thought was following them.


On 12th June, at the funeral of the FFU officer, Ngorongoro DC, Raymond Mwangwala, told mediathat those talking online, instigating things that aren't true, will be found wherever they are. Head of police operations, Liberatus Sabas, declared that anyone involved in the killing of the police who died from arrowshot will be hunted down day and night.


On 13th June, MP Emmanuel Oleshangai confirmed that at least 31 people had been seriously injured in the demarcation exercise on village land, and that they are being treated in Kenya after being denied treatment in Tanzania for lacking the required PF3 form. He explained that the injured were his voters and not Kenyans. Further, the MP demanded the release of the detained leaders, and made it clear that the operation is most definitely not "participatory" since even he had not been informed, despite sitting in the same parliament as the Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism. The following day, he was summoned to the police, questioned and released.


In Loliondo on 13thJune, Inspector General of Police, Simon Sirro (now ambassador to Zimbabwe) made his contribution to the illegal demarcation, accompanied by RC Mongella. Sirro too said that the demarcation operation was going just fine, but there are some people, politicians included, who are stirring things up, using the Maasai for their own benefit.


Sirro with illegal beacon.

Sirro with land demarcation workers.

On 15th June, the Minister of Home Affairs, Hamad Masauni, arrived in military helicopter to make a statement directing Immigration to strengthen border security to prevent illegal entry by foreigners and so avoid incitement activities. He also ordered NGOs to be investigated to make sure they operate within the law and don’t engage in breach of peace.

Immigration Commissioner for Border Control and Administration, Samwel Mahirane, arrived in Loliondo on 18thJune to, like all government officials, pose with beacons, and threaten people who are sabotaging the exercise and have fled. He said they are known and will all be dealt with. Then he threw in some threats against NGOs.


Also on 15th June, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Tanzania Mission to the UN in Geneva, Hoyce Temu, in a widely shared clip, denied any state violence, repeating the government lie about a “protected area” that had been “encroached” and about “peaceful talks” with local residents that agreed with the government “keeping”  1,500 km2 as a protected area, that a minority against the exercise made recordings while posing threateningly and combined this with unrelated pictures, that the government has called on anyone alleging to have been attacked to come forward for the law to take its course and for treatment, but that nobody has come forward. The ambassador will block absolutely everyone who in social media confronts her about her hideous lies and involvement in this crime.

 Never forgive, never forget. 

Kenyan Maasai held solidarity demonstrations in Nairobi and Namanga.


On 17th June, the Tanzanian government organized its own demonstration using supposed Maasai without any relation to Loliondo, or Ngorongoro, to demonstrate outside the Kenyan high commission  in Dar es Salaam thanking the government for dividing Loliondo so that the Maasai have a place to live(!), and accusing Kenyans and NGOs of inciting conflict. Later it was found that people had been told that 150 Maasai were needed to go and sing for some white people at Dar Free Market Mall and would get 20,000 shillings each. Some Parakuyo Maasai gathered, but most fled when they saw what was being cooked. Authentic Maasai youths in Dar es Salaam issued a statement to denounce the fake demonstration, which was not covered by any of the regular press.


As mentioned before, Deputy Minister Mary Masanja, Minister of Constitution and Legal Affairs Damas Ndumbaro, Director of Wildlife, Maurus Msuha, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Liberata Mulamula on 21st June, stood in front of spineless diplomats telling their blood-soaked, easy to debunk, lies about Loliondo, and about Ngorongoro Conservation Area. In a clip shared by the Tanzanian government, Ndumbaro totally manipulates the diplomats (not shown but heard) making them stand up in silence for the slain FFU officer, clap, and giggle. He lectures them that there aren’t any indigenous people in Tanzania, that nobody owns land, and that human rights aren’t the same in Africa as in Europe, since there are “human and people’s rights”, which would logically mean more rights, but to Ndumbaro it justifies human rights crimes. He talks about a conflict between environmental interests and grazing, when it’s obvious that if had the Maasai used their land in some other way, less compatible with wildlife, they would not now be suffering all this abuse. Ndumbaro shamelessly directs himself to the British high commissioner, thanking the British for having made Loliondo into a protected area that lasts until today – which is the big lie– and the diplomats just laugh and clap. Though maybe this time they had asked not to feature in photos, to avoid situations like in March, when the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism declared that the German ambassador supported their “efforts” in Ngorongoro (still not publicly denied by the ambassador). The ministry did however show off the UAE ambassador, and the following day the French ambassador lent himself to a most deplorable spectacle (see below).

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Mary Masanja, Minister of Constitutional and Legal Affairs, Damas Ndumbaro and UAE ambassador Khalifa Abdul Rahman Al Marzouqi


Masanja explained how OBC win the auction for the hunting block every year.

On 21st June there were shocking news from the East African Court of Justice. The ruling in the case filed by four villages during the illegal mass arson in 2017 that was set for the following day, 22nd June, had due to “unavoidable circumstances” been postponed to September. On 25th September 2018, the court had issued an injunction restraining the government from evictions, destruction and harassment of the applicants, while the case continues – and this injunction is being violated to some extreme extent.


In a Zoom meeting on 22ndJune, in which government representatives kept repeating the same lies, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Pindi Chana, claimed to on 17thJune having gazetted the 1,500 km2 into a “Pololeti Game Controlled Area” – after a week of war against the Maasai, with local leaders illegally arrested, charged with murder for a death the day after they were arrested, and others in hiding. Until then, the government had been talking about a Game Reserve, but finally decided to create a GCA on another GCA, since their lie is that Loliondo Game Controlled Area still exists and is a protected area. The French ambassador participated making some pointless comments about France. Not sure what he thought he was doing.


In parliament, MP Emmanuel Oleshangai made it clear that land in Loliondo is village land, that when we talk about land we talk about people’s lives, and that what's being done in Loliondo is a land grab that no person or village government has agreed to. He rejected several interventions by maliciously ignorant parliamentarians. I don’t know how the MP can keep calm and smiling in a house so full of evil. "I know there are people laughing here, but I am talking about the lives of my people, my grandparents, my fathers, my brothers and my younger siblings. It is their land”, he said.


Commissioner General of Immigration, Anna Makakala, arrived in Loliondo to add her statement from the warfront against the Maasai, announcing that there would be 10 days of flushing out illegal immigrants.


In Malambo the invading security forces were counting the bomas found inside their illegal demarcation.


On 23rd June, PM Majaliwa arrived in Loliondo in military helicopter to celebrate the success in the dirty war against the Maasai, with a big delegation including the Arusha RC, Ngorongoro DC and DED, Minister Chana, Immigration Commissioner Makakala, Awesso, Minister of Waters, and other criminals. It was a military celebration, with the attendants clapping to the songs of stupidly crawling soldiers. Majaliwa and the other attendants continued telling their lies and the PM thanked the useless Tanzanian press for their assistance.  He stressed that the protection of the illegally demarcated protected area would continue.


Crimes committed to uphold and benefit from the illegal protected area

Then followed displacement, illegal demolishment of houses, illegal seizure of cattle with heavy extortion, further mass arrests, a road was cleared along the illegal demarcation, and there was sickening violence.


Around 24th June, a video called “Serengeti and Ngorongoro shall never die: the truth about the Loliondo situation” (paraphrasing Bernhard Grzimek) was shared, with a plead to international conservation organisations to support the Tanzanian government’s war against the Maasai. It claims that the survival of the Serengeti ecosystem is at stake, describes any talk about forced evictions as lies, repeats the monumental lie about the status of the land, and boasts about that Tanzania has allocated 32% of its area for conservation. It must feel unfair to the government that the organisations and conservation researchers that have created the ideology and the promises of tourism revenue that inevitably lead to violence then refuse to express any public support for this violence. They haven’t got any public support at all from outside Tanzania, not even from their most natural allies, except for from an insignificant South African reporter working for the trophy hunting industry, and less publicly, but very dangerously, from Germany. Inside Tanzania, on the other hand, government supporters apparently love this dirty war.


On 25th July an open letter from law professor Issa Shivji to Samia Suluhu Hassan was published, setting the record straight about the frequent claim – in parliament and elsewhere – that all land in Tanzania would belong to the public, to the government, or even to the president (as once claimed by Ndumbaro – Minister of Constitutional and Legal Affairs … - in parliament). Further, Shivji explained that, “the inhabitants of Ngorongoro and Loliondo, especially pastoral communities, cannot be evicted from their land without adhering to legal procedures and for a specific reason which ought to be publicly known and discussed”. There are no signs at all that the president was listening.


On 24th June, reportedly (I haven’t heard from anyone who was there, and the criminals haven’t written anything) village and ward executive officers were instructed to tell people to leave the illegally demarcated area within 24 hours, or their livestock would be confiscated. In the evening, there were pictures, video clips, and reports from Sanjan in Malambo ward of how the Maasai, under fear and panic, were loading their belongings on donkeys. Then came reports that the same was happening in Arash, Oltulelei in Oloirien, and everywhere. Shots were being fired and people were being beaten, reportedly by both the FFU and soldiers from the national army.


For days, refugees from Sanjan were moving to an area called Olepombo, and to Musurmuny, that's supposed to be for young and sick livestock. They put up makeshift shelters and were in need of everything, including food and water, even if good Samaritans offered some assistance. Some people have continued on the move, with their donkeys, looking for somewhere to live.

Besides the two areas mentioned, cattle from Malambo have been moved to Olbalbal in NCA. Many have been illegally seized on village land that’s been “declared” a fake and illegal protected area and the owners have been forced to pay the same extortionate “fines” as for cattle seized in Serengeti National Park to TAWA, that’s working as a mafia. The ransom fee is 100,000 TShs per cow and 25,000 TShs per sheep or goat. Hungry cows have returned to known areas on what’s to everyone, except the brutal and lawless government, legal village land. TAWA have been particularly active in cattle extortion in the Ndinyika sub-village. Some TAWA invoices for the extortion of cattle owners from Malambo have been publicly shared.

There has been widespread illegal demolishment of houses – both traditional and modern (that need more machinery) - in Malambo, by local police and TAWA, which has only been partially reported.

On Tuesday 5th July, the home of 71-year-old pastor and nursery school teacher William Risando, was demolished in Sanjan, Malambo.

At least seven people from Serng'etuny sub-village in Piyaya and ten from Ndinyika, Malambo were on 29thJune, arrested and taken to Loliondo police station. Those in Piyaya were reportedly arrested in connection with uprooting beacons.


Thousands of Maasai from Loliondo live as refugees in Narok County in Kenya, assisted by private Kenyans, churches and organisations, but not so much Kenyan authorities. UNHCR from Geneva on 27th June visited the refugees from Loliondo who have fled to Kenya in Olpusimoru, Naikarra and other areas where the families are hosted. They stayed for three days and saw the wounded and the County Commissioner in Narok. Reportedly, the UNHCR handed over a report to the Kenyan government, which was forgotten in the election frenzy, but the work from the Kenyan side will now be taken up again, I hope.


In Ololosokwan the security forces were saying that they would never leave and threatening to revenge the death of the FFU officer by killing 15 people. Many livestock have been moved across the border to Kenya and others are held in village centre areas. Hundreds of livestock have been illegally seized by TAWA with their extortion that’s the same as demanding ransom fees. The night to 2ndJuly, 30 people were arrested in Njoroi and 11 in Oloika sub-village, in Ololosokwan ward. They were accused of being "Kenyan”. Houses have been demolished by the security forces in Engong'u in Ololosokwan. On 6thAugust, 130 cows belonging to the Oloinyo family were seized by TAWA at Eng'ongu and held at Klein's gate. The extortionate and illegal fines were paid on the 9th and the cows released. On 26th August, cattle belonging to Cosmas Leitura and Elisha Sananka were seized in Ololosokwan.


Early on, ten people were apparently randomly arrested, then seven more from different areas, and after having been interrogated, tortured, and starved about spreading pictures, they were added to the bogus murder charges.


In Olosirwa sub-village of Kirtalosix people were arrested on 6th July, including a primary school teacher when police in four vehicles invaded the school. On 25th July over 700 cattle were illegally seized by TAWA on village land in the Leken area of Kirtalo, and the owners had to pay the very heavy ransom fees to get them back.


I got a compilation of those arrested – and charged - by Immigration: 40 people from Ololosokwan, Kirtalo, Mondorosi and Njoroi and 21 people from Enguserosambu, Naan, Ilutulele, Ng’arwa and Orkiu, with different charges. All of them are Tanzanian. This doesn’t include those arrested in Arash, Malambo, and Piyaya.


Most shockingly, in Ormanie, Arashward, on 27th June, donkeys, calves, and other livestock belonging to Parkimalo Lupa were shot by the security forces when on the way to the river. Children accompanying the livestock were severely beaten by the security forces.

In the afternoon of 2ndJuly, the security forces started burning seasonal bomas (ronjos) in the Oldoinyo Orok area of Arash. They had caught and tortured a young herder, forcing him to show them the location. Six ronjos were burned to the ground. At least four more ronjos were burned in the nearby Sindin area. Then an unknown number of permanent bomas have been burned in Ormanie, among them the boma of mzee Oltinayio that was first immortalized in a picture with an illegal beacon.

On 4th July, the security forces seized cows and sheep from over five bomas in Ildupa sub-village of Ormanie, and drove them to Engutoto sub-village in Arash. They went on to extort 100,000 TShs per cow and 25,000 per sheep from the owners. On 7th July, according to an eyewitness, in the evening, four vehicles arrived in Arash and took two youths who were wearing clothes with the Kenyan flag. The youths were all from Arash. Reportedly people were detained in Piyaya as well. On 15th August several herds of livestock were illegally seized by TAWA in Olembuya, Arash, and kept at Eng'oswa. I suppose the extortion fees were paid, but I still haven’t got proper updates.


On 18th August, there were reports that almost 3,000 sheep and 200 cows had been seized by TAWA in Piyaya.


While all councillors from affected wards, except one who’s gone into hiding, in Loliondo and Sale, two special seats councillors, and the district CCM chairman were locked up on bogus murder charges, Mohammed “Marekani” Bayo, OBC’s community liaison officer for many years, was on 5th July - as the sole candidate, instead of the usual three - “unanimously elected” as district council chairman.


The Tanzanian government again brought an imposter, as they like to do even when traitors can sadly be found, or bought, in Loliondo. In the press on the 12th and on 13thJuly in a video clip Amani ole Silonga Torongei was posing as a traditional leader from Ololosokwan saying that the leaders were agreeing with the illegal demarcation process. This individual is from Monduli and has no connection to Ololoskwan, or Loliondo at all. He’s even a somewhat well-known character who was Monduli chairman of CHADEMA, but defected to CCM. He’s also a preacher. Sadly, two real traitors were standing next to the imposter – Boni Masago and Mungasio Ketuta. Masago is known as unethical, but Ketuta is reportedly a mystery. The chairman of Ololosokwan, John Pyando, on 15th July, read a statement setting the record straight and giving the imposter, Amani ole Silonga Torongei, five days to apologize. Though this shameless individual treats it all as big joke, doesn’t mind being a known imposter, and keeps parroting government lies, while sharing bible citations.


It was announced everywhere in social media that on 15th July in Geneva, Ndumbaro – who as Minister of Constitutional and Legal Affairs has been just as involved in this crime as when he was Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism - held talks with Michelle Bachelet, outgoing UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, “to exchange ideas on human rights issues, including clarifying allegations about the Loliondo GCA and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.” Further, the message from the Ministry of Constitutional and Legal Affairs was that Bachelet, "thanked and congratulated the way in which the United Republic of Tanzania implements human rights issues under the Government of Samia Suluhu Hassan."


The Kenyan pastor and radio presenter Julius Kuyioni was detained on 7th July when entering Loliondo for a "crusade" and on a missionary visa, was taken to Arusha and illegally detained without charges until 5th August when the police apparently had got tired of this bogus case and handed it over to Immigration. Reportedly, Kuyioni was for almost a month accused – without any evidence or charges – of “espionage”. Finally, Kuyioni paid a fine for having entered on the wrong kind of visa – even when he had exactly the right kind, like on many previous occasions when preaching in Tanzania.


There were reports that on 6th August, a convoy of the Arusha RC, TAWA, NCAA and deputy minister Mary Masanja were in Loliondo to hand over the management of the fake and illegal protected area to the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority. Though I haven’t heard from any eyewitness and nothing at all has been mentioned online by the MNRT or NCAA, so it just can’t be verified. This plan for the 1,500 km2 Osero was part of the genocidal Multiple Land Use Model review report that was presented by NCA chief conservator Manongi in September 2019.


On 19th August, at a function sending off “voluntary” families from NCA to Msomera in Handeni (another huge and terrifying issue that I must get back to writing about) Majaliwa spoke mockingly about Loliondo saying that the 2,500km2 (with towns, agricultural areas, and an American land grabber) are enough for the Maasai, but not for livestock from other areas. As he was saying this, Tanzanian Maasai and Tanzanian livestock are in exile in Kenya, depending on the solidarity of Kenyans, while TAWA keep illegally seizing Tanzanian livestock on the 1,500 km2 of legally registered village land.


OBC’s camp has been set up for guests, and planes from the UAE Air Force have landed in Loliondo, but Sheikh Mohammed, or his crown prince, have reportedly not been sighted. Instead, they have gone hunting grouse in Yorkshire in England.


The bogus murder case

As mentioned, on 9thJune, the day before the illegal demarcation started, the councillors of Ololosokwan, Oloipiri, Oloirien, Maaloni, Arash, Piyaya, Malambo, and two women’s special seats councillors, Kijoolu Kakiya and Taleng’o Leshoko were arrested, as was the district CCM chairman, Ndirango Laizer. After a CCM meeting they were interrogated by the District Security Committee, and then a special task force arrived to interrogate them individually. The Soitsambu councillor escaped the DC’s trap, avoided attending the meeting, and is now hiding somewhere. At midnight the leaders were put in a vehicle and driven to an unknown destination that upon arrival was identified as a smaller police station in Arusha town, Chekereni, where they were interrogated regarding sedition - and not murder.


Nothing was known of the whereabouts of those illegally arrested/abducted until 16th June when they were sneaked to court without any legal representation and then locked up in Kisongo remand prison. The following day it was revealed that they, and ten other arrested people from Loliondo, had been charged with murder contrary to Section 196 of the Penal Code [Cap 16 R:E 2019] in the preliminary inquiry case No 11 of 2022. The murder concerned a FFU officer who was killed the day after the local leaders were arrested. Later seventeen more people were added to the charges. The second group of ten were arrested on the 10th, not allowed to contact anyone and held for four days without being fed. They were tortured and accused of reporting about violence in Loliondo, interrogated on suspicion of spreading false information, but later they were told a murder charge had been found and they were re-interrogated for murder. The case was up for mention in court on 30th June, but then it was postponed to 14th July for further “investigation”. One new charge was added: “conspiracy to murder”. Hearings were postponed to the 28thwhen charges against three of the 27 accused of murder and conspiracy to murder were dropped. Lekerenga Koyee, who's elderly and sick, Simel Parmwat who's a young student, and Fred Ledidi who's district natural resources officer and a PhD student. On 5th August, the court overruled a submission by the defence of separating murder and conspiracy charges, and the hearings were postponed to 17th August, when MP Oleshangai attended court, and there was a postponement to 30th August, when it was postponed to 13thSeptember ...


It’s obvious that nobody believes that those accused have been involved in any murder. Dropping charges for sick people or students clearly show that it’s all about negotiations around political prisoners.


Those arrested are obviously political prisoners, but it’s possible to keep two (or more) thoughts at the same time, and this doesn’t mean that the political leaders among them would be angels. They all belong to the ruling CCM party and came into power through the shambolic, blood soaked 2020 “elections”. None of them have spoken up about the killing of Salula Ngorisiolo. Even worse, at least two of them were for years on the side of OBC against the people. Still, they have certainly not been involved in any murder, and nobody, not even those claiming to be investigating it, believe it. This year, most of them have clearly spoken up against any land grabbing plans by the government. Those accused who aren’t political leaders seem to have been unlucky to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


This bogus case serves to increase terror, silencing activists, and divert attention from illegal demarcation, extortion and violence.


Next hearing is on 13thSeptember.


When will the Germans be driven out of the Serengeti ecosystem?

Germany has for many decades been offering steady support for the Tanzanian government’s efforts to deprive the Maasai of the Serengeti ecosystem of their land, and the Germans are not taking any step back now when the threat has worsened considerably. Reporting from a meeting with diplomats on 25th March, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, wrote that the German ambassador Regina Hess, supported the government’s “efforts” in Ngorongoro – while in NCA this involves a well-orchestrated scheme to strangle the Maasai in every aspect to enforce a relocation agenda.

Still, this support has not been publicly denied in any way by the ambassador who – after the illegal demarcation of the 1,500 km2 was launched - has gone on meeting and smiling with some of the main responsible for the crimes in Loliondo, like RC Mongella, to talk about the “cooperation” between the two countries, and the Germans keep showering the brutal and lawless Tanzanian government with money. Now in August 2022, Bärbel Kofler German Deputy Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development visited Tanzania for more of the same.


In March 2017, former minister Maghembe and Serengeti chief park warden Mwakilema (current head of TANAPA) told a parliamentary committee (and very much the press) that German funds would only be released on condition of turning the 1,500 km2 into a protected area, which wasn’t denied by the Germans until two years later by representatives of the development bank in an interview with Chris Lang. Then, while Loliondo was attacked by mass arson implemented by Serengeti rangers in August 2017, a most revolting picture was published of Hess’s predecessor Detlef Wächter smilingly handing over buildings for park staff in Fort Ikoma, in Serengeti National Park, to an equally smiling Minister Maghembe, while commenting on the long and successful partnership between Germany and Tanzania in protecting the Serengeti.

From the article that was published in the Daily News on 9th March 2017 and in the Dunia Leo (and other articles in Swahili). No longer online, but fortunately I had saved one.  


After the 2017 illegal mass arson operation, the MP and the district council chairman were saying that there wasn’t any risk at all with accepting German funds, since they were meant for the whole of Loliondo and Sale, not excluding the 1,500km2, but there haven’t been any projects at all in the now illegally demarcated area, while water projects outside it have been heavily used in government rhetoric for land alienation.


German funded development projects in the Serengeti ecosystem are implemented by Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) and TANAPA through the Serengeti Ecosystem Development and Conservation Project (SEDCP). TAWA is supported by German funds and advice. However, this time even FZS, that never has said anything about violence for conservation in the Serengeti ecosystem, seriously rattled by Survival International, has expressed shock about the violence in Loliondo and distanced itself from any involvement in the land demarcation, but still claiming that the land status would be “uncertain”.


Through the decades, FZS, the Tanzanian government, and OBC share the same narrative about the Maasai. In October 2021, the two countries signed agreements that include 20 million Euros to help Tanzania’s protected areas keep threats at bay and build back better and more resilient following the COVID-19 pandemic. “After that, the Tanzania National Parks Authority (TANAPA), the Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority (TAWA) and the Frankfurt Zoological Society can begin implementing the funds, for the benefit of people and protected areas.”, FZS reported. TAWA is very much involved in the brutal land demarcation and is, now like a mafia, extorting herders in the illegally demarcated area.

Stefan Oswald, Head of the Africa Department at Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and notorious Deputy Minister Mary Masanja, Serengeti, September 2021.

Do the Germans really accompany their government in its support for the Tanzanian government’s war against the Maasai?


Thomson Safaris – as always, OBC’s copycats in using the Loliondo police state

The American Thomson Safaris, owned by Rick Thomson and Judi Wineland, have again copied OBC’s use of the Loliondo police state - now planting their own beacons. This safari company claim their own private Enashiva Nature Refuge in the villages of Sukenya and Mondorosi, or Soitsambu before the sub-division of villages. They base this claim on having bought the right of occupancy from Tanzania Breweries that cultivated a small part of it in the 1980s and then, using forged documents, got a 99-year right of occupancy in 2003, selling it to Thomson in 2006. The right of occupancy was for 10,000 acres that somehow was turned into 12,617 acres (51 km2) before selling it to Thomson. Though most of all this land grab is based on the Loliondo police state and Thomson’s way of learning and perfecting OBC’s strategies of how to use it for divide and rule, violence, threats and defamation via the DC, security committee, and government officials. Besides the local Maasai, several journalists have experienced first-hand how this local police state work for Thomson, and so have I. Maybe OBC have been learning from Thomson as well.


In 2013, at the height of unity and seriousness in Loliondo, Land Case 26 of 2013 was filed: Mondorosi Village Council, Sukenya Village Council and Soitsambu Village Council versus Tanzania Breweries Ltd, Tanzania Conservation Ltd (Thomson Safaris), Ngorongoro District Council, the Commissioner for Lands, and the Attorney General. An earlier case had been dismissed on a technicality. In 2015 the High Court in Arusha, ruled against the Maasai on all points except a minor one concerning TBL adding 2,617 acres. Then this case has continued in the court of appeal. Since around 2016 it has been basically impossible to get any updates from the ground. The local police state worsened considerably, and even more so to silence those speaking up about Thomson Safaris that also affect a smaller area than OBC.


As mentioned in earlier posts, in 2021 the new DED Jumaa Mhina started working hard to make the village chairmen withdraw the cases against OBC and against Thomson Safaris. He almost succeeded with the heavily compromised chairmen of the villages that have sued Thomson Safaris who declared that they would sign the DED’s letter of withdrawal, but then they changed their mind, and such a letter never reached the court.


This year, late-January, out of court negotiations failed. Thomson Safaris and the government only wanted to discuss the 2,617 acres, and then only pointing out borderline areas, so the case continued until 18th February when the solicitor representing the Attorney General, who was one of the respondents, stood before the court and claimed to have been representing both parties (the appellants and the respondents) and as such, the government (the respondent) has no interest in the Appeal.


The same prayer was brought to the East Africa Court of Justice in Application no 15 of 2017 (arising from Reference No. 10 of 2017, Ololosokwan, Kirtalo, Oloirien, and Arash versus the Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania) and was overruled. Unlike the East African Court, the Court of Appeal of Tanzania without affording the appellants the right to be heard, dismissed the appeal.


This was based on legislation introduced under Magufuli to do away with all separation of power, so that local governments can’t sue the central government, but it should not be possible to use this on a case filed before the law came into operation. Still, the court ruled that there wasn’t a case, and the lawyers to the villages weren’t even added to the records.


On 3rd July there were reports that Thomson and the Loliondo police (working for them as usual) were chasing away livestock, seven vehicles were going from boma to boma and a church service was invaded. Five people, a pastor included, were arrested and later released.


On 27th July, Thomson Safaris had started planting their own beacon, working with DED Mhina, reportedly with strong support from the Arusha RC.


Summary of previous efforts to rob the Maasai of 1,500 km2 in Loliondo

Since 1993 (first contract signed in 1992) Otterlo Business Corporation, owned by Mohammed Abdul Rahim Al Ali, that organize hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, has the 4,000 km2Loliondo hunting block (permit to hunt), which they got in the Loliondogate scandal covered by the reporter Stan Katabalo in 1993. This area includes two towns, district headquarters, agricultural areas, and Thomson Safaris’ land grab, so OBC have lobbied to have it reduced to their core hunting area bordering Serengeti National Park, and to make it a protected area, which would signify a huge land loss to the local Maasai, leading to lost lives and livelihoods.


In 2008, then Ngorongoro DC Jowika Kasunga coerced local leaders into signing a Memorandum of Understanding with OBC. There were supposed to be talks to coordinate grazing and hunting, but when the 2009 drought turned catastrophic, OBC went to the government to complain, and village land in the 1,500 km2 Osero was illegally invaded by the Field Force Unit working with OBC’s rangers, with mass arson, dispersal of cattle, and abuse of every kind. 7-year old Nashipai Gume was lost in the chaos and never found, ever since.


The Maasai moved back, and some leaders reconciled with OBC that went on to funding a draft district land use plan that proposed turning the village land that had been invaded into a protected area. The Maasai were united, and the draft land use plan was rejected by Ngorongoro District Council in 2011.


In 2013, Minister Kagasheki lied to the world saying that the whole 4,000 km2Loliondo Game Controlled Area (Loliondo Division and part of Sale Division of Ngorongoro District) was a protected area and that alienating the important 1,500 km2 meant generously giving the remaining land to the Maasai. This ugly trick did not work, since the Maasai were more serious and united than ever, garnered support from both the opposition CHADEMA and from CCM, and then PM Pinda stopped Kagasheki’s threats.


After the unity, efforts to buy off local leaders started creating serious divisions and weakening. Some found it convenient to benefit from openly praising the “investors” and attacking the people who they at the same time expected to take risks to defend the land. Though nobody signed any MoU.


The investors (OBC and Thomson Safaris) had for years used the local police state that through the successive DCs, security committee, and most every government employee will threaten anyone who could speak up about them and engage in defamation and illegal arrests. The repression and fear of this police state became worse with Magufuli in office, and there were lengthy illegal arrests, torture, and malicious prosecution, by 2016 it was so bad that PM Majaliwa could enter the stage with a select non-participatory committee, set up by RC Gambo. Some of the members were local leaders and other representatives that found themselves at the opposite side of the people when marking “critical areas” under protests in each village. The proposal handed over to Majaliwa was seen as a victory, even though it was a sad compromise (a WMA) that had earlier been rejected for many years of better unity and less fear.


This picture is from the protests against Gambo's committee in March 2017. It NOT from now and it wouldn't be possible to take this kind of picture during an illegal operation. 

Maybe since the Maasai showed such weakness, the government went on with the unthinkable and while everyone was still waiting to hear Majaliwa’s decision, on 13th August 2017 an illegal mass arson operation, like the one in 2009, was initiated and continued, on and off, well into October. Hundreds of bomas were razed to the ground by Serengeti rangers, assisted by NCA rangers and those from OBC, NCA, TAWA/KDU, local police and others. People were beaten and raped, illegally arrested, and cattle seized. Some leaders were frightfully silent while others protested loudly. Minister Maghembe pretended that OBC’s land use plan would have been implemented and the operation was taking place on some protected land, while the DC, and Maghembe’s own ministry, said it was not about the 1,500 km2, since Majaliwa was to announce a decision about that, but that village land was invaded because people were entering Serengeti National Park “too easily”.


The illegal operation wasn’t stopped until late October 2017, a couple of weeks after Kigwangalla came into office. The new minister also made grand promises, like saying that OBC would have left Tanzania before 2018, but it was very soon clear that OBC weren’t going anywhere. On 6th December 2017, Majaliwa delivered his vague but terrifying decision that was about, through a legal bill, creating a “special authority” to manage the land. He also said that OBC were staying. The decision was celebrated in the anti-Maasai press (the Jamhuri). Fortunately, implementation has been delayed, no legal bill has been seen, and would of course be contempt of court.


In March 2018, Kigwangalla welcomed OBC’s hunters to Tanzania (directing himself to a fake account of the Dubai crown prince), and in April the same year, OBC - once again - gifted the Ministry of Natural Resources of Tourism with 15 vehicles. In March 2018, a military camp was set up in Lopolun, near Wasso in Loliondo, first temporary, but eventually made permanent with donations from the NCAA.


In June 2018, the OCCID and local police tried to derail the case in the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) – filed during the illegal operation in 2017 - by summoning local leaders and villagers. Nobody dared to speak up about this, except for the applicants' main counsel. On 25th September 2018 – a year after the illegal operation - the court finally issued an injunction restraining the government from evictions, destruction and harassment of the applicants, but this injunction was soon brutally violated. In November and December soldiers from the camp in Olopolun tortured people, seized cattle, and burned bomas in Kirtalo and Ololosokwan. This was the lowest point ever in the land rights struggle  and I have still not understood how it could happen without anyone at all speaking up. Local leaders claimed to fear for their lives and thought that the brutality was directly ordered by President Magufuli. When RC Gambo in January 2019 condemned the crimes in a very vague way, they changed to thinking that OBC’s director had contracted the soldiers.


There were finally some promising developments in 2019 when OBC’s director Isaack Mollel was arrested on economic sabotage charges and OBC toned down (they never left and Mollel was never fired) their activities on the ground, but the local police state wasn’t dealt with and after a lengthy stay in remand prison Mollel was out, and after a while back to work. Speculations about Mollel’s misfortune include his clashes of egos with Kigwangalla and Gambo, and Magufuli wanting to send a message to OBC’s old friend Abdulrahman Kinana (and to Bernard Membe) that nobody is untouchable.


In September 2019, a genocidal zoning proposal for NCA, which included the proposal to annex most of the 1,500 km2 and turn it into a protected area allowing hunting was presented. This Multiple Land Use Model review proposal was met with countless protests from every kind of group of people from NCA, but near silence from Loliondo.


2021 brought Jumaa Mhina as new DED and he started working to kill the court cases against land grabbing “investors”. Though the village chairmen have stood their ground and Reference No. 10 of 2017, Ololosokwan, Kirtalo, Oloirien, and Arash versus the Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania continues in the EACJ. The case against Thomson Safaris in the Tanzanian court of appeal, however, was in 2022 killed using a law that was introduced after the case was filed.


On 11th January 2022, Arusha RC John Mongella summoned village and ward leaders from villages with land in the 1,500 km2 to inform them that the government would make a painful decision for the broader interest of the nation. The leaders, even those who for years had worked for OBC and against the people, refused to accompany the RC for a tour of the 1,500 km2, or to sign the attendance list. On 13th-14th January in Oloirien there was a public protest meeting and a statement by village, ward, and traditional leaders.


On 14th February, Majaliwa came and wasn’t much better than Mongella, but too well-received, since something worse was expected, because of the crazy anti-Maasai hate campaign, and parliamentarians calling for tanks to be sent to Ngorongoro.


Three days later, on 17th February in NCA, not Loliondo, Majaliwa ordered the disputed land to be marked by beacons, “so that we may know the boundaries” – while claiming that this is NOT a trick!


Then Ndumbaro on 8th March re-introduced Kagasheki’s lies in an interview with DW Kiswahili, and on the 11th Majaliwa again mentioned beacons and water projects when informing parliamentarians about a fake spectacle that he had set up in Arusha, without people from Ngorongoro, the previous day.


At a huge protest meeting in Arash on 19thMarch, several leaders spoke up in defence of the land, among them the Arash ward councillor Methew Siloma spoke up very clearly and strongly. The message from this meeting was:


-PM Majaliwa is a liar.


-The Maasai are not renouncing one square inch of land.


-They request to meet with the president, since Majaliwa can’t be trusted.


On 31st March Abdulrahman Kinana was brought in from the cold, after having fallen out with Magufuli, and is now Vice-Chairman of CCM mainland. Kinana is one of OBC’s and Sheikh Mohammed’s best and oldest friends since at least 1993.


CCM councillors that had spoken up against plans of robbing the Maasai of the 1,500 km2 osero were being intimidated, arrested, and summoned to be “interrogated” in Arusha. The councillors of Arash and Malambo had to keep reporting to the police.


On 25th May a committee handed over their reports of “community views” on both NCA and the 1,500 km2 Osero in Loliondo to PM Majaliwa who said that he’s work on the recommendations.


On 3rd June, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana in her budget speech announced that her ministry expected to upgrade Loliondo to a Game Reserve, but she did this while listing huge areas of Tanzania for the same expectation, which didn’t make it sound believable or realistic in any way, and there was hardly any reaction, except for an intervention by Ngorongoro MP Emmanuel Oleshangai.


Now the illegal beacons must be uprooted, houses rebuilt, extortion money for illegally seized livestock returned, political prisoners released, refugees guaranteed safety to return, Oriais Oleng'iyo brought back to his family, and every single person involved in the illegal demarcation and massive human rights crimes must be punished! This may require several legal battles and heavy sanctions against the Tanzanian government.  


Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (now increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com

Amidst Government Terror and Lawlessness, the East African Court Fails to Deliver Justice to the Maasai of Loliondo



On 30th September 2022 in Arusha, the East African Court of Justice delivered its ruling in Reference No. 10 of 2017 Ololosokwan Village Council & 3 Others versus the Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania. The case was so very clear that it seemed impossible that the Maasai would not win, and the judges seemed to have understood. Still, the ruling was “dismissed for lack of merits”. The court argued that the applicant villages failed to prove that the mass arson operation in 2017 was carried out on village land and not in Serengeti National Park, as was the lie by the government (respondent) witnesses in 2018, after the attorney general in the initial response from November 2017 had lied that the 1,500 km2 would have been declared a protected area, which is what Minister Pindi Chana – illegally– did on 17th June this year. The court seems not to have noticed this glaring discrepancy between the attorney general (respondent) and the respondent’s witnesses.


TANAPA's map from the 2017 operation clearly shows that an overwhelming majority of bomas were illegally burned on village land.

The lawyer Joseph Moses Oleshangay tweeted, “The case has been dismissed. I believe the three months’ time delay was meant to rewrite the decision. No other means can explain more than 90 days delay.”


In this blog post:

The ruling

Reference No. 10 of 2017

Illegal annexation to Ngorongoro Conservation Area and recent violence there


The ruling

The date was first scheduled for 22nd June 2022, but twelve days before that, the Tanzanian government, in brutal contempt of court, violated interim orders (issued by the court on 25th September 2018), after - except for one who fled - abducting all councillors from affected wards (they are still locked up on bogus “murder” charges), sent in heavily armed security forces that in clouds of teargas and shooting live bullets started to demarcate as a protected area the 1,500 km2 of vitally important grazing land, which is what Otterlo Business Corporation (OBC), that organizes hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, for years has lobbied for. Then followed a violent hunt and arrests of those suspected of sharing pictures of the attack. Thousands fled, many seeking treatment for injuries, and many are still refugees across the border in Kenya. Ministers and government officials kept landing in Loliondo, military style, to pose with boundary beacons, tell lies, and issue threats. Mass arrests of people deemed to be Kenyan followed. Houses were destroyed. Tanzania Wildlife Authority (TAWA) rangers, while the dry season was deepening, started seizing cattle on the illegally demarcated land, demanding extortionate “fines” from the Maasai. In Ormanie on 27th June, TAWA rangers shot livestock to death. The approximately 80 years old Oriais Oleng'iyo was last seen on 10thJune with bullet wounds and detained by the Field Force Unit. (See previous blog posts for more details about the current crime).


Meanwhile, as they had already been doing for months, government representatives, notably Minister Damas Ndumbaro, were lying to foreign diplomats that the 4,000 km2 hunting block, the whole of Loliondo division and parts of Sale division of Ngorongoro District, that’s legally registered village land and contains the district headquarters, would somehow have been a protected area since the 1950s. They lied that they are generously gifting the encroaching Maasai with 2,500km2, and that the demarcation was “participatory”, which spineless diplomats applauded, knowing that all ward councillors were illegally locked up in remand prison. This violent and illegal demarcation is an even worse threat than the mass arson of 2017, and the Tanzanian press is now more useless than ever.


On 28th September, the day before the ruling was scheduled for the second time, at the inauguration of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA) Board, Minister Pindi Chana took her crime a step further and announced that the illegally demarcated 1,500km2 in Loliondo had been placed under the management of the NCAA. She also stressed how important it is to boost tourism traffic to 5 million by 2025.


On 21st June, the day before the ruling was first scheduled, the court shockingly announced that due to “unavoidable circumstances” it had been postponed to September. Eventually, the new date was set for 29th September, but on the 28th, there was yet another last-minute postponement, this time to the 30th. The postponements created suspicions that something wasn’t right at all and when the ruling finally was to be read, the court ordered journalists to be stopped from recording. The recording of an immediately preceding Burundian case had been permitted, so it very much looked like the court was to do something shameful with the Loliondo case. The journalist Odero Odoro spoke up against the order by the court, which was surprisingly brave for a Tanzanian journalist in this year 2022.


The reading of the ruling had a good start asserting that the court has jurisdiction over the matter and that it wasn’t necessary to first exhaust Tanzanian courts. Even better is that the ruling establishes that it’s common ground between the parties that the applicants are registered and certified villages with titles to land adjoining Serengeti National Park. This is what a cavalcade of government representatives, during the current brutal and illegal demarcation, madly lying, are denying.


The failure to deliver justice is all based on that the court determines that the Maasai applicants failed to prove that the 2017 evictions were carried out on village land and not in Serengeti National Park, as testified by the respondent’s witnesses. The testimonies are considered contradicting and insufficient – but nowhere does the ruling mention that the attorney general in the response from November 2017 is, albeit in the misleading lingo of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, quite clearly saying that the evictions took place outside the boundaries of the national park. Even the court’s own interim orders aren’t referred to in any way. Injuries and losses are not addressed in the ruling.


The court only considers the testimonies of the Maasai witnesses that were cross-examined, while disregarding several other witnesses who filed affidavits in court. The only thing the court has to say about the Kenyan geospatial expert witness, Dr. Cesare Mbaria, is that – without stating what law requires it – he did not possess a Tanzanian work permit. This seems more like the style of a petty DC than of judges in the EACJ.


For five years now I’ve been screaming that the perpetrators’ own documents show that the mass arson was committed on village land. The court mentions that some witnesses say one thing or other about the then DC Rashid Mfaume Taka’s notice, without referring directly to this very official document.

  • The notice dated 5thAugust 2017 orders livestock and housing to be removed from “ndani na mpakani mwa Hifadhi ya Taifa Serengeti” (inside and bordering Serengeti National Park) or they will be removed by force by the Ngorongoro and Serengeti district security committees, and a special force from the national park and NCA. There is only national park and then there is village land, so this is very clearly an illegal order.
  • On 17th August 2017, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism issued a press statement. Quoting the DC, the statement says that the operation in Loliondo Game Controlled Area is to take place on a 90 km stretch from north to south and with a width of 5 km (obviously village land), “kwa upande wa mpaka wa Pori Tengefu Loliondo zoezi litaanzia kaskazini hadi kusini urefu wa kilometa 90, na upana wake utakuwa kilometa 5”.
  • In the viciously anti-Loliondo Jamhuri newspaper on 12th September 2017, the DC is quoted as saying that 89 bomas had been burned inside Serengeti National Park and 241 in the 5 km “border area” (village land) and that GPS coordinates have been taken for all of them.
  • TANAPA’s map “Livestock and Bomas Evacuation Exercise August 2017” very clearly shows that an overwhelming majority of bomas were burned on village land. The minority inside the park were in a somewhat disputed area where some Maasai had been living for years under a special non-official arrangement with rangers. (See above).
  • During the illegal mass arson operation in 2017, then Minister Maghembe was all over media with the map from OBC’s rejected draft district land use plan from 2010, lying that the 1,500 km2had already been turned into a protected area – which is what was illegallydemarcated and gazetted on 17th June 2022. Meanwhile, the DC was saying that PM Majaliwa was still to decide on the area, while in no way trying to hide the fact that the operation was taking place on village land. His version was to claim that people were entering the national park “too easily” and apparently this was seen as a valid reason for the invasion of village land and massive human rights crimes.

Further, why would the Ngorongoro DC order evictions from Serengeti National Park? The boundary between the national park and village land is at the same time the boundary between the Arusha and Mara regions, so why wasn’t it ordered by the DC of Serengeti District or the RC of Mara Region?


The judges were Monica K. Mugenyi (principal judge), Audace Ngiye, and Charles Nyachae. Kenyan Maasai have alerted me that Nyachae's father grabbed 10,000 acres of strategic dry season grazing land from Maasai in Kenya and was sued by a Maasai NGO. The feeling of the Kenyan Maasai is that Nyachae was the wrong person to adjudicate the case because he has had a legal battled with Maasai over land that was illegally acquired and must have used the case to get even with the Maasai.


Justice Mugenyi was not present at the reading of the ruling. It was presided by Nyachae, Ngiye, and the judges Richard Muhumuza and Richard Wejuli, who didn’t mention their particulars. Wejuli and Muhumuza never presided during the hearing of the case. Reportedly, there was one more unknown judge.

The judges. Nyachae 2nd left.

Since they could not risk being arrested, none of the village chairmen were present in court.


Anyway, the ruling can only be described as stupid and cruel, and the strange postponements stink terribly. The most lenient interpretation is that a second chance has been served on a platter for making a better job and win the appeal. Though this is a quite callous treatment indeed of the traumatized and terrified Maasai. Still, I haven’t heard one word opposing the appeal that is certain to be filed - as Advocate Esther Mnaro explained outside the court after the ruling. A new case against the Tanzanian government for the current brutal crime with lawless demarcation was also filed on 16th August.


France 24, DW, BBC, The East African, The Citizen, L’Osservatore Romano and others quickly published news articles, obviously without reading the ruling, painting an incorrect picture of that the court would have upheld the land alienation, when the ruling was that the Maasai have not provided evidence that it took place. Apparently, the misinformation comes from Agence France-Presse. A statement by the Oakland Institute concluded that, “The court’s failure to provide justice makes it imperative that the international community exhausts every possible avenue to hold the Tanzanian government accountable.” Pan African Lawyers Union issued a press release and tomorrow a press conference by the Kenya Human Rights Commission and the Loliondo community will be held in Nairobi.


Reference No. 10 of 2017

Reference No. 10 of 2017 Ololosokwan Village Council & 3 Others (Kirtalo, Oloirien and Arash Village Councils) vs the Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzaniawas filed on 21st September 2017, during the illegal mass arson operation on village land in Loliondo, officially ordered by then DC Rashid Mfaume Taka. The applicants have been represented by a team of lawyers from Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU), led by Don Deya and the human rights lawyers Jebra Kambole and Yonas Masiaya Laiser.


A similar mass arson crime, in which 7-year-old Nashipai Gume was lost and not found ever since, hundreds of bomas burned, and livestock dispersed in a terrible drought, had been committed in 2009, and for years it was thought that such an atrocity could never be repeated. In 2011 the Maasai defeated a draft district land use plan, funded by OBC – when it was strongly rejected by the Ngorongoro District Council since it had proposed OBC’s wished for alienation for a protected area of their preferred 1,500 km2 hunting area that is vitally important grazing land to the Maasai.  


The threat against the 1,500 km2 was in 2013 brought back by then Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Khamis Kagasheki via vociferous lies that the whole 4,000km2hunting block (that includes two towns, district headquarters, hospitals, forests, a private nature refuge fraudulently and violently claimed by Thomson Safaris, and agricultural areas) was a protected area that had been encroached, but that the government out of love would give the Maasai 2,500 km2. This threat was stopped when the Maasai protests were joined by both opposition and ruling party, and then PM Pinda declared the obvious, that the land was undoubtedly village land and Kagasheki should stop his threats.


Divide and rule increased and then repression in the ever-present local police state worsened. By 2016 local leaders were so weakened through intimidation, including lengthy illegal arrests, and malicious prosecution, that they sat in a select committee ordered by PM Kassim Majaliwa via Arusha RC Mrisho Gambo, which agreed to a sad compromise proposal that the Maasai had earlier been able to resist. While waiting to hear from Majaliwa, the Maasai were attacked by the unexpected and brutal illegal operation of 2017.


On 13th August 2017, Serengeti and Ngorongoro Conservation Area rangers, assisted by OBC rangers, TAWA/KDU anti-poaching squads, local police, and others set fire to five bomas in Oloosek, on village land and far from the national park. The illegal operation would go on for over two months and hundreds of bomas were razed from Ololosokwan to Piyaya 90 km further south – most intensely between 13th and 26th August, but with scattered arson attacks well into October - there were beatings, rape, illegal seizing of cattle, and herders were illegally arrested. Village centres became congested with people and animals. Those returning after the arson were brutally beaten by the rangers who also destroyed makeshift shelters and blocked access to water sources.

The illegal operation of 2017 was stopped on 26th October, a few weeks after Maghembe, in a cabinet reshuffle, was replaced by Kigwangalla who became an instant hero when he not only stopped the crime but said that OBC would have to leave the country before January 2018. However, OBC never showed any sign of leaving and on 6thDecember 2017, PM Majaliwa declared that they were staying. He also announced his decision which was terrifying, but so vague that nobody understood exactly what it meant. The OBC-friendly press (the Jamhuri) was celebrating. A legal bill was to be introduced to create a special authority to manage the land, which was delayed, and a legal bill has still not been seen.


The Tanzanian government side (Attorney General) had initially tried to stop the case in the East African Court of Justice via a preliminary objection that the villages could not sue the government, since they were part of this same government. This objection was dismissed by the court on 25th January 2018.


On 9th November 2017, the government side responded by lying that the area affected by the 2017 operation would already be the kind of protected area that was proposed in the rejected 2010-2030 land use plan, and that OBC (and others) have continued lobbying for, but this didn’t prevent them from at the hearing on 7thJune 2018 change their lie to claiming that the 2017 operation would only have taken place inside Serengeti National Park. Not even the fact that the DC’s order, the statement from the ministry, and TANAPA’s map all clearly showed that village land was invaded could stop them from making up this lie. The court requested applicants and respondent to produce expert witnesses that could testify about the boundary of the national park.


The last week of May 2018, efforts to derail the case moved on to an intimidation campaign against leaders and common villagers in the villages that had sued the government. There were multiple arrests and summons to the police station, and these illegal efforts terrified and silenced everyone. Nobody dared to speak up about this abuse, except Don Deya, the lead counsel of the applicant villages.

The village chairmen were summoned to the police station and questioned on why they sued the government, on who gave them the authority to do so, and on whether they had the unequivocal support of the villagers to sue. When they presented evidence in the form of meeting minutes from the respective villages, they were accused of having forged these. The chairmen of the villages of Ololosokwan, Kirtalo, and Arash were arrested and released on the condition that they present themselves at Loliondo police station every Friday, which effectively prevented them from attending a hearing in Arusha on 7th June 2018.


On 25th September 2018, there was finally some good news when the court delivered its ruling on Application No.15 of 2017, and issued interim orders restraining the respondent from any evictions, burning of homesteads, or confiscating of cattle, and from harassing or intimidating the applicants.


The injunction was soon brutally violated. In November and December 2018 soldiers from a military camp that had been set up in Olopolun in March the same year (and that was eventually made permanent) tortured people, seized cattle and burned bomas in Kirtalo and Ololosokwan. This was, at that time, the lowest point ever in the land rights struggle and I have still not understood how it could happen without anyone at all speaking up. Local leaders claimed to fear for their lives and thought that the brutality was directly ordered by President Magufuli. The applicants applied for a site visit, which was dismissed by the court. When RC Gambo in January 2019 condemned the crimes in a very vague way, the leaders changed to thinking that OBC’s director had directly contracted the soldiers.


In December 2018, the witnesses from the government side – DC (at the time) Rashid Mfaume Taka, DED Raphael Siumbu, park warden Julius Francis Musei, geographical information system officer Alli Kassim Shakha, and sadly even wildlife officer Nganana Mothi – swore affidavits claiming that the 2017 mass arson operation would only have taken place in Serengeti National Park. This was quite outrageous perjury when it was the DC himself who on 5th August 2017 issued the order for the illegal invasion of village land and had been quoted about it both in a statement from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism and in the OBC-loyal press. As said, a map from TANAPA, used by the attackers during the operation, also clearly shows that most bomas were burned on village land.


In the EACJ on 5thMarch 2019, the applicants had to ask for an adjournment, since they hadn’t been able to find an expert witness in time. There was a postponement until 5thNovember the same year when two villagers from Oloirien were cross-examined by the state attorney and then the hearing was again postponed.


2019 had started with more illegal arrests for the sake of intimidation, but there were finally some promising developments when OBC’s director Isaack Mollel was arrested on economic sabotage charges and OBC toned down (they never left and Mollel was never fired) their activities on the ground, but the local police state wasn’t dealt with and after a lengthy stay in remand prison Mollel was out, and after a while back to work. Speculations about Mollel’s misfortune include his clashes of egos with Kigwangalla and Gambo, and Magufuli wanting to send a message to OBC’s old friend Abdulrahman Kinana (and to Bernard Membe) that nobody is untouchable.


In September 2019, a genocidal zoning proposal for Ngorongoro Conservation Area, which included the proposal to annex most of the 1,500 km2 in Loliondo and turn it into a protected area allowing hunting was presented. This Multiple Land Use Model review proposal was met with countless protests from every kind of group of people from NCA, but near silence from Loliondo.


On 28th January 2020 the case was up again for hearing. This time the court granted the applicants an adjournment, since they had to find a new geo-spatial expert after the expert they had earlier found, a Tanzanian from Ngorongoro, was no longer able to continue as expert witness, due to safety issues for himself and his family. A Kenyan was found.


On 10th July 2020, there was a hearing for further cross examination via video conference, but it was quickly adjourned, since the respondent’s counsel complained that they had not been served the affidavit with annexures from the applicants’ geospatial expert witness until the day before the hearing, and therefore wanted the court to disregard this evidence. After much pleading by the applicants’ counsel the court ruled that it would adjourn the matter to allow the respondent's counsel time to go through the evidence and prepare for cross-examination.


In August 2020, the new geospatial expert from Kenya was cross-examined by the attorney general’s lawyers that only had stupid questions about permits and how he had entered Tanzania.


In November 2020, cross-examination of the DC, and the perjuring park warden and geographic systems officer went well – for the applicant Maasai – since their counsel was reportedly able to poke some serious holes in them, which on the other hand can’t have been difficult with such huge liars. After this, applicants and respondent were to file written submissions, which was delayed in the most terrible way until July 2021. There have been several near-death moments when I’ve feared that the case would be dismissed, which didn’t happen until this stupid ruling.


On 21st January 2022, the chairmen of Ololosokwan, John Pyando, Kirtalo, Yohana Toroge, Oloirien, Parmaari Merika, and Arash, Mepuki Lemberwa, filed an urgent application requesting the court to intervene issuing a stop order against the Arusha RC John Mongella’s contempt of court shown on 11th January when he, alleging the broader interest of the nation, threatened that the government would alienate the contested 1,500 km2 of village land bordering Serengeti National Park. Local leaders, even those who for years had worked for OBC and against the people, refused to accompany the RC for a tour of the 1,500 km2, or to sign the attendance list. On 13th-14thJanuary in Oloirien there was a public protest meeting and a statement by village, ward, and traditional leaders.

Also mentioned in the application was the new DED Jumaa Mhina who in since September 2021 had been threatening and intimidating the village chairmen into withdrawing the case from the East African Court of Justice, and Damas Ndumbaro who then still was Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism (now Minister of Constitutional and Legal Affairs).


On 14th February, PM Majaliwa visited Loliondo and wasn’t much better than Mongella, but too well-received, since something worse was expected, because of an intense anti-Maasai hate campaign in media, and parliamentarians calling for tanks to be sent to Ngorongoro. This campaign was mostly directed Maasai in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, which overshadowed the growing threat against Loliondo.


Three days later, on 17thFebruary in NCA, not Loliondo, Majaliwa ordered the 1,500km2to be marked by beacons, “so that we may know the boundaries” – while claiming that this was NOT a trick!


Minister Ndumbaro and PM Majaliwa continued issuing threats.


At a huge protest meeting in Arash on 19th March, several leaders spoke up in defence of the land, among them the Arash ward councillor Methew Siloma spoke up very clearly and strongly. The message from this meeting was:

  • PM Majaliwa is a liar.
  • The Maasai are not renouncing one square inch of land.
  • They request to meet with the president, since Majaliwa can’t be trusted.


On 31st March Abdulrahman Kinana was brought in from the cold, after having fallen out with Magufuli, and is now Vice-Chairman of CCM mainland. Kinana is one of OBC’s and Sheikh Mohammed’s best and oldest friends since at least 1993.


CCM ruling party councillors that had spoken up against plans of robbing the Maasai of the 1,500 km2were being intimidated, arrested, and summoned to be “interrogated” in Arusha. The councillors of Arash and Malambo had to keep reporting to the police.


On 25th May a committee handed over their reports of “community views” on both NCA and the 1,500 km2 in Loliondo to PM Majaliwa who said that he’s work on the recommendations. Majaliwa wasn’t trusted at all, but at least this would give the local leaders the opportunity to in print make clear that the land is village land and under no circumstances will the Maasai participate in demarcating any “protected area”. Further recommendations concerned the removal of OBC.


On 3rd June, Minister Pindi Chana in her budget speech announced that her ministry expected to upgrade Loliondo to a Game Reserve, but she did this while listing huge areas of Tanzania for the same expectation, which didn’t make it sound believable or realistic in any way, and there was hardly any reaction, except for an intervention by Ngorongoro MP Emmanuel Oleshangai.


Then on 8th June Wasso town was overflowing with security forces that went on to set up camps on the 90km stretch from Ololosokwan to Piyaya, and in Malambo. The Maasai held prayers and deliberations, and a coordinated threat with vicious propaganda was communicated primarily by RC Mongella and PM Majaliwa. All councillors from affected wards were abducted and illegal land demarcation began in a rain of teargas and live bullets. Many were injured and thousands fled across the border where many continue as refugees, also cattle, while the Kenyan spirit of solidarity is diminishing. There was a hunt for anyone who could have shared pictures of the crimes, and many were illegally arrested, eventually, together with the councillors, charged with a bogus “murder”, and hearings keep being postponed. The flow of information was almost completely cut. Government representatives made military style visits. Minster Pindi Chana without following any law or procedure gazetted the illegally demarcated land as “Pololeti Game Controlled Area”. Diplomats applauded Minister Ndumbaro’s lies about what was happening. Many international organisations condemned the government’s actions. The much-expected court ruling was the last minute shockingly postponed to September. Houses were demolished or razed. TAWA illegally seized livestock and demanded extortionate “fines”. The dry season deepened without access to the most important grazing area.


On 10th August an affidavit was added to the contempt of court application from January, and on 16th August a new case in the East African Court of Justice was filed. The ruling in Reference No. 10 of 2017 will be appealed.


Illegal annexation to Ngorongoro Conservation Area and recent violence there

On 28th September, at the inauguration of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA) board, Minister Pindi Chana announced that the illegally demarcated 1,500km2had been placed under the management of the NCAA. Chana tasked the board to come up with new tourism products for the area and stressed how important it is to boost tourism traffic to 5 million by 2025.


There have been rumours about this kind of annexation since at least January 2018, and in September 2019 there was a concrete threat in the genocidal Multiple Land Use Model review proposal. There were reports that on 6th August, a convoy of the Arusha RC, TAWA, NCAA and deputy minister Mary Masanja were in Loliondo to hand over the management of the fake and illegal protected area to the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority. Though nothing at all was publicly mentioned by the MNRT or NCAA. The reason for the relative silence has been explained with that not everyone in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism is pleased with the annexation. Information is so scarce that it’s hard to say what’s going on.


To my frustration, it’s basically impossible to stop people from mixing up Loliondo and NCA. It’s particularly popular to claim that Maasai from Loliondo are being relocated to Handeni.


Loliondo: a local police state at the service of OBC and the American Thomson Safaris. A constant threat – since June this year worse than ever – of robbing the Maasai of 1,500km2 of vitally important grazing land, expecting them and their livestock to squeeze into the remaining land. Major illegal and extremely violent eviction operations in 2009, 2017 and 2022. Vicious hate campaign by the reporter Manyerere Jackton since around 2010.

NCA: harsh restrictions on every aspect of life under the rule of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority and its chief conservator Freddy Manongi. Blocking of funds for social services since 2021. Illegal transfer of COVID-19 funds to Msomera in Handeni to where the Maasai are supposed to relocate “voluntarily”. This year a vicious hate campaign in media and in parliament.


Since the atrocities in Loliondo began in June, I’ve haven’t been able to keep up well with developments in NCA. Several groups of not really local Maasai, traitors and naïve people have been relocated to Handeni and there have been reports of ranger violence in NCA:


In the evening of 18thSeptember in Irbalbal, Letee Ormunderei was tortured by NCAA rangers who broke his leg. The rangers dropped Letee at the Lutheran Hospital in Karatu, and he was then referred to Mt. Meru, to where he didn’t have to means to go. There was fundraising for him and Letee is now receiving treatment at Selian Hospital in Arusha, has undergone one operation and is doing well. Next in the process is to prosecute the criminal ranger Abraham Akyoo who brutalized Letee. The Maasai demand his arrest.


On 19th September in the Alayenai area, NCAA rangers attacked Nakedo Simango, Laambaashini Orkitok, Lebatiri Kimaay, two Barabaig from Nainokanoka who had bought livestock and one other person. Laambaashini Orkitok was injured by the rangers. It’s reported that the rangers asked their victims if they had registered to relocate to Handeni. Lebatiri Kimaay was ordered to crawl on his stomach and jump like a frog.


There are also reports that in mid-September seasonal homes were arsoned in the Orbo area.


On 13th June, Reference No 29 of 2022 was filed in the East African Court of Justice suing the government for all the abuse and eviction threats. The government responded claiming to be acting on the wishes by UNESCO, but I have not yet got hold of this response. It’s a well-documented fact that UNESCO for decades has instigated the Tanzanian government to move the Maasai out of NCA and to worsen living conditions, but this was denied by the organisation on 21stMarch this year. In a blog post from 7th April, my recommendation to UNESCO was: delist Ngorongoro as a World Heritage Site as soon as possible and then shut forever up about Maasai land. Nothing has been heard from UNESCO about Loliondo, but with this illegal annexation, they are very much involved.


I hope the hurry, limited processing skills, sadness, and wish to keep this post about the frankly stupid and stinking ruling in the EACJ as brief as clear as possible, hasn’t made me omit any of the most important aspects.


Mapambano yanaendelea.



Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (now increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com








Loliondo Bogus Murder Case Dropped after Over Five Months, While the Horror Worsens with Fake and Forced Land Use Plans



I needed to write a briefer, clearer blog post about the brutal and lawless land demarcation – robbing the Maasai of Loliondo of vitally important grazing land - committed by the entire blood-soaked and illegitimate Tanzanian government, and about the terrible (but not as terrible as reported in parts of the press) and partly inexplicable ruling by the EACJ on the 2017 mass arson. But the horrors just keep accumulating and I’m overwhelmed. State security and surveyors have been to Loliondo to redraw village boundaries and impose land use plans with heavy intimidation, and reportedly corrupted some people. On 1stNovember it was announced that President Samia Suluhu Hassan on 14th October had declared the 1,500 km2 a fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve”. Then the DC and an individual calling himself conservator of the illegal protected area have been threatening with further land theft, outside the 1,500 km2, via WMAs.


Meanwhile, in Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCAA, NOT to be mixed up with Loliondo), the restrictions to squeeze out the Maasai keep tightening.


I miss the days when I was told that they Maasai of today aren’t the Maasai of 1958, meaning that they are educated, organized, and there’s no need to worry since they will stop evil government plans. It’s such a long time ago. Help is needed. People who can target President Samia in ways that will be very acutely felt, must help stopping the cruel crimes against the Maasai. Open letters are much appreciated (see below for new ones) but words are just not enough. “Words are not enough” applies to me as a blogger as well, but I don’t know what to do.


When I was about to publish this blog post there was good news that the Director of Public Prosecution has dropped the obviously bogus “murder case” against 24 people – including all councillors from affected wards, except one who fled - who have been locked up in remand prison for over five months. I hope there isn’t a price for the release, but that hope is getting fainter by the hour.


Meanwhile, pastoralists all over Tanzania are under attack. Seven villages around Kilimanjaro International Airport have suffered illegal planting of beacons, in Mbarali there are evictions and terrible seizure of cattle, evictions and killed pastoralists in Kilombero, and violence ordered by an anti-pastoralist councillor in Morogoro has led to one death and several injuries.


I’ll soon write a briefer blog, hopefully with answers to some of the questions that remain.  


Where is mzee Oriais Oleng'iyo?


The horror

Fake and forced land use plans

Dismissed immigration cases

Bogus murder case dropped

The old lie

Court cases and the government’s brutal and wildly shifting lies

Ruthless hypocrites Thomson Safaris

The not at all less threatened Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Updates at the end of the blog post.


The horror

In brief, this is what has happened:


On 8th June 2022, Wasso town was overflowing with security forces that went on to set up camps on the 90 km stretch from Ololosokwan to Piyaya, and in Malambo. Almost every Tanzania Regional Police Commissioner vehicle was seen in Loliondo on the day. The Maasai held prayers and deliberations. A coordinated threat with vicious propaganda, and an old lie from 2013, was issued primarily by Arusha RC John Mongellaand PM Kassim Majaliwa, assisted by speaker of parliament Tulia Ackson, and soon joined by too many government representatives.


All councillors from affected wards – except the Soitsambu councillor who managed to flee - were on 9th June lured to a meeting by DC Raymond Mwangwala, they were abducted, bundled in two cars and driven to Arusha overnight. The following day illegal land demarcation - which is what Otterlo Business Corporation (OBC), that organizes hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, for years has lobbied for - began in a rain of teargas and live bullets. Many Maasai were injured and thousands fled across the border where many of them continue as refugees, also cattle. The approximately 80 years old Oriais Oleng'iyo was last seen on 10th June with bullet wounds and detained by the Field Force Unitfew metres away from his home where security forces were firing fireworks. According to the RC, a police officer was killed by arrowshot.


There was a hunt for anyone who could have shared pictures of the crimes (which effectively has been done by everyone with a smartphone) and ten people, later joined by seven more, were illegally arrested, eventually, together with the councillors, charged with a bogus “murder”. The trial kept being postponed for inexistent “investigation”, and they continued locked up in remand prison for well over five months. Three were released for reasons of health and studies. The flow of information was almost completely cut after the in initial arrests.


Government representatives made multiple military style visits landing in helicopter to pose with beacons, tell lies, and issue threats.

RC Mongella and DC Mwangwala.

Then Inspector General of Police Simon Sirro and demarcation workers.

Minister Pindi Chana and PM Kassim Majaliwa.

Minster Pindi Chana without following any law or procedure declared the illegally demarcated land as “Pololeti Game Controlled Area” (GN No.421, 2022), which was announced in a zoom meeting.


Spineless diplomats applauded Minister Ndumbaro’s obvious lies about what was happening. Though many international organisations condemned the government’s actions.


Mary Masanja, Damas Ndumbaro UAE ambassador Khalifa Abdul Rahman Al Marzouqi.

The much-expected court ruling in the case filed during the mass arson in 2017, and scheduled for 22ndJune, was the last minute shockingly postponed to September.


Houses were demolished or razed. TAWA illegally seized livestock and demanded extortionate “fines”. The dry season deepened without access to the most important grazing area. In Ormanie, Arash ward, on 27th June, cows, donkeys, calves, and other livestock were shot by the security forces. There were mass arrests of people accused of being “Kenyan”.


Ormanie 27th June.

Fleeing from Malambo

On 28th September Minister Chana announced that the illegally demarcated 1,500 km2 in Loliondo had been placed under the management of the NCAA.


On 30th September the East African Court of Justice dismissed Reference No.10 of 2017 on the grounds that the Maasai had failed to prove that the mass arson of 2017 was committed on village land and not in Serengeti National Park.


TAWA, at the height of the dry season, continued illegal seizures of livestock and extortion of huge fines, 100,000 TShs per cow and 25,000 per sheep or goat. NCAA rangers have reportedly been trained and set up camp. In Malambo, on 8th November, the head of the NCAA camp announced that TAWA had left, and the boundaries were being guarded by the Field Force Unit.


On 31st October, or 1st November, it was announced that President Samia had on 14thOctober declared a Pololeti Game Reserve (GN No.604, 2022). It came as a nasty surprise for the lawyers that on 1st November were in court for the mention of Miscellaneous Cause No.09 of 2022, even if it seems like it was also on Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation the previous evening.


Three court cases have been filed to stop the brutal, fake and illegal protected area: one in the High Court and two in the East African Court of Justice, the ruling in the case filed in 2017 has been appealed, and there’s a contempt of court application.


On 1st November, in an NCA advertorial in the extreme anti-Maasai newspaper the Jamhuri, a “conservator” for the fake and illegal game reserve – Pius Rwiza - spoke of how calm and wonderful everything is after the demarcation, with the big five everywhere and rain. Maybe he’d missed that it’s dry season grazing land and that all ward councillors were locked up in remand prison. He says that the Maasai understand the demarcation but must keep a further 500 metres away from it! And he wants them to create WMAs, outside the illegally demarcated 1,500 km2, which is another kind of land alienation that also was included in the OBC-funded draft district land use plan that was rejected by Ngorongoro District Council in 2011. Though most of the article is about all wonderful development projects in the 2,500 km2, which we must than the president for. It’s important that this individual, and everyone else involved in this crime, are held personally accountable.


Fake and forced land use plans

Towards the end of October, there were reports of a notice issued by the DC about redrawing of village boundaries with new village land use plans, and some 40 state security and surveyors on the ground. On 13th November, the chairman of Malambo village, Moitiko Risando, who had been hiding, was lured to a meeting by someone from the DC’s office, supposedly about allowing a return to some of the illegally demarcated land and then arrested, falsely accused of being in possession of arms without a permit.  As known, the Malambo ward councillor had been abducted for over five months. The government has installed the CCM ward chairman, Mapema Koima, and secretary, Thobico John Kulinja, as some kind of leaders above councillor to impose a land use plan on terrified villagers. The Malambo chairman was released after some days. I have not understood clearly if the police were paid, or if the chairman was compromised. Similarly has happened in other villages, with varying amounts of traitors. The Esero sub-village chairman of Oloipiri has praised the government in national media. In Ololosokwan the acting chairman appointed by the government is Cosmas Leitura who is not whom John Pyando had appointed as acting chairman in his absence (exile), according to the law. Some say that Cosmas is a traitor, others that he’s “cornered”, while yet others say that “everyone is a traitor”.

I’ve heard that the terrified and the corrupted have passed the fake and forced land use plans, but I’ve also heard that they have been stopped. This is one reason for the delay of this blog post. Too many questions remain.


The criminal DC has in national media said that the 1,500 km2 is now set aside and WMAs should be added when villages have been surveyed, while for a local audience he talks about that it’s good to re-survey to stop conflicts between villages and have helpful land use plans. Those are two unrelated issues that are being mixed up very purposefully – the government’s violent grabbing of land for “conservation” and investors and the solving of local conflicts. It isn’t hard to see that the former will not be helpful to the latter. Any kind of land use plan imposed in such a time of violence, threats and illegal land alienation is of course completely illegitimate.


Shortly after the good news that the bogus murder case was finally dismissed, I got a message from Ololosokwan:

"Demarcation starts today, there is a police car written FFU TANGA overseeing the process

Being done as we speak.

Cosmas is the perpetrator."


Dismissed immigration cases

Between 14th-17thNovember, nine immigration cases against 62 people who still had such cases pending after the mass arrests in June and July were discharged for want of prosecution. Among them were Rebeca Koriata from Ololosokwan, arrested and charged with not having the right documents for working in Tanzania, and her husband Jacob, basically for having been married to her since 2006. If I’ve understood correctly, Rebeca was locked up for over two weeks at Loliondo police station. This is how the Tanzanian government works with malicious prosecution for the sake of intimidation. Too lazy to even make any effort to fabricate false evidence and then when everyone is properly terrified and silenced, the case is dismissed for inaction. The same happened in 2016 when some people were charged with “espionage and sabotage” for allegedly communicating with me. And then the bogus murder case is the worst case of all. 


I hope damages will be paid for long stays at the cold and unhealthy Loliondo police station, children without both parents, uncertainty and fear, but somehow doubt it.


It was Minister of Home Affairs, Hamad Masauni, who landing in Loliondo on 15th June in military helicopter made a statement directing Immigration to strengthen border security to prevent illegal entry by foreigners and so avoid incitement activities. He also ordered NGOs to be investigated to make sure they operate within the law and don’t engage in breach of peace. Then Immigration Commissioner for Border Control and Administration, Samwel Mahirane arrived in Loliondo on 18thJune to threaten people who were sabotaging the exercise and have fled. He said they are known and will all be dealt with. He threw in some threats against NGOs. These two were on 21st June followed by Commissioner General of Immigration, Anna Makakala, who arrived in Loliondo to add her statement from the warfront against the Maasai, announcing that there would be 10 days of flushing out illegal immigrants. This led to so much suffering for so many families, and almost five months later the cases were dismissed.


Makakala and DC Mwangwala


Bogus murder case dropped

In Arusha Resident Magistrate Court on 22nd November, it was announced that the Director of Public Prosecution had no intention to continue with the case against 24 people charged with the “murder” of CPL Garlus Mwita on 10th June (the day afterten accused were arrested). This came after they have been illegally locked up for over five months under much uncertainty and away from their families, while heinous crimes have been committed, and continue being committed, by the government in Loliondo. I’ve lost count of how many times this case has been postponed to give the prosecution more time for “investigation”, when everyone knows that nobody has wasted even one second on anything resembling “investigation”. This case has been pure intimidation from start to finish.


22nd November was also set for CCM elections and just after the release, the 24 met with a convoy of CCM candidates who are said to be responsible for their release. Just after one hour following the release, it turned out to be a campaign rally and the ten political leaders who were released were required to vote in the same afternoon for the RC Mongella affiliated Zelothe Stephen to be CCM Arusha chairman and vote for a businessperson called Bajuta, also Mongella’s close confidant, as Arusha representative for the CCM national elective council. As we’ve seen, RC Mongella is the appointed enforcer of the destruction of the Maasai of Ngorongoro district.


The logical continuation now would be for the released abductees to all publicly burn their CCM member cards, but so far, they seem to be doing quite the contrary. There are fears about what price could have been paid for the release. I hope they are unfounded.


On 9th June, the day before the illegal demarcation started, the councillors of Ololosokwan, Oloipiri, Oloirien, Maaloni, Arash, Piyaya, Malambo, and two women’s special seats councillors, Kijoolu Kakiya and Taleng’o Leshoko were abducted, as was the district CCM chairman, Ndirango Laizer. DC Raymond Mwangwala lured them to a CCM meeting, they were interrogated by the District Security Committee, and then a special task force arrived to interrogate them individually. The Soitsambu councillor escaped the DC’s trap. He avoided attending the meeting and went into hiding. At midnight the leaders were put in two vehicles and driven to an unknown destination that upon arrival was identified as a smaller police station in Arusha town, Chekereni, where they were interrogated regarding “sedition” - and not murder.


Nothing was known of the whereabouts of those illegally arrested/abducted until 16th June when they were sneaked to court without any legal representation and then locked up in Kisongo remand prison. The following day it was revealed that they, and ten other arrested people from Loliondo, had been charged with murder contrary to Section 196 of the Penal Code [Cap 16 R:E 2019] in the Preliminary Inquiry case No. 11 of 2022. The murder concerned a FFU officer who was allegedly killed the day after the local leaders were arrested. Later seventeen more people were added to the charges. The second group of ten were arrested on 10th June, not allowed to contact anyone and held for four days without being fed. They were tortured and accused of reporting about violence in Loliondo, sharing photos and video clips, interrogated on suspicion of spreading false information, but later they were told a murder charge had been found and they were re-interrogated for murder. The case was up for mention in court on 30th June, but then it was postponed to 14thJuly for further “investigation”. One new charge was added: “conspiracy to murder”. Hearings were postponed to the 28th when charges against three of the 27 accused of murder and conspiracy to murder were dropped. Lekerenga Koyee, who's elderly and sick, Simel Parmwat who's a young student, and Fred Ledidi who's district natural resources officer and a PhD student. On 5th August, the court overruled a submission by the defence of separating murder and conspiracy charges, and the hearings were postponed to 17thAugust, when MP Oleshangai attended court, and there was a postponement to 30thAugust, when it was postponed to 13th September ... and postponed and postponed and postponed, not sure how many times.


Those arrested have obviously been political prisoners, totally innocent of “murder”, but it’s possible to keep two (or even more) thoughts at the same time, and this doesn’t mean that the political leaders among them would be angels. They all belong to the ruling CCM party and came into power through the shambolic, blood-soaked 2020 “elections”. None of them have spoken up about the killing of Salula Ngorisiolo. Even worse, at least two of them were for years on the side of OBC against the people. This year though, most of them have clearly spoken up against any land grabbing plans by the government, in protest meetings and handing over “community recommendations” to Majaliwa. Those accused who aren’t political leaders seem to have been unlucky to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and to have smartphones.


Outside court there were tears of joy. Advocate Ally Mhyellah said that the those released can sue for reparation and mentioned judicial hooliganism and shamelessness. Others outrageously thanked the perpetrators of this prolonged torture disguised as a court case … I’ll return to exactly who has said what. MP Oleshangay cried and embraced everyone.


The old lie

For this brutal and illegal land demarcation, the Tanzanian government has picked up an old lie, used by Minister Kagasheki in 2013, and which consists of claiming that the whole 4,000 km2 hunting block would be a protected area that has been encroached, and that out of love for the people, the government is “keeping” 1,500 km2 while “giving” the Maasai 2,500 km2, which is where you find the district headquarters with the DC’s office, the towns of Wasso and Loliondo, hospitals, forests, agricultural areas, and the horrible Thomson Safaris occupying a private nature refuge. This is where people and cattle are supposed to squeeze in. Everyone of course knows that the whole 4,000 km2 is legally registered village land.


This lie was brought back by Damas Ndumbaro on 8th March this year in an interview on Deutsche Welle, and before that it’s been used by Maghembe during the mass arson in 2017 when his Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism and the DC were telling anotherstory, and it was also used in November 2017 in the Attorney General’s response to Reference No.10 of 2017, but then the government’s witnesses switched to a completely different lie in 2018. After the DW interview, Ndumbaro has held several meetings with diplomats to tell them lies about Loliondo and NCA. He’s done this before and after the brutal attack on Loliondo, and both while he was Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, and as Minister of Constitutional and Legal Affairs. Ndumbaro has held these disinformation meetings together with Deputy Minister Mary Masanja, Director of Wildlife, Maurus Msuha, and (now former) Minister of Foreign Affairs Liberata Mulamula. Remember their names. Their day of reckoning must come.


On 15th June, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Tanzania Mission to the UN in Geneva, Hoyce Temu, in a widely shared clip, denied any state violence, repeating the government lie about a “protected area” that had been “encroached” and about “peaceful talks” with local residents that agreed with the government “keeping”  1,500 km2 as a protected area, that a minority against the exercise made recordings while posing threateningly and combined this with unrelated pictures, that the government has called on anyone alleging to have been attacked to come forward for the law to take its course and for treatment, but that nobody has come forward. This was while all councillors from affected wards were still abducted at unknown location and before they were charged with a demented murder case.


The latest public and publicised international disinformation session by the Tanzanian government was held on 23rd October at the 73rd session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights in Banjul, by the Tanzanian representative, Deputy Minister of Constitutional and Legal Affairs Geophrey Mizengo Pinda. Besides repeating the current lies that were brought back by Ndumbaro in March, Pinda Jr’s said that the Germans would have found Loliondo empty in 1891 and made it a protected area. This differs from what Ndumbaro has been telling diplomats, which has been the same lie but mentioning the British in 1951. Perhaps there’s too much evidence and too many people alive from the 1950s … It’s particularly sad to see Geophrey Pinda repeating the lie, since it was his father, PM Mizengo Pinda, who on 23rd September 2013 in Wasso declared that the land belonged to the Maasai who should go on with their lives as usual, and that Kagasheki would not be allowed to bother them anymore.


What happened between the speech in Wasso by the father and the one in Banjul by the sonwas that in 2013 the Loliondo Maasai were at their highest point of unity and seriousness. OBC had held the 4,000 km2 hunting block, covering the whole of Loliondo division and parts of Sale since 1993, but always wanted to reduce it to their core hunting area next to Serengeti National Park and to make this into a protected area. A local police state had developed, in which government employees and an assortment of traitors were working for OBC, which was copied and perfected by Thomson Safaris. Anyone speaking up was called to the district security committee and threatened. There was a frustratingly fearful environment since I first got to know about Loliondo, but it has kept getting so much worse.


In the drought year 2009, the Maasai were attacked in OBC’s preferred area, the Field Force Unit and OBC rangers razed hundreds of bomas, livestock were scattered into extreme drought areas, and 7-year old Nashipai Gume was lost in the chaos. There was hard work to get organized so that the illegal 2009 operation would never be repeated, and in 2011 a draft district land use plan – funded by OBC and proposing the 1,500 km2 protected area - was defeated by the Maasai, some of whom then thought it safe to reconcile with OBC.


The government and the investors countered by increasing divide and rule, which made some traitors hurt the land struggle very much by praising investors while insulting and threatening activists, thinking that such behaviour would benefit them personally, and that the land couldn’t be taken anyway. Some of those traitors have now been political prisoners themselves for over five months.


Then came John Pombe Magufuli who didn’t have any personal anti-Maasai feelings, but wanted to crush anyone speaking up about anything, with zero tolerance for political opposition, including inside his own party. Repression and fear increased – with longer and crazier arrests of perceived Loliondo activists. By 2016 local leaders were so weakened by terror that PM Majaliwa could enter the stage with a select committee, set up by then Arusha RC Gambo. The committee handed over a sad compromise proposal to Majaliwa and were waiting for his decision, which is why it was seen as most “unexpected” when on 13th August 2017 an illegal mass arson operation, like the one in 2009, was initiated and continued, on and off, well into October. Hundreds of bomas were razed to the ground by Serengeti rangers, assisted by NCA rangers and those from OBC, NCA, TAWA/KDU, local police and others. People were beaten and raped, illegally arrested, and cattle seized. The illegal operation was in late October stopped by the new minister Hamis Kigwangalla who also made splendid promises that OBC would have to leave Tanzania before 2018. This is seen as a good time, even when already in December 2017, Majaliwa announced that OBC would stay, and that his terrible and disappointing decision was to via a legal bill set up a special authority to manage the land. OBC’s own journalist Manyerere Jackton celebrated in the Jamhuri newspaper, but the implementation was delayed, and no legal bill has been seen.


2018 was a year of extreme terror and violence, almost complete silence and many unanswered questions. A military camp was set up in Olopolun near Wasso, and eventually made permanent with funds from NCAA. The government tried to derail Reference No.10 of 2017 in the East African Court of Justice via police harassment of local leaders and villagers. Then the soldiers started attacking and torturing groups of people, while all leaders stayed silent. The interim orders granted by the court on 25thSeptember were brutally violated already in early November when the soldiers started beating people and chasing them and their livestock away from wide areas around OBC camp, including razing bomas in Kirtalo and Ololosokwan. Then they set fire to more bomas in the Leken area of Kirtalo on 22ndDecember. Local leaders were shockingly silent, with the excuse of fear for their lives, since they thought that the brutality was directly ordered by Magufuli. When RC Gambo in January 2019 condemned the crimes in a very vague way, they changed to thinking that OBC’s director had contracted the soldiers.


After more illegal arrests at the start of 2019, there were “good” times again when OBC’s director Isaack Mollel was charged with economic sabotage and locked up for a lengthy stay in remand prison until he got out using plea bargaining. For some time, OBC sharply toned down their presence on the ground. Though already in September 2019 a genocidal Multiple Land Use Model review proposal for NCA included turning the 1,500 km2 in Loliondo into a protected area and annexing it to NCA. While there were many protests by the Maasai of NCA, local Loliondo leaders almost pretended not to have noticed and the threat kept simmering low, until it was brutally and lawlessly implemented in 2022.


In 2021, the death of Magufuli was a relief until it was clear that Samia Suluhu Hassan not only continued with her predecessor’s terror but adding a personal hatred against the Maasai while elevating tourism to state religion with a cheesy tv travel show as her gospel. The new DED Jumaa Mhina started working to kill the court cases against land grabbing “investors”. Though the village chairmen stood their ground. The case against Thomson Safaris in the Tanzanian court of appeal, however, was in 2022 killed using a law that was introduced after the case was filed.


The worst year ever started already on 11th January 2022, when Arusha RC John Mongella summoned village and ward leaders from villages with land in the 1,500 km2 to inform them that the government would make a painful decision for the broader interest of the nation. The leaders, even those who for years had worked for OBC and against the people, refused to accompany the RC for a tour of the 1,500 km2, or to sign the attendance list. On 13th-14thJanuary in Oloirien there was a public protest meeting and a statement by village, ward, and traditional leaders.


On 14th February, Majaliwa came and wasn’t much better than Mongella, but too well-received, since something worse was expected, because of the crazy anti-Maasai hate campaign in media, and parliamentarians calling for tanks to be sent to Ngorongoro.


Three days later, on 17thFebruary in NCA, not Loliondo, Majaliwa ordered the disputed land to be marked by beacons, “so that we may know the boundaries” – while claiming that this is NOT a trick!


Then Ndumbaro on 8thMarch re-introduced Kagasheki’s lies in an interview with DW Kiswahili, and on the 11th Majaliwa again mentioned beacons and water projects for Loliondo when informing parliamentarians about a fake spectacle that he had set up in Arusha, without people from Ngorongoro, the previous day.


At a huge protest meeting in Arash on 19th March, several recently reawakened leaders spoke up in defence of the land, among them the Arash ward councillor Methew Siloma spoke up very clearly and strongly. The message from this meeting was:

-PM Majaliwa is a liar.

-The Maasai are not renouncing one square inch of land.

-They request to meet with the president, since Majaliwa can’t be trusted.


On 31st March Abdulrahman Kinana was brought in from the cold, after having fallen out with Magufuli, and is now Vice-Chairman of CCM mainland. Kinana is one of OBC’s and Sheikh Mohammed’s best and oldest friends since at least 1993.


CCM councillors that had spoken up against plans of robbing the Maasai of the 1,500 km2 Osero were being intimidated, arrested, and summoned to be “interrogated” in Arusha. The councillors of Arash and Malambo had to keep reporting to the police.


On 25th May a committee handed over their reports of “community views” on both NCA and the 1,500 km2 Osero in Loliondo to PM Majaliwa who said that he’d work on the recommendations. The Loliondo and Sale report recommended a stop to any plans of alienating the 1,500 km2, investigations into human rights violations, and the removal of OBC.


On 3rd June, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana in her budget speech announced that her ministry expected to upgrade Loliondo to a Game Reserve, but she did this while listing huge areas of Tanzania for the same expectation, which didn’t make it sound believable or realistic in any way, and there was hardly any reaction, except for an intervention by Ngorongoro MP Emmanuel Oleshangai.


Then the government exploded in violence and lawlessness and robbed the Maasai of the 1,500 km2 Osero.


Court cases and the government’s brutal and wildly shifting lies

Reference No. 10 of 2017

In the blog post from 2ndOctober, I wrote about the terrible and partly inexplicable ruling on Reference No. 10 of 2017 Ololosokwan Village Council & 3 Others versus the Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania in the East African Court of Justice. Since there’s so much misinformation – created by Agence France-Presse, saying that the court upheld the government’s decision to cordon off the land, and spread by people who really should know better - I’ll briefly repeat what happened.


The judges dismissed the case, since they found that the Maasai had failed to prove that the evictions operation in 2017 took place on village land and not in Serengeti National Park, as claimed by the government’s witnesses in 2018.

Such a ruling should just not have been possible when even the government’ own, very public, documents so clearly show that the 2017 illegal mass arson was indeed committed in the 1,500 km2 area of village land:

-The DC’s official order.

-The press statement by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism.

-The 2017 operation map by TANAPA.

-The DC quoted in the anti-Maasai press.

-And the attorney general’s response to Reference No. 10 of 2017 in November the same year.

(See previous blog post).


This ruling is exactly what the government wanted in 2018, but not what it wanted in November 2017 when the attorney general’s response was to lie that the 1,500 km2 was already the kind of protected area that’s been brutally andillegallydeclared this year, first by Minister Chana in June and then by President Samia in October. And it’s not exactly what the government wants now, since the ruling also establishes that it’s common ground between the parties that the applicants are registered and certified villages with titles to land adjoining Serengeti National Park.


The ruling was accompanied by strange and chaotic behaviour by the judges. It was first scheduled for 22ndJune, amid government extreme brutality and lawlessness in violation of the interim orders issued on 25th September 2018, but just the day before there was a last-minute postponement to September.


Eventually, the date was set for 29th September, but on the 28th, there was yet another last-minute postponement, this time to the 30th. 28thSeptember was also the day that Chana announced that the illegally demarcated 1,500 km2 had been placed under NCAA.


When the ruling finally was to be read, the court ordered journalists to be stopped from recording. The principal judge wasn’t present. Charles Nyachae – whose father is an infamous grabber of Maasai land in Kenya – read the ruling, that was also presided by Audace Ngiye, and the judges Richard Muhumuza and Richard Wejuli, who didn’t mention their particulars, and never presided during the hearing of the case. Reportedly, there was one more unknown judge. With all this extra time for writing it, the ruling doesn’t mention the court’s own interim orders, only considers a few Maasai witnesses whose testimonies it finds contradicting and insufficient, but without mentioning the extreme contradiction between the attorney general in 2017 and the government witnesses in 2018. The ruling mentions that one of the Maasai witnesses said he was acting chairperson of “Kilolo” village and was informed that homesteads had been destroyed in “Olototokum” village. Such villages don’t exist but refer to “Oloirien” and “Ololosokwan” respectively. Did anyone even understand what the witnesses were saying?


Were the judges compromised? Were they too lazy or busy to process how demented the government lies were? Were the villagers’ representatives too disorganized to properly explain?


The Notice of Appeal was filed on 5th October and a comprehensive Memorandum of Appeal was filed on 4th November and is now referred to as Appeal No. 12 of 2022 East Africa Court of Justice.


Application No.2 of 2022

On 21st January 2022, the village chairmen filed an extremely urgent contempt of court application against DED Jumaa Mhina’s intimidation to make them withdraw Reference No.10 of 2017, RC John Mongellas’s threats to invade and partition the 1,500 km2and against then still Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Damas Ndumbaro. These threats were all in contempt of the interim orders issued on 25thSeptember 2018 that was meant to restrain the government from any evictions, burning of homesteads, or confiscating of cattle, and from harassing or intimidating the applicants.


21st January 2022

This first Application No.17 of 2017 had been sought at the same time as the main reference was filed, during the mass arson and other human rights crimes of 2017 that had been stopped almost a year before the very important orders were granted, so “extremely urgent” can sadly never stop ongoing human rights crimes. Another affidavit was filed after every court order, and everything else … had been violated in this year’s brutal and illegal demarcation exercise.


This contempt of court application was heard in Kampala on 11th November. Main counsel Don Deya and Praisegod Joseph was present physically, others digitally. The government (respondent) presented preliminary objections in a reportedly incoherent manner saying that Application No.2 of 2022, and the interim orders from September 2018 had been overtaken by events and nullified with the ruling on 30thSeptember, that besides not even mentioning the application or the interim orders, ruled that the crimes that the 2018 orders were supposed to prevent a repeat of, in spite of overwhelming evidence, could not be proven to have taken place in 2017.


We now have 424 illegally and brutally planted beacons standing there on the ground, and no less than two government notices proving the crimes of 2022. Will that be enough for the court?


On 3rd November, the government – via Wildlife Conservation Officer Emmanuel Daniel Pius from TAWA - also (finally) filed an affidavit responding the Application No.2 of 2022. In true Tanzanian government style, this individual lies that the government has always complied with the interim orders.


Further, this Emmanuel Daniel Pius denies the meeting convened by the DED on 9th September 2021 to intimidate the village chairmen to withdraw Reference No.10 of 2017 (and the case against Thomson Safaris) and the meeting in January 2022 in which the Arusha RC issued threats about the 1,500 km2. He states that the disputed land does not belong to the villages, but to Serengeti National Park, as if he would have missed the long and loud and lying row of government representatives saying that the demarcation is resizing the 4,000 km2 Loliondo GCA to 1,502km2, even when he himself in another response repeats those lies. He even denies TAWA’s main activity saying that its officials have never “approached” villagers telling them not to graze their livestock in the disputed area! When they have seized thousands of cattle and demanded extortionate “fines”, with official invoices …


DED Mhina's anti-court case meeting.

Now Application No.2 of 2022 will be heard at some future point when the court disposes of the preliminary objections.


“Pololeti” cases

On 16th August, Reference No.37 of 2022 was filed in the East African Court of Justice by six Loliondo residents. The village chairman of Ololosokwan, John Pyando, is one of them. The long and well-written (so it seems to me as a non-expert) reference establishes that Pindi Chana’s declaration of the “protected area” is an illegal, unreasonable, irrational, procedural impropriety, in breach of both the rules of natural justice and the doctrine of legitimate expectation.


The government response to the reference and to the affidavits was filed already on 28th September, but to my frustration not shared with me until 8th November*. Anyway, as expected, the lies are crazy and shameless. The response is written by one Fidelis Kapalata, described as principal officer of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, and involved in the brutal demarcation exercise.  He wants the reference struck out for being incurably defective. Then, as is the current so very obvious government lie, Kapalata claims that the whole 4,000 km2 area has been reserved land since 1951 and has now been resized to 1,502 km2 while 2,458km2has been allocated to villagers. They are referred to as villagers when the existence of village land in Loliondo is denied.  

*I include complaints line this to remind my friends of always sharing everything with me. 

According to Kapalata the demarcation exercise was peacefully conducted. He lies that the 1,502 km2were never inhabited or used for cultural, ceremonial or spiritual purposes, and that the demarcation was done to ensure the sustainability of the ecosystem against persistent encroachment by surrounding communities, that it was necessary because of increase in human population pressure. Kapalata further claims that the land subject to the case from 2017 is not the same as “Pololeti GCA”, without explaining what the difference would be. He outrageously claims that throughout the process the government ensured public consultation and participation resulting in consensus – when all councillors of affected wards were abducted the day before the demarcation started!


Those abducted for over five months are called “village leaders” and “civilians” and are described as perpetuating resistance to the demarcation and instigating violence, and in the response to the affidavits it’s also mentioned that this caused the death of CPL Garlus Mwita. How does this square up with a peaceful exercise, consultation and participation?


The government doesn’t care. Do the judges care? Are they able to understand?


Besides this case in the East African Court of Justice, there’s another one in the same court against the brutally and illegally declared “Pololeti GCA” that after (or at the same time as) the government response was filed, was declared a “Pololeti GR” by the anti-Maasai president. I don’t have any details about this case, but we really need to become more coordinated and organized in this fight against such a brutal, but utterly stupid enemy. Maybe the cases will be consolidated.


Miscellaneous Cause No.09 of 2022 (judicial review) is a case in the Tanzanian High Court against the Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism and the Attorney General. When even the judges in the regional court appear compromised, I’d ask what can be gained in a Tanzanian court, but apparently, it’s necessary. There was a hearing on 8th November and on the 15ththe court was scheduled to rule if the judicial review can go on.


In this case, five petitioners from the affected villages are asking the Court to give them leave to request:


1) The court to order the government to remove the restrictions against the villagers entering the 1,500 km2area which they have been using for grazing their livestock and for carrying out faith activities.


2) The court should declare that the Government Notice (GN421) dated 17 June 2022 is invalid and should not be used, as it is against the law and did not involve the citizens as required by the law.


3) The court should declare to prevent the government and its agents from carrying out operations in the area.


This case too was responded to by Emmanuel Daniel Pius, on 4th November, this time with lies like those by Fidelis Kapalata responding to the Pololeti case in the East African Court of Justice, that the demarcation was carved out of the 4,000 km2Loliondo GCA that’s claimed to have been a “reserved area” since 1951, and that the villagers have never used the 1,502 km2. Then he says that “Pololeti GCA” doesn’t involve the applicants’ villages, since those are outside the demarcated area. Where is that if the whole area has been a reserved area since 1951 and is larger than the whole of Loliondo division? Are the villages hanging in the air? He repeats the claim of peaceful and participatory demarcation combined with resisting and violent leaders (all ward councillors) that were arrested. In this response he says that “only” livestock that graze inside the GCA are impounded, while in the response to Application No2 of 2022, he says that the herders have not even been approached by TAWA.


On 16th November, not the scheduled 15th, there was a hearing. The director of the Civic and Legal Aid Organization, the unusual, in the best way, Tanzanian journalist Odero Charles, had written a letter to the High Court Judge, Mohammed Gawe appealing for the case to be broadcast live, which was sadly denied. Otherwise, everything went well and the applicants were granted leave to continue with the judicial review.


Latang'amwaki Ndwati

Reference No.29 of 2022

Over 1,620 Maasai decided to file a case to challenge the coordinated and suffocating policies in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (see below, this is NOT Loliondo) in June 2022 in the East Africa Court of Justice. Both parties have filed their respective documents (I was trying to get hold of the government’ response that reportedly says that it’s acting on advice by UNESCO, which I could confirm the same day as I was to publish this blog post) and the Court is expected to fix a date for hearing of the case, which is yet to be communicated. The Maasai are challenging the withdrawal of government money throughout NCA to induce relocation to Handeni.


Ruthless hypocrites Thomson Safaris

As reported in August, the American Thomson Safaris, inspired by the general brutality and lawlessness, have planted beacons demarcating their fraudulently and violently claimed "Enashiva Nature Refuge" in the villages of Sukenya and Mondorosi, outside the illegally demarcated 1,500 km2. In early October there were reports that they were invading people’s farms and lokeri with road construction. In Sukenya ole Musa was being invaded by this ugly land grabber, and in Mondorosi, ole Nanyoi (Irmasiling) and ole Orgeso (Enadooshoke) were under attack.


On 23rd there was another exhibition of charity as a weapon of war when the criminal DC Raymond Mwangwala praised Thomson Safaris and their propaganda branch Focus on Tanzanian Communities, for which former guests fundraise, for funding extensions to Sukenya dispensary with 331 million TShs. Co-owner (together with Rick Thomson) Judi Wineland and representatives of FOTZC were present.


Thomson Safaris' copycat beacon.

For more about Thomson Safaris,read this blog post from 2018.

The not at all less threatened Ngorongoro Conservation Area

It doesn’t seem like there’s anything that can be done to stop too many people – both good and bad - from mixing up Loliondo and Ngorongoro Conservation Area. This confusion is sometimes really damaging. We must try to keep allies strong, with correct understanding and arguments!


The Maasai already lost access to over 14,000 km2 when evicted from Serengeti in 1959 by the colonial government, and as a compromise deal, they were guaranteed the right to continue occupying the 8,292 km² Ngorongoro Conservation Area as a multiple land-use area administered by the government, in which natural resources would be conserved primarily for their interest, but with due regard for wildlife, and in case of conflict the interest of the Maasai would take precedence. This promise was not kept, and tourism revenue has turned into the paramount interest, with restrictions for the Ngorongoro Maasai, which those in Loliondo have not had to endure. The government’s aim is to via these restrictions make them relocate “voluntarily”. Ngorongoro has become Tanzania top source of tourism revenue and many wildlife numbers have increased, with the Maasai living there, in their home.


Indepes sub-village, Ngorongoro Ward.

As mentioned in the previous blog post, in September, NCA rangers attacked and tortured several people, among them Letee Ormunderei who was seriously injured and needed surgery for which there was fundraising. Letee is doing well,and there are still plans to prosecute the ranger Abraham Akyoo who brutalized him.


A meeting was held on 12thOctober between the government and Endulen Hospital in Ngorongoro Conservation Area (owned by the Catholic Archdiocese of Arusha). A representative of the Diocese, Government representatives and Endulen hospital staff attended. Reportedly, the church representative was invited to attend the meeting in Endulen without having been told the agenda. The St. Luke parish father asked the District Medical Officer to arrange another meeting which will involve the hospital board and the government to discuss the matter. The church ignored their wish the first time. The big issue is that 85% of the current medical professionals are paid by the government after the hospital no longer get aids from donors to run the hospital


The government’s plan to further suffocate key life serving services downgrading the hospital to a clinic, removing Xray and radiation services, relocating government employees and all employees above the grade of nurse assistant, removing ambulance service, delivery and mother and childcare and emergency facilities, while medical attendants should not exceed two people. Reportedly, the plan is to demolish the whole hospital in January 2023.


For decades the Maasai have suffered restrictions, more and more purposefully designed to impoverish them and force them out of Ngorongoro Conservation Area. In 1975, after a change in the NCA Act in 1974, they were brutally evicted from residing in Ngorongoro crater and all cultivation was prohibited. The cultivation ban was lifted in 1992, but brought back in 2009, after many “grave concerns” by UNESCO and IUCN. Now not even the smallest kitchen garden is allowed, which together with loss of access to grazing areas has led to malnutrition. They are not allowed to build permanent houses and suffer all kinds of harassment by NCA rangers, that want to restrict motorbikes, building materials, or demanding permits for just anything, including demanding ID for the Maasai to pass Loduare gate, with targeted harassment of perceived activists at the gate.


In recent years the threats have accelerated, and 2022 has been worse than ever.


After a visit by PM Majaliwa in December 2016 - the Maasai lost access to the three craters Ngorongoro, Olmoti, and Empakaai, which has led the loss of 90% of grazing and water for Nainokanoka, Ngorongoro, Misigiyo wards, and a 100% loss of natural saltlicks for livestock in these wards.


In September 2019, chief conservator Freddy Manongi made public a Multiple Land Use Model review proposal, which is so destructive that it would lead to the end of Maasai livelihoods and culture in Ngorongoro District. Only 18% of the expanded NCA would remain for people and livestock. This genocidal zoning proposal included the annexation of the now illegally demarcated areas in Loliondo that the horrible Pindi Chana indeed illegally declared annexed on 28th September. The 2019 announcement was followed by so many protest statements – by NCA Maasai - that I lost count, while those in Loliondo almost pretended that nothing was happening.


Shortly after having come into office in 2021, Samia Suluhu Hassan started bringing up the need to “save” Ngorongoro from the Maasai, in an explicit way not used by any previous president. A week after her first speech of this kind there was on 12th April 2021 a demolition orders for private houses, primary schools, dispensaries, a police station, churches, and a mosque, which after protests was stopped until further notice. Also in 2021, the NCAA headquarters were hastily relocated to Karatu, promotional spectacles headed by the infamous chief conservator Manongi were held on parliamentary grounds, and a clip was uploaded in which Manongi talks about a war that pastoralists have many conspiracies and that conservationists must start cooking their own conspiracies. NCAA rangers assaulted several herders in August and September 2021. Protests were brewing but were cut short when MP Olenasha passed away on 27th September.


In 2022, the hate campaign against the Maasai of Ngorongoro spiralled out of all control. I’ve covered it with some detail in blog posts up until the brutal and illegal land demarcation in Loliondo erupted and I was unable to keep up with everything.


2022 started with a leaked plan for “voluntary” relocations of Ngorongoro Maasai to be finalized very hurriedly before the end of February. In the plan the Kitwai and Handeni GCAs are named as the areas for relocation and misleadingly described as protected areas that will be declassified. Did the NCAA really believe this and were then when on the ground in Msomera, Handeni, surprised to find a registered village with its land use plan and bewildered villagers looking on as houses were speedily being built for Ngorongoro Maasai? Arusha RC John Mongella was the recommended overseer of the project. The plan recommended seeking permission to use COVID-19 money allocated for the development projects to fund the eviction of Ngorongoro Maasai - and then on 31st March DED Mhina sent letters to Ngorongoro headteachers ordering them to transfer COVID-19 funds for Ngorongoro schools to Handeni District council.


Towards late January 2022, Habib Mchange’s Jamvi la Habari newspaper, that focuses on fabrications and slander of opposition politicians, initiated a hate campaign against the Maasai of NCA that spread all over regular and social media, was joined by crazed sports presenters, Maulid Kitenge and friends. The old anti-Maasai Jamhuri paper with Deusdatus Balile and Manyerere Jackton who in over 60 articles has incited against the Maasai of Loliondo, soon joined in, and the “journalists” started an organization with its sole focus on evicting the Maasai from Ngorongoro - and were treated as serious actors by other media. Though many Tanzanians in social media who had earlier not paid much attention to Ngorongoro saw what was going on, were appalled, and started speaking up. On 13thFebruary, the new anti-Maasai organisation held a press conference sharing crazed and dehumanizing theories about the Ngorongoro Maasai. The Darmpya online news, asked questions, like how come the “allowances” for attending the press conference were so extraordinary heavy, who funded it, and for what purpose.


On 9th February, MPs competed in being wilfully ignorant, hateful, and calling for evictions from Ngorongoro, and Loliondo, the Mtwara MP screamed that tanks were needed, there was much laughter and table banging, while only three MPs (all Maasai) spoke up for the Maasai. The arguments, besides the old population panic, ranged from dehumanizing colonial fantasies to crocodile tears about poverty and backwardness, to lies that rich people not from Ngorongoro, but from town or the neighbouring country, would own the livestock in NCA, to blaming Kenya for being behind the anti-eviction resistance with the aim of sabotaging tourism in Tanzania. Majaliwa said that the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Act would be reviewed, but first there was to be a seminar for the MPs and he would meet with people in Ngorongoro and Loliondo. On 12th February a one-sided “seminar” about Ngorongoro was held for the MPs who continued their hateful and defamatory incitement against the Maasai. At this seminar, one non-Maasai MP supported the Ngorongoro Maasai: Professor Kitila Mkumbo, MP for Ubungo.


In NCA many people stopped sleeping and started praying incessantly at combined prayer and protest meetings.


On 17th February Majaliwa held a brief agenda-driven meeting at the NCA hall, for leaders and closed to the public. There was confusion and thorough registering of the attendants. Two journalists were arrested and released later the same day. The local people who were locked out stayed outside the hall singing.


On 5th March, Deputy Minister Mary Masanja brought a caravan of 600 women in diesel guzzling vehicles to Ngorongoro, to celebrate tourism, CCM, or supposedly International Women’s Day. Meanwhile Maasai women climbed Mount Makarot to pray for their land. In early June, a similar tasteless and reckless spectacle was held by the CCM youth wing, UVCCM.


On 10th March in Arusha, Majaliwa held a meeting with Maasai from other areas, without any connection to Ngorongoro, led by the denounced fraudster Lekisongo.


On 13th March, Majaliwa made a much-publicised visit to Msomera Village in Handeni where houses were hurriedly being built to relocate Maasai from Ngorongoro, without consulting them, and without consulting people from Msomera that’s a legally registered village.


On 25th March Damas Ndumbaro, then still Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, met with ambassadors to tell them the “truth” about Ngorongoro and Loliondo, and his ministry reported that the German ambassador supported the government’s efforts in Ngorongoro, which has still not been publicly denied by any German representative.


On 3rd April, the NCAA had found some real traitors to show off, unlike the previous imposters from other places than Ngorongoro, even if long-gone people were still looking for a compensation deal. And they are of course not traitors for wanting to relocate, but for lending themselves to the dirty war against their own people. Then several groups of in-authentic, compromised, or naïve Maasai have been relocated to Msomera and much paraded in media.


On 6th May, the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues called on the government of Tanzania to immediately cease efforts to evict the Maasai people from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.


Then the president, at Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition’s own 10-year anniversary, expressed her displeasure with human rights defenders defending Ngorongoro Maasai and not her genocidal plans.


On 25th May 2022, a 60-member committee, handed over reports on community recommendations to PM Majaliwa. There was one report on NCA and one on Loliondo and Sale. The report writers weren’t shy to tell the truth and Majaliwa, who hardly have read the reports, said that he would work on the recommendations. Majaliwa is known as a dangerous liar, but dancing to his tune was seen as preferably anyway, when it included the opportunity to report the truth. In Loliondo extreme violence and land alienation followed, while restrictions and “voluntary” relocation to Handeni continue in Ngorongoro.



On 28th October it was two years since Salula Ngorisiolo was killed at Oloirobi polling station on election day when NCA rangers and police opened fire at voters who were protesting openly committed election fraud. No Ngorongoro leaders at all have spoken up about this murder.


On 12th October an open letter about Loliondo signed by more than 76 organizations called on President Samia to stop the unjust, illegitimate and discriminatory actions and to ensure that Tanzania complies with its international human rights obligations pertaining to the Maasai’s individual and collective right, and on 2ndNovember, the Saami Councils demanded that confiscated land is returned to the Maasai and that detained Maasai leaders are released. But words are not enough. Something tangible must be done to stop the blood-soaked Tanzanian government. How?


Uproot the brutally and illegally planted beacons, shred the GNs to pieces, and punish every person involved in violence and land theft in Loliondo, Sale and Ngorongoro.


Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com


24th November
A clip of the emotional reception upon Metthew Siloma, councillor of Arash's return home was shared. Reportedly Siloma has said "something" about his sadness over the land, but I haven't seen any evidence. I've been told that all the other former abductee leaders are totally silent.

25th November

After the government coming with fake and forced LUPs, signs for different land use areas are put up in a village - Ololosokwan - where the chairman is still in exile, Oriais Oleng'iyo still disappeared by security forces, and beacons marking massive illegal land alienation still standing.
Both the fake conservator for the fake and illegal protected area and the criminal DC have been talking about a WMA. I'd like to know exactly who has been corrupted. What I'm hearing is terrifying.

Plenty of untold abuse is going on, since there aren’t ANY leaders to speak up about anything at all and no journalists. On 26th November the 60 cows of mzee Sarkay Tiiyee were seized at the water point, outside the illegally demarcated area. He had 100 cows, but 40 had already died due to drought and theft of grazing land. It’s the rangers stationed at the Orng'oswa area that used to be part of Sanjan village in Malambo who are committing the crimes. I haven’t understood if they are FFU or NCA. On 27th November 167 goats belonging to Kimani Taretoy Tiiye were seized. The criminals are demanding 60,000 TShs per goat when the current price for a goat is 30,000 TShs. The rangers had slaughtered 27 goats. They can do absolutely anything since there isn’t anyone to hold them accountable.

(These crimes are committed by the new rangers.)

29th November

I was told by one of the 24, not a leader, but one of those arrested to stop the flow of information, and then charged with murder, that when tortured they were asked in what way I am helping.

The very substantial Judicial Review Application was filed.

2nd December

Salangat Mako was summoned to the Officer Commanding District suspected of obstructing the fake and forced land use plan for Ololosokwan, a plan that would mean accepting the brutally and illegally demarcated fake “game reserve”. He’s locked up at Loliondo police station accused of:

Cultivating near a water source.

Agitating people to stop the LUP.

Cultivating in an area where cultivation is forbidden

He’s been growing vegetables for years and it has been appreciated by everyone. This is obviously more intimidation to stop anyone from speaking up against the lawless and brutal land theft.

#FreeSalangat #FreeSalangat #FreeSalangat

3rd December

Salangat was released on bail "already" (by Loliondo standards these days) the following day and must present himself at the police again on 9th December. There's a terrible element of treason in this harassment.

Thomson Safaris’ people were chasing cows with the excuse that they had guests in the camp. One cow belonging to mzee Olorgeso was killed and children were beaten.

The Worst Year Ever in Loliondo is Ending Without any Hope on the Horizon



This year has been the worst year ever. With extreme brutality, breaking every law, the Tanzanian government has turned 1,500 km2 of important grazing land, legally registered village land in Loliondo and Sale divisions of Ngorongoro district, into a fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve”.


This is not just a violent operation that took place in June – when mzee Oriais Oleng'iyo was last seen wounded by bullets and held by security forces. It is an ongoing brutal crime that continues, in a most deadly way, until the illegal boundary beacons are uprooted and the lawless Government Notice No.604, issued by the president, thrown into the waste bin.


The land has been stolen, the grass has been stolen, livestock keep being stolen and ransom fees demanded, everybody’s mental health is stolen, all leaders – they had some moments of usefulness early this year - have become useless cowards through terror. This terror has been caused by the locking up of all councillors from affected wards on bogus murder charges for over five months, reporting has almost stopped through confiscation of smartphones, arrests, and additions to the murder charges.


This crime is significantly worse than the illegal evictions with mass arson in 2009 and 2017. Those attacks had a start and an end when the Maasai could rebuild, while the current brutality goes on and on.


In Ngorongoro Conservation Area, not to be confused with Loliondo, restrictions have worsened and hate propaganda in the press and in parliament have gone mouth-frothingly insane in this year. It looked like it was there that the government’s violence would explode, but instead, it did in Loliondo.


However, it is not only Ngorongoro district. Samia Suluhu Hassan’s government is waging a war against pastoralists all over Tanzania. The repression and lawlessness of the Magufuli era have been kept while a crazy tourist cult has become state religion. A cheesy travel show is the gospel and there is a promise of 5 million tourists by 2025. Tanzania is a perfect candidate for a total tourism boycott. 

Let's hope that we will meet 2024 without these two, at least not in their capacity as head of state/emirate.

In this blog post:

The government’s continued war against land and livestock

The dropped bogus murder case

Fake and forced land use plans

The war against livestock

The chief criminal Samia and her German donors

Thomson Safaris

Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Court cases

Brief Loliondo hunting block background

Briefly about 2022 threats leading up to the brutal illegal demarcation

Briefly about the brutal and illegal demarcation of a fake game reserve


The government’s continued war against land and livestock

The dropped bogus murder case

As mentioned in the previous (now old) blog post, on 22nd November seven councillors of wards affected by the brutal and illegal land theft, two special seat councillors and the CCM district chairman, were released from over five months in remand prison on “murder” charges. They were then driven directly to an internal CCM ruling party election to vote for confidantes of the appointed main enforcer of the massive human rights crimes, who with all probability ordered their illegal arrests, Arusha Regional Commissioner (RC) John Mongella. Since, none of the councillors, who early this year vocally opposed the increased land alienation threat, have said one word about the unbelievably cruel crimes that have been committed during their imprisonment, and continue being committed. This very much adds to the sense of hopelessness. In the past I avoided party politics in this blog, but the CCM ruling party is like a terrible sect destroying everything, not least everyone’s mental health. In Tanzania, the death penalty is the mandatory sentence for murder. People keep being sentenced and put on death row, but no executions have been carried out since 1995. Still “murder” charges were found to be a suitable “joke”.


I have heard from one of the apparently very random people who were arrested for spreading information and then added to the councillors’ bogus murder charges and locked up for over five months. I had earlier not had any communication at all with this person who says that those charged, while tortured were questioned about how I was helping them. His impression seemed to be that I’m hardly helping anything at all. The torture was not only committed at Loliondo police station, which isn’t surprising to anyone, but also at Kisongo remand prison.


This malicious imprisonment was solely committed to kill all the spirit of resistance. It’s more than obvious that nobody made any kind of attempt at prosecuting those charged. The councillors were charged with the “murder” of a policeman who was killed the day after they were abducted when lured to a meeting by District Commissioner (DC) Raymond Mwangwala. At each court mention, the prosecution asked for and was given more time for “investigation”, until the Director of Public Prosecution decided to drop the charges, supposedly after the evil mission had been accomplished.


Now, there are not any alternative suspects for the supposed murder of Cpl. Garlus Mwita. He was buried, but we only have RC Mongella’s word for what happened. Before the casket was transported home, there was a requiem mass in Loliondo, which Mongella used to stir up more support for the brutal land theft. He did that while swearing that those who killed the policeman with poison-arrowshot (as if that could be done by more than one person) would be hunted down, and Mwangwala with much emotion threatened anyone sharing information online. If the cause indeed was arrowshot, it was obviously self-defence and not murder. Anyway, Garlus Mwita’s life was not important enough for authorities to engage in any kind of real investigation, and if you are 36 years old, your profession is anti-riot, and you are sent with hundreds of colleagues to Loliondo for land demarcation, you know that you are sent to commit a crime.


The day that the charges were dropped, in the courtroom there were all kinds of leaders whohad earlier not shown any support. There was a deal, and it keeps looking more and more horrible.


Fake and forced land use plans

As reported in the previous blog post, when everyone has been beaten into silence, the government moved forward to impose fake land use plans on the villages, often using imposed and compromised acting chairmen, but it is very difficult to ascertain if there is any kind of meaningful resistance at all. There is a mix-up between “solving” land conflict between villages in Ngorongoro district (one may wonder why it has not been done long ago if it is so easy) and the most dangerous threat of further land alienations via the imposition of Wildlife Management Areas (WMA). Any kind of new land use plans in the villages that have lost massive land to the illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve”, a crime contested by several court cases, is of course not legal.


One example is Ololosokwan where signs have been put up re-zone areas, outside the brutal and illegal demarcation, for tourism and grazing only. Altough “grazing” seems to have been added to the signs a later point and is a trick used against pastoralists. Once the land is for tourism and grazing only, authorities will say that it is “empty” and steal it for a protected area.


Salangat Mako is a small-scale commercial cultivator of vegetables and fruits for years, appreciated by almost everyone, and a “hustler” in the East African meaning of the word. He was summoned to the Ngorongoro Officer Commanding District (OCD) in Loliondo town where he was arrested and charged with:

-Agitating against the land use plan.

-Agitating people not to move from the area set aside.

-Cultivating near a water source.


Sadly, it was Ololoskwan village under the leadership of acting chairman Cosmas Olderika Leitura that had sued Salangat. His farm is one kilometre away from the river source and 110 metres from the riverbed. He never received any notice and had not had any complaints in the past. Salangat was released on bail after a one-night arrest at Loliondo police station, and then had to return to the OCD the following week when the harassment was delayed for yet one week. Charges against Salangat were dropped on 16th December following the legitimate village chairman, John Kambaley Pyando’s return from exile after the bogus murder case had been dropped. This is the only indication of any beneficial activity at all by any leader of affected wards and villages, and sadly it seems like nothing more of that has later been seen.


Reportedly, it is the OBC camp supervisor William Parmwat who is lobbying for zoning to prepare for a Wildlife Management Area (WMA). Both the “conservator” for the fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve”, one Pius Rwiza, and DC Raymond Mwangala have been seen in media talking about WMA, and such areas were, besides the alienation of the 1,500 km2Osero, also in the OBC-funded draft district land use plan that was successfully rejected in 2011.


The war against livestock

The relentless and purposefully poverty creating seizure of cattle this year, together with the massive land theft, and not least the created cowardice, forms the darkest chapter of the history of the Loliondo Maasai, and similar attacks are being committed against pastoralists all over Tanzania. It is now raining, but in nearby areas, like Longido, the drought has been catastrophic. I do not know if anyone in Loliondo is counting the losses of a bad dry season combined with security forces keeping cattle out of a huge and important dry season area.


Some pastoralist and human rights organizations on 20th December made a press statement denouncing the attacks against pastoralists all over the country, and on the 21st there was another press conference in which the need for relief food for Loliondo and Sale was brought up.


In the most lawless way, cattle are still being seized on village land that illegally has been demarcated as a “game reserve”, but also technically legally in Serengeti National Park, that was not appropriated with free, informed and prior consent, but over 60 years ago and not contested in court (not yet). It is important to keep those two issues separated– so that allies may properly understand the court cases - even if the national park seizures are being done in a cruel way and not following procedures.


I fear I have only been informed about a fraction of cattle seizures since the latest blog post that was posted on 24th November.


I am having some problems finding out exactly who the rangers are, after the fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve” was placed under Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority, NCAA. Some say that they are all the same, so it doesn’t matter, but apparently Tanzania Wildlife Authority, TAWA, left, and some security personnel trained for NCAA are committing the crimes. They are assisted by anti-riot Field Force Unit, FFU, teams from different parts of Tanzania. In Ololosokwan a team from Tanga was seen but has left. Then came teams from Shinyanga and from Njombe, that is in the far south of the country.


On 26th November the 60 cows of Sarkay Tiiyee from Malambo were seized at a water point, outside the illegally demarcated area. He had 100 cows, but 40 had already died due to drought and theft of grazing land. It is the rangers stationed at the Orng'oswa area that used to be part of Sanjan village in Malambo who are committing the crimes.


On 27th November, also in Malambo, 167 goats belonging to Kimani Taretoy Tiiyee were seized. The rangers demanded 60,000 per goat and slaughtered 27 of them. They can do absolutely anything since there is no one to hold them accountable.


On 2nd December there was a terrible hunt for cattle from the villages of Ormanie, Mbuken and Arash. Cattle found in Serengeti National Park were impounded at Eng’oswa (inside the park, not to be confused with Orng’oswa in Sanjan, Malambo) and it was reported that authorities wanted to auction them off. There were mentions that cattle had also been seized in Ingarroi (Arash) on village land, but I have not been able to confirm this. When there were auctions of cattle seized in Serengeti in 2017, it was talked about as something previously unthinkable in a district with pastoralist majority. Everything has deteriorated very much and on 14thDecember the lowest point ever was reached. The cattle were sold as unclaimed property, since the owners were too afraid to present themselves in court, even when there were lawyers supporting them. In 2018, when 163 heads of livestock belonging to Neromboi ole Lindi were auctioned by Serengeti National Park, Arash people got togetherand managed to raise money among themselves that was submitted to the CCM chair and the Council Chairperson/Arash ward councillor, to go to Serengeti to buy the cows. The reason for this was the fact that it was a disgrace to let the family lose their cattle and it could damage the image of the Loita for other subtribes, it would be seen as weakness, the family would live in abject poverty. Now disgrace is everywhere.


Livestock were lost in the evening of 14th December in the Endepesi area of the Ndutu seasonal pastures at Nasipooriong' village in Endulen ward (Ngorongoro Conservation Area). On 15th December, the owners reported the cows as missing and found that they had been taken into the park and held at Naabi Gate of Serengeti National Park. Park authorities told them to go to the court to claim their cows because they would not accept fines. The owners did not file a court claim, and the cattle were sold. One lost 212 cows and the other lost 83 cows and 14 donkeys. There are further heart-breaking details to this case that I may write about in the future.


On 15th December some 1,500 (number not confirmed) cattle were unlawfully seized in the Orkimbai area of Kirtalo, which is village land with the illegal “game reserve” on it. The cattle were released after extortion fees were paid.


On 17th December, 600 sheep belonging to Malee Risando Lekitony, brother of the Malambo village chairman, were seized almost inside his boma, not even in the illegally demarcated area. Since the lawlessness is complete, the owner made sure to pay 2 million Tanzanian shillings to get his sheep back. Local leaders neither held any meeting about this shameless crime nor did they mention it anywhere in social media.


On 19th December over 300 cows belonging to four families: Parmwat, Parmware Reyia, Odinga Tome, and Maambuya Rotiken were seized at Oloosek, Ololosokwan - in the fake and illegal game reserve brutally created in OBC's preferred area of the Loliondo hunting block - and taken to Klein’s gate. The extortion fee of 100,000 shillings per head was paid.


On 22nd December 400 cows from Arash, belonging to youths from the bomas of Sangok and Losekenja, were seized on village land that has been illegally declared a game reserve. On Christmas Eve, the livestock owners tried to inquire about the procedure to get the cattle back and found that all the cows had been sold and were being loaded onto trucks.


On 27th December, 4 cows belonging to Tumate Parmwat were illegally seized in Ololosokwan and the owner was looking for money for the extortion fees. I have not yet found out if he succeeded. 


100,000 shillings per head of livestock has been the going rate for fines in Serengeti National Park for years but has no support in the law that fines people grazing livestock in the park, not cows. Imposing a fine of even one shilling on herders on legally registered village land that illegally has been gazetted as a “game reserve” is a very cruel crime, but rangers are lawlessly copying the 100,000 per head of livestock fine from national parks. In a legal game reserve, the fine would be no less than 100,000, but not exceeding 500,000 for a person grazing livestock, not for cows.


Chief criminal Samia and her German donors

As known, and many times reported with more detail in this blog, shortly after coming into office, Samia Suluhu Hassan held a speech complaining about the Maasai of Ngorongoro. Such complaints have become her trademark together with her participation in the Royal Tour – a travel show described as “authoritarian image management” by the researcher Alex Dukalskis and in which further insults were thrown at the Maasai. Government supporters as an act of faith must describe this travel show as the reason for recovered tourism arrivals after the pandemic.


Under Samia’s rule, the land rights and human rights situation has taken a sharp turn for the worse, not only in Loliondo and Ngorongoro, but for pastoralists all over Tanzania. This Christmas over 3,000 cattle have been seized and will be auctioned in Tarangire National Park.


The coalition of “journalists” – Habib Mchange, Maulid Kitenge, Deodatus Balile, and OBC’s own Manyerere Jackton – that was formed early this year to literally engage in hate speech against the Ngorongoro Maasai, has been organizing spectacles with Vice President Philip Mpango to incite against the always threatened pastoralists of Mbarali. Eight Maasai villages around Kilimanjaro International Airport have had their land brutally and illegally demarcated for this airport. In Morogoro on Christmas Eve the horrible PM Majaliwa was threatening pastoralists in the Kilombero valley. And so on, and so on.


The crimes by the Tanzanian government are, and have always been, supported by Germany. I wonder how many Germans have a clue about this and if anything can be done to sue the Bundesrepublik for facilitating human rights violations. In a ceremony with the worst perpetrators of the crimes in Loliondo, PM Kassim Majaliwa and Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana, the German Ambassador to Tanzania Regina Hess handed over 51 vehicles that – as reported by the embassy - are part of the 20 million euros (approx. 49.4 billion shillings) committed funds by Germany for emergency funding and recovery for biodiversity in response of COVID19 facilitated by the German development bank, KfW and Frankfurt Zoological Society, FZS. The vehicles will be distributed into Serengeti and Nyerere National Parks and Selous Game Reserve and will have a great impact on supporting “operations”. In the ceremony Majaliwa mentioned poachers and encroaching livestock as the objectives of those “operations”. The following day, in a creepily gleeful way, the German Embassy tweeted that during the vehicle handover ceremony Chana announced that one rhino calf had been named Majaliwa after the PM and a second female calf Regine after Ambassador Hess, “in appreciation of their efforts in supporting conservation in Tanzania”.


Germany has for decades been lending support for the Tanzanian government’s efforts to deprive the Maasai of the Serengeti ecosystem of their land, and as seen – again and again - the Germans are not taking any step back, regardless of information they receive about the crimes. Reporting from a meeting with diplomats on 25th March, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism wrote that the German ambassador Regina Hess, supported the government’s “efforts” in Ngorongoro. Meanwhile in Ngorongoro Conservation Area this involves a well-orchestrated scheme to strangle the Maasai in every aspect to enforce a relocation agenda. This support has not been publicly denied in any way by the ambassador who – after the brutal and illegal demarcation of the 1,500 km2 was launched – went on meeting and smiling with some of the main responsible for the crimes in Loliondo, like RC Mongella on 6th July, and talk about the “cooperation” between the two countries, and the Germans keep showering the brutal and lawless Tanzanian government with money. In August 2022, Bärbel Kofler, German Deputy Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development visited Tanzania for more of the same.


In March 2017, then Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism Jumanne Maghembe and Serengeti chief park warden William Mwakilema (current head of Tanzania National Parks Authority, TANAPA) told a parliamentary committee (and very much the press) that German funds would only be released on condition of turning the 1,500 km2 into a protected area. In Loliondo 600 women demonstrated against accepting the German money. These conditions for releasing funds were not denied by the Germans until two years later by representatives of the development bank in an interview with Chris Lang. Then, while Loliondo was attacked by mass arson implemented by Serengeti rangers in August 2017, a most revolting picture was published of Hess’s predecessor Detlef Wächter. The picture showed Wächter smilingly handing over buildings for park staff in Fort Ikoma, in Serengeti National Park, to an equally smiling Minister Maghembe, while commenting on the long and successful partnership between Germany and Tanzania in protecting the Serengeti.


After the 2017 illegal mass arson operation, the MP and the District Council Chairman said that there was not any risk at all with accepting German funds, since they were meant for the whole of Loliondo and Sale, not excluding the 1,500km2.  However there haven’t been any projects at all in the now brutally and illegally demarcated area, while water projects outside it have been heavily used in government rhetoric for land alienation.


German-funded development projects in the Serengeti ecosystem are implemented by Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) and TANAPA through the Serengeti Ecosystem Development and Conservation Project (SEDCP). TAWA is supported by German funds and advice. However, this time even FZS, that never has said anything about violence for conservation in the Serengeti ecosystem, seriously rattled by Survival International, in June expressed shock about the violence in Loliondo and distanced itself from any involvement in the land demarcation, but still claiming that the land status would be “uncertain”.


Through the decades, FZS, the Tanzanian government, and OBC share the same narrative about the Maasai, and German funds keep being showered to prop of the crimes against pastoralists committed Ministry of Natural Resource and Tourism and its parastatals in close cooperation with Frankfurt Zoological Society.


The Germans are well-aware about the human rights violations, but gleefully and defiantly show that they do not give a damn. Please, can anyone help finding out how to stop them and punish them?


Thomson Safaris

As reported in many blog postsbefore almost total silence started to reign, this safari company claim their own private Enashiva Nature Refuge in the villages of Sukenya and Mondorosi, or Soitsambu before the sub-division of villages. They base this claim on having bought the right of occupancy from Tanzania Breweries that cultivated a small part of it in the 1980s and then, using forged documents, got a 99-year right of occupancy in 2003, selling it to Thomson in 2006. The right of occupancy was for 10,000 acres that somehow was turned into 12,617 acres (51 km2) before selling it to Thomson. However, most of all this land grab is based on the Loliondo police state and Thomson’s way of learning and perfecting OBC’s strategies of how to use it for divide and rule, violence, threats and defamation via the DC, security committee, and government officials. Besides the local Maasai, several journalists have experienced first-hand how this local police state works for Thomson, and so have I. Maybe OBC have been learning from Thomson as well. As reported earlier, inspired by the general brutality and lawlessness, Thomson planted beacons demarcating their fraudulently and violently claimed very private nature refuge.


In early October there were reports that they were invading people’s farms and lokeri with road construction. In Sukenya ole Musa was being invaded by this ugly land grabber, and in Mondorosi, ole Nanyoi (Irmasiling) and ole Orgeso (Enadooshoke) were under attack.


As reported in the previous blog post, on 23rd October there was another exhibition of charity as a weapon of war at Sukenya dispensary with Judi Wineland and DC Raymond Mwangwala.


On Saturday 3rdDecember Thomson Safaris staff were chasing away cows with the excuse that they were having tourists in camp. One cow belonging to mzee ole Orgeso was killed when hit by a vehicle and Thomson’s guards were beating children.


When will a new court case be filed against these ruthless hypocrites, after the court of appeal killed the old one using Magufuli era legislation that was younger than the case itself?


Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Don’t mix up with Loliondo!

2022 started with leaked “voluntary” relocations plans for NCA and the most demented hate propaganda in the press and in parliament. The always present restrictions have worsened, and already granted COVID-19 funds for Ngorongoro have been transferred to Handeni. Some of the inauthentic, the compromised and the naïve have relocated to Msomera. What the NCAA in its plans had missed was a village with its land use plan and villagers that weren’t consulted. Msomera villagers keep reaching out for support to sue the people who invaded their land.


Court cases

The ongoing court cases against the fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve” are Reference No.37 of 2022 in the East African Court of Justice and Miscellaneous Cause No.09 of 2022 (Application for Judicial Review) in the High Court of Tanzania.


After the applicants were granted leave by the court on 16th November, the very substantial Judicial Review Application was filed on 29th November.


Another Application for leave to file Judicial Review against the president’s declaration of “Pololeti Game Reserve” was filed in the High Court.


Then, since Reference No.10 of 2017 was inexplicably dismissed in the East African Court of Justice, there is now Appeal No.12 of 2022 East Africa Court of Justice. Remember that, unlike what some media, notably Agence France-Presse, have misreported, the ruling did not uphold any decision to cordon off land. The ruling was that the Maasai had failed to prove that the mass arson operation in 2017 took place on village land and not in Serengeti National Park.


Application No.2 of 2022 is a contempt of court application filed in January this year against RC Mongella’s threats to invade and partition the 1,500 km2. An affidavit was added after the criminal threat was implemented.


Then we have Reference No.29 of 2022 in the East African Court of Justice. This case is not about Loliondo, but to challenge the coordinated and suffocating policies in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.


Brief Loliondo hunting block background

The Otterlo Business Corporation, owned by Mohammed Abdul Rahim Al Ali, that organize hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, has the 4,000 km2 Loliondo hunting block (permit to hunt) since 1993 (first contract signed in 1992). They got the hunting block in the Loliondo gate scandal covered by the reporter Stan Katabalo in 1993. This area includes two towns – Wasso and Loliondo - district headquarters, agricultural areas, and Thomson Safaris’ land grab. So OBC have lobbied to have it reduced to their core hunting area bordering Serengeti National Park, and to make it a protected area (sadly illegally gazetted this year 2022 …) which would signify a huge land loss to the local Maasai, leading to lost lives and livelihoods.


In 2008, the then Ngorongoro DC Jowika Kasunga coerced local leaders into signing a Memorandum of Understanding with OBC. There were supposed to be talks to coordinate grazing and hunting, but when the 2009 drought turned catastrophic, OBC went to the government to complain. As a result, the village land in the 1,500 km2 Osero – now fake and illegal “game reserve” - was illegally invaded by the Field Force Unit working with OBC’s rangers, with mass arson, dispersal of cattle, and abuse of every kind. 7-year old Nashipai Gume was lost in the chaos and never found, ever since.


The Maasai moved back, and some leaders reconciled with OBC that went on to funding a draft district land use plan that proposed turning the village land that had been invaded into a protected area. The Maasai were united, and the draft land use plan was rejected by Ngorongoro District Council in 2011.


In 2013, then Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Khamis Kagasheki lied to the world saying that the whole 4,000 km2 Loliondo Game Controlled Area (Loliondo Division and part of Sale Division of Ngorongoro District) was a protected area and that alienating the important 1,500 km2 meant generously giving the remaining land to the Maasai. This huge lie and ugly trick did not work, since the Maasai were more serious and united than ever, garnered support from both the opposition CHADEMA and from CCM, and then PM Mizengo Kayanza Peter Pinda stopped Kagasheki’s threats.


After the unity, efforts to buy off local leaders started creating serious divisions and weakening. Some found it convenient to benefit from openly praising the “investors” and attacking the people who they at the same time expected to take risks to defend the land. Though nobody signed any MoU.


The investors (OBC and Thomson Safaris) had for years used the local police state that through the successive DCs, security committee, and most every government employee will threaten anyone who could speak up about them and engage in defamation and illegal arrests. The repression and fear of this police state became worse with Magufuli in office. There were lengthy illegal arrests, torture, and malicious prosecution, by 2016 – after OBC had written a report complaining about the Maasai and engaged the press - it was so bad that PM Majaliwa could enter the stage with a select non-participatory committee, set up by then Arusha RC Mrisho Gambo. Some of the members were local leaders and other representatives that found themselves at the opposite side of the people when marking “critical areas” under protests in each village. The proposal handed over to Majaliwa was seen as a victory, even though it was a sad compromise (a WMA) that had earlier been rejected for many years of better unity and less fear.


Maybe since the Maasai showed such weakness, the government went on with the unthinkable and while everyone was still waiting to hear Majaliwa’s decision, on 13th August 2017 an illegal mass arson operation, like the one in 2009, was initiated and continued, on and off, well into October. Hundreds of bomas were razed to the ground by Serengeti rangers, assisted by NCAA rangers and those from OBC, TAWA/KDU, local police and others. People were beaten and raped, illegally arrested, and cattle seized. Some leaders were frightfully silent while others protested loudly. Minister Maghembe pretended that OBC’s land use plan would have been implemented and the operation was taking place on some protected land. Meanwhile the DC and Maghembe’s own ministry, said it was not about the 1,500 km2, since Majaliwa was to announce a decision about that, but that village land was invaded because people were entering Serengeti National Park “too easily”.


The illegal operation wasn’t stopped until late October 2017, a couple of weeks after Hamisi Kigwangalla came into office. The new minister also made grand promises, like saying that OBC would have left Tanzania before 2018, but it was very soon clear that OBC weren’t going anywhere. On 6th December 2017, Majaliwa delivered his vague but terrifying decision that was about, through a legal bill, creating a “special authority” to manage the land. He also said that OBC were staying. The decision was celebrated in the anti-Maasai press (Manyerere Jackton in the Jamhuri). Implementation was delayed, still no legal bill has been seen, and it would of course have been contempt of court.


In March 2018, Kigwangalla welcomed OBC’s hunters to Tanzania (directing himself to what he thought was the account of the Dubai crown prince), and in April the same year, OBC - once again - gifted the Ministry of Natural Resources of Tourism with 15 vehicles. In March 2018, a military camp was set up in Lopolun, near Wasso in Loliondo, first temporary, but eventually made permanent with donations from the NCAA.


In June 2018, the OCCID and local police tried to derail the case in the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) – filed during the illegal operation in 2017 - by summoning local leaders and villagers. Nobody dared to speak up about this, except for the applicants' main counsel.


On 25th September 2018 – a year after the illegal operation - the court finally issued an injunction restraining the government from evictions, destruction and harassment of the applicants, but this injunction was soon brutally violated.


In November and December 2018, soldiers from the camp in Olopolun tortured people, seized cattle, and burned bomas in Kirtalo and Ololosokwan. This was the lowest point ever in the land rights struggle (until the current horror) and I have still not understood how it could happen without anyone at all speaking up. Local leaders claimed to fear for their lives and thought that the brutality was directly ordered by President Magufuli. When RC Gambo in January 2019 condemned the crimes in a very vague way, they changed to thinking that OBC’s director had contracted the soldiers.


There were finally some promising developments in 2019 when OBC’s director Isaack Mollel was arrested on economic sabotage charges and OBC toned down (they never left and Mollel was never fired) their activities on the ground. However, the local police state was not dealt with and following a lengthy stay in remand prison Mollel was out, and after a while he went back to work. Speculations about Mollel’s misfortune include his clashes of egos with Kigwangalla and Gambo, and Magufuli wanting to send a message to OBC’s old friend Abdulrahman Kinana (and to Bernard Membe) that nobody is untouchable.


In September 2019, a genocidal zoning proposal for NCA, which included the proposal to annex most of the 1,500 km2 and turn it into a protected area allowing hunting was presented. This Multiple Land Use Model review proposal was met with countless protests from every kind of group of people from NCA, but near silence from Loliondo.


2021 brought Jumaa Mhina as new District Executive and he started working to kill the court cases against land grabbing “investors”. Though the village chairmen stood their ground and Reference No. 10 of 2017, Ololosokwan, Kirtalo, Oloirien, and Arash v the Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania continued before the EACJ until it was dismissed in September 2022. The case against Thomson Safaris in the Tanzanian court of appeal, however, was in 2022 killed using a law that was introduced after the case was filed.


Briefly about 2022 threats leading up to the brutal illegal demarcation

On 11th January 2022, Arusha RC John Mongella summoned village and ward leaders from villages with land in the 1,500 km2 to inform them that the government would make a painful decision for the broader interest of the nation. The leaders, even those who for years had worked for OBC and against the people, refused to accompany the RC for a tour of the 1,500 km2, or to sign the attendance list. On 13th-14th January in Oloirien there was a public protest meeting and a statement by village, ward, and traditional leaders.


On 14th February, Majaliwa came and was not much better than Mongella, but too well-received, since something worse was expected, because of the crazy anti-Maasai hate campaign, and parliamentarians calling for tanks to be sent to Ngorongoro.


Three days later, on 17thFebruary in NCA, not Loliondo, Majaliwa ordered the disputed land to be marked by beacons, “so that we may know the boundaries” – while claiming that this was NOT a trick! Now we know what the intention was.


Then Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism Damas Ndumbaro on 8th March re-introduced Kagasheki’s lies in an interview with DW Kiswahili, and on the 11thMajaliwa again mentioned beacons and water projects when informing parliamentarians about a fake spectacle that he had set up in Arusha, without people from Ngorongoro, the previous day.


At a huge protest meeting in Arash on 19th March, several leaders spoke up in defence of the land, among them the Arash ward councillor Methew Siloma spoke up very clearly and strongly. The message from this meeting was:

-PM Majaliwa is a liar.

-The Maasai are not renouncing one square inch of land.

-They request to meet with the president, since Majaliwa cannot be trusted.


On 31st March, Abdulrahman Kinana was brought in from the cold, after having fallen out with Magufuli, and is now Vice-Chairman of CCM mainland. Kinana is one of OBC’s and Sheikh Mohammed’s best and oldest friends since at least 1993.


CCM councillors that had spoken up against plans of robbing the Maasai of the 1,500 km2 Osero were being intimidated, arrested, and summoned to be “interrogated” in Arusha. The councillors of Arash and Malambo had to keep reporting to the police.


On 25th May a committee handed over their reports of “community recommendations” on both NCA and the 1,500 km2 Osero in Loliondo to PM Majaliwa who said that he was going to work on the recommendations. The Loliondo/Sale report recommended a stop to any plans of alienating the 1,500 km2, investigations into human rights violations, and the removal of OBC.That was what Majaliwa had to work with, but instead he stole the land, committed atrocities, and OBC is still there.


On 3rd June, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana in her budget speech announced that her ministry expected to upgrade Loliondo to a Game Reserve, but she did this while listing huge areas of Tanzania for the same expectation. That did not sound believable or realistic in any way, and there was hardly any reaction, except for an intervention by Ngorongoro MP Emmanuel Oleshangai.


Briefly about the brutal and illegal demarcation of a fake game reserve

On 8th June 2022, Wasso town was overflowing with security forces that went on to set up camps on the 90 km stretch from Ololosokwan to Piyaya, and in Malambo. Almost every Tanzania Regional Police Commissioner vehicle was seen in Loliondo on the day. The Maasai held prayers and deliberations, and in Kirtalo on the 9tha video clip with the message that they were ready to die for their land was prepared for Majaliwa. A coordinated threat with vicious propaganda, and the old lie from 2013, was issued primarily by Arusha RC John Mongella and PM Kassim Majaliwa, assisted by speaker of parliament Tulia Ackson, and soon joined by too many government representatives.


All councillors from affected wards – except the Soitsambu councillor who managed to flee - were on 9thJune lured to a meeting by DC Raymond Mwangwala, they were abducted, bundled in two cars and driven to Arusha overnight. The following day illegal land demarcation - which is what Otterlo Business Corporation (OBC), that organizes hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, for years has lobbied for - began in a rain of teargas and live bullets. Many Maasai were injured, and thousands fled across the border where many of them continue as refugees, with their cattle. The approximately 80 years old Oriais Oleng'iyo was last seen on 10thJune with bullet wounds and detained by the Field Force Unit few metres away from his home where security forces were firing fireworks. According to the RC, a police officer was killed by arrowshot.


Refugees in Kenya.

There was a hunt for anyone who could have shared pictures of the crimes (which effectively has been done by everyone with a smartphone) and ten people, later joined by seven more, were illegally arrested, eventually, together with the councillors, charged with a bogus “murder”. The trial kept being postponed for inexistent “investigation”, and they continued locked up in remand prison for well over five months. Three were released for reasons of health and studies. The flow of information was almost completely cut after the in initial arrests.


Government representatives made multiple military style visits landing in helicopter to pose with beacons, tell lies, and issue threats.


Minster Pindi Chana without following any law or procedure declared the illegally demarcated land as “Pololeti Game Controlled Area” (GN No.421, 2022), which was announced in a zoom meeting.


Spineless diplomats applauded Minister Ndumbaro’s obvious lies about what was happening. Though many international organisations condemned the government’s actions.


Mary Masanja, Damas Ndumbaro UAE ambassador Khalifa Abdul Rahman Al Marzouqi.

Director of Wildlife Maurus Msuha busy lying

The much-expected court ruling in the case filed during the mass arson in 2017, and scheduled for 22ndJune, was the last minute shockingly postponed to September.


Houses were demolished or razed. TAWA illegally seized livestock and demanded extortionate “fines”. The dry season deepened without access to the most important grazing area. In Ormanie, Arash ward, on 27th June, cows, donkeys, calves, and other livestock were shot by the security forces. There were mass arrests of people accused of being “Kenyan”.


On 28th September Minister Chana announced that the illegally demarcated 1,500 km2 in Loliondo had been placed under the management of the NCAA.


On 30th September the East African Court of Justice dismissed Reference No.10 of 2017 on the grounds that the Maasai had failed to prove that the mass arson of 2017 was committed on village land and not in Serengeti National Park.


TAWA, at the height of the dry season, continued illegal seizures of livestock and extortion of huge fines, 100,000 shillings per cow and 25,000 per sheep or goat. NCAA rangers were reportedly trained and set up camp. In Malambo, on 8th November, the head of the NCAA camp announced that TAWA had left, and the boundaries were being guarded by the Field Force Unit.


On 31st October, or 1st November, it was announced that President Samia had on 14thOctober declared a Pololeti Game Reserve (GN No.604, 2022). It came as a nasty surprise for the lawyers that on 1st November were in court for the mention of Miscellaneous Cause No.09 of 2022, even if it seems like it was also on Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation the previous evening.


Three court cases have been filed to stop the brutal, fake and illegal protected area: one in the High Court and two in the East African Court of Justice, the ruling in the case filed in 2017 has been appealed, and there’s a contempt of court application.


On 1st November, in an NCA advertorial in the extreme anti-Maasai newspaper the Jamhuri, a “conservator” for the fake and illegal game reserve – Pius Rwiza - spoke of how calm and wonderful everything is after the demarcation. He says that the Maasai understand the demarcation but must keep a further 500 metres away from it! And he wanted them to create WMAs, outside the illegally demarcated 1,500 km2, which is another kind of land alienation that also was included in the OBC-funded draft district land use plan that was rejected by Ngorongoro District Council in 2011.


Towards the end of October, there were reports of a notice issued by the DC about redrawing of village boundaries with new village land use plans, and some 40 state security and surveyors on the ground. Through intimidation and government installed traitors, it was said that the land use plan had been passed, but that would of course not be legal in any way.


Between 14th-17thNovember, nine immigration cases against 62 people who still had such cases pending after the mass arrests in June and July were discharged for want of prosecution.


On 22nd November, it was announced that the Director of Public Prosecution had no intention to continue with the ridiculous “murder” case against 24 people, including ten CCM political leaders. The leaders were whisked off to CCM internal elections to vote for candidates close to RC Mongella. They still haven’t said one word about the atrocities committed during their over five months in remand prison.


Livestock keep being seized destroying everyone’s livelihood and mental health.


It’s time for radical measures! I don’t know how, but the Tanzanian government must be stopped, and the land returned to the villages.


Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com

Guest Blogger: The Words of Salangat ole Mako on the Run for In Vain Trying to Tell the Truth to the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights that Never Came



Salangat ole Mako has in his own words become a – nightly - grass thief in his own land. He is a Maasai pastoralist and a small-scale commercial cultivator of vegetables and fruits in Ololosokwan village in Loliondo. As lobbied for by OBC, that organizes hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, 75% of his, and everyone’s, grazing land has brutally and lawlessly been taken by the Tanzanian government for a “protected area”, and then there have been threats of taking his farm. On 25thJanuary, Salangat was waiting in vain for a much shambolic and government co-opted visit by the African Commission of Human and People’s Rights (I hope to very soon post a blog post about this). A brief clip of what he would have wanted to tell the Commission was shared online. The following day the Officer Commanding Ngorongoro District came to Ololosokwan to say that the gathering waiting for the international organization had not had a permit and that Salangat had been talking thrash. Then Salangat received more threats and fled to Kenya.

These are his spoken and written words:


The pain and suffering in Ololosokwan and all villages adjacent to the hunting block is beyond expression by words. The peace and harmony of Tanzania as perceived by those who visit have drifted to marginalization, oppression, threats, hate and all nasty acts by the ruling class to those who elected them.


Dr. President (acquired through power bestowed on her) portrays her ignorance through misinterpretation of our national constitution and land laws.

" Land belongs to the Government."

A question asked by a layman or woman:

 " Who is the government in real sense between the elected and those who actually elect (citizens)? "


The sequence of events after the 2016 OBC report, MLUM rectification and propositions 2019 and the forced Land Use Plan propels the economic drain and extermination of our culture and pastoral economy.


"Only a fool can perceive progress and prosperity of a pastoralist economy without pasture."

"Since our development isn't much of their concern, their ego, prioritised greed and corrupt approach to each and every undertaking are all geared to draining our wealth forcing us to extreme poverty."


As we can't sit back and watch our livestock die, we battle the fear of wild animals, beatings, intimidations and harassments by FFU, TAWA and NCAA soldiers whenever they capture you.


As per the newly established GCA laws grazing may be considered by the Director of Wildlife. 2022 was a year with a serious and prolonged drought, that claimed the lives of thousands of cows, goats and sheep forcing a majority of Tanzanians seeking refuge for their livestock in nearby Kenya to reduce calamities.

“Didn't the Director of wildlife see the need of granting us grazing permits to rescue our communities economic base?" It is even made worse by the fact that they even forcefully seized and captured livestock out of the hunting block and from homes too as in the case of Olesimanga from Ololosokwan.


"I may say our neighbors Kenya felt our pain and extended their hand to help, while our lovely country intensified captures, reinforced patrol teams and increased the number of newly acquired vehicles that would ensure our cows die of hunger." 

"What is it of us to deserve the hate?"

Maybe it is the beauty of the land we have, or we may be lesser humans than other citizens. It is a common trend to see fellow tribesmen shifting to towns after being snatched ancestral land for petty jobs like guarding gates, selling traditional herbs, plaiting women hair and so on. It may be a deliberate effort of a few who feel more human than we ignorant Maasai to violate rights and dignity of the rightful landowners in favour of a single rich individual to feed their never-ending greed.


Our days are bitter while our nights are sour, we see our end as nearer than we perceived earlier. How long will a hungry cow stand its hunger?

Will we be left with anything?

As pastoralism concludes its end, what is our alternative?

In the nature's law survival for the fittest, will we survive this, or will we give room to those who dictate it to us? To me and many like me we see better death than the pain and suffering of being helpless when your child cries of hunger and you have nothing to offer. Our Maasai culture and economy are no more, will we survive this? 

A serious question I had for myself and for you:

"What if we the actual landowners in this situation transformed or were Muslims, would our land be returned? Would this be the case?”


A cry from an oppressed herder and a hungry cow

I can't get sleep,

Away from my family,

My farmwork frozen,

Uncertain food and roof,

Where am I safe,

What do I do,

How do I earn,

They may go hungry with a starving father on the run,

Will I even manage their school fees with no harvest?


Ohh God give us strength to push on, console us during times like this and open the eyes and hearts of the gods strangling us. Show them mercy and pity, reduce the hate they have for us. Let them not be swayed and blinded by the temporary wealth and authority we grant them. Show them our equality in your eyes.


In Herder’s Shoes

Day time sleep being a new habit to many it is as hard as not dozing off at night while stealing grass. Many go for days without sleep conscious or not of the health risks at hand.


As we can't watch our cows die, we risk carnivores and the oppressive fines that we clearly know will claim them all. It is more rational to us that way than to watch them starve to death, our attachment to and cultural importance of a cow would incline us to be with them till their last breath. It is the hardest test you can give a traditional Maasai, it is easier to take your own life than helplessly just watch.


Evenings to an ordinary herder whether on hired terms or being the owner come quicker than normal, your heartbeat increases as dark approaches. You have no other choice than fight fear the entire night, if not from a lion or buffalo attack, getting into a warthog hole, getting beaten, harassed or intimidated by rangers, a snake bite, or any risks a hunting area may have at its disposal. The worst of all, an encounter with an injured lion or buffalo who sees a man as first-hand enemy to be attacked on sight.


Each day having a different experience, better or worse all ours with high hopes of a better haven where we will have good night sleep, where we can sit at one table as equal beings as the oppressive park rangers.


If it is what God meant for us then be it, be it not in the wishes and demands of gluttony and egoistic citizens granted the mandate to command.


In whose interest is the command to arrest an opinion holder, a complainer of oppression? It is a pity that a temporary mandate and dirty wealth blinds someone this quick, opting ruthlessness to your voter forgetting that tomorrow is a day to beg for acceptance.


It is sad, having years of motherhood, still holding a ruthless heart that feels no pain nor pity, no consideration to a suffering community instead increasing the weight of the pain.


The beauty of our land, the backbone to our daily bread, leaves the king of crude and refined oils, the conqueror of brutal capitalism salivating. And since he is used to getting whatever his heart pleases, and basically has it all, ruler of the Arab world is satisfied taking what to us is everything; just to kill for leisure and pleasure in the expense of our daily bread. Ohh God come down, please just make it once we your lesser children can't bear it anymore.


As cows die, our herds reduce in number shrinking our pride, the dreams of a better tomorrow fading away slowly. Poverty is forcefully embracing us, and no human law condemns it, we live in a wicked world where we pay dearly for an essential right, cost depending on the rights importance at that particular time. We wonder in fear and despair what can we pay for the right in decision in the use of our own land. Why should his wants always come first, and in real sense we wouldn't give him in exchange for the blood oily emirate desert that is inclined to pleasing him.


A word to you wicked and witchy king, watch your six, the curse of our suffering is on its way, an African version and recipe this time to fly you back to your desert, you are not the green type.


Salangat ole Mako

+255 788 541 669





The Tanzanian Government Commandeers the African Commission for Human and People’s Rights, Letting Maasai in Loliondo Wait in Vain - and Other Sad and Delayed News and Unanswered Questions



The brutal and lawless occupation of 1,500 km2 of legally registered village land in Loliondo and Sale Divisions of Ngorongoro District for an illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve” just goes on. The massive loss of grazing land and illegal seizure of livestock with extortionate “fines” keep deepening poverty. Oriais Oleng'iyo who was last seen on 10th June, wounded by bullets and held by security forces, has not been brought back to his family. Leaders keep hiding in fear after the over five-month abduction on bogus charges of all councillors, except one who fled, together with people suspected of sharing information. Nobody has been allowed to rebuild their houses in the 1,500 km2. Stolen motorbikes and smartphones have not been returned. The illegally planted beacons have not been uprooted. President Samia’s lawless Government Notice No.604 has not been shredded to pieces. The demented tourism cult and anti-pastoralism still holds the government in thrall. Stop this crime! Punish everyone involved and all those silently supporting it!


To rub salt into the wounds, the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights has made a visit to Ngorongoro, Loliondo and Msomera, totally co-opted by the government. The Tanzanian government controlled every move, only by accident did some victims of land theft and human rights violations get a space to tell their woes. In Loliondo the Commission was prevented from meeting any victimsat all, and those were victims who thought that their prayers had been heard and that finally someone would come to their rescue. We are waiting for the Commission’s final report.


Then the NCAA board of directors descended salivating over the stolen “goldmine”.


A tourist boycott is necessary.


In this blog post:

January news (plus early February due to delays)

The war against livestock continues

More harmfully mixed-up articles

Support by Human Rights Watch

NCAA board descending like vultures

Remember the difference between Loliondo and NCA

Taasa, The Royal Tour and the DC/human rights criminal

Carbon offsets MoU with Dubai

Cargo plane from Dubai again

Added: mobile OBC camps

Government commandeered visit by the African Commission for Human and People’s Rights

The giraffes on planes that I don’t want to write about (only for Tanzanians)

Fake giraffes

My guess

Zero investigation after the 1990s

Actual giraffes on planes in 2010, but NOT involving OBC, Dubai or Loliondo

The ban on wildlife exports

Green Mile Safari

The weird trophy hunting debate

Zoom seminar with the worst of the worst, OBC’s Mollel included

Brief Loliondo hunting block background

Briefly about 2022 threats leading up to the brutal illegal demarcation

Briefly about the brutal and illegal demarcation of a fake game reserve


Updates added at the end of the blog post.

Plane that for some reason landed in Wasso and not at OBC's airstrip on 10th February.

This blog post has become too long and delayed, since there is so much information at the same time as it is impossible to obtain full information and almost impossible to confirm information. Though nearly every detail mentioned briefly could, and should, have its own 10,000-word post, or more (which some parts already have since earlier).


January news

Before the visit by the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (see below), Tanzanians in social media, that in 2022 had reached unprecedented understanding and support for the Maasai, regressed to posing questions about giraffes on planes. It was as if planted by the government to divert attention and I wrote some points that only concern Tanzanians, so international readers may, after reading about the Commission, jump that part (The giraffes and planes that I don’t want to write about) and go directly to the three summaries at the end of the blog post.


The war against livestock continues

I do not know how many cows have died of the combination of a bad dry season and brutal theft of most of the grazing land. I am unsure if anyone even knows how much has been paid by livestock owners in extortionate illegal “fines” to rescue their animals, seized on stolen village land. Though when I was about to publish this post, I got the estimates 2,500 auctioned cows and sheep and some 6,000 seized and “fines” extorted from the owners. The “fine” for a cow is a deranged TShs. 100,000 and 25,000 for a sheep or goat. There is deficient coordination and information sharing, and due to fear, reporting is not working properly. I get sporadic reports from Ololosokwan and Malambo, but almost nothing is heard from Arash that seems to be worse hit and where cattle have been auctioned in the most terrible way (see post from New Year’s Eve). Salangat Mako has, in the previous blog post, described how grazing on the stolen land is done at night, sharply increasing the risk of so-called “human-wildlife conflict”. He is still on the run from authorities that do not want the truth to be told, away from his family. “Human-wildlife conflict” is, by the way, one of the government officials’ favourite expressions in their maliciously false rhetoric for land alienation. It is their crimes that are causing it. But it has rained, and some say that there is grass. Unfortunately, others now say that the rainy season has been interrupted, not sure if in all areas. Though, as known … most of the grazing land has been brutally stolen.


Since the latest regular blog post (New Year’s Eve), in the evening of 6th January in Ololosokwan, cattle belonging to Marco Parmwat (28 cows) and the ole Nkinyoti family (don’t know how many) were seized on village land illegally declared a game reserve and held at Klein’s gate. The extortionate “fines” were paid the following day and the cows were released on the 8th. When told about this illegal seizure of cattle, I was also told that at night and in the morning of the 7th, Joel Jackson and Leyian Rotiken were brutalized by JWTZ soldiers (national army that have a camp in Lopolun). Though that was hardly news, since such brutality has been committed constantly since June, I was informed.


On 18th January, 123 goats, 44 calves and one cow belonging to members of the Tiiyee family were illegally seized by NCAA rangers in Malambo. The calves were seized at Sanjan River and the goats when on their way back to their old home in Orng'oswa, now on stolen land. Extortion money was paid, which is the same as buying back one’s own livestock from the criminals.


A case about 100 sheep seized in Ololosokwan on 20th January was reported to me, but I have been unable to confirm. Other cases will not even mention time and place.


TAWA (Tanzania Wildlife Authority) have been replaced by NCAA (Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority) rangers. The anti-riot Field Force Unit squads from different parts of the country are reportedly still around. Regularly, someone says that the seizures of cattle have calmed down - and then a new case is reported. Some rangers extort money from herders directly when caught, without taking the cattle to the gate (I got this information from Ololosokwan where seized cattle are taken to Klein’s gate). Then the fines are more manageable – but still totally illegal - and the cattle are immediately returned.


On 25th January, in the Nadengare area of Malambo 130 cows belonging to Baraka Moson Kesoi and 75 sheep and 15 goats belonging to Raphael Oleruye Oloishiro were illegally seized by rangers. The owners paid the extortion “fines” and the livestock were released. There was first some confusion, since nobody in Malambo knew anything, but that was because the livestock were from Bulati in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, NCA (not to be confused with the hunting block in Loliondo and Sale, even when it is where the livestock were seized). Nadengare is the early rainy season grazing area for some livestock from NCA.


Extortion money paid in Karatu, not Loliondo, since the livestock owners were from NCA.

In Ormoti/Olmoti crater in NCA (not Loliondo), on 22nd January, the NCAA rangers known as Alais, Baby and Simony, and others that could not be seen (it was night-time, and they were shooting bullets) assaulted several young herders, including Daudi Sayanga, Oloturiaki Pello, and others. The rangers broke the pots the youths were cooking in, burned their food and their clothes, and then the youths had to sleep in the wild. In December 2016, PM Kassim Majaliwa, without following any law, ordered livestock not to be permitted in the craters of Ngorongoro, Ormoti and Empakaai.


Elephants in NCA, February 2022

More harmfully mixed up articles

There have again been articles that totally mix up Loliondo and NCA, including one by Associated Press that was published in the Washington Post. Other even more harmful misinformation that keeps being spread was created by Agence France-Presse in September last year – apparently just out of the blue – saying that the East African Court of Justice would have ruled in favour of cordoning off land. The strangely delayed ruling, after the date had been set for 22nd June (when court orders were being violated in the most brutal way) was inexplicable. The judges dismissed the case since they thought that the Maasai had failed to prove that the mass arson in 2017 was committed on village land and not in Serengeti National Park. However, the ruling at least establishes that there is village land and then there is Serengeti National Park.Even the government’s own documents and statements from the time clearly show that the mass arson was committed on village land. The terrible ruling was not as terrible as the one invented by journalists. It seems like this harmful misinformation will be repeated for many years, just like the misinformation that the government would have cancelled OBC’s licence in 2017. Then an article in the Citizen on 7thFebruary – about the scheduling of the appeal – repeated the same misinformation. Setting the record straight about this misinformation is necessary but could lead to it being shared even more, and to unpopularity.


Court cases

The ruling in Reference No. 10 of 2017 was appealed (Appeal No. 12 of 2022 East Africa Court of Justice), and on 6th February there was a scheduling conference. Both sides will file submissions and the hearing will hopefully be in May.


Ongoing court cases against the fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve” are Reference No.37 of 2022 in the East African Court of Justice, and two Applications for Judicial Review against the Minister’s declaration and the President’s declaration of “Pololeti Game Controlled Area” and “Game Reserve” respectively, which has been scheduled on 14thand 23rd March.


The court has already granted leave in Miscellaneous Cause No.09 of 2022 (Application for Judicial Review) in the High Court of Tanzania to challenge the ministerial declaration whereas the president’s declaration is pending in court for leave stage.


Both applications are challenging the Minister and President’s Government Notices (GN), as illegal, unreasonably made, irrationally influenced, with procedural impropriety, in breach of both the rules of natural justice and the doctrine of legitimate expectation to the communities who have been living in the place for centuries.


Then there is Application No.2 of 2022 that is a contempt of court application.


Reference No.29 of 2022 in the East African Court of Justice is not about the brutal Loliondo land theft, but challenges the coordinated and suffocating policies in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.


Support by Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch on 1stFebruary published an articleby Oryem Nyeko and Juliana Nnoko-Mewanu, with the request that, “The government should halt the violence, intimidation, and forced evictions. It should work with these pastoralist communities on a plan that respects their right to the land, heeds their traditional practices in preserving the natural ecosystem, and establishes how to work together to protect the area”.


NCAA board descending like vultures

The board of directors of Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (under which the illegally and brutally alienated 1,500km2 were placed in September) descended like vultures over Loliondo on a visit on 1st February. The members were delighted with the amount of wildlife and attributed this to the brutally and lawlessly created “game reserve”. They spoke about how it would lead to more revenue through photographic and hunting tourism and mentioned the challenges with staff housing and infrastructure. Board member Benson Kibonde described the area as a sleeping goldmine. A brutally stolen goldmine in that case.



Loliondo: Loliondo and Sale divisions of Ngorongoro District. A local police state at the service of OBC – that has had the hunting block covering the whole of Loliondo and part of Sale, since 1993 - and the American Thomson Safaris that claim a private nature refuge. For many years a constant threat of robbing the Maasai of 1,500km2 of vitally important grazing land, expecting them and their livestock to squeeze into the remaining land. Major illegal and extremely violent operations in 2009, 2017, and then the worst (and ongoing) in 2022 when the 1,500km2 were brutally and lawlessly demarcated as protected area, evicting the Maasai. Vicious hate campaign by the reporter Manyerere Jackton since around 2010.


Ngorongoro Conservation Area: Ngorongoro division of Ngorongoro District. Harsh restrictions on every aspect of life under the rule of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority and its chief conservator Freddy Manongi, instigated by UNESCO and IUCN. Blocking of funds for social services since 2021. Illegal transfer of COVID-19 funds to Msomera in Handeni to where the Maasai are supposed to relocate “voluntarily”, displacing the Msomera villagers. In 2022, a vicious hate campaign in media and in parliament.


Taasa, The Royal Tour and the DC/human rights criminal

On 2nd February in Ololosokwan there was yet another exhibition of charity as a weapon of war (there have been many through the years since I was first acquainted with Loliondo). Former guests of Taasa Lodge had donated TShs. 149 million for a dormitory and classrooms at the primary school. Taasa (formerly known as Buffalo) is quite unethical indeed. Through corrupt means the lodge occupies 60 acres in Ololosokwan, and used to be scheming to get a private concession of 7,000 acres, which the village never agreed to, since Taasa can use Klein’s concession that while more legal, already occupied too much land. Taasa continued scheming, corrupting/employing many people, chasing cattle and even falsely to tourists online claimed that they already had a “private reserve”. Now they are in the brutally and illegally demarcated game reserve, and are said to love it. Klein’s are in the fake and illegal game reserve as well, and reportedly the government has announced that the last payments to the village will be by March.


DC Raymond Mwangwala, used the occasion to shout “hoyee Samia” to the schoolchildren and claiming that the projects were the fruits of The Royal Tour … This is a travel show with the president as tour guide and it premiered in April last year, in which further insults were thrown at the Maasai. The researcher Alex Dukalskis calls the show “authoritarian image management”. Government supporters as an act of faith must describe this travel show as the reason for recovered tourism arrivals after the pandemic. I am yet to find any non-Tanzanian online who has heard about The Royal Tour. The DC, a human rights criminal standing at the side of every government official who came to participate in the brutal war against the Maasai, managed to get his name on the inauguration plaque on the wall.


Carbon offsets MoU with Dubai company

On 6th February 2022 in Dodoma the "member of the Dubai royal family" (it is how he was described, without name, on the Ikulu, State House, social media). Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum met with President Samia Suluhu Hassan, Vice President Philip Mpango, Minister Pindi Chana, and other leaders. A MoU on carbon offsets was signed between the royal family member’s company, Blue Carbon, and Tanzania Forest Service Agency.


Cargo plane again

On 10th February it was reported, and photos shared, that a UAE military cargo plane had landed in Wasso. Now Sheikh Mohammed is expected to arrive, but that is always the case when cargo planes are landing, while most times it does not happen. There is no explanation to why the plane landed in Wasso and not on OBC’s airstrip. In the past heavy rains have been mentioned as an explanation, but it is not raining now. Is it to get an audience that is no longer available at the stolen land? It was market day. A bait to divert attention, since Tanzanians lately show such strong reactions to planes? No idea. I am speculating loosely and am currently without guidance.


Added: mobile OBC camps

Minutes after I had published this blog post, blurry pictures of what seemed to be mobile camps were shared in WhatsApp and Twitter. Apparently, OBC have set up several camps in Oloipiri, Soitsambu, Arash, and elsewhere, for some reason reportedly outside the illegally demarcated area. It is said that it is the “member of the Dubai royal family”, Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum, with the dubious carbon offsets, who is visiting. Though exact information is never obtained this fast, or my blog posts would not always be delayed.

Government commandeered visit by the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights

As mentioned in an earlier blog post, on 23rd October 2022, at the 73rd session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights in Banjul, the Tanzanian representative, Deputy Minister of Constitutional and Legal Affairs Geophrey Mizengo Pinda in a speech repeated the Tanzanian government’s brutal and shameless lies about Loliondo – that it would be a “protected area” that had been “invaded” and that no human rights had been violated. This was particularly painful to see, since it was the deputy minister’s own father, PM Mizengo Kayanza Peter Pinda who in a speech on 23rd September 2013 in Wasso stopped the threats by then Minister Khamis Kagasheki to commit the current lawless brutality already that year. Pinda Senior declared that the land belonged to the Maasai who should go on with their lives as before, and that Kagasheki would not be allowed to bother them anymore. The Commission was invited to Tanzania by one of the main responsible for the land theft and brutality in Loliondo, Minister Damas Ndumbaro.


Not until 18thJanuary did Tanzanian indigenous people’s CSOs, notably PINGOs Forum, that engage with the Commission in several working groups on indigenous peoples get informal and unofficial information about the visit. Several organizations wrote a letter of concern and got a reply that “The Commission has duly noted your observations as it engages with government with good people of Tanzania”. On 19thJanuary the Commission uploaded a press release to their website, which came to the CSOs attention on the 23rd when the Commission, led by commissioner Ourveena Geereesha Topsy-Sonoo, was already in Tanzania. The ACHPR called the visit a Promotion Visit, “Specifically, to seek information on and assess the situation of human rights of Indigenous Populations/Communities in Tanzania, including particularly to review the situation in Loliondo Area and Ngorongoro Park.”


On 23rd January, the CSOs were in an ad hoc manner added to a meeting with the Commission at the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (one of the main perpetrators) building in Arusha. Initially, only Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition and Legal and Human Rights Centre had been invited as non-state actors, besides Tanganyika Law Society that nowadays is a de-facto state actor, and the anti-pastoralist WWF and AWF. CHRAGG and TACAIDS were listed by the Commission as non-state actors, but are government organs, also formally.


On 24th January, the Commission visited Ngorongoro Conservation Area, NCA (not to be confused with Loliondo). The previous day, the Commission had accepted meeting affected community members in Mokilal village where they had gathered. However, arriving in NCA vehicles, accompanied by the Ngorongoro DC and his team, and with heavy security, the Commission was instead diverted to Nainokanoka where the DC had prepared people that would say that they were willing to relocate to Msomera. Still, other villagers wondered why the Commission was in Nainokanoka when people from all wards had gone all the way to Mokilal to meet them, and they got some limited space to express their views. Then the Commission made a touristic visit to Ngorongoro crater and arrived late at Mokilal. The DC on the spot made up a new law that since flags must be hauled at 6 pm, there could be no international meetings after that.


Despite of the DC’s presence, conspicuously taking notes, and the very limited time given to them, people in Nainokanoka and Mokilal managed to tell the Commission about the many violations committed by the Tanzanian government. The chairman of Nainokanoka, Daniel Kois, with confidence in front of the DC, explained that the relocation plans to Msomera had been done in an underhanded, non-participatory way. A woman explained that families with several wives were given one house. Others mentioned that those relocating were given other people’s land. The increasing restrictions on life in Ngorongoro, to push people to relocate, were described. Some had brought sacks of adulterated salt (confirmed by laboratories), given by NCAA to compensate for the loss of salt licks since access to Ngorongoro crater was banned in 2017. This substandard salt has reportedly caused the death of many cows. Funds for new toilets for Msomera school, a few metres away, had been diverted to Handeni (official documents ordering the transfer of COVID19 funds for schools have been shared, also in this blog). There were horrific details about the catastrophic effects of lack of access to water in two wards since September 2022, through government decision, and not suffered by tourists.


The CSO’s – some of which, while working hard behind the scenes, have the past years practised the most painful public silence, sometimes coupled with questionable praise of government, sent a letter of alert to the ACHPR, which was publicly shared. Their obvious concern was, “As CSO’s we strongly believe, that using the state party machinery to organize community meetings, it’s not likely to get right respondents, if so, compromise freedom of expression, poses security issue and intimidate indigenous people to provide information and evidence. Ultimately it will be difficult to have an objective and independent report of the Commission.”

This should have been particularly obvious in the case of Loliondo that’s basically under military occupation, and where all councillors from affected wards were preventively, the day before the illegal demarcation started, locked up on bogus charges, carrying capital punishment, for over five months, together with people suspected of sharing information about the violence.


On 25th January, the Commission flew to Loliondo on planes belonging to the Tanzania National Parks Authority, TANAPA, to again meet with the DC and whoever he had brought. It seems like nobody from the worst affected villages was invited, not a single village leader or ward councillor, and that some compromised and opportunistic CSOs were there instead of those slightly more credible that have actually worked to defend land rights. Victims of the government’s land theft and violence were waiting in Wasso, but first the Commission was to take a tour, in a convoy of over thirty vehicles, mostly police and other security, of the land that brutally and lawlessly had been turned into a “game reserve”. Somehow “security concerns” arose, Wasso had become “too dangerous”, and the delegation was diverted to Ololosokwan, 45 kilometres away. Victims gathered in Ololosokwan to give testimony, thinking that their prayers had been answered and that the international body would come to rescue them, but waited in vain for hours, then it was too late, and the Commission had to leave Loliondo. A clip in which Salangat Mako, one of those waiting in vain, in English delivers his message to the Commission was shared online.


The following day, the Officer Commanding District came to Ololosokwan to say that the gathering waiting for the Commission had not had a permit, and that Salangat, who was not present, had used a graduate’s English to talk trash. Salangat received threats and fled to Kenya. It has later been reported that the District Assistant Investigation Officer is searching for him, and the Officer Commanding District has called a relative to say that Salangat should report to his office.


On 26th January, the Commission visited Msomera to where the Tanzanian government wants to relocate the Maasai of NCA (note that this does not concern Loliondo). In between the government horror show there was some limited space for Msomera villagers to voice their grievances. Msomera is a registered village with its land use plan and the villagers were informed by surprise and at gunpoint that Maasai from Ngorongoro would be accommodated on their land. One woman said that she was held in a police cell with a three-month old child for preventing a Ngorongoro migrant from planting in her farm. A former CCM ward chairman had been dispossessed of his 50 acres of land to be given to the Maasai from Ngorongoro.


Most of the space in Msomera was taken by the Tanga Regional Commissioner who engaged in the government’s favourite malicious lie. The RC in the most threatening way claimed that Msomera would have been a protected area and that no certificates issued after the declaration of Handeni GCA would be valid! As everyone should have understood by now, game controlled areas before Wildlife Conservation Act 2009 did not restrict human activities and totally overlapped with registered village land. In WCA 2009 GCAs are the same as game reserves – with almost total restrictions – but all GCAs were supposed to be revised within one year of the act coming into operation. Not a single GCA as in WCA 2009 was declared until Minister Pindi Chana illegally declared a new GCA upon the old extinct (since GCA and village land are no longer allowed to overlap) one in Loliondo, which four months later – equally illegally – was changed to a “game reserve” by President Samia.


On the 28th some people from Loliondo were taken to Arusha to give their testimony in the premises of the African court. I was informed that nobody at all from Ololosokwan came. They had lost all faith in the Commission. Later I have been told that one person from Ololosokwan was there. Methew Siloma, councillor of Arash, broke the mortal silence that has been kept by the victims of over five months in remand prison on bogus murder charges, to say that those claiming that leaders were not arrested during the attack on Loliondo were wrong. The Malambo councillor was also there, but I do not know who was saying what. Thomson Safaris were mentioned, and it is good that those violent land grabbers and ruthless hypocrites were exposed, even if it may further confuse the Commission. I hope (and expect) there were testimonies about the illegal alienation of around 75% of the grazing land belonging to pastoralists affected by the hunting block in Loliondo and Sale Divisions. The remaining land contains two towns, the district headquarters, the private nature refuge occupied by Thomson Safaris, agricultural land, and forest reserves. I also hope victims of illegal cattle seizure, illegal arrests, malicious prosecution, gunshots and beatings, destruction of houses, thefts of motorbikes and smartphones, had their say. Reportedly, everything said at this meeting, of which I have seen very limited video clips, was astonishing news to the commissioners that had let themselves be shepherded by the government. Though judging by the final communiqué, they did not even hear what councillor Siloma had to say …


Also on the 28th, the Commission and the Tanzanian government held a press conference. I have seen some clips and they are not pretty at all. In the longest one Minister Pindi Chana goes on and on about that the Maasai of NCA are being relocated for “human rights”, particularly mentioning various small businesses that are not allowed in NCA. It is as if Chana has not noticed that it is her own government and her own ministry that is restricting human rights in NCA.

Commissioner Litha Musyimi-Ogana, Chairperson of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities and Minorities in Africa is seen in a brief clip saying that the government, with other partners, like UNESCO, thought it important to leave a 1,500km2 corridor for wildebeest. She concludes that the Commission saw the beacons, but did not see the villages in the 1,500km2, so they can not talk authoritatively, but think that the reports by both the government and the affected communities have “enough truth” to help them come up with the right recommendations.

UNESCO’s role as an instigator of the restrictions and threats against the Maasai of NCA is widely documented, even if the international body will still deny it. To the Commission it was made more than clear, by the executive secretary of the Tanzania National Commission for UNESCO, Hamisi Malebo, that UNESCO also supports the brutal and lawless demarcation of an illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve” in Loliondo. This liar claimed that it was done “amicably” and that the 1,500 km2 has “never been inhabited”.


The Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism started making social media posts saying that the Commission had confirmed that the government adhered to human rights when relocating Ngorongoro Maasai to Msomera. Not sure what the ministry based this on.


As said, I have only heard pieces of what the Commission said at the press conference, but it I have been told that it was the same as a disappointing final communiqué that has been shared by some people. This communique, as mentioned, misidentifies state-actors as non-state actors, incorrectly claims that the Commission “Visited various local pastoral communities in Loliondo who are not willing to relocate in order to hear directly from them”, and gets into some surreal praise of the Tanzanian government. Then it very briefly and timidly mentions some “concerns”. Worst is that the Commission does not seem to have understood what has happened in Loliondo and Sale. It is even unclear if the Commission has understood that Msomera does not concern Loliondo and Sale. The core issue of illegal land alienation is not mentioned, and neither is the continued illegal seizure of livestock with extortionate illegal “fines”. No mention of the abduction of all councillors, except one who fled, at the eve of the illegal demarcation and their very lengthy malicious detention. No mention of opening fire at protesters, abducting Orias Oleng'iyo who has still not been returned, beatings, illegal mass arrests with the aim of silencing everyone, destruction of houses, theft, and massive malicious national and international lying by a long line of government figures.


Further, the question of the legality of removing people from NCA is not raised, or if the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority’s rule over the Maasai is legally acceptable at all. The communiqué does not even mention that the Tanga RC, standing closely at the side of the of the Commission, vociferously kept accusing Msomera villagers of being invaders with fewer rights than the Ngorongoro migrants (remember that the Msomera set-up is not about Loliondo).


On 30th January, the chairperson of the African Commission on Human and People’s Right, Rémy Ngoy Lumbu, and some people who really should know better, visited President Samia and then it was announced that Tanzania will be hosting the 77thSession of the Commission! The hyena hosting the commission on the right of goats …


A disaster, but we will see what the Commission’s final report says.


In December 2022, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, José Francisco Calí Tzay, was to visit Tanzania, but he simply called off the visit when the Tanzanian government insisted on managing him.


The giraffes on planes that I don’t want to write about (only for Tanzanians)

I am unfortunately again forced to write about “giraffes on planes”. In 2022, when the government totally exploded in violence and lawlessness, Tanzanians in social media at last started to understand and care about what is happening in Loliondo, some speaking up very loudly. Some still do. During the years of land threats, an increasingly repressive local police state, and mass arson operations, periodic rumours about wildlife being flown out of Loliondo always raised more interest and concern (but never any investigation) than the abuse against the Maasai. In January, or starting late December, the momentum again seemed to have derailed completely. Despite the brutal and lawless theft of the 1,500 km2Osero and the still ongoing massive human rights violations, “Loliondo” was again an issue about planes and giraffes, and this was not only based on relevant and irrelevant assumptions, but also on strawman arguments and the most embarrassing fake pictures from 2015 that was once again dug up. Most painful of all is to see the name “Pololeti” used uncritically as some kind of protected area. Just do not do that, unless you support the Tanzanian government’s crimes! With the shambolic and co-opted visit by the ACHPR, the discussion again gained some focus, but the giraffes are hard for most to leave …


It should be said that I am alone in this concern.  Everyone else, also serious people, think it is good that people who may not have heard about OBC’s involvement in wildlife crime, now get a chance. Some of them are themselves also discovering it for the first time. The problem is that, after the early 1990s, there is not anything to hear, except that planes from Dubai have been landing in Loliondo since “forever” and nobody has made any effort to find out what they are carrying. I have only superficial knowledge about “giraffes on planes”, and some other issues worth having a look at, which I will list here, but at least I am not making things up.


This time it all started with a huge Antonov 124 plane that landed at Kilimanjaro International Airport from Abu Dhabi (not Dubai) on 22nd December 2022 and returned to Abu Dhabi the same day. This plane is said to have secretly flown to Loliondo and picked up live animals, but I have not seen any evidence at all of this. Something was carried or picked up, and airport workers must know, but nothing at all has been revealed. Then old pictures of planes landing in Loliondo, recent pictures of the same, and old fake pictures of giraffes were shared.


Government spokesperson Gerson Msigwa issued a stupid statement denying that any wildlife was being trafficked out of the country, adding the obligatory “state religion” comment that President Samia’s participation in the outside Tanzania almost unknown cheesy travel show, The Royal Tour, has led to increased tourism arrivals. He also mentioned that a plane like the Antonov cannot land in “Pololeti” and hearing that name, that used to just refer to a river, hursts like a thousand knife stabs. I should not get into technical details about planes, since I have no competence at all for that, but some quick googling and Google Earth indicate that OBC’s runway may indeed be insufficient for the Antonov. Then some online commentators thought that the spokesperson was proven wrong, since there is some evidence, also recent evidence, that military cargo planes and private jets from Dubai land in Loliondo, which is not that surprising when it has been done quite openly for decades. Gerson Msigwa does of course not have any personal knowledge at all about the issue but is tasked with denying anything that could put the government in bad light. For some reason, a picture I took in 2011 was in social media used by the spokesperson as a background to the audio with the denial. This is not important, but very strange.


Fake giraffes

Most annoyingly, fake pictures of giraffes from September 2015 have once more been circulated. Pictures of two planes on OBC’s airstrip (Sheikh Mohammed was visiting with a big entourage, including many European looking young women, according to a journalist who was present at KIA) were widely shared, but then someone, still unknown, decided to edit one photo adding a vehicle with a captured giraffe. This was obvious, not only because the original picture was available, but the giraffe was not a Maasai giraffe, which is the only subspecies found in Tanzania. It did not stop some opposition supporters from making the picture go viral together with all kinds of random photos of people capturing giraffes, without any connection at all to Loliondo, or Tanzania, and there was no way of stopping them. This was during the election campaign 2015 and while some were just confused, others were clearly doing it in bad faith. I will not share the giraffe picture again.



Worst of all, in 2015, there had already been an illegal evictions operation with mass arson in 2009, a serious threat of the crime later committed in 2022 had been stopped in 2013, the local police state kept worsening with heavy harassment of anyone who could speak up against the investors, but all this was ignored as not as interesting to use against the government as some fake giraffe pictures. Loliondo activists at that time did not participate in this nonsense, which even so was quite damaging. There has regularly been some limited sharing of those terribly fake pictures, but now, when the Maasai of Loliondo suffer under a brutal and illegal occupation by security forces, they were brought back in full swing. It is incomprehensible and it feels like it all would be planted by the government in some way …


My guess

I am not saying that there is not any wildlife trafficking from Loliondo. If I am to guess, like everyone else is doing, I would even say that it is very probable, since:

A, there is a demand in Dubai, and the rest of the UAE. There are many public zoos, usually called safari parks, and it is not uncommon for private individuals to keep African wildlife as pets, particularly the royal family, even if there was a ban on big cats in 2017.

B, OBC’s activities are not being monitored at all (the same applies to other hunting operators) and brutal lawlessness reigns in every other area of the local Loliondo police state at the service of “investors”, so why not in wildlife trafficking?


Zero investigation after the 1990s

In articles from 1993 by Stan Katabalo (not online, but accessed by my friend, and remembered by Tanzanians who were around at that time), among other hunting abuse, did report about wildlife trafficking by OBC. The trafficking seems to at that time have been done in a chaotic way, already before the starting date of OBC’s first contract for the hunting block, with one gazelle dropping dead at Kilimanjaro International Airport. Abdulrahman Kinana, representing the Tanzanian government, was already escorting the current ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and OBC’s owner Mohammed Abdulrahim Al-Ali. The abuse is reportedly further detailed in the Marmo report that resulted from the investigation by a Parliamentary Select Committee. I have never been able to get hold of this report.


A Kenyan organization started investigating together with Moringe Parkipuny (first MP for Ngorongoro and first in joining the Maasai struggle to the international indigenous people’s struggle) in the early 2000s, but the director stopped communication when he moved to the USA. A decade later, Parkipuny was not pleased when informed that the unfinished and outdated report was still online. The director has now been back in Kenya for years and is a politician who assisted with humanitarian aid for the Tanzanian refugees in June 2022.


As mentioned, OBC’s rangers have worked with “anti-poaching” so tightly with TAWA rangers, their predecessors, and probably those who have taken over after TAWA, that the different rangers have been indistinguishable. There has not been any monitoring done by Tanzanian authorities at all.


Tanzanian journalists, after the 1990s, have never gone further than quoting some random documents in possession by local activists. Through all these years, nobody has made any effort to properly investigate neither the much gossiped about hunting abuse, nor the much more openly committed massive crimes against land rights and human rights, that for most of the time has been found less interesting and even less upsetting by the Tanzanian commentariat. OBC staff, when asked if they have got any pictures, will just say that it is “not allowed”. All hunting pictures available have been shared by the crown prince of Dubai, who has not posted any of dead mammals since 2009. Though it should also be remembered that at the same time as smartphones have become available, repression has worsened both in the local Loliondo police state and in Tanzania as a whole.


Actual giraffes on planes in 2010, but NOT involving OBC, Dubai or Loliondo

In 2010 there was a case of wildlife trafficking that led to trial, but it did not involve OBC or Loliondo. The Pakistani wildlife smuggler Ahmed Kamran coordinated the transport on a Qatari military plane from Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA) to Qatar illegally carrying 136 live animals, including four giraffes. This must be where all the giraffe “theories” come from, while nobody remembers the details. Most Tanzanian articles are no longer online, but some remain. The smuggling involved government officials and airport staff and led to the sacking of the director of wildlife, and a one-year ban on exports of live wildlife. Apparently, when the case was finalized in 2014, only Kamran got a prison sentence, while cases against everyone else involved had been dropped. Kamran had however disappeared during the trial and an Interpol search was launched. Later the Raia Mwema reported that Kamran had been granted all necessary permits by Tanzanian authoritiesIt is not known where the animals ended up after landing in Qatar.


The ban on wildlife exports

In March 2016, the Tanzanian government imposed a ban on exports of live wildlife due to irregularities. In November 2021, Deputy Minister Mary Masanja announced a three-month grace period for exporters that had animals with export licenses in their custody when the ban was imposed. Then on 4th June 2022, TAWA in an official notice, announced another grace period, this time of six months. After protests online, already the following day, Minister Pindi Chana reversed this decision, stopping any exports until the government receives “official information from relevant institutions”.

Nothing of this apparent sensitivity to public opinion was shown when Tanzanians online and international organizations - even some of those otherwise involved up to their necks in the war against Maasai land rights (FZS and IUCN) protested the lawless brutality and illegal land alienation in Loliondo. It just goes on with herders cut off from important grazing on village land unlawfully declared a “game reserve” and extreme pauperization through illegal seizure of livestock. The councillors of the affected wards could stay illegally locked up on obvious bogus charges and nothing happened until the government had achieved its evil purpose. This indicates that the government has the support of important organizations and state actors. The Germans are doing it quite openly.


Green Mile Safari

Not a case of illegal exports, but of terrible hunting abuse, was exposed in 2014.

Green Mile Safari, anotherUAE hunting company, became internationally infamous after a video of horrible hunting abuse, uploaded by an indiscreet client, and probably thanks to Green Mile’s business rival, Wengert Windrose, part of the Friedkin group of companies, became internationally viral and was shown in the Tanzanian parliament in 2014. Minister Nyalandu shortly thereafter revoked Green Mile’s hunting blocks for violating Wildlife Conservation Act 2009. Since then, ministers have been taking turns either chasing away or bringing back Green Mile. In 2016 Jumanne Maghembe brought Green Mile back, since there was not any court conviction, and there was a negative international reaction to this. In 2019 Hamisi Kigwangalla revoked Green Mile’s license for breaching hunting regulations. Then again, in April 2021, Damas Ndumbaro brought Green Mile back to Lake Natron GCA East hunting block (in Longido, not to be confused with Loliondo) against protests by local villagers that claimed that the company owed them money and was responsible for turning a blind eye to, or being directly involved in, the poaching of 36 giraffes. In February 2022, Green Mile were given a 30-year Special Wildlife Investment Concession Areas (SWICA) license. This time, the return of Green Mile has been met with a strange silence. Not even Wildleaks, that earlier saw this misbehaving company as “their issue” has reacted. Just lately when the giraffes and plane nonsense was brought up again, has Green Mile been mentioned by Tanzanians online, but not much.


While Wengert Windrose seems to be much preferred by local Maasai affected by Green Mile, other companies in the Friedkin group have been deeply involved in human rights violations, notably Mwiba Holdings in the brutal evictions from Makao WMA in Meatu in 2011, with scarcely reported violent crimes during following years.


The weird trophy hunting debate

As mentioned, OBC are not monitored at all, since their rangers do “anti-poaching” totally embedded with government rangers. This case is the same with other hunting operators and is used as an argument for trophy hunting in the international debate. The argument is that the operators fund anti-poaching. I will not write about every strange twist and turn in this loud debate – there is a lot to say though … - except that Tanzanians are not participating in it at all, which would be logical, since they have bigger problems, except that in that case they would also not waste their time on giraffes and planes.


On both sides (the “antis” of course are more numerous and more varied) it is not uncommon to be against land rights and human rights (with some nasty examples of tour operators active in Tanzania) while both sides also compete in who better represents so-called “African communities”. At the same time, and by the same people, both sides argue that they are the best at “setting aside” land for conservation, and they do this at the same time as arguing that the other side is more “neo-colonial”. Namibia is the star example of the pro-trophy hunting side, with a few representatives that do not look so authentic, but which is impossible to know when not familiar with the situation on the ground. They look like what in Tanzania would be WMA fat cats, and do not hesitate to represent the issue alongside the absolute worst enemies of rural Tanzanians, like the director of wildlife, Maurus Msuha.


The trophy hunting supporters argue that Loliondo is a “political” and non-representative case (except for a South African reporter who repeats the Tanzanian government’s lies, without understanding them, and adding his own) when OBC has achieved exactly what is seen as most desirable – “setting aside” land. They keep showing maps of game reserves in Tanzania (with some non-hunting areas included) as an argument. Exactly how do they think game reserves are created?


Game ranching

The presence of African wildlife at Sharjah Safari Park in Dubai is not evidence that the animals are from Loliondo. There are other countries with African wildlife and there are legal exports from places like South African “game ranches”. Game ranching is currently being heavily promoted by TAWA and will undoubtedly - judging from the debate in South Africa - open a whole store of new cans of worms. 


Zoom seminar with the worst of the worst, OBC’s Mollel included

A zoom seminar was held on 14thJanuary with some of the worst enemies of the Maasai, including Minister Pindi Chana, Ngorongoro Chief Conservator Freddy Manongi, Eblate Mjingo of TAWIRI, Mabula Nyanda of TAWA, Christine Mwakatobe of KADCO (managing KIA, Kilimanjaro International Airport), the Tanzanian ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Ali Jabir Mwadini and OBC’s managing director Isaack (Isaya Lesion) Mollel.


The reason for this seminary was obviously the rumour of wildlife trafficking, but most of it consisted of self-congratulation for Tanzania’s tourism product and increased tourist arrivals. The mentions, resembling the Emperor’s New Clothes, of President Samia and The Royal Tour were of course included. Any exports of live animals were denied. Planes are bringing tourists and their luggage, and there are rich tourists with private planes who bring containers with equipment, was the explanation. Mwakatobe did not mention the recent illegal demarcation of Maasai land, affecting eight villages, for Kilimanjaro International Airport. Mwadini said that there were many Arab tourists and that they enjoy hunting, particularly for the pot and using falcons (the latter in their home countries). Mjingo and Manongi incorrectly, and with great hyperbole, mentioned the necessity of setting aside “Pololeti Game Reserve” to save the wildebeest migration and water sources for Serengeti, but they did not even botherto lie about, justify, or in any way mention the illegality and massive human rights violations. They seemed sure that Tanzanians no longer care.


OBC’s managing director Isaack (Isaya Lesion) Mollel, Isaya Lesion is his official name, but he has always been known in Loliondo, and in media, as Isaack Mollel, explained that OBC’s owners are from the UAE, that the company drills wells, helps the hospital and schools, and regularly donates vehicles to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism. They do not come to trophy hunt, but to relax, sometimes leaving without hunting and other times shoot some animal to have for dinner. This is maybe true, but hunting, however badly done, is far, far from OBC’s worst crime and I wish Tanzanians of good faith could take this seriously every day of the year ... Mollel also outrageously claimed that the game reserve will benefit surrounding communities since it will bring more photographic and hunting tourism.


Mollel become OBC’s managing director in 2007, and has seen (or with all probability funded) how the local police state reached insane levels of repression, illegal mass arson operations in 2009 and 2017 in OBC’s preferred hunting area, the still not denounced violence by soldiers in 2018, and in 2022 the lawless alienation of this area with an explosion of violence, and ongoing. In November 2009 Mollel was all over Tanzanian media boasting about how OBC had given the Office of the Arusha Regional Commissioner TShs. 156 million for surveying the land. The resulting draft district land use plan proposed turning OBC’s preferred 1,500 km2into a protected area, and the Maasai mobilized against this atrocity, which was rejected by Ngorongoro District Council in 2011. Then, as we have seen, the dangerous proposal has kept creeping up, vociferously with then Minister Kagasheki’s threats in in 2013, that thanks to Maasai unity and seriousness, were stopped by PM Pinda, until brutally and lawlessly implemented in 2022.


The divide and rule increased after the defeat of Kagasheki, and it was handled by Mollel, and by Thomson Safaris’ manager Yamat. An investor-friendly group of traitors crystallized, led by then Oloipiri councillor William Alais, and Gabriel Killel of the NGO Kidupo. With the increased repression in 2016, and multiple illegal arrests and malicious prosecution of some people accused of having communicated with me, OBC (reportedly Mollel and the assistant director) wrote a report, sent to the press, accusing the Maasai of being environmentally destructive, complaining about reduced trophies, about a “loophole” that made GCA 2009 impossible to implement, and about the “unrealistic size” of the hunting block. Then, PM Majaliwa tasked Arusha RC Gambo with setting up a select committee to solve the conflict. This committee reached a sad compromise proposal and while waiting to hear from the PM, unexpectedly, what everyone had fought to stop from being repeated after 2009 happened again and the Maasai suffered the terror of the 2017 operation.


The new minister, Kigwangalla, stopped the illegal 2017 operation and accused Mollel of having tried to bribe him more cheaply than he bribed his predecessors. He said that his ministry was infested by a whole corruption syndicate, and that OBC would have to leave Tanzania before January 2018. However, nothing happened, and Majaliwa, a month later, at the same time as announcing a vague, but terrifying decision about the land, said that OBC was staying. Kigwangalla changed to saying that OBC was not a problem, only Mollel. In 2018, repression deepened further, OBC again donated vehicles to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, and in November and December soldiers from a military camp set up the same year, started chasing people and livestock away from areas around OBC’s camp, even burning bomas in Ololosokwan and Kirtalo. The King of Morocco was expected, but his visit was postponed. Nobody dared to speak up, since everyone thought that Magufuli had ordered the abuse, and nobody showed any interest in Royal Moroccan Air Force cargo planes that landed.


In 2019, Mollel’s fortunes changed. I do not know why, but he had clashes of egos with both Kigwangalla and RC Gambo. Magufuli could have wanted to send a message to Abdulrahim Kinana (close to OBC since the early 1990s), and Bernard Membe (whom he perceived as a threat) that nobody is untouchable. There was also the opportunity to extort money via plea bargaining. OBC workers from Pakistan were arrested for lack of permits, and then Mollel himself was arrested and investigated by the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB). He was charged on ten counts of economic sabotage, forging documents and evading tax in relation to the import of vehicles from Dubai. Initially, and quite sensationally, someone at PCCB decided to deal with the Loliondo police state, the District Security Officer (spy chief), Issa Ng’itu, was arrested, found with money from Mollel on his SIM card, and involved in the vehicle dealings with Mollel. Though this case was quickly dismissed and silenced, and Ng’itu promoted to RSO in Rukwa. The local police state stayed intact. Mollel was locked up in Kisongo remand prison and his case kept being delayed. He stayed locked up even after writing to the Director of Public Prosecution seeking plea bargaining, without any serious prosecution, and not released until 2nd October 2020 (when Magufuli was still alive, unlike the stories that some are fabricating). After a trip to Dubai, Mollel eventually returned to work. During his absence, OBC’s activities were sharply reduced, and herders were no longer being harassed. Though in September 2019, a genocidal Multiple Land Use Model review for NCA (notLoliondo) proposed annexing 1,500km2 of the hunting block in Loliondo and Sale, and to turn this into a protected area with hunting, as OBC had always wanted, and as was brutally and lawlessly done in 2022, including the annexation.


Now Mollel is included in Zoom seminars with the Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism. Though he did not look quite comfortable. Maybe he knows that his place is in front of human rights courts, now more than ever.


Brief Loliondo hunting block background

Otterlo Business Corporation, owned by Mohammed Abdul Rahim Al Ali, that organize hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, has the 4,000 km2 Loliondo hunting block (permit to hunt) since 1993 (first contract signed in 1992). They got the hunting block in the Loliondogate scandal covered by the reporter Stan Katabalo in 1993. This area includes two towns – Wasso and Loliondo - district headquarters, agricultural areas, and Thomson Safaris’ land grab. So OBC have lobbied to have it reduced to their core hunting area bordering Serengeti National Park, and to make it a protected area (sadly, brutally and illegally gazetted in 2022 …) which would signify a huge land loss to the local Maasai, leading to lost lives and livelihoods.


In 2008, the then Ngorongoro DC Jowika Kasunga coerced local leaders into signing a Memorandum of Understanding with OBC. There were supposed to be talks to coordinate grazing and hunting, but when the 2009 drought turned catastrophic, OBC went to the government to complain. As a result, the village land in the 1,500 km2Osero – now fake and illegal “game reserve” - was illegally invaded by the Field Force Unit working with OBC’s rangers, with mass arson, dispersal of cattle, and abuse of every kind. 7-year old Nashipai Gume was lost in the chaos and never found, ever since.

The Maasai moved back, and some leaders reconciled with OBC that went on to funding a draft district land use plan that proposed turning the village land that had been invaded into a protected area. The Maasai were united, and the draft land use plan was rejected by Ngorongoro District Council in 2011.


In 2013, then Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Khamis Kagasheki lied to the world saying that the whole 4,000 km2 Loliondo Game Controlled Area (Loliondo Division and part of Sale Division of Ngorongoro District) was a protected area and that alienating the important 1,500 km2 meant generously giving the remaining land to the Maasai. This huge lie and ugly trick did not work, since the Maasai were more serious and united than ever, garnered support from both the opposition CHADEMA and from CCM, and then PM Mizengo Kayanza Peter Pinda stopped Kagasheki’s threats.


After the unity, efforts to buy off local leaders started creating serious divisions and weakening. Some found it convenient to benefit from openly praising the “investors” and attacking the people who they at the same time expected to take risks to defend the land. Though nobody signed any MoU.


The investors (OBC and Thomson Safaris) had for years used the local police state that through the successive DCs, security committee, and most every government employee will threaten anyone who could speak up about them and engage in defamation and illegal arrests. The repression and fear of this police state became worse with Magufuli in office. There were lengthy illegal arrests, torture, and malicious prosecution, by 2016 – after OBC had written a report complaining about the Maasai and engaged the press - it was so bad that PM Majaliwa could enter the stage with a select non-participatory committee, set up by then Arusha RC Mrisho Gambo. Some of the members were local leaders and other representatives that found themselves at the opposite side of the people when marking “critical areas” under protests in each village. The proposal handed over to Majaliwa was seen as a victory, even though it was a sad compromise (a WMA) that had earlier been rejected for many years of better unity and less fear.


Maybe since the Maasai showed such weakness, the government went on with the unthinkable and while everyone was still waiting to hear Majaliwa’s decision, on 13th August 2017 an illegal mass arson operation, like the one in 2009, was initiated and continued, on and off, well into October. Hundreds of bomas were razed to the ground by Serengeti rangers, assisted by NCAA rangers and those from OBC, TAWA/KDU, local police and others. People were beaten and raped, illegally arrested, and cattle seized. Some leaders were frightfully silent while others protested loudly. Minister Maghembe pretended that OBC’s land use plan would have been implemented and the operation was taking place on some protected land. Meanwhile the DC and Maghembe’s own ministry, said it was not about the 1,500 km2, since Majaliwa was to announce a decision about that, but that village land was invaded because people were entering Serengeti National Park “too easily”.


The illegal operation wasn’t stopped until late October 2017, a couple of weeks after Hamisi Kigwangalla came into office. The new minister also made grand promises, like saying that OBC would have left Tanzania before 2018, but it was very soon clear that OBC weren’t going anywhere. On 6th December 2017, Majaliwa delivered his vague but terrifying decision that was about, through a legal bill, creating a “special authority” to manage the land. He also said that OBC were staying. The decision was celebrated in the anti-Maasai press (Manyerere Jackton in the Jamhuri). Implementation was delayed, still no legal bill has been seen, and it would of course have been contempt of court.


In March 2018, Kigwangalla welcomed OBC’s hunters to Tanzania (directing himself to what he thought was the Twitter account of the Dubai crown prince), and in April the same year, OBC - once again - gifted the Ministry of Natural Resources of Tourism with 15 vehicles. In March 2018, a military camp was set up in Lopolun, near Wasso in Loliondo, first temporary, but eventually made permanent with donations from the NCAA.


In June 2018, the OCCID and local police tried to derail the case in the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) – filed during the illegal operation in 2017 - by summoning local leaders and villagers. Nobody dared to speak up about this, except for the applicants' main counsel.


On 25th September 2018 – a year after the illegal operation - the court finally issued an injunction restraining the government from evictions, destruction and harassment of the applicants, but this injunction was soon brutally violated.


In November and December 2018, soldiers from the camp in Olopolun tortured people, seized cattle, and burned bomas in Kirtalo and Ololosokwan. This was the lowest point ever in the land rights struggle (until the current horror) and I have still not understood how it could happen without anyone at all speaking up. Local leaders claimed to fear for their lives and thought that the brutality was directly ordered by President Magufuli. When RC Gambo in January 2019 condemned the crimes in a very vague way, they changed to thinking that OBC’s director had contracted the soldiers.


There were finally some promising developments in 2019 when OBC’s director Isaack Mollel was arrested on economic sabotage charges and OBC toned down (they never left and Mollel was never fired) their activities on the ground. However, the local police state was not dealt with and following a lengthy stay in remand prison Mollel was out, and after a while he went back to work. Speculations about Mollel’s misfortune include his clashes of egos with Kigwangalla and Gambo, and Magufuli wanting to send a message to OBC’s old friend Abdulrahman Kinana (and to Bernard Membe) that nobody is untouchable.


In September 2019, a genocidal zoning proposal for NCA, which included the proposal to annex most of the 1,500 km2 and turn it into a protected area allowing hunting was presented. This Multiple Land Use Model review proposal was met with countless protests from every kind of group of people from NCA, but near silence from Loliondo.


2021 brought Jumaa Mhina as new District Executive Director and he started working to kill the court cases against land grabbing “investors”. Though the village chairmen stood their ground and Reference No. 10 of 2017, Ololosokwan, Kirtalo, Oloirien, and Arash v the Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania continued before the EACJ until it was dismissed in September 2022. The case against Thomson Safaris in the Tanzanian court of appeal, however, was in 2022 killed using a law that was introduced after the case was filed.


Briefly about 2022 threats leading up to the brutal illegal demarcation

On 11th January 2022, Arusha RC John Mongella summoned village and ward leaders from villages with land in the 1,500 km2 to inform them that the government would make a painful decision for the broader interest of the nation. The leaders, even those who for years had worked for OBC and against the people, refused to accompany the RC for a tour of the 1,500 km2, or to sign the attendance list. On 13th-14th January in Oloirien there was a public protest meeting and a statement by village, ward, and traditional leaders.


On 14th February 2022, Majaliwa came and was not much better than Mongella, but too well-received, since something worse was expected, because of the crazy anti-Maasai hate campaign, and parliamentarians calling for tanks to be sent to Ngorongoro.


Three days later, on 17thFebruary 2022, in NCA, not Loliondo, Majaliwa ordered the disputed land to be marked by beacons, “so that we may know the boundaries” – while claiming that this was NOT a trick! Now we know what the intention was.


Then Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism Damas Ndumbaro on 8th March 2022 re-introduced Kagasheki’s lies in an interview with DW Kiswahili, and on the 11thMajaliwa again mentioned beacons and water projects when informing parliamentarians about a fake spectacle that he had set up in Arusha, without people from Ngorongoro, the previous day.


At a huge protest meeting in Arash on 19th March, several leaders spoke up in defence of the land, among them the Arash ward councillor Methew Siloma spoke up very clearly and strongly. The message from this meeting was:


-PM Majaliwa is a liar.

-The Maasai are not renouncing one square inch of land.

-They request to meet with the president, since Majaliwa cannot be trusted.


On 31st March 2022, Abdulrahman Kinana was brought in from the cold, after having fallen out with Magufuli, and is now Vice-Chairman of CCM mainland. Kinana is one of OBC’s and Sheikh Mohammed’s best and oldest friends since at least 1993.


CCM councillors that had spoken up against plans of robbing the Maasai of the 1,500 km2 Osero were being intimidated, arrested, and summoned to be “interrogated” in Arusha. The councillors of Arash and Malambo had to keep reporting to the police.


On 25th May 2022, a committee handed over their reports of “community recommendations” on both NCA and the 1,500 km2 Osero in Loliondo to PM Majaliwa who said that he was going to work on the recommendations. The Loliondo/Sale report recommended a stop to any plans of alienating the 1,500 km2, investigations into human rights violations, and the removal of OBC. That was what Majaliwa had to work with, but instead he stole the land, committed atrocities, and OBC is still there.


On 3rd June 2022, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana in her budget speechannounced that her ministry expected to upgrade Loliondo to a Game Reserve, but she did this while listing huge areas of Tanzania for the same expectation. That did not sound believable or realistic in any way, and there was hardly any reaction, except for an intervention by Ngorongoro MP Emmanuel Oleshangai.


Briefly about the brutal and illegal demarcation of a fake game reserve

On 8th June 2022, Wasso town was overflowing with security forces that went on to set up camps on the 90 km stretch from Ololosokwan to Piyaya, and in Malambo. Almost every Tanzania Regional Police Commissioner vehicle was seen in Loliondo on the day. The Maasai held prayers and deliberations, and in Kirtalo on the 9tha video clip with the message that they were ready to die for their land was prepared for Majaliwa. A coordinated threat with vicious propaganda, and the old lie from 2013, was issued primarily by Arusha RC John Mongella and PMKassim Majaliwa, assisted by speaker of parliament Tulia Ackson, and soon joined by too many government representatives.


All councillors from affected wards – except the Soitsambu councillor who managed to flee - were on 9thJune 2022, lured to a meeting by DC Raymond Mwangwala, they were abducted, bundled in two cars and driven to Arusha overnight. The following day illegal land demarcation - which is what Otterlo Business Corporation (OBC), that organizes hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, for years has lobbied for - began in a rain of teargas and live bullets. Many Maasai were injured, and thousands fled across the border where many of them continued as refugees for many months, some still, with their cattle. The approximately 80 years old Oriais Oleng'iyo was last seen on 10th June with bullet wounds and detained by the Field Force Unit few metres away from his home where security forces were firing fireworks. According to the RC, a police officer was killed by arrowshot.


There was a hunt for anyone who could have shared pictures of the crimes (which effectively has been done by everyone with a smartphone) and ten people, later joined by seven more, were illegally arrested, eventually, together with the councillors, charged with a bogus “murder”. The trial kept being postponed for inexistent “investigation”, and they continued locked up in remand prison for well over five months. Three were released for reasons of health and studies. The flow of information was almost completely cut after the in initial arrests.


On 15th June 2022, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Tanzanian Mission to the UN in Geneva, Hoyce Temu, in a widely shared clip, denied any state violence, parroting the malicious and obvious government lie about a “protected area” that had been “encroached” and about “peaceful talks” with local residents. The councillors from affected wards were still abducted at unknown location, and their whereabouts were only known the following day when they were charged with “murder”.


Government representatives made multiple military style visits landing in helicopter to pose with beacons, tell lies, and issue threats.


Minster Pindi Chana without following any law or procedure declared the illegally demarcated land as “Pololeti Game Controlled Area” (GN No.421, 2022), which was announced in a zoom meeting.


Spineless diplomats applauded Minister Ndumbaro’s obvious lies about what was happening. Though many international organisations condemned the government’s actions.


Mary Masanja, Damas Ndumbaro, and UAE ambassador Khalifa Abdul Rahman Al Marzouqi

Maurus Msuha maliciously lying.

The much-expected court ruling in the case filed during the mass arson in 2017, and scheduled for 22ndJune, was the last minute shockingly postponed to September.


Houses were demolished or razed. TAWA illegally seized livestock and demanded extortionate “fines”. The dry season deepened without access to the most important grazing area. In Ormanie, Arash ward, on 27th June, cows, donkeys, calves, and other livestock were shot by the security forces. There were mass arrests of people accused of being “Kenyan”.


Shot by security forces.

On 28th September 2022, Minister Chana announced that the illegally demarcated 1,500 km2 in Loliondo had been placed under the management of the NCAA.


On 30th September the East African Court of Justice dismissed Reference No.10 of 2017 on the grounds that the Maasai had failed to prove that the mass arson of 2017 was committed on village land and not in Serengeti National Park.


TAWA, at the height of the dry season, continued illegal seizures of livestock and extortion of huge fines, 100,000 shillings per cow and 25,000 per sheep or goat. NCAA rangers were reportedly trained and set up camp. In Malambo, on 8th November, the head of the NCAA camp announced that TAWA had left, and the boundaries were being guarded by the Field Force Unit.


On 31st October, or 1st November, it was announced that President Samia had on 14thOctober declared a Pololeti Game Reserve (GN No.604, 2022). It came as a nasty surprise for the lawyers that on 1st November were in court for the mention of Miscellaneous Cause No.09 of 2022, even if it seems like it was also on Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation the previous evening.


Three court cases have been filed to stop the brutal, fake and illegal protected area: one in the High Court and two in the East African Court of Justice, the ruling in the case filed in 2017 has been appealed, and there’s a contempt of court application.


On 1st November, in an NCA advertorial in the extreme anti-Maasai newspaper the Jamhuri, a “conservator” for the fake and illegal game reserve – Pius Rwiza - spoke of how calm and wonderful everything is after the demarcation. He says that the Maasai understand the demarcation but must keep a further 500 metres away from it! And he wanted them to create WMAs, outside the illegally demarcated 1,500 km2, which is another kind of land alienation that also was included in the OBC-funded draft district land use plan that was rejected by Ngorongoro District Council in 2011.


Towards the end of October 2022, there were reports of a notice issued by the DC about redrawing of village boundaries with new village land use plans, and some 40 state security and surveyors on the ground. Through intimidation and government installed traitors, it was said that the land use plan had been passed, but that would of course not be legal in any way.


Between 14th-17thNovember 2022, nine immigration cases against 62 people who still had such cases pending after the mass arrests in June and July were discharged for want of prosecution.


On 22nd November 2022, it was announced that the Director of Public Prosecution had no intention to continue with the ridiculous “murder” case against 24 people, including ten CCM political leaders. The leaders were whisked off to CCM internal elections to vote for candidates close to RC Mongella. They still – except for the councillor of Arash who testified in front of the ACHPR (but I’m not sure how much he said) and the Malambo councillor was also there - haven’t said one word about the atrocities committed during their over five months in remand prison.

On 20th December 2022,  in a ceremony with PM Kassim Majaliwa and Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana, the German Ambassador to Tanzania Regina Hess handed over 51 vehicles, part of 20 million euros committed funds by Germany for emergency funding and recovery for biodiversity in response of COVID19 facilitated by the German development bank, KfW and Frankfurt Zoological Society, FZS. The vehicles will be distributed into Serengeti and Nyerere National Parks and Selous Game Reserve and will have a great impact on supporting “operations”. In the ceremony Majaliwa mentioned poachers and “encroaching livestock” as the objectives of those “operations”.


The Tanzanian commentariat toward the end of 2022, unfortunately, again became busy with wildlife trafficking from Loliondo, without presenting evidence. Even OBC’s Mollel participated in a zoom seminar organized to deny this.


Livestock keep being seized destroying everyone’s livelihood and mental health. 23rd– 28thJanuary, the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights visited, specifically to have a look at Loliondo and Ngorongoro, but the visit was co-opted by the government and the Commission did not see a single victim from Loliondo. Salangat Mako from Ololosokwan recorded a message for the Commission and then had to flee to Kenya after threats.


Uproot the brutally and illegally planted beacons, shred the GNs to pieces, and punish every person involved in violence and land theft in Loliondo, Sale and Ngorongoro! Boycott Tanzania until the war against pastoralists and other rural people for “conservation” is stopped and the land returned!


“A word to you wicked and witchy king, watch your six, the curse of our suffering is on its way, an African version and recipe this time to fly you back to your desert, you are not the green type.”, (Salangat ole Mako)

Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com



14th February

President Samia removed Pindi Chana from the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism and replaced her with Mohamed Mchengerwa, Minister of Culture, Arts and Sports. Chana was shifted to Mchengerwa's former ministry.

15th February

The police came to Salangat Mako's home searching for him. 

16th February

The District Investigation Officer came to inspect Salangat's farm claiming to check on complaints. In the evening police from Ololosokwan and Loliondo came to his home.


The War Against the Maasai of Loliondo and NCAA Continues, there was a German-Facilitated Meeting to Legitimize it, Commission on Human Rights and Good Governance Visited, the Case of the Enforced Disappearance of Oriais Oleng'iyo has Begun, UNESCO, and More



It is not a nightmare that you can wake up from. The horror is real. The threat, lobbied for by OBC, that organize hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, of taking 1,500 km2 of grazing land from the Maasai of Loliondo - squeezing them into land with towns, agricultural areas, forest reserves, and a nasty American land grab– was last year implemented with brutality and lawlessness by the Tanzanian government. The ugly boundary beacons still stand there and the Maasai can only access their own land as thieves, risking terrible extortion by rangers, which is a risk that must be taken, since cows need grass. Oriais Oleng'iyo who was last seen on 10th June 2022, with bullet wounds and held by security forces, has still not been brought back to his family. After the over five-month abduction on bogus charges of all councillors, except one who fled, together with people suspected of sharing information, there aren’t any local leaders who are speaking up against the crimes. Only the court cases resemble anything like hope. There is now further evidence (in case anyone had doubted it) that the Germans support the horror.


Ngorongoro Conservation Area with its NCAA rule and restrictions was something to avoid at all costs and a reason for resistance in Loliondo, but now most of Loliondo’s grazing land has been stolen from the villages and placed under the NCAA, with much worse restrictions, total restrictions. In NCA itself, with the specific and outspokenly hostile president, and the relocation drive to other people’s land 600 km away, everything has worsened, but "recently" there have been some visits by allies, which could maybe lead to something worthwhile.

NCAA rangers and leaders of so-called cultural bomas in Olbalbal and Endulen are involved in violent assault, including rape, against women who sell cultural ornaments independently, and I only got details about this last evening. 


The war against pastoralists, and other rural people, continues almost all over Tanzania. In Mbarali, Chunya, and maybe Iringa and Chamwino districts, some 48 villages (could be more) are threatened by the old extension decision (GN No.28) for Ruaha National Park. In Kilombero a massive game reserve was declared on 17th February. In Tarime there’s been lethal ranger violence for decades and on 28th March a demarcation operation on village land begun. In Nyatwali ward in Bunda there are eviction threats for extending Serengeti National Park all the way to Lake Victoria. Last year the government in the most lawless and irrational way planted beacons in several villages to expand to Kilimanjaro International Airport (there’s an ongoing court case). There’s extreme police brutality in Isela sub-village in Ndolezi village, Mbozi district from where people are being evicted for investment around a meteorite museum managed by the NCAA! This is far from Ngorongoro, in Songwe region, at the other end of the country. In Kalilani village in Uvinza district Mahale Mountains National Park is being extended into the village, and last year, at almost the exact time as Ololosokwan was attacked, rangers attacked this village with live bullets, which I didn’t get to know until 24th March this year. And so many other underreported, and unreported, horrors.


Still, the crimes in Loliondo should suffice for a total tourism boycott of Tanzania.


In this blog post:

President’s son in law as new Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism

Extortion of herders continues

Where is Oriais Oleng'iyo?

Demoralizing tour by the MP

Land grab legitimation meeting facilitated by Germans

Crime legitimation meeting number two

Reminder about the Germans and why they must be chased out of the Serengeti ecosystem

Court cases

Reminder of the government commandeered visit by the African Commission of Human and People’s Rights

Visit by the Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance

Support and harassment in Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Beatings, rape, threats and silence in Olbalbal and Endulen, women terrorized by rangers and cultural boma leaders

UNESCO and the terrible Dr Malebo

Sorry for the delay in publishing this post. There's too much happening and it's too difficult to confirm much of the information. I may also be too slow and unfocused. 


Ololosokwan (cows released after extortion paid).

In this blog post both Loliondo and NCA will be mentioned, so please try not to mix them up.


Loliondo: Loliondo and Sale divisions of Ngorongoro District. A local police state at the service of OBC – that has had the hunting block (4,000 km2) covering the whole of Loliondo and part of Sale, since 1993 - and the American Thomson Safaris that claim a private nature refuge. For many years a constant threat of robbing the Maasai of 1,500 km2 of vitally important grazing land, expecting them and their livestock to squeeze into the remaining land. Major illegal and extremely violent operations in 2009, 2017, and then the worst (and ongoing) in 2022 when the 1,500 km2 were brutally and lawlessly demarcated as protected area, evicting the Maasai. Vicious hate campaign by the reporter Manyerere Jackton since around 2010.

Ngorongoro Conservation Area: Ngorongoro division of Ngorongoro District. Harsh restrictions on every aspect of life under the rule of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA) and its chief conservator Freddy Manongi, instigated by UNESCO and IUCN. Blocking of funds for social services since 2021. Illegal transfer of COVID-19 funds to Msomera in Handeni to where the Maasai are supposed to relocate “voluntarily”, displacing the Msomera villagers. In 2022, a vicious hate campaign in media and in parliament. In September 2022, the management of the stolen 1,500 km2 in Loliondo was placed under the NCAA, which had been an open threat since 2019.


President’s son in law as new Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism

On Valentine’s Day, President Samia Suluhu Hassan removed Pindi Chana from the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism and replaced her with her son in law, Mohamed Mchengerwa, Minister of Culture, Arts and Sports. Chana was shifted to Mchengerwa's former ministry.

As known ... Chana's time as Minister of Natural Resources of Tourism has been the worst time ever for the Maasai of Loliondo and Ngorongoro.

How I will remember Pindi Chana:

Table banging in agreement with PM Majaliwa's malicious lies about Loliondo.

In Loliondo with Majaliwa, celebrating the war against the Maasai.

The horrible, anti-pastoralist deputy minister Mary Masanja has not been moved anywhere.

On 31st March, Mchengerwa appointed Elibariki Bajuta as Deputy Chief Conservator of Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Bajuta has as Head of Protection been Chief Conservator Freddy Manongi's close assistant in the efforts of emptying Ngorongoro of the Maasai. Earlier, Bajuta was District Tourism Officer at the service of "investors".

Extortion of herders continues

Brutally robbed of their own grazing land, the Maasai of Loliondo are directed to use remaining land that to a large extent is occupied by towns, forest reserves, agriculture and an the ugly American land grabber, Thomson Safaris (claiming a private “Enashiva Nature Refuge”) and that everyone knows can’t sustain their livestock, they must graze like thieves at night and risk both large nocturnal predators on four legs and the two-legged version impounding livestock at huge “fines” of TShs 100,000 per cow and TShs 25,000 per sheep or goat. Though after the rangers of Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA) took over after Tanzania Wildlife Authority (TAWA) there has been a possibility of negotiating to pay lower and more direct cash extortion. Reports from Ololosokwan are that since security forces in June last year moved in to finish off the Maasai, liquor business is thriving, and new prostitutes move in daily. On 19th February, 700 cows belonging to six different owners were seized in Ololosokwan, even outside the fake and illegal “game reserve”, and TShs 6 million were extorted from the owners. Lately, the rangers’ way of operating has turned even more terrifying.


On 3rd March, 62 cows from Sedui village in Alailelai ward (NCA, not Loliondo/Sale) were caught in this ward that somehow (apparently since it’s the same early rainy season grazing area as in Malambo) according to the rangers is part of the fake and illegal “game reserve” in the Loliondo hunting block. The owners paid 6.2 million in “fines”, and the cows were released on 6th March.


On 11th March, 47 cows belonging to Simat Rotiken were seized by rangers in Ololosokwan, on land illegally called a "game reserve". The extortion was the regular TShs 4,700,000 (100,000 per head of cattle).


On 12th March it was reported that 600 sheep belonging to the Karinya family from  Serng'etuny, Piyaya had one week earlier been seized in the Imbarbali area of Serengeti National Park, and taken to Naabi gate. This is technically more legal than the lawless extortion of herders on village land declared a fake and illegal “game reserve”, but cruel and totally disproportionate. The owners attempted to pay the extortionate TShs 12,000,000 fine, but this was refused by TANAPA/SENAPA that work for the end of the Maasai. On 15th March a vehicle with loudspeakers was announcing the auctioning of the sheep in Mugumu and other places west of the national park. The sheep were sold on the 15th. This is the worst that can happen, and in the past, it used to be stopped by any means.


The sheep.

At night-time on 16th March, 55 cows belonging to Mure Olempoe were seized in Ololosokwan, in the Kuka Hill area, on village land illegally called a “game reserve”. The rangers attempted to seize more cows, but those ran away. It was first said that the cattle had been taken to Klein’s gate and that the owner would have to pay the insane TShs 100,000 per head of cattle extortion “fine”. On the 18th, it was revealed that the situation was even worse. The cows had been taken to Bologonja on the north-eastern corner of Serengeti National Park, on the border with Kenya, and Serengeti rangers, claiming to have seized the cows in the national park, were saying that they would be auctioned off. The cattle were auctioned on 31st March, and Olempoe bought 20 of his own cows. 


The same evil method was repeated at night-time on 21st March on illegally demarcated village land in the Osero Sopia area of Ololosokwan village. 440 cows belonging to people from Mairowa, Njoroi, Olekenta, and Osero Sopia (Ntasikoy Pere, Leshoko Tanin, Toroge Oriais, Kumoi Naing'isa, Orantai Nampaso) were seized and taken to Bologonja. On Friday 24th March, one of the cattle owners. Oriais Toroge, was arrested and taken to Mugumu. He was released on bail, and there was an “illegal grazing” case. The court ruled that the cows had been lost and strayed, and they were supposed to be released, but as of today, 1st April, they are still being held at Bologonja!


Karipoy Ngaiseri's 103 cows were seized in the Oldoinyo Keri area of Ololosokwan on 29th March, in the fake and illegal "game reserve", near Taasa Camp, and taken to Klein's gate. After the owner was extorted TShs 100,000 per head, the cattle were released on the 30th. 



Criminal Appeal No. 9 of 2023 is challenging: 

1. Imposition of TShs 100,000 ransom compounding fees as unfounded in the law.

2. Jurisdictions of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in imposing compounding fees.

Where is Oriais Oleng'iyo?

85-years old Orias Oleng'iyo from Ololosokwan has not been seen since 10th June 2022, at his home in the Engong'u area of Ololosokwan, with bullet wounds and held by security forces that had been sent in their hundreds to brutally and lawlessly demarcate 1,500 km2 of village land and very important grazing land, as the protected area that the “investor” OBC for years has been lobbying for. Unlike other abducted people from Loliondo, Oriais never appeared on lists of those who had been detained, and was not among those charged with bogus charges that were dismissed after months of illegal detention and torture. His son filed an habeas corpus case in court.


On 22nd March, the case of enforced disappearance of Oriais Oleng'iyo of Ololosokwan, Loliondo division, in Ngorongoro District, Miscellaneous Criminal Application No. 68 of 2022 came up for hearing before Judge Gwae, in the High Court of Tanzania, Arusha Registry.


Since the respondents’ lawyers did not show up, the case was postponed to 30th March. The plaintiff, Oriais’ son Ndoloi Oleng’iyo, who saw his father being taken away by security forces, was also requested to appear on the 30th.


What the plaintiff is applying for:


1. The Court to order the defendants to bring before the Court Oriais Pasilange Ng'iyo who has been taken to an unknown location since he was arrested at his home in Engong'u Nairowa, Ololosokwan Ward, Loliondo, Ngorongoro District.


2. Court to order the respondents to set at liberty Oriais Oleng'iyo.


3. The Court to order the respondents to attend Court to explain the reasons for holding Orias Pasilange Ng'iyo against the Law.


4. The Court to order the respondents to bring back the body of Oriais Pasilange Ng'iyo dead or alive.



1) Officer Commanding District – Ngorongoro


2) Regional Police Commander – Arusha


3) Arusha Regional Commissioner


4) Ngorongoro District Commissioner


5) Inspector General of Police in Tanzania


6) Attorney General


The above are not only responsible as holders of their respective offices, but Arusha RC John Mongella was the official enforcer of the brutal and lawless demarcation, directly representing President Samia. The Ngorongoro DC Raymond Mwangwala accompanied every government official who arrived to issue threats, make military style exhibitions, and pose with the illegal beacons, as then IGP Sirro (now ambassador to Zimbabwe) and many others did.


Mongella and Mwangwala lying and issuing threats in Loliondo.

Former IGP Sirro in Loliondo posing for the war against the Maasai.

On 30th March there was a hearing. Unsurprisingly, the government side is denying everything, saying that they never arrested Oriais, that he isn’t on any lists of detained people, that nobody has any names or numbers of police officers, or vehicles. The ruling is set for 10th May.



Where is Oriais Oleng’iyo???


See below for more about ongoing court cases.


Demoralizing tour by the MP

Since mid-February until mid-March, Ngorongoro MP Emmanuel Olehangai has been on a tour of villages in Loliondo, Sale and Ngorongoro. The MP who has several times spoken up in parliament with great seriousness about the Loliondo land threat, was apparently seen by many as their only hope, and emotionally received. Sadly, however, Oleshangai seems to in the most demoralizing way not to have spoken up strongly about the land theft and human rights crimes. Reports from Ololosokwan are that he called for rangers to stop seizing cattle in the 500-metre area outside the illegal demarcation, which authorities want to be a no-go zone. Though seizing livestock in the illegally demarcated area isn’t any less criminal, which makes talk about the 500-metre not that helpful. Oleshangai has also engaged in the most disgusting praise of president Samia, and sadly there’s video evidence of this. The ruling party, CCM, truly is the most destructive sect, destroying everything in its way. There’s so much more to say about this, but it’s just too painful.


Land grab legitimation meeting facilitated by Germans

On 28th February, a disgusting meeting about the Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan for the next 20 years was held at the Ngorongoro District Council Hall in Wasso. Sadly, those responsible for the horror have been much more generous with information about this meeting than have serious people, maybe because the latter weren’t there. The meeting was led by DC Raymond Mwangwala, the National Land Use Commission represented by Discory Kanuth (spelling?), and Frankfurt Zoological Society were thanked for facilitating it. Ngorongoro Land officer and chairman of the land planning committee, Kelvin Aligaweza, described it as a stakeholders meeting following up on the team of 40 state security and surveyors that in late October were sent to re-survey the villages and used illegitimate village leaders to impose fake and forced land use plans. At that time the DC was appearing in media talking about further land alienation via Wildlife Management Areas as an aim of those land use plans. Fortunately, none of the councillors from the wards affected by the brutally and lawlessly demarcated “game reserve” attended this meeting. An overwhelming majority of the attendants were non-Maasai, but there were some traitors as well.


The chairman of Soitsambu village, Marko Lorru, who for years has been known as an undependable figure, a friend of the worst “investors”, and I’ve had some nasty encounters with him in social media, appeared in media in support of this legitimation meeting. Doing such a thing after the 1,500 km2 Osero has been brutally demarcated and alienated is going very, very far into treason indeed. Lorru praised the usefulness of the “participatory” land use planning. Two NGO people had been invited to the meeting, Joseph Parsambei of TPCF and Rose Njilo of Mimutie. Both have for some time been known as very compromised and the government’s favourites. There’s an audio clip of Parsambei speaking in agreement with the government’s land use planning, blaming the councillors for not attending, saying that everyone should participate, and heaping some praise on FZS. It’s terrible to hear.


Masegeri Tumbuya Rurai represented Frankfurt Zoological Society. This individual was District Natural Resources Officer during the mass arson in 2009. In social media in 2012, before blocking me, he described the 2009 operation as a consequence of the Maasai rejecting a WMA. Before that he had been giving me somewhat sincere information about how to visit Loliondo safely (to be accompanied by someone from the district council and prevented from getting to know anything at all). In 2013 Tumbuya Rurai was described as the most dangerous person in the district who spent 70 % of his time working for OBC as their official informer and contact person, who had allegedly been rewarded with a Nissan Xtrail from their director Mollel. Tumbuya Rurai was reportedly very helpful preparing the map for OBC’s rejected district land use plan. By now, Tumbuya Rurai has been working for FSZ for many years as their Serengeti Project Manager.


In Ololosokwan, most of the zoning sign boards from the October-November fake and forced land use planning, using an acting chairman under the influence of OBC, have after the return of village chairman John Pyando been taken down and hidden. Ololosokwan, like other villages, already has a land use plan. The problem is that the main part of the grazing land has been brutally stolen and must be returned!


Crime legitimation meeting number two

In the evening of 30th March, I was informed that meeting number two in the German-facilitated land theft legitimation efforts would be held the following day. Even worse, there were fears and rumours that the councillors would attend, and I wasn’t the only one who felt sick because of this, but fortunately those from the wards affected by the brutally and illegally imposed game reserve did not attend. Though, sadly, the two women’s special seats councillors who were locked up on frivolous and malicious “murder” charges did attend. I don’t know why.


Reportedly, the District Council Hall was full of people looking for the generous German allowances. DC Mwangwala in his opening remarks said that MP Oleshangai had called him to excuse for not attending but gave his blessing for the meeting. I hope the DC was lying. It’s been reported that the DC gave directions to the CCM district secretary that he should deal with the members of his party who are sabotaging the government efforts and CCM manifesto of planning the nation. It’s believed that he meant the councillors that didn’t attend the meeting. It’s been explained to me that the CCM secretary isn’t accountable to the DC, but systems are broken down. 

Added 3rd April: here’s the threat in a clip by Chanel 10, shared by the DC’s office on Facebook. 

FZS’s Masegeri Tumbuya Rurai was again speaking, and so was the chairman of the land planning committee, Kelvin Aligaweza. According to one account, FZS were also represented by their land use planning technical advisor, Christopher Cuthbert Christopher.


The same traitors as last time have been mentioned by a reporting government supporter against land rights (Dudui). Soitsambu chairman Marko Lorru and NGO director Joseph Parsambei again praised the government.


For some reason, the Deputy Minister of Minerals, Steven Kiruswa, was on an incognito visit to the district, apparently not even known by the DC. He addressed the meeting and the following day (today) he visited a gemstone mine in Ololosokwan. 


May they all be cursed.


Reminder about the Germans and why they must be chased out of the Serengeti ecosystem

If anyone had believed otherwise, it should now be clear that FZS and the Germans support the Tanzanian government’s crime in Loliondo. In June 2022, FZS, that never has said anything about violence for conservation in the Serengeti ecosystem, seriously rattled by Survival International, expressed “shock” about the violence in Loliondo and distanced itself from any involvement in the land demarcation, but still claiming that the land status would be “uncertain”. German-funded development projects in the Serengeti ecosystem are implemented by Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) and TANAPA through the Serengeti Ecosystem Development and Conservation Project (SEDCP) and for years land use planning has been an important part of this.


Through the decades, FZS, the Tanzanian government, and OBC share the same narrative about the Maasai, and German funds keep being showered to prop of the crimes against pastoralists committed by the Ministry of Natural Resource and Tourism and its parastatals in close cooperation with Frankfurt Zoological Society. In the early 2000s, FZS and the government were working hard to make the Maasai accept a Wildlife Management Area (a recipe to turn land into protected areas while still nominally village land, increasing the influence of investors, conservation organisations and central government, practically always imposed under threat of land alienation) which was rejected.


In March 2017, then Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism Jumanne Maghembe and Serengeti chief park warden William Mwakilema (current head of Tanzania National Parks Authority, TANAPA) told a parliamentary committee (and very much the press) that German funds would only be released on condition of turning the 1,500 km2 into a protected area. In Loliondo 600 women demonstrated against accepting the German money. These conditions for releasing funds were not denied by the Germans until two years later by representatives of the development bank in an interview with Chris Lang, and we don’t know who was telling the truth. Then, while Loliondo was attacked by mass arson implemented by Serengeti rangers in August 2017, a most revolting picture was published of ambassador Hess’s predecessor Detlef Wächter. The picture showed Wächter smilingly handing over buildings for park staff in Fort Ikoma, in Serengeti National Park, to an equally smiling Minister Maghembe, while commenting on the long and successful partnership between Germany and Tanzania in protecting the Serengeti.


After the 2017 illegal mass arson operation, the MP and the District Council Chairman said that there wasn't any risk at all with accepting German funds, since they were meant for the whole of Loliondo and Sale, not excluding the 1,500km2.  However there haven’t been any projects at all in the now brutally and illegally demarcated area, while water projects outside it have been heavily used in government rhetoric for land alienation.


Reporting from a meeting with diplomats on 25th March 2022, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism wrote that the German ambassador Regine Hess, supported the government’s “efforts” in Ngorongoro, while the Maasai in NCA (not Loliondo) were being deprived of social services to enforce “voluntary” relocation to Handeni. This support has not been publicly denied in any way by the ambassador who – after the brutal and illegal demarcation of the 1,500 km2 was launched – went on meeting and smiling with some of the main responsible for the crimes in Loliondo, like RC Mongella on 6th July 2022, and talk about the “cooperation” between the two countries, and the Germans keep showering the brutal and lawless Tanzanian government with money. In August 2022, Bärbel Kofler, German Deputy Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development visited Tanzania for more of the same.


On 20th December 2022, in a ceremony with the worst perpetrators of the crimes in Loliondo, PM Kassim Majaliwa and then Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana,  Ambassador  Regine Hess handed over 51 vehicles that – as reported by the embassy - are part of the 20 million euros (approx. 49.4 billion shillings) committed funds by Germany for emergency funding and recovery for biodiversity in response of COVID-19 facilitated by the German development bank, KfW and Frankfurt Zoological Society, FZS. The vehicles were to be distributed into Serengeti and Nyerere National Parks and Selous Game Reserve and would have a great impact on supporting “operations”. In the ceremony Majaliwa mentioned poachers and “encroaching” livestock as the objectives of those “operations”. The following day, in a creepily gleeful way, the German Embassy tweeted that during the vehicle handover ceremony Chana announced that one rhino calf had been named Majaliwa after the PM and a second female calf Regine after Ambassador Hess, “in appreciation of their efforts in supporting conservation in Tanzania”.


And as seen, on 28th February 2023, and 31st March, FZS facilitated most disgusting land use planning meetings to legitimize the massive land theft and human rights violations of 2022.


This kind of German behaviour must have consequences! They Germans must be chased out of the Serengeti ecosystem!


Court cases

On 14th March there was a hearing in Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 21 of 2022, the judicial review challenging the Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism’s GN No.421 of 17th June 2022 as “illegal, unreasonably made, irrationally influenced, with procedural impropriety, in breach of both the rules of natural justice and the doctrine of legitimate expectation to the communities who have been living in the place for centuries”. The respondents (government side) had not filed any response. The court allowed them seven days to this. Next hearing is scheduled for 4th May for oral highlights of written submissions.


As known, on 1st November 2022 it was disclosed in Court that President Samia had on 14th October declared a Pololeti Game Reserve (GN No.604, 2022) on the same brutally and lawlessly demarcated village land. On 23rd March, there was another application in Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 178 of 2022 challenging the presidential declaration. The case has been scheduled for hearing on 30th May 2023.


In the East African Court of Justice, the ongoing case against the Tanzanian government’s fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve” is Reference No.37 of 2022.


As mentioned, the ruling in Reference No.10 of 2017 was appealed (Appeal No.13 of 2022 East Africa Court of Justice), and on 6th February there was a scheduling conference. Both sides will file submissions and the hearing will hopefully be in May. As detailed in several earlier blog posts, the ruling was strangely, the last second, postponed from 22nd June, during the extremely brutal violation of court orders, to September. In the most shambolic way, the ruling showed that the court had not even understood what the witnesses were saying. This ruling was that the Maasai had failed to prove that the mass arson operation in 2017 was committed on village land and not in Serengeti National Park, when the government’s own documents very clearly show that the crimes took place on village land.


Then there is Application No.2 of 2022 that is a contempt of court application, filed in January 2022, when RC Mongella started making threats of alienating the 1,500 km2, against which the East African Court of Justice had issued an injunction in September 2018. An affidavit was filed after every court order, and everything else, had been violated.


Reference No.29 of 2022 in the East African Court of Justice is not about the brutal Loliondo land theft but challenges the coordinated and suffocating policies in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.


Reminder of the government commandeered visit by the African Commission of Human and People’s Rights

I still haven’t seen any final report from the late-January promotion visit by the African Commission on Human and People’s Right, “Specifically, to seek information on and assess the situation of human rights of Indigenous Populations/Communities in Tanzania, including particularly to review the situation in Loliondo Area and Ngorongoro Park.”


I wrote about this ridiculously government commandeered ACHPR visit in the previous blog post but will briefly repeat it here.


Not until the last minute was anyone able or willing to put the commission in contact with affected people informed about this visit, which throughout was directed and facilitated by the Tanzanian government using premises and vehicle form the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism and accompanied by the DC and his team.


On 24th January, the Commission visited Ngorongoro Conservation Area (don’t mix this up with Loliondo) where they the previous day had agreed to meeting affected community members in Mokilal village where people had gathered. Arriving in NCA vehicles, accompanied by the DC and his team, and with heavy security, the Commission was instead diverted to Nainokanoka where the DC had prepared people that would say that they were willing to relocate to Msomera. Still, other villagers wondered why the Commission was in Nainokanoka when people from all wards had gone all the way to Mokilal to meet them, and they got some limited space to express their views. Then the Commission made a touristic visit to Ngorongoro crater and arrived late at Mokilal. The DC on the spot made up a new law that since flags must be hauled at 6 pm, there could be no international meetings after that. Even so, people in Nainokanoka and Mokilal managed to tell the Commission about the many violations committed by the Tanzanian government, the transferral of COVID-19 funds for Ngorongoro schools to Handeni, the underhanded, non-participatory way of the Msomera relocation plans, and the increasing restrictions on life in Ngorongoro, to push people to relocate. Adulterated, hazardous compensatory salt from NCAA since access to Ngorongoro crater was banned in 2017 was presented to the Commission. There were horrific details about the catastrophic effects of lack of access to water in two wards since September 2022, through government decision, and not suffered by tourists.


On 25th January, the Commission flew to Loliondo on planes belonging to the Tanzania National Parks Authority, TANAPA, to again meet with the DC and his handpicked people and compromised NGOs. Nobody from the worst affected villages was invited, not a single village leader or ward councillor. Victims of the government’s land theft and violence were waiting in Wasso, but first the Commission was to take a tour, in a convoy of over thirty vehicles, mostly police and other security, of the land that brutally and lawlessly had been turned into a “game reserve”. Somehow “security concerns” arose, Wasso had become “too dangerous”, and the delegation was diverted to Ololosokwan, 45 kilometres away. Victims gathered in Ololosokwan to give testimony, thinking that their prayers had been answered and that the international body would come to rescue them, but waited in vain for hours, then it was too late, and the Commission had to leave Loliondo. A clip in which Salangat Mako, one of those waiting in vain, in English delivers his message to the Commission was shared online, and then he received threats.


On 26th January, the Commission visited Msomera to where the Tanzanian government wants to relocate the Maasai of NCA (this does not concern Loliondo). In between the government show the villagers got some limited space to explain that Msomera is a registered village with its land use plan and the villagers were informed by surprise and at gunpoint that Maasai from Ngorongoro would be accommodated on their land, and that they had suffered illegal land alienation and arrests. Most of the space in Msomera was taken by the Tanga RC who – standing next to the Commission in the most threatening way claimed that Msomera would have been a protected area and that no certificates issued after the declaration of Handeni GCA would be valid. The government’s favouritelie about old Game Controlled Areas, that totally overlapped with village land, was used to say that the Msomera villagers were invaders and that the Ngorongoro immigrants had more rights to the land.


On 28th January some people from Loliondo were taken to Arusha to give their testimony in the premises of the African court. Those who had waited in vain in Ololosokwan had lost all faith in the Commission and didn’t attend. Reportedly, everything said was astonishing news to the commissioners that had let themselves be shepherded by the government.


The Commission and the Tanzanian government held a press conference, in which then minister Pindi Chana and the executive secretary of the Tanzania National Commission for UNESCO, Hamisi Malebo (see below) told the usual wild lies. A final communiqué by the Commission mostly consisted of stupid praise for the Tanzanian government but included some ridiculously timid “concerns”.


In December 2022, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, José Francisco Calí Tzay, was to visit Tanzania, but he simply called off the visit when the Tanzanian government insisted on managing him.


Visit by the government’s Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance

The Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG) which is a government organ, suddenly appeared unannounced in Ngorongoro on 15th March.

There’s a clip from 16th March, in which the councillor of Nainokanoka, Edward Maura welcomes the commission, and asks first how a government commission can hold those responsible for human rights violation accountable, when it’s the government itself that’s violating every right in Ngorongoro. Then he asks, when “Pololeti” in Loliondo and the Ngorongoro relocation has been all over social media for many months, and even the African Commission has visited, how come the Tanzania Commission doesn’t appear until now. Thirdly, he asked where they have been all this time. In Endulen, those invited who could come at a very short notice refused a closed meeting, so it was held outside at night.


On the 17th CHRAGG visited Ololosokwan and on the 18th Malambo. Reportedly, people asked the same questions as those asked by Maura, but nobody was brave enough to get video clips to upload. Though invitations there, and in all villages, were for CCM leaders, and a few traditional leaders, more than victims, even if the two categories overlap.


In Malambo, the leaders presented in writing the brutal effects of the illegal game reserve on their ward that had 464 km2 stolen in the sub-villages of Sanjan and Ndinyika. Besides massive loss of grazing land, terror and violence, death of thousands of livestock, hunger, poor communications and extortionate “fines” this stolen area had:

Two nursery schools.

Two churches.

Four water tanks.

Four mobile clinic stations.

Nine livestock watering dams.

And 3,450 people lost their homes.

There was a pleading tone that upset me more than others.


Then CHRAGG met with NGOs, both the compromised ones and those somewhat more serious. Their explanation for being so late was that the commission expired and was appointed in January. They did not give much hope about the current regime, to which they can only offer advice, but said that the record would be kept for the future.


On 23rd March, in Arusha, CHRAGG met with journalists whose human rights have been violated when trying to report about Loliondo and Ngorongoro. So, it seems like this commission is at least to some point serious. The journalists spoke about arrests and about threats not to report, while some “special” journalists were tasked with reporting in a one-sided way, denying Tanzanians the right to know the truth. As noticed, the past year, Tanzanian reporting has indeed been even more atrocious than usual.


In 2009, CHRAGG was responsible for the most appalling whitewash report on the mass arson evictions operation that year. Though, during the mass arson in 2017, CHRAGG actually issued an interim order to stop the evictions and demanded that the government explain the operation - but the crimes just continued unabated despite this order. Reportedly, the reason for this unexpected seriousness was that CHRAGG had a new chairperson.


Support and harassment in Ngorongoro Conservation Area

The Maasai of Ngorongoro Conservation Area (not to be confused with Loliondo) recently (or not so recently since I’m unacceptably slow) have received some external support.

On 6th February the Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network issued a statement saying, “In this region, the Catholic Church has been very active for a long time, providing health and education services and thus substantially supporting the people. For its part, the Tanzanian government is now withdrawing financial support for these facilities in order to cripple them and forcefully evict the Massai community. As central as the preservation of creation is, it is essential not to use it as camouflage for the primary intention of the Tanzanian Government at the detriment of the marginalised Massai community.  Conversely, it is imperative to recognise and honour their contribution to the preservation of biodiversity.”

On 20th February, there was a public Zoom meeting in Endulen about the downgrading of the hospital, part of the restrictions to make to Maasai leave NCA. The meeting was attended by catholic bishops from around the world and a UN representative.


Around the same time the German parliamentarian Cornelia Möhring visited Ngorongoro her tweets indicated that she had understood the situation. Hopefully she will in the Bundestag raise the issue about the German involvement in the crimes against the Maasai.


As mentioned, the early rainy season Nadeng'are area for Alailelai and Naiyobi wards overlaps and is shared with Sanjan in Malambo that’s been declared a fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve”. Herders from Alailelai have been extorted by NCAA rangers both in the stolen area and outside, and both ways are totally illegal. Also young people from Sendui crossing the area on foot, without livestock, have been arrested, beaten and robbed by rangers.


As mentioned in the previous blog post, young herders were in January assaulted and tortured by rangers in Ormoti crater. In December 2016, PM Kassim Majaliwa, without following any law, ordered livestock not to be permitted in the craters of Ngorongoro, Ormoti and Empakaai. There have been mentions without details, but I have not been able to confirm further harassment in Ormoti.


On 26th February, two people from Alaitole ward were arrested for non-violently chasing wildebeest from their bomas, which is done to prevent them reaching the bomas since they carry malignant catarrhal fever. Old clothes are usually used as barriers and the direction of grazing livestock is changed to avoid the disease. The case was to be mentioned on 24th March but postponed until 4th April.


When I was to publish this blog post, I finally got details about the most terrible violent crime that’s being committed by NCAA rangers in collusion with leaders of so-called cultural bomas. See below


Besides the decades long restrictions to make the Maasai relocate, and the downgrading threat against Endulen hospital, the illegal blocking of permits for already funded social services for schools, dispensaries and village offices, continues since 2021, the year that President Samia came into office and started inciting against the Ngorongoro Maasai in several speeches. Primary schools are without functioning toilets, third party donations have been denied by the NCAA, and as reported COVID19 funds for Ngorongoro schools have been transferred to Handeni. At the same time Flying Medical Service are grounded since March 2022, officially due to technical reasons, which they dispute. The numbers of unvaccinated children are growing.


On 29th March, the Controller and Auditor General (CAG), Charles Kichere, announced that 2,5% of Ngorongoro households had been “relocated” at a cost of TShs 24.7 billion. In a horribly threatening way, he said that the cost for “relocating” the remaining 22,000 households would be TShs 988 billion. The CAG did not disclose where the money is coming from. Oddly, the CAG report that is currently subject to scrutiny (2021/22) ended on 30th June 2022, before anyone was relocated to Handeni.

Beatings, rape, threats and silence in Olbalbal and Endulen, women terrorized by rangers and cultural boma leaders

On 18th March I was told about terrible abuse of women and children at Golini gate, in Ngorongoro Conservation Area involving beatings and even rape by rangers. It would have happened the previous day, but that was not the first time, but a recurrent crime. Then the person who shared the information didn’t reply to further questions, and I couldn’t find anyone else who had heard about it until 31st March.


The extreme abuse has been committed by NCAA rangers in collusion with the leaders of the so-called cultural bomas of Olbalbal and Endulen where handicraft is sold, and tourists are entertained. My informant got confirmed information about two incidents. One deadly accident and one terribly violent crime.


On 14th March a girl died after being hit by a tourist vehicle. She died on the spot after being dropped off in the Kanjiro area by a truck that gave her a lift from the Golini area. She was a daughter of the Oloodoemunge family. I have not got her name.


Extreme ranger crime was committed in January when women were beaten with sticks and the wife of a young man from the Olemusha Leparukei boma (homestead, not cultural boma) was raped.  The attackers were the leaders of the cultural bomas and rangers who arrived in a vehicle from the Olbalbal area driven by Leng'iria / Luka Oleyapa who is an NCAA ranger. The woman who was raped was pregnant and miscarried that night. Then the rangers and the cultural boma leaders handed the husband of the raped woman TShs 50,000 for him to keep quiet. The following day a vehicle full of rangers went to the boma and threatened the owner with that he is an immigrant from Sale, so he should keep quiet, or they will sue him.


The two victims are from the same boma, the girl who was killed in a vehicle accident and the woman who was raped.


Violence by rangers who dehumanize the Maasai and other rural people in their work to protect tourism and conservation is well-known in many areas of Tanzania. These terrible cultural boma leaders collude with the rangers to protect their business interests. They don’t want women to sell cultural ornaments along the road. They want tourists to come to their cultural bomas.


I do hope that legal action can be taken and that Ngorongoro people can get involved in stopping this horror. Another horror upon all the horror.


I've written about earlier cases of ranger violence in NCAA, against which there were protests, in 2021 and 2022. To date no action has been taken against the rangers. 

UNESCO and the terrible Dr Malebo

As I wrote about a year ago, on 21st March 2022, UNESCO issued a statement regarding Ngorongoro saying, “UNESCO has never at any time asked for the displacement of the Maasai people.” This was said by the main instigator for evictions and worsened living conditions. The Tanzanian government has through the years used UNESCO’s threats of delisting Ngorongoro Conservation Area as a World Heritage Site, its repeated population panic, and distaste for agriculture of any kind, or “modern” buildings, as an excuse to worsen the human rights situation. The most rabidly anti-Maasai press enjoy reporting about UNESCO’s support for eviction plans. UNESCO’s general secretary in Tanzania, Hamisi M. Malebo, not only supports relocation of the Maasai out of Ngorongoro Conservation Area but has in a shameless and loud way voiced support for the extremely violent and illegal demarcation of 1,500 km2 of essential grazing land in Loliondo and Sale for a “game reserve”. He does this openly and loudly, in front of international organizations, and I have not seen any kind of indication that UNESCO would distance themselves from this individual.


When the genocidal Multiple Land Use Model review proposal was presented in September 2019, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) had once again visited Ngorongoro in March the same year and in their report repeated that they wanted the MLUM review completed to see the results and offer advice, while again complaining about the visual impact of settlements with “modern” houses, and so on. They also recommended the State Party to continue to, “promote and encourage voluntary resettlement by communities, consistent with the policies of the Convention and relevant international norms, from within the property to outside by 2028”.  As known, unlike recommendations about too many vehicles (the presence of which instead is loudly celebrated, not least by deputy minister Mary Masanja), the MNRT loves this kind of recommendation, and the resulting MLUM review proposal was so destructive that it would lead to the end of Maasai livelihoods and culture in Ngorongoro District, and as seen, the genocidal plan for Loliondo, including the annexation to NCA of the illegally demarcated land, has been brutally and lawlessly implemented.


The MLUM review report proposed to divide Ngorongoro into four zones, with an extensive “core conservation zone” that is to be a no-go zone for livestock and herders. In NCA this includes the Ngorongoro Highland Forest, with the three craters Ngorongoro, Olmoti and Empakaai where grazing these past few years has been banned through order by PM Kassim Majaliwa, not law (residents in Ngorongoro Crater were violently evicted in 1975 after a change in the Act in 1974). This has led to losing 90% of grazing and water for Nainokanoka, Ngorongoro, Misigiyo wards, and a 100% loss of natural saltlicks for livestock in these wards. The proposal is to do the same with Oldupai Gorge, Laitoli footprints, and the Lake Ndutu and Lake Masek basins. In the rest of Ngorongoro District, the proposal was for NCAA to annex the Lake Natron basin (including areas of Longido and Monduli districts, like Selela forest and Engaruka historical site) and the 1,500 km2 in Loliondo and Sale Divisions and designate most of these areas to be no-go zones for pastoralists and livestock. These huge areas include many villages and are important grazing areas, the loss of which will have disastrous knock-on effects on lives and livelihoods elsewhere. The in June 2022 implemented alienation and annexation of the 1,500 km2 in Loliondo caters almost perfectly to the wishes of OBC. Only 18% of NCA would remain for people and livestock. Is there any sincere person who would dare to say that this can be achieved through “voluntary” relocations? In Loliondo extreme violence was used and in NCA the brutality of restrictions keeps worsening to make the Maasai leave “voluntarily”.


Another example of the instigation by UNESCO is the decision about Ngorongoro in the 44th session of the “Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage World Heritage Committee” from July 2021, UNESCO is still requesting the State Party to provide information about “the status of agricultural activities in the property” when even the smallest kitchen garden had been banned since 2009, because of UNESCO’s repeated “deep concern” which has led to malnourishment. They continued being concerned with, “challenges resulting from the significant increase in the number of people residing in the property since its inscription”.


UNESCO has never expressed any concern, deep or otherwise, about that the MLUM review proposes a cultural genocide. Their partner in incitement, the IUCN, did issue a statement against the violent land alienation in Loliondo – maybe as damage control for the trophy hunting industry that the IUCN appears to be close to – but not one word from UNESCO. When you keep inciting an authoritarian government that values tourism revenue above human rights, is prone to violence and lawlessness, and full of pathological liars, to do something about too many people, you’re complicit to crime, however much you keep mentioning consultations with stakeholders and rightsholders, and international norms.


UNESCO’s general secretary in Tanzania, Dr Hamisi M. Malebo, on 28th February 2022, in a zoom meeting about developments in the tourism sector with one year of Samia Suluhu Hassan as president, explained that children in Ngorongoro can’t go to school and mothers can’t fetch firewood safely for the risk of being snatched by wild animals like lions, leopards and hyenas (in the spoken Zoom seminar he mentioned cheetahs as well …), so UNESCO’s recommendation to the government is to find the Maasai other places to live to avoid these challenges. He didn’t say anything about that NCAA should stop blocking social services.


I’ve been informed that, while UNESCO is obviously a criminal organisation it has no legal relationship with  the national UNESCO commission of Tanzania. Malebo though is having a great time using the name UNESCO.


On 28th January this year 2023, in front of the shamefully government commanded African Commission for Human and People’s Rights Malebo continued in this vein defending the relocations of the Maasai to areas where they will be able to pursue economic activities “which are not permitted in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area due to its reserve status.” While at the same time denying any kind of unequal treatment of the Maasai in NCA who are obviously strangled by restrictions. Regarding Loliondo, not only did Malebo pretend that the land was not legally registered village land but lied that that it “had never been inhabited” (!) and claimed that the government reached an “amicable decision” to leave the 1,500km2 as a wildlife corridor. What the cruel, immoral and deeply stupid Malebo find “amicable” is that:

-  On 25th May 2022, with great ceremony, PM Majaliwa was handed “community recommendations” that he had requested, and those were to stop to any plans of alienating the 1,500 km2, investigate human rights violations, and remove OBC.

-Instead of following the recommendations, the government abducted ALL councillors from affected wards, except one who fled, on 9th June 2022, the day before the illegal demarcation began, later charging them with “murder” for a death that took place on the 10th and locking them up for over five months, without any kind of serious attempt at prosecution, together with random people suspected of sharing information.

-Teargassing, shooting, beating, slashing, disappearing, arresting, charging with nonsense, innocent Maasai while security forces planted illegal boundary beacons. Seizing and shooting livestock, destroying houses, stealing motorbikes and smartphones. Evicting from very importing grazing land, legally registered village land, and then extorting illegal “fines”.

-Government official after government official appearing in Loliondo for military-style celebrations and threats, or in international environments with concerted, demented lies.

So amicable …


I maintain my recommendation to UNESCO that is to delist Ngorongoro as soon as possible and then shut forever up about Maasai land.


For context, I should add brief background summaries at the end of this post, but I’ll try to abstain, since the length makes it less likely that many people will read the post. It’s a dilemma. Please contact me if anything is unclear.


Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com

The Tanzanian Government’s Brutal Land Theft and Cattle Theft Continue in Loliondo, Supported by German Funds, Suffocating Restrictions and Blocked Social Services in NCA, but the Maasai are Fighting Back, at Home and in Europe



On 19th May 2023 the councillors at Ngorongoro District Council voted in unison to reject in total the utter madness of the government’s German-facilitated draft 2023-2043 Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan that’s fabricated to legitimize the brutal land grab in Loliondo, and a private motion on suffocation of social services in NCA was supported by all councillors.


Currently a Maasai delegation is in Europe and will hopefully severely deal with those who are facilitating and encouraging the crimes by the Tanzanian government against the Maasai. This evening, 31st May, they attended a public event at the EU Parliament: Forced Evictions in the Name of Conservation: the Role of the EU. I've never written as quickly as a wrote about this event ... (see below, under Maasai delegation to Europe) The evil, lying Tanzanian government representatives fuelled me. Otherwise, this blog post is terribly delayed.

More worrying is that the CCM Political Committee Arusha Region, with the implementor of the war against the Maasai, RC John Mongella, are currently touring the district, inspecting projects in Loliondo and Sale, and have already been seen in company of councillors. 

The land has not been returned and the Tanzanian government keep taking the livestock. Decades of land rights struggle in Loliondo could not protect the 1,500 km2 - essential for lives and livelihoods - from a government high on tourist cult and the blood of pastoralists. Almost a year ago, all councillors from affected wards were abducted right before the brutal and lawless demarcation started. Beacons were planted in a rain of teargas and bullets, security forces were beating, slashing, cutting, raping and arresting people. Thousands fled to Kenya, hundreds were arrested and over sixty were charged with bogus immigration cases that were dismissed – without any attempt at prosecution - months later. The security forces destroyed houses, stole motorcycles and smartphones, seized and even shot livestock. Oriais Oleng'iyo who was last seen on 10th June 2022, with bullet wounds and held by security forces, has still not been brought back to his family, and the enforced disappearance case filed by his son was on 17th May dismissed by the judge.


The war against the Maasai continue with the government’s different shades of rangers going after livestock lawlessly seizing, fining, and even auctioning. Livestock will always have to enter the land, until the Maasai are no more, but that’s exactly what the evil Tanzanian government is working on. The other front is to make all local leaders useless by terrorizing, threatening, and compromising them. The fake and forced land grab legitimization goes on, facilitated by the Germans. This must have consequences for the amoral Bundesrepublik. At least local leaders seem to still be resisting.


In this blog post:

The cattle rustling Serengeti rangers getting away with disobeying court orders

Other cattle rustling by rangers

The anti-pastoralist president ranting again

German-facilitated fake and forced land use planning terror rejected by all councillors

Maasai delegation to Europe

Human Rights Watch investigating and speaking up, and some press

UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues where the Tanzanian government kept lying

Letter from the UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination

The very many court cases

Msomera villagers speaking up and a reminder of the NCAA threats that keep intensifying

NCA protest banners at visit by the VP

Don’t mix up Loliondo and NCA!

Briefest mention of colonial conservation elsewhere in Tanzania

Updates at the end of this blog post. 


The cattle rustling Serengeti rangers getting away with disobeying court orders

Already in the previous (now quite old) blog post, I mentioned the drawn-out crime committed by Serengeti rangers of 21st March on illegally demarcated village land in the Osero Sopia area of Ololosokwan village. 440 cows belonging to people from Mairowa, Njoroi, Olekenta, and Osero Sopia (Ntasikoy Pere, Leshoko Tanin, Toroge Oriais, Kumoi Naing'isa, Orantai Nampaso) were seized and taken to Bologonja in the national park. On Friday 24th March, one of the cattle owners, Oriais Toroge, who had come to claim the cows, was arrested and taken to Mugumu. He was released on bail, and there was an “illegal grazing” case. No herders had been arrested when the cows were seized, as there were heavy rains, the young herders sought shelter, and the cattle strayed. The magistrate in Mugumu, not living up to SENAPA’s expectations, ruled that the cows had been lost, and ordered their release, but Davis Mushi, Serengeti senior conservator and head of security department, and Kasekwa Maisha, who’s in charge of the rangers at Bologonja refused to release the cattle, and then on 6th April, ignored court summons for disobeying court orders.


The reason that the Serengeti rangers take cattle from Ololosokwan to Bologonja is that it’s then a case for the Mugumu court that has often ordered the auctioning of livestock. This time this evil scheme did not work out for them, and it looked very promising indeed, until everything went downhill again. The advocate for the Maasai, Yonas Masiaya Laizer, had sought an Ex parte hearing or arrest warrant, but the court decided to instead wait for the appeal by the Serengeti National Park criminals.


Davis Mushi

For some reason, the respondent in the illegal grazing case was Solio Toroge who’s the brother of Oriais who was arrested. The other cattle owners weren’t mentioned. It’s been explained to me that this is just how confused things are. The rangers claimed that the cows were seized in the national park at Kuka Hills. However, Kuka Hills is in Ololosokwan, in the area illegally demarcated as a “game reserve”, just like Osero Sopia were the herders say that the cows were seized.


On 25th April, the judge at the high court in Musoma ruled that Solio Toroge should pay one fine of TShs 100,000, plus a payment of 5,000 per cow per day and 2,500 per calf per day. This was a disappointment when the magistrate had ordered unconditional release, which was disobeyed by the national park people, but better than the usual 100,000 per head of cattle and much better than auctioning.


Around early April it was observed that the Bologonja rangers had been given new motorcycles with minimal sound (probably electric). I have not been able to find out who the sponsor is. One ranger had an accident in Ololosokwan and cracked his skull. He did not survive.


In May I haven’t got any reports at all about the Bologonja rangers.


Other cattle rustling by rangers

It’s almost impossible to obtain information from other villages than Ololosokwan and Malambo, not least Oloipiri has always been difficult, but there were reports that on 12th April 200 cows were seized in this village. The cows were released the following day after the owners paid the 20 million "fine".


Several people have expressed an interest in compiling all cases of cattle seizures. Very laudable, but then they better start working 24-7 on it. Or maybe they would be given information with less effort than I.


On 17th April, 304 sheep belonging to Mbaoi Pusindawa from Lemetema were captured by rangers when taken to water in the fake and illegal game reserve in the Nadengare area, Sanjan, Malambo. The sheep were taken to the Orng'oswa camp and the owner had to pay an illegal 7.6 million “fine”, 25.000 per sheep.


On 2nd May, 268 cows belonging to three members of the Tiiye family were illegally seized in the Orng'oswa area of Sanjan sub-village of Malambo, on land brutally and lawlessly demarcated as “game reserve”.  250 cows belonging to mzee Sarkay Tiiye, 12 belonging to mzee Olodupa Tiiye, and 6 belonging to Kimani Tiiye. The owners paid the extortion money of TShs 26.8 million the following day and the cows were released.


On 3rd May, 120 cows were seized by 12 rangers from Serengeti, NCAA and the Field Force Unit, in the Empiripiri area of Ololosokwan, just outside the illegally demarcated game reserve. The owner, Kutiti Ketuta, was severely beaten, his testicles crushed. The extortion money of TShs 100,000 per head of cattle was paid.


There has also been widespread cattle seizure from Irkereyani in Iltulele in Naiyobi ward, NCA, that’s in the same Nadengare area with water as is found in the illegally demarcated game reserve in Malambo. I have not been able to obtain exact information, but it’s been reported that 600 cows were seized on 28th April and not released until 5th May when the usual extortion “fines” had been paid.


In the evening of 5th May, NCAA rangers and FFU Kilimanjaro (teams of anti-riot police from different areas still come to Loliondo) tried to capture some 400-500 cows, belonging to several owners, in the Oloosek area of Ololosokwan, next to beacon 57 at Enalubo. The security forces fired bullets into the air and the cattle dispersed, but they took 68 cows (number not confirmed). An unknown hero shot an arrow at one of the criminal rangers, but the ranger only got a light hand injury. The only detail about the injured ranger is that he was a Pasiansi Wildlife Training Institute scout, hired by NCAA (“against protocol”, I’m told) to seize cattle in the illegally demarcated and annexed area. In the evening of Sunday 6th May village leaders were summoned to a meeting with the OCD. They were ordered to search for the cattle owners who had been mentioned in social media (by me before being told about the arrow hero incident, the information about which, for some reason… wasn’t shared until mid-morning). On 7th May Sanaet Ngirashai, Turanda Kedoki na Odinga Ngirashai were arrested and taken to Loliondo police station. They were released om bail the following day but had to return to the OCD who was demanding that they hand over the hero with the arrow before discussing the impounded cattle on Tuesday, 18th May.


As of 25th May, the cattle were still being held, according to several sources, and on the 31th there did not appear to be any change. Authorities are demanding the name of the hero with the arrow, which may not be known by anyone, and if it’s known I expect it not to be told.


The anti-pastoralist president ranting again

On 23rd May, President Samia Suluhu Hassan, again showed off her vicious anti-pastoralism and her lack of respect for the independence of the judiciary. Addressing newly appointed judges, she ranted about bribes in lower-level courts, using the example of pastoralists in Lindi who were caught committing a crime (alleged grazing in Nyerere National Park), but then found innocent by the magistrate, so that the RC had to intervene. The president said that this way “normal” people – obviously, to her, pastoralists are something else – cannot obtain justice.

German facilitated fake and forced land use planning terror

As reported earlier in this blog, on 28th February and 30th March meetings were held at Ngorongoro District Council Hall in Wasso to legitimize fake and forced land use planning, primarily the brutal and lawless demarcation of a “game reserve” on village land in 2022. Another meeting was expected for early May but kept being delayed. These terrible efforts go under the name of Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan 2023-2043 and were initiated by team of 40 state security and surveyors that in late October/November were sent to re-survey the villages in Loliondo and Sale using illegitimate or compromised village leaders, while the DC talked about Wildlife Management Areas, which surely is the last thing needed … The crime legitimation is led by DC Raymond Mwangwala, district officials, principally Ngorongoro Land officer and chairman of the land planning committee, Kelvin Aligaweza, the National Land Use Commission, and Frankfurt Zoological Society, with its partners TANAPA and the German Development Bank, KfW. 


Fortunately, the councillors of the wards affected by the brutal and lawless demarcation of the so-called “Pololeti Game Reserve” have not attended the meetings and were on 30th March publicly threatened by the DC for, as members of the ruling party, obstructing the project. On 19th May they, and the rest of the Ngorongoro councillors, unanimously refused to sign the genocidal draft district land use plan.


The Maasai traitors that have been shown off at both meetings are the often and increasingly dubious and “investor-friendly” chairman of Soitsambu village, Marko Lorru, and Joseph Parsambei of the NGO TPCF, who in the past at least I thought was serious. The other traitors (much mentioned in this blog) that were very active and causing great damage from around 2014 have not been seen or heard during the crimes of 2022, and some of them have, as councillors, been speaking up against the current crimes.


Maps photographed during the meetings – I have still not got hold of the document itself (which is unreasonable!) – besides the brutally and lawlessly demarcated “Pololeti Game Reserve” show zoning in Loliondo and Sale. It was feared that the plan for Ngorongoro division is to keep to the genocidal Multiple Land Use Model proposal, which is what is being done with the Loliondo and Sale zoning where the Ngorongoro part of Lake Natron GCA appear as a “reserved” area as well. In fact, somewhat blurry maps show the whole of NCA as a reserved area, and a ridiculous 12.5% of the whole district is supposed to be for grazing. This is totally deranged and must be stopped at any cost.


On 19th May, the Ngorongoro councillors voted in unison to reject Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan 2023-2043 and in support of a motion against the suffocation of social services in NCA, presented by Shutuk Kitamwas. Those who have moved to Msomera – Tiamasi from Kakesio and Rumai from Eyasi – were not present, but it seems like the rejection and the motion were even supported by the most compromised and by unlikely non-pastoralist councillors, including the council chairman, Mohammed Marekani Bayo, who not only is a non-pastoralist, but OBC’s community liaison since many years. However, to the press, Marekani’s message was more problematic, or more exactly infuriating, since he was pretending that the main problem would be that the plan is written in English, saying that he’s in agreement with the government that would never do anything to hurt its citizens (sic!), but that the plan needs some amendments. This individual was elected as council chairman while ten councillors were illegally locked up in remand prison. Marekani must obviously be removed as council chairman.

With all the support from media, international organizations and individuals, it’s strange that the Germans are not held more to account for their support for the ongoing crime, but that may be changing right now.


Maasai delegation to Europe

A Maasai delegation is currently in Europe to visit Germany, Austria, and the EU headquarters in Brussels.

Key Messages:

-The current conservation model, promoted in Tanzania (and around the world) destroys the lives of the Maasai. As pastoralists, the Maasai do not destroy nature but conserve land, wildlife and protected biodiversity as it is their living ground.

-Funding for conservation projects that violated human rights must stop.

-Conservation must go hand in hand with land rights and human rights


There will be a roundtable event around “Forced evictions of the Maasai in the Name of Conservation>”: the Role of the EU and its Member States. Co-organized by the European Green Party, S&D, Renew and The Left with Maasai and European support organisations. And today 31st May there was a public event at the European parliament.


The Maasai delegates are Edward Porokwa from PINGOs Forum, the lawyer Joseph Oleshangay from Endulen, Nengai Kilusu Laizer from Oloirobi, Noorkishili Nakero Naing’isa from Ololosokwan and Kiaro Orminis from Arash.


Early on, the 23rd I think, there was a meeting with FZS connected via Zoom to Ngorongoro where placards with a very exact message were shown. It seems like FZS have gone into panic denial mode about their decades working against Maasai land rights and their current deep involvement with the crimes committed by the Tanzanian government. They describe their work like this. 


Apparently, the evil hypocrites FZS are trying to justify their facilitation of the 2023-2043 Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan, that’s legitimizing the crimes of 2022, with that they are trying to help “communities” “acquire rights” to the remaining 2,500 km2 through some abbreviation (CCRO)! No thanks! The land rights were already thoroughly protected through Tanzanian law, but the brutal and lawless government, supported by German funds, don’t care. The 1,500 km2 are essential for Maasai culture and livelihood in Loliondo and must be returned! Customary rights to Wasso and Loliondo towns won’t help. Not that anyone believes it to be FZS’s aim. Though if they are eager to prove some kind of seriousness, FZS can start by calling for the removal of Thomson Safaris“private nature refuge”.


On 26th May, the delegation visited Frankfurt Zoo with their demand of a stop to colonial conservation. 


On 27th May, DW aired a brief but good interview with Joseph and Noorkishili. Then an informative piece about Maasai from NCA (remember, NOT Loliondo) that had been relocated to other people’s land in Msomera and the problems that this is causing. Unfortunately, this piece ended with the lies by the Handeni DC, Albert Msando, who could claim that the Msomera villagers had settled there illegally, without anyone setting the record straight that Msomera is a legally registered village. Then the last part was a terrible interview with the Tanzanian ambassador to Germany, Abdallah Possi, who could go on and on lying to a painfully unprepared reporter who was not even able to question him about denied social services in NCA, or the brutal and illegal eviction and demarcation operation in Loliondo, with massive cattle theft and extortion after the brutal theft of land. Loliondo isn’t even mentioned, only some vague “there’s another place”. I wish there would instead have been a debate between Joseph and the ambassador.

There was an emotional roller-coaster tonight watching the brave and eloquent Maasai at the public event in the European parliament at the same time as the maliciously lying Tanzanian government representatives, and the – apparently – frivolous parliamentarians. Any Tanzanian can tell you about the risks of speaking truth to power, for which there isn’t even any avenue in Tanzania.


EU Parliamentarian Michèle Rivasi chaired the event and Josianne Gauthier, Secretary General of the CIDSE, network of Catholic social and environmental justice organisations, had some words that first seemed so general and non-specific that I wanted to scream, but then I realized that she made good points.


Nengai sang a song about the repression and deadly restrictions in her home in NCA, and the naked brutality in Loliondo. Noorkishili most eloquently in Maa, with pauses for translation and not simultaneous as for the other languages used, described the attack on Loliondo, especially her home village Ololosokwan. Though much of her intervention was in defence against the government’s accusations of environmental destructiveness, which she did convincingly, but she would have the same human rights even if not being so much more non-damaging than the government goons, or the EU Parliamentarians, for that matter. She explained that the Maasai of Loliondo must have their land back, or it’s the end of their existence.


While respecting the time given, Joseph effectively explained Loliondo and NCA, so that everyone present must understand the two separate, but closely related issues.


Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, explained that the Maasai, under international law, have an absolute right to free, prior informed consent, however nice houses are prepared for them elsewhere. He said that to several letters sent to the Tanzanian government the reply had always been about establishing the Ngorongoro Pastoral Council, and about population growth. It did not seem like Schutter had heard about Loliondo.


Jestas Abouk Nyamanga, Tanzanian ambassador to Belgium, Luxembourg, and European Union Commission mostly followed the script from the Tanzanian lies at the UN (see below), going on about how there aren’t any indigenous people in Tanzania. Then he engaged in the rather extreme terra nullius lie about Loliondo, claiming that it had always been a protected area through German and British colonialism, since it’s an important corridor for wildebeest and (baselessly) more and less the only water source for the Serengeti ecosystem … How come then that the DC and the district headquarters are in Loliondo? He claimed that there had been consultations since 2017, and agreement by the Maasai, for demarcating the 1,500 km2. Then why were all councillors from affected wards abducted on the eve of the demarcation and locked up for over five months? The hypocrite pretended that people being eaten by wild animals was a big issue for the government and a reason to move the NCA Maasai to Handeni. He said that the Special Rapporteur had not come to Tanzania since allegations were unsubstantiated, as had been seen by the African Commission of Human and People’s Rights commissioners. That ACHPR commission was ridiculously commandeered by the Tanzanian government (described in several blog posts) and did not meet one single victim, or independent voice in Loliondo. As far as I know, they have not yet released a report. The ambassador said that if the Maasai present would call themselves “indigenous” in Tanzania, they’d get killed by other Maasai. Really?

Added 1st June: I forgot to mention that the ambassador lied that social services in NCA had been cut due a diminished population following relocations to Msomera! Not only is it a tiny percentage that has relocated, but already funded projects are blocked since 2021, before the Msomera scam was even a leaked plan. 


All non-Tanzanians present stressed the importance of visiting Tanzania independently, not guided by the government, to talk freely to the Maasai, without fears. I just wish that Special Rapporteur Calí Tzay could come clean on why he suspended his visit in December … Though calling a spade a spade is maybe against protocol, or something. There will never be an independent visit. Why can’t they just go anonymously as tourists? They won’t be arrested as I was, I think.


EU Parliamentarian Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana was non-specific but made good points about an independent visit, and EU parliamentarian Malté Gallée was asking for the same.


Then Joseph responded to Ambassador Nyamanga most brilliantly. I hope there is a recording. He made it clear that the ambassador was not only lying about the brutal demarcation and evictions in Loliondo and criminal threats and restrictions in NCA, but was also talking rubbish about wildebeest and everything else. Noorkishili asked if people were killed by vehicles in Brussels, should everyone be relocated somewhere else? Noorkishili went on to define and describe the Maasai names of the places like Serengeti (Sirenget), Mt Lengai, and Korongoro (Ngorongoro) would not have gotten these names if the Maasai were a recent tribe in these areas.


Rivasi asked about OBC, as if she didn’t know anything and about an independent visit.


Ambassador Nyamanga again complained about how non-Tanzanian it was to talk about tribes and handed over to the maliciously stupid Professor Malebo (se below and more in previous blog posts).


Malebo said that Loliondo had been a hunting block since German times and that OBC got the license in an open process. Everyone still remembers the Loliondogate scandal, but that’s a minor issue compared to the human rights crimes of later years. Then he went into the classic anti-Loliondo insinuations, saying that there are three other investors in the area. Just name them and we’ll respond, as I’ve done so many times in this blog … He went a step further than the classic Manyerere Jackton-style propaganda claiming that the Purko, Loita and Laitayok sections are “Kenyan”. Usually, the government's (and other friends of OBC) lie is that only the Laitayok are Tanzanian. As a “forensic expert” he said that no guns were used during the demarcation and that the police were there to protect those demarcating the land. And of course, people are being eaten by wild animals every day. That’s his favourite.


Nyamanga and Malebo lying their heads off.

Another Tanzanian government representative (I’ll get his name before next blog post) talked about how democratic Tanzania is. How else could the African Court on Human and Poeples' Rights be found in the country?


The ambassador added that the Maasai are a domestic issue and Tanzania takes care of them very well. Then he insulted the Maasai present, quite openly saying that they will be paid, that the EU parliamentarians could pay them already, and that genuine Maasai are of an entirely different opinion.


Noorkishili wondered about personal security upon her return home and said that they aren’t enemies of the government.


I hope to dedicate next blog post entirely to FZS, Germany and the Maasai tour and I hope to be able to watch a recording of the public EU event.

Added 1st June: I was in a hurry to write and publish while the public EU event was still fresh in my mind, but it was also shown, and recorded, on Mwanzo TV and I will watch it again before writing next blog post. 

Human Rights Watch investigating and speaking up

On 27th April, Human Rights Watch released a report saying that the Tanzanian government’s forced eviction of Maasai communities from areas in northern Tanzania they have long inhabited violates their rights to land, livelihood, and culture. The organization has interviewed 45 victims of the violence of the brutal and lawless Loliondo land theft, and its effect on lives and livelihoods. HRW have attentively listened to the victims and explained the continuing terror of 2022. However, they have not got the background from the previous fifteen or so years that well.


The issue that HRW are bringing most light to, one about which the voices of witnesses have earlier not quite been heard, is rape and sexual assault in 2022. The accounts by witnesses are horrifying, even if unsurprising in the general dehumanization of the illegal evictions and demarcation exercise. It has been mentioned, but long after other violence was reported, and without any details. There were widespread reports of rape in the 2009 illegal mass arson operation (before I started blogging), but since no victims came forward, I was told that it was better to leave it out. In the mass arson operation of 2017, which should have been impossible after all efforts to stop a repeat of the horrors of 2009 … some victims did come forward, with their faces and names, defying what I’ve been told is a big taboo to talk about, but it didn’t change anything at all. There was limited reporting, they didn’t even get medical help, nobody seems to remember, and then it was repeated in 2022. 


Another issue HRW adds weight to is their analysis of detailed satellite imagery of de demarcated area (area A, not area B in Malambo, it seems), which found that in July 2022 some 90 bomas were burned.

Arash 12th March 2023


Burning bomas in Maaloni, 20th July 2022

However, HRW, like almost everyone writing about Loliondo, just couldn’t get the years that there have been mass arson operations right. The correct years are 2009 and 2017, and those evictions differ from 2022 in that the land wasn’t demarcated or reclassified, and the Maasai could return after the violence. HRW were also confused about Wildlife Conservation Act 2009 (it came into operation in 2010, not 2022) and did not turn LGCA into a protected area. It may not be important, but I don’t like it that LGCA is described as a “multi-use area”, which sounds like NCA, when it’s 100% village land, and an old GCA that demarcates the hunting block. There’s more to comment on, but HRW’s work with the victims of the 2022 violence is really, really valuable.


Cédric Gouverneur published an article in Le Monde Diplomatique, even before my latest blog post, but it was hidden behind a paywall until early May. Cédric too has met and talked to affected people in Loliondo, to those in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, and not least to the Msomera villagers, and reports their words in very authentic way (unlike some actors in the past). He describes the ideology leading to these crimes, some of the dangerous German influence in the past, but nothing about how the Germans are supporting and facilitating current, ongoing crimes. Why are /were they allowed to get away with everything? (Everyone’s fault, not Gouverneur’s). Then Gouverneur too includes a year when there certainly were not evictions in Loliondo (2013). Why must all journalists and organisations do that, even if they don’t mention the same incorrect year?


I notice some tendency to Magufuli myth in the article (and elsewhere). Yes, Samia Suluhu Hassan is the worst president ever for the Maasai of Loliondo and Ngorongoro, but before her, that space was held by Magufuli. The terror of 2016 silenced almost all local activists in Loliondo, leaders in a "select committee" agreed to a previously unacceptably sad compromise proposal, and in 2017 what should just not have been possible after all work to never again see a mass arson eviction operation like the one of 2009, and at a time when everyone was waiting to hear from PM Majaliwa, happened anyway. After stopping the illegal operation, Kigwangalla’s decision to chase OBC out of Tanzania was reversed in less than a month and in 2018 the terror was worse than ever. Only in 2019 were there some months of calm after OBC’s Tanzanian director was locked up for a long stay in remand prison, but he was extorted, freed and back to work before Magufuli’s death. In September 2019 was the genocidal Multiple Land Use Model review proposal presented, and it included a proposal for the Loliondo land theft that was committed in 2022, but local leaders in Loliondo almost pretended that it was an NCA problem that didn’t concern them. Then I wonder where the evidence is that Kinana had to resign for being corrupted by OBC, which he’s been since the early 1990s. I haven’t seen any such evidence. Isn’t it more likely that OBC’s director got into trouble for being close to Kinana whom Magufuli felt threatened by?


I may seem too critical, but both HRW and Cédric Gouverneur have done a mostly excellent and very important job. The East African, on the other hand, on 7th May, published an article that I fear will lead to confusion for many years, like has happened before. This time the journalist had no idea that Loliondo and NCA are two different areas and different issues. The mix-up is complete. I’ve been told that we should appreciate that they write about Ngorongoro, but to me this is bitter and frustrating. I’ve spent thousands and thousands of hours, and almost as many tears, on straightening out the facts so that journalists won’t have to make unnecessary mistakes, but it’s ignored.


On 24th May another article, by Paul Tullis in Bloomberg, was published. Tullis too has done a most excellent job talking to victims of the violent land theft, but unnecessarily quoting some incorrect information. The stories of several people from Ololosokwan are told in this article.

The past year there have been so many articles that I'm having a hard time keeping up. In the past I'd have analyzed every word, maybe not always in this blog, but certainly with my contacts. 


Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the Tanzanian government keeps lying

 On 18th April, at a side event to the twenty-second session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Tanzanian activists informed the attendants of the current state of the Loliondo evictions and the so-called “voluntary” relocations from Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Edward Porokwa of PINGOs Forum, who’s one of the best, explained. Still, there was limited time, some dates were mixed up, and I think interested attendants need something more detailed and exact, and in writing, which I hope they got. Most of all, I hope that they find my blog, and contact me with their questions.


The Tanzanian government was represented by Zuleikha Tambwe of the Tanzania Permanent Mission to the United Nations. Tambwe used the question space to maliciously and ignorantly claim that allegations of evictions from “Ngorongoro Conservation Area” had been found false and unfounded by the East African Court of Justice in September. She must have meant “Loliondo” and had got everything else wrong as well, both willingly and apparently due to confusion. Porokwa explained that the case had been about the 2017 operation in Loliondo (not the illegal demarcation of 2022) that the court was to establish if it took place in Serengeti National Park or village land, that the ruling was postponed the last minute, the first geospatial expert was threatened and the report by the second one was dismissed since the judges found that he didn’t have the correct work permit. Porokwa also mentioned that there had been a constitutional case about the 2009 mass arson, but since another attendant had asked about whether legal action had been taken, I wish that he had mentioned that there are several ongoing cases about the 2022 brutal and lawless demarcation of a protected area (see below). At least seven cases, and one about NCA (Ngorongoro division).

The recording of the side event is for some reason no longer online.


I’ve earlier written with some detail about the 2017 case, Reference No.10 of 2017, that was dismissed in September 2022, but the main issues are the frankly weird postponement the day before the ruling was scheduled on 22nd June 2022, during the illegal demarcation exercise (in brutal violation of the orders by the same court), another last-minute postponement in September, but then just to the following day when an unusually brief ruling was delivered. Then not only were there witnesses whose basic words the judges, judging by the ruling, had just not understood, but the government’s own documents and statements from the time clearly show that the 2017 mass arson was committed on village land, and even so the ruling was that the Maasai had failed to prove that it didn't take place in Serengeti National Park. Still, the ruling establishes that there is national park and then there is village land, which the government lie of 2022 consists of denying while making up an inexistent protected area. This is the same lie as was used by Kagasheki in 2013, while in between other lies have been used by the Tanzanian government.


On 21st April, the Tanzanian government issued “A rebuttal of claims about the so-called indigenous peoples in Tanzania”, and this was presented by UNESCO’s general secretary in Tanzania, the terrible liar and defender of every government crime, Prof. Hamisi M. Malebo, together with Zuleikha Tambwe.


The monsters of malicious lying, Tambwe and Malebo, flanking José Francisco Calí Tzay. 

The main part of the government’s rebuttal (before it gets even worse) is dedicated to, as usual, denying the existence of indigenous people in Tanzania, with the argument that all 120 ethnic groups identify first and foremost as Tanzanians, enjoying the same guaranteed rights, that Nilotic groups, like the Maasai, arrived late, and that the indigenous concept is “colonial” and belittle local communities as inferior. The indigenous argument can indeed be a diversion leading to loss of focus on the fact that the Tanzanian government is brutal and lawless, breaking all its own laws, regardless of recognizing the Maasai as indigenous, or not. The “colonial” argument is not so little dishonest when the government uses both colonial myths to dehumanize the Maasai, in parliament and in media, and engages in colonial-style land alienation invoking terra nullius, with punitive expeditions led by very colonial regional- and district commissioners.


According to the United Nations, indigenous peoples are "inheritors and practitioners of unique cultures and ways of relating to people and the environment. It refers to the people who have retained social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from those of the dominant societies in which they live. They have sought to maintain their ways of life despite external pressures for centuries, and today, their uniqueness and diversity continue to be threatened."This definition is included in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2007. I’d say that most Tanzanians, both friends and enemies of the Maasai, would agree that the Maasai are indigenous, if using this definition.


Talking about terra nullius  … in its rebuttal the government claims that the 4,000 km2 Loliondo Game Controlled Area has stood unoccupied since time immemorial, was turned into a protected area by the Germans in 1891, and was only “encroached” by the Maasai after independence in 1961. Earlier this government lie – picked up by minister Damas Ndumbaro in 2022 and lectured to giggling, spineless diplomats - has been about the British and 1951, but deputy minister of legal and constitutional affairs, Geophrey Pinda, in Banjul in October 2022, used the Germans for his lie, which was  particularly sad to see, since it was his father, then PM Mizengo Pinda, who on 23rd September 2013 in Wasso declared that the land belonged to the Maasai who should go on with their lives as usual, and that then Minister Kagasheki would not be allowed to bother them anymore.


The terra nullius lie not only defies common sense, but there are still elderly Maasai who lived in Loliondo before independence and whose parents and grandparents were born and died in Loliondo. There are also colonial memories (like David Read’s) of how the same three Maasai sections found there today were in the 1920s well-established in Loliondo, there was a district officer, prison, shops in Loliondo and Soitsambu, a cattle market in Malambo and more, with the difference that Seronera, now in Serengeti National Park, was much inhabited by the Maasai. Though brutal and lawless evictions would of course not even be justifiable against people who had only lived in an area for half a century.


The land was owned and used by the Maasai before and during colonial times under customary ownership, which was recognized by the Land Act of 1923. In the 1970s the villages in Loliondo and Sale were registered under the Village and Ujamaa Villages Act, in 1982 under the Local Government (District Authorities) Act, and then got further protection as village land belonging to the village assembly (all adult villagers) managed by the village council under Village Land Act No.5 of 1999. Eviction from this land is in contravention and violation of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, Village Land Act 1999, Wildlife Conservation Act, 2009, and the Treaty for the Establishment of the EAC. The government does of course know all this, but counts on getting away with any shameless lie, perhaps emboldened by many diplomats, and certainly emboldened by Germans.


The Tanzanian government’s most favourite shameless lie was unsurprisingly included, “The challenges caused by the encroachment into the 4,000 km2 Loliondo Game Controlled Area has been addressed by leaving 2,500 km2 of the lawfully reserved land to the people who encroached the area in consideration of their livelihoods and right to life.”

This lie is so disgusting and so deeply insulting. Claiming that the brutal and lawless theft of land would signify generous gifting of land. The government “logic” implies that even the district headquarters and the DC’s office have “encroached” a supposed protected area. As the government very well knows, the entire 4,000 km2 is legally registered village land and the home of the Maasai for centuries. The game controlled area delimits the hunting block and could before Wildlife Conservation Act 2009 came into operation totally overlap with village land. With the new Act, game controlled areas are protected areas, not allowed to overlap with village land, and were supposed to be revised within one year of the Act coming into operation (2010) – which did not happen. There was a proposal – funded by the hunting investor OBC – to turn 1,500 km2 into the new kind of game controlled area, but this was strongly rejected by Ngorongoro District Council in 2011, for its incompatibility with Maasai livelihoods and right to life.


For decades, a land rights struggle has stopped the government’s efforts to alienate the 1,500 km2 of important village land, even when harassment, amounting to a local police state in Loliondo, has been intense, and when the government has conducted illegal mass arson operations in 2009 and 2017.


The 1,500 km2 that the Tanzanian government, lobbied by OBC, and no doubt feeling the support of FZS, illegally demarcated as a protected area, includes most grazing land in Loliondo, while the 2,500 km2 that the government maliciously pretends to have given the Maasai, out of the goodness of its heart, contains two towns, agricultural areas, an ugly land grab by the American Thomson Safaris, and forest reserves. The Maasai are supposed to squeeze into this land, losing some 75% of their grazing land.


The last communication between the government and the Loliondo Maasai before the government’s brutal attack, was on 25th May 2022 when Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa by a large committee of Maasai representatives was handed reports of community recommendations on both NCA and the threatened 1,500 km2 in Loliondo/Sale. Majaliwa said that he was going to work on the recommendations but then nothing was ever heard from him regarding this. The Loliondo/Sale report recommended a stop to any plans of alienating the 1,500 km2, investigations into human rights violations, and the removal of the investor OBC.

25th May 2022, very soon several attendants would be locked up in remand prison on bogus murder charges. 

Then, in June 2022, security forces invaded Loliondo. All councillors (except one who fled) from wards that were to be affected by land alienation were abducted, then charged with murder for a killing that took place the day after the abduction and locked up in remand prison for over five months, together with people initially arrested under suspicion of having shared information about the brutality. In a rain of teargas and bullets, the security forces started planting beacons to demarcate 1,500 km2 as a protected area. There were beatings and slashing, people were arrested on false charges that were later dropped. Some were raped. There was seizing and even shooting of livestock. Houses were destroyed while motorcycles and smartphones were stolen. Thousands of people fled to Kenya and some of them while seriously injured. All this was done in violation of court orders that were already in force, and several new cases have been filed.


85-year old Oriais Oleng'iyo was last seen on 10th June 2022, with bullet wounds and held by security forces, and his whereabouts are still unknown.


Government officials, the Prime Minister included, appeared in Loliondo for military celebrations and threats, and in international environments with concerted lies.


On 17th June 2022 then Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Pindi Chana, unlawfully converted the 1,500 km2 into the new kind of game controlled area, on 28th September 2022 this land was placed under the management of Ngorongoro Conservation Area, and on 14th October 2022, President Samia Suluhu Hassan unlawfully gazetted the same land as a game reserve.


The land alienation was committed during a drought, which led to increased loss of livestock. Rangers keep seizing livestock, demanding extortionate fines of TShs 100,000 per head of cattle and TShs 25,000 per sheep or goat for any animals found inside the illegally demarcated area. Hundreds of livestock have even been auctioned by the rangers.

The land has been taken, the livestock keep being taken, lives are stolen.


The lies about Ngorongoro Conservation Area in this government rebuttal were no less extreme, ranging from the usual population panic to using the government-created poverty against the Maasai themselves, to lying that the Msomera scam was designed in consultation with local community when neither the Maasai in Ngorongoro not the Msomera villagers were even informed before hearing about it in anti-Maasai media, or in the Msomera case being overrun by government delegations demarcating their land for Ngorongoro migrants. See more about this below.


Letter from the UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination

On 24th April, the UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) called on the Tanzanian Government to immediately halt plans for relocation and forcible evictions of Maasai communities from their ancestral land in Loliondo and Ngorongoro Conservation Area. This was far from the first letter from CERD.


The very many court cases

-The ruling in the case of enforced disappearance of 85-year-old Oriais Oleng'iyo of Ololosokwan, Loliondo division, in Ngorongoro District, Miscellaneous Criminal Application No. 68 of 2022 was set for 10th May but postponed till the 17th when it was dismissed by judge Gwae.


85-years old Orias Oleng'iyo from Ololosokwan has not been seen since 10th June 2022, at his home in the Engong'u area of Ololosokwan, with bullet wounds and held by security forces that had been sent in their hundreds to brutally and lawlessly demarcate 1,500 km2 of village land and very important grazing land, as the protected area that the “investor” OBC for years has been lobbying for. Unlike other abducted people from Loliondo, Oriais never appeared on lists of those who had been detained and was not among those charged with bogus charges that were dismissed after months of illegal detention and torture. His son Ndoloi, who last saw his father being taken away by security forces, filed an habeas corpus case in court.


What the plaintiff was applying for:

1. The Court to order the defendants to bring before the Court Oriais Pasilange Ng'iyo who has been taken to an unknown location since he was arrested at his home in Engong'u Nairowa, Ololosokwan Ward, Loliondo, Ngorongoro District.


2. Court to order the respondents to set at liberty Oriais Oleng'iyo.


3. The Court to order the respondents to attend Court to explain the reasons for holding Orias Pasilange Ng'iyo against the Law.


4. The Court to order the respondents to bring back the body of Oriais Pasilange Ng'iyo dead or alive.


Miscellaneous Criminal Application No. 68 of 2022 was on 17th May dismissed by judge Gwae. The "reasons" were: Oriais Oleng'iyo's son failed to prove that the respondents arrested his father, they weren't those responsible for the demarcation exercise (meaning Inspector General of Police, and others, but not the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism), and there were no other witnesses. This ruling must be appealed.


Where is Orias Oleng'iyo?


Picture of Oriais' voter ID. Regularly tweeted by Maria Sarungi Tsehai (here 30th May).

At the hearing of Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 21 of 2022, the judicial review challenging former Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana's Government Notice No.421, of 17th June 2022, declaring the fake and illegal “Poloteti Game Controlled Area” the government lawyer raised a preliminary objection about being served late with the application. The case was postponed to 15th May when the preliminary objections were dismissed, and the case was heard on 29th May when it was agreed that it should proceed by way of written submission.


The case challenging President Samia’s Government Notice No.604, gazetting the fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve” on 14th October 2022 - Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 178 of 2022 was scheduled for hearing yesterday 30th May 2023, but postponed since the judge was sick.


In the East African Court of Justice, the ongoing case against the Tanzanian government’s fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve” is Reference No.37 of 2022. In late September 2022, the government side responded with some wildly lying objections, but then I haven’t seen anything scheduled. The EACJ is not very speedy.


Appeal No.13 of 2022 East Africa Court of Justice of the strange ruling in the case about the 2017 mass arson operation (Reference No.10 of 2017) was heard on 15th May and the date for ruling will be communicated.


Application No.2 of 2022, a contempt of court application, filed in January 2022, when RC Mongella started making threats of alienating the 1,500 km2, against which the East African Court of Justice had issued an injunction in September 2018. An affidavit was filed after every court order, and everything else, had been violated. This important case was heard in November in Kampala, and it seems like the court have scheduled it for delivery of ruling on the Preliminary Objection in June (I’m looking to confirm this).


Reference No.29 of 2022 in the East African Court of Justice is not about the brutal Loliondo land theft but challenges the coordinated and suffocating policies in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Apparently, there’s still nothing scheduled for this case.


On 10th May there was a hearing in Criminal Appeal No. 9 of 2023filed by two cattle owners, Baraka Moson Kesoi and Raphael Oleruye Oloishiro, from Bulati in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, who in January were fined the usual extortion of TShs 100,000 per head of cattle and 25,000 per sheep or goat for grazing in the Nadengare area that’s shared between Malambo in Sale and some areas in NCA. This case is challenging:

 1. Imposition of TShs 100,000 fines as unfounded in the law.

2. Jurisdictions of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in imposing compounding fees in “Pololeti Game Reserve”.


The ruling will be on 28th June.


Msomera villagers speaking up and a reminder of the NCAA threats that keep intensifying

Several villagers of Msomera village, Handeni district, Tanga region met with the press and on 4th April and following this, their testimonies have been in online media, to some extent regular media (Mwananchi), and even foreign media (Le Monde and DW).


The plan for a fast-tracked “voluntary” relocation of Ngorongoro Maasai to Handeni and Kitwai Game Controlled Areas was leaked the first days of 2022 (remember that this is about NCA and NOT Loliondo). It was so stupidly written that it looked fake, and people were initially told not to report on it, so that the leak would not be put in danger. Since GCAs are village land, it was from the start clear that the plan was to relocate Ngorongoro Maasai to other people’s land. Then it took several months for there to be reports, including one by the Oakland Institute, about the confused Msomera villagers who had been “informed”, or hardly even that, but threatened, at gunpoint when they were living in a registered village with a detailed land use plan. Not until the government-commandeered visit by the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights in late January 2023 were Msomera villagers speaking up directly to the press, in between the Tanga RC’s rather insane threats and lies that were taking most space, right next to the commissioners that didn’t do anything to stop it, accusing the Msomera villagers of being invaders with less rights to the land than the migrants from Ngorongoro. One of those speaking up was Sauda Kimweri who was arrested with a three-month old child for trying to prevent a Ngorongoro migrant from planting on her farm. Sauda has continued speaking up.


I don’t know if, even in the case of Loliondo that I know very, very well, I am able to convey the level of lawlessness and lying shown by the Tanzanian government. The retired Msomera village chairman has explained how Msomera, after having been a sub-village where people had lived since before colonial days, was registered as a full village in 1992, and how villagers had got title deeds to their own plots. In January 2022, a long caravan of vehicles, with armed escort and high government representatives, including Arusha RC, John Mongella, set up camp and started demarcation on people’s land in a very threatening way and in February 2022 Prison Services moved in to build 103 houses for migrants from Ngorongoro. Several villagers, title deed in hand, have now spoken up, but the government just goes on with, and increasing, its propaganda. When Msomera villagers had met the press in April, the organization of anti-Maasai journalists, MECIRA, formed in early 2022, went to Ngorongoro to prepare more propaganda. The government’s own criminal restrictions are used as an argument against the Ngorongoro Maasai.

Also complaints by those "voluntarily" relocated are increasingly being heard, about unfulfilled promises and other people's land. 


Shortly after the relocation plan was leaked the first days of 2022, RC Mongella went to Loliondo to issue terrible threats, and then the anti-Maasai propaganda went crazy in the press and in a whole parliamentary debate on 9th February 2022. The incitement against the Maasai of Ngorongoro was so aggressive that it seemed like the armed government attack would erupt there and not in Loliondo. However, it was Loliondo that was brutally attacked by security forces lawlessly demarcating a protected area.


Restrictions strangling the Ngorongoro Maasai in every way to make them leave their home have been imposed for decades and there were earlier relocation efforts in 2006, to the less remote (compared to Handeni) Jema, from where many Maasai have returned to Ngorongoro. These people were threatened in April 2021, shortly after Samia Suluhu Hassan came into office and started incitement in a more specific way than any earlier president. Widespread demolition orders were issued and removed after protests, fake Maasai representatives, not from Ngorongoro, were used in government spectacles, and ranger violence increased, leading to protests that were cut short when MP Olenasha unexpectedly, and too early, passed away. In September 2021, a video was purposefully uploaded in which NCAA Chief Conservator Freddy Manongi tells the notorious deputy minister Mary Masanja that there’s a war, that the pastoralists have many “conspiracies”, and the conservationists must “start” developing their own conspiracies.


Then, as mentioned, in early 2022, the fast-track relocation plan was revealed. Already in this plan was the idea of using COVID-19 money mentioned, and such funds for Ngorongoro schools were then – though orders to headteachers in official letters from DED Mhina - transferred to Handeni. Already funded social service projects are blocked for lack of permits since 2021, and since October 2022 there are efforts to downgrade and eventually close down Endulen Hospital.


The focus on the anti-Maasai reporting by MECIRA “journalists” has recently been, more than the earlier crazy slander and dehumanization, to show desperate people whose relatives have died for not being able to access health emergencies. This terrible situation is being very, very purposefully created by the government to force to Maasai out of NCA, and then the government’s own journalists use the resulting terror as crocodile tear propaganda for relocation. The level of evil is staggering.


After the evictions from Ngorongoro Crater in 1975 and the re-introduction – following “grave concerns” by UNESCO - of a total cultivation ban in 2009 (lifted in 1992 after first being introduced in 1975), there was a very big blow against the Ngorongoro Maasai in 2017 when PM Kassim Majaliwa, through order and not law, removed access for the Maasai to the three craters Ngorongoro, Olmoti, and Empakaai, which has led the loss of 90% of grazing and water for Nainokanoka, Ngorongoro, Misigiyo wards, and a 100% loss of natural saltlicks for livestock in these wards. Replacement salt provided by NCAA has in laboratories shown to be adulterated and has reportedly led to widespread cattle death.


Don’t forget that in September 2019, chief conservator Freddy Manongi made public a Multiple Land Use Model review proposal – called for by UNESCO, IUCN and ICOMOS - which was so destructive that it would lead to the end of Maasai livelihoods and culture in Ngorongoro District. Only 18% of the expanded NCA would remain for people and livestock. This genocidal zoning proposal included the annexation of the now illegally demarcated areas in Loliondo that the horrible Pindi Chana indeed illegally declared annexed to NCAA on 28th September 2022. The 2019 announcement was followed by so many protest statements – by NCA Maasai - that I lost count, while those in Loliondo, for inexplicable reasons, almost pretended that nothing was happening. The current fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve” that’s killing the Loliondo Maasai - who didn’t wake up until the RC’s aggressive threats in early 2022, even if the government’s intentions have never been hidden - looks exactly as proposed in the genocidal proposal.


Remember that the Maasai already lost access to over 14,000 km2 when evicted from Serengeti in 1959 by the colonial government, and as a compromise deal, they were guaranteed the right to continue occupying the 8,292 km² Ngorongoro Conservation Area as a multiple land-use area administered by the government, in which natural resources would be conserved primarily for their interest, but with due regard for wildlife, and in case of conflict the interest of the Maasai would take precedence. This promise was obviously not kept at all and the government’s story is based on population panic and tourism cult, with the most unfortunate constant added pressure from UNESCO.


Apparently, much ranger violence in NCA goes unreported. In the previous blog post I wrote about terrible violent abuse, including rape, by rangers in collusion with owners of so-called cultural bomas in Endulen and Olbalbal, against women who independently sell cultural ornaments in the Golini area. I’ve been further informed that the women have repeatedly since September 2022, been locked up at Ngorongoro Police Station and fines have been extorted from them.


On 17th May, there was a traditional ceremony at Ndonyo Sub-village in Nasipooriong' village, NCA. Peace, blessings and reconciliation among Nyangulo agemates were among the issues raised during the ceremony. One attendant explained to me that keeping such valuable traditional events is of great importance in the community, and when all Maasai are displaced to different parts of the country, as advocated by the government in the eviction efforts, the Maasai community will lose these important cultural aspects.


Meanwhile, another luxury hotel is being renovated, or is already finished, at the site of the old Ngorongoro Wildlife Lodge, right at the rim of Ngorongoro crater, Meliá Ngorongoro Lodge with 28 rooms and 24 spacious suites with views of the crater, accompanied by two restaurants, a barbecue area, a pool and a spa.


NCA protest banners at visit by the VP

On 17th May, Vice President Philip Mpango visit Ngorongoro District to inaugurate various projects (in Loliondo and Sale divisions), mostly the the Wasso-Sale road, and not address the land issue in any way. However, at an open meeting in Wasso, several youths from NCA handed over protest placards against the suffocation of social services in Ngorongoro division to the vice president who picked them up and read some of them. Now there are reports that these youths are receiving threats.

There have been rumours for almost a month now that the CCM general secretary, Daniel Chongolo, would visit the district immediately after the VP, but he has not. Instead, these are currently visiting, CCM Political Committee Arusha Region, with the implementor of the war against the Maasai, RC John Mongella:

They have sadly already been seen with certain councillors.

Don’t mix up Loliondo and NCA!

Loliondo: Loliondo and Sale divisions of Ngorongoro District. A local police state at the service of OBC – that has had the hunting block (4,000 km2) covering the whole of Loliondo and part of Sale, since 1993 - and the American Thomson Safaris that claim a private nature refuge. For many years a constant threat of robbing the Maasai of 1,500 km2 of vitally important grazing land, expecting them and their livestock to squeeze into the remaining land. Major illegal and extremely violent operations in 2009, 2017, and then the worst (and ongoing) in 2022 when the 1,500 km2 were brutally and lawlessly demarcated as protected area, evicting the Maasai. Vicious hate campaign by the reporter Manyerere Jackton since around 2010.


Ngorongoro Conservation Area: Ngorongoro division of Ngorongoro District. Harsh restrictions on every aspect of life under the rule of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA) and its chief conservator Freddy Manongi, instigated by UNESCO and IUCN. Blocking of funds for social services since 2021. Illegal transfer of COVID-19 funds to Msomera in Handeni to where the Maasai are supposed to relocate “voluntarily”, displacing the Msomera villagers. In 2022, a vicious hate campaign in media and in parliament. In September 2022, the management of the stolen 1,500 km2 in Loliondo was placed under the NCAA, which had been an open threat since 2019.


Brief mention of colonial conservation elsewhere in Tanzania

This blog is about Loliondo and Ngorongoro, but remember that the Tanzanian government is at war against pastoralists and other rural people all over Tanzania, since their land is wanted for the deranged tourism cult. Some recent examples from areas where I don’t have contacts:


On 6th May, TANAPA rangers landed in helicopters to beat up villagers in Mbarali who’re resisting the expansion of Ruaha National Park, known as GN No.28, against which there’s an ongoing court case and an injunction that was violated.  In the village of Mwanawala an unknown woman pilot saved women from being raped by the TANAPA rangers. But they were beaten and undressed.


On 9th May in Tarime all fifteen village and sub-village chairpersons, from the CCM ruling party, in the Nyanunugu and Gorong’a wards resigned in protest of the expansion of Serengeti National Park to the west. This was the day after ministers landed to scold villagers opposing the forceful planting of beacons. Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Mary Masanja, true to character, spoke in a particularly aggressive and deranged way. In parliament on the 11th PM Majaliwa said that the chairpersons retained their positions after assurance that the government will address the conflict, but he’s such a liar that it can mean anything.


In Mto Wa Mbu, on 22nd May, a young man, Hassan Said, was shot to death by rangers from Manyara National Park during a confrontation, after fishermen had their boats knocked over by the TANAPA rangers who wanted to arrest “trespassers”. There’s a boundary conflict between the village of Jangwani and the national park management. Rangers have a habit of knocking and sinking boats, and several fishermen have “disappeared” in the past. Minister Mchengerwa intervened insulting the fishermen, calling them poachers, while lauding the rangers’ bravery.


In Simanjiro the old threat against the village of Kimotorok by expansion of Mkungunero Game Reserve has been revived, villagers have again been told to leave their homes, and on 22nd May there were protests.


These are just some cases seen in media. Other cases go unreported, like the warlike attack by rangers from Mahale Mountain National Park on the village of Kalilani in June 2022, that wasn’t reported in any visible media. Sanctions are needed. All tourism to Tanzania must be boycotted.


Stop suffocating the Maasai of Ngorongoro Conservation Area with restrictions and blocking of social services!


Bring back mzee Oleng'iyo! Return the 1,500 km2 to the Maasai! Uproot the illegal beacons! Shred President Samia’s lawless GN No.64 to pieces! Punish everyone involved in the brutal Loliondo land theft!


Stop the crime legitimizing draft 2023-2043 Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan and punish everyone facilitating it! Don’t let anyone get away!


Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com



1st June

The German Embassy in Tanzania tweeted:

They had met with the current worst traitor, the government's poster boy for brutal and illegal land alienation legitimation, Joseph Parsambei. 

1st June
Former MP Telele, the government's poster boy for relocation to Msomera, complained about lack of grazing and other problems at his new "home". https://youtu.be/UjEt9Hm_ynk  

3rd June
87 cattle belonging to Kerika Tiiye were seized in the Orng'oswa area of Malambo. The cows had strayed to their former home, from where they were evicted.

4th June
I was informed that the cattle held at Klein's gate since 5th May had been released after payment of the usual extortion money. I'm not sure exactly what date. Authorities have not got hold of the arrow hero.

5th June
MP Shangai spoke in parliament about the tears cause by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, in Loliondo, NCA, and everywhere. 

6th June
A very helpful report by Amnesty International, but with some unnecessary mistakes in the background information and a narrow view on only Ololosokwan and the first days of the ongoing 2022 crime, also on the illegal arrests, and delayed, non-existent prosecution. 









Continued Violence and Mostly Silence in Loliondo and NCA, with Some Voices Raised on the Anniversary of the Brutal and Lawless Land Grabbing Attack on Loliondo


Good news has not been as plentiful as I hoped when Maasai representatives (the wonderful Noorkishili Nakero Naing’isa from Ololosokwan, Nengai Kilusu Laizer from Oloirobi, and advocate Joseph Oleshangai from Endulen) spoke truth to power in the EU parliament on 31st May and the councillors rejected the draft district land use plan for crime legitimation. Though on the anniversary of the military attack on Loliondo, several people spoke to media and the seizing of livestock seems to have stopped for a while (and then resumed …), at least in Ololosokwan, even if the stolen land, which is the biggest part of grazing land in Loliondo can only be accessed by its legitimate owners as thieves at night. The Germans are digging in their heels in their defence of their funding and facilitating of crime legitimation and in Joseph Parsambei the Loliondo land rights struggle has got its worst traitor ever.


For several weeks now Tanzanian online discussions have been totally consumed with a Tanzania-Dubai Inter-Governmental Agreement that has recently been ratified by parliament. The bone of contention in the heated discussions is a deal with the Dubai state-owned company DP World to control Dar es Salaam port, other mainland ports, inland container depots ports, and related logistical corridor. The contract is indefinite, or unspecified, and Tanzania shall not, without prior consent of DP World, undertake any development project upon any of the said ports. Critics of this deal are being threatened, harassed and arrested, and everyone is talking about it. There is a connection to Loliondo, but sadly it seems like it has been reduced to saying that Loliondo was sold to Dubai, as if we were again in 1992.

Remember that in February a person who by Ikulu, State House, was referred to as "member of the Dubai royal family" Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum got a VIP treatment and a MoU from President Samia, VP Mpango and Minister Chana. Chris Lang of REDD-Monitor has written about the sheikh’s dubious company that aims to greenwash the UAE’s massive carbon footprint. 


It still feels like a nightmare that the brutally and illegally demarcated “game reserve”, which the “investor” OBC for years was lobbying for, does not go away and nobody is punished for abducting all councillors from affected wards the night before the brutal and lawless demarcation started and keeping them locked up for over five months, planting beacons in a rain of teargas and bullets, with beatings, slashings, cuttings, rapes and arrests. Thousands having to flee to Kenya, hundreds arrested and over sixty charged with bogus immigration cases that were dismissed – without any attempt at prosecution - months later, and nobody is held answerable. Destroyed houses, stolen motorcycles and smartphones, seized and even shot livestock and nobody is dealt with. Instead, it is celebrated in parliament.Many people are terrifyingly deep in debt after being illegally fined when their cattle have been seized on the stolen land for over a year now. Oriais Oleng'iyo – 84-years old at the time - who was last seen on 10th June 2022, with bullet wounds and held by security forces, has still not been brought back to his family, and the enforced disappearance case filed by his son was, as mentioned in last blog post, dismissed by the judge. There are several ongoing court cases, so many that it’s hard for me to keep up, but I’m not getting much detail about them.


In Ngorongoro Conservation Area (Ngorongoro division of Ngorongoro district), that is still mixed up with Loliondo by too many people, suffocating restrictions and denial of social services is still the government’s strategy to “convince” the Maasai to relocate to other people’s land 600 kilometres away in Msomera, Handeni. Though both the Msomera villagers and the Ngorongoro migrants are increasingly speaking up about the unsuitability of this relocation. Dehumanizing ranger violence continues and is sometimes reported. In July, the rangers smashed the teeth of the child Joshua Olepatorro. Today, 31st July, protestors at Nasipooriong primary school in Endulen demanded permits to renovate the school even at their own cost.


Also areas next to Lake Natron are under threat, as many times before, and sometimes I’ve written about it, but now I feel a terrible unease about not keeping up.


This blog post is unacceptably delayed because of too much and too little information, my lack of focus, and sadness over the silence. 


In this blog post:

Stolen grazing land and criminal rangers

Violence in Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NOT to be mixed up with Loliondo)


The rejected, German facilitated, fake, and forced land use planning

For a brief reminder of what the Germans do,

The maliciously misleading and rejected NDLUFP document, including another Lake Natron threat


Anniversary of the biggest crime and various people speaking up on the record

A most disgusting budget speech by Mchengerwa

Amnesty report

Court cases


As always, updates will be added at the end.


This rubbish has been rejected.

Stolen grazing land and criminal rangers

The loss of livestock and impoverishment has been steep in Loliondo after most of the grazing land, and particularly dry season grazing land, was stolen by the government right before the bad dry season of 2022, expecting the Maasai to just squeeze into remaining areas where there’re two towns with district headquarters, agricultural areas, forest reserves, and Thomson Safaris’ ugly land grab. Many people, I don’t think it’s known exactly how many, have got into terrible debt since first TAWA rangers and then those from NCAA (after the illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve” was placed under their management) have been fining livestock owners a demented 100,000 TShs per head of cattle and 25,000 per sheep or goat for grazing on their own land. Since June it has become very difficult to get any details at all about what’s going on.


It seemed like Serengeti National Park rangers from Bologonja had stopped their nasty and illegal habit (detailed in previous blog posts) of seizing livestock in Ololosokwan and taking the owners to court in Mugumu.


Apparently, the case against six people from Ololosokwan is still ongoing: Turanda Kedoki, Sanaet Ngirashai, Odinga Tome, Repes Lukeine, Moseka Ndoinyo, and Ndaskoi Siololo, about an arrow shot at a criminal ranger of those who were seizing cattle on village land in the evening of 5th May, but information is not being shared, and for some reason, those charged are even refusing legal representation.


Several people from Ololosokwan had said that rangers were no longer seizing cattle, since they stopped patrolling at night when herders are accessing the illegal game reserve, like thieves on their own land and with significantly increased risk of problems with large predators, the owners of the night. Some say that the reason for this stop was rangers’ fear of the unknown hero with the arrow from 5th May. That was only one arrow and a light injury. Just let thousands more rain over the criminal rangers …


However, sadly, the night between 26th and 27th July cattle, belonging to Moniko, Kairrung, Olepanga and Olereiya were again illegally seized near OBC’s camp in Kirtalo but taken to Lobo in Serengeti National Park. The rangers were a mix of NCAA rangers, Serengeti rangers and maybe other security forces. The same night cattle were seized in Ololosokwan but released after the owners paid the insane fines of 100,000 TShs per cow. On the 28th I was told that the cattle owners had gone to Lobo, there was again total silence, but apparently the cows were released after the owner paid the 100,000 per head of cattle “fines”.


Earlier (since the latest blog post) I had only heard that on 3rd June, 87 cattle belonging to Kerika Tiiye were seized in the Orng'oswa area of Malambo. The cows had strayed to their former home, from where they were evicted. Since then, there has only been silence from Malambo.


On 22nd June, there were reports from Kirtalo about seized cattle belonging to Loita Maasai, but details were impossible to come by.


Another most disturbing development is that a gate for the fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve” is being built in the Oloosek area of Ololosokwan.


Violence in Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NOT to be mixed up with Loliondo)

On 13th July, the young boy (first reported as 15-year-old, but other ages have been mentioned and he looks younger) Joshua Olepatorro from Nainokanoka was attacked by NCAA rangers when returning from having grazed cows in Oltomi crater. The rangers beat Joshua with the butts of their guns, so that three of his upper front teeth were smashed out, and then they left him there in the bush. Unlike other cases of violent assault and torture by rangers at Olmoti, this case has received some limited media attention. The rangers are saying that Joshua was running and fell by himself, smashing his teeth on a stone, while they were removing a big herd of cattle from Olmoti crater. They say that proof of this is that villagers did not report to the police, but instead shared images online. The officer sharing this message claims to having held a meeting with village leaders that wanted access to grazing in Olmoti crater and forest. Grazing in Olmoti is in no way against the law. Nainokanoka councillor Edward Maura, the village chairman and several other leaders have spoken to the press, and so has Joshua’s mother. The brutal assault has been reported to the police (NGO/RB/125/2023), but nobody has been arrested.


As mentioned in an earlier post, in Olmoti crater, on 22nd January this year, the NCAA rangers known as Alais, Baby and Simony, and others that could not be seen (it was night-time, and they were shooting bullets) assaulted several young herders, including Daudi Sayanga, Oloturiaki Pello, and others. The rangers broke the pots the youths were cooking in, burned their food and their clothes, and then the youths had to sleep in the wild.


In mid-June there were bad cases of beatings by rangers in Ndutu in which one victim was locked up in prison, but it was quieted down after out of court arrangements. Though ranger violence in NCA isn’t new but has been going on for decades. In September 2021 protests, fuelled by two cases of assault and torture by rangers against in total nine herders in Endulen, were gathering strength when the death of MP Olenasha cut them short. Those rangers were arrested, but never taken to court. Legal action has never been taken against any ranger. In September 2022 Letee Ormunderei’s leg was broken by rangers that assaulted him and three others. This case was widely reported in social media and there was fundraising for his surgery. A case that I’d missed was Kiti Lengeju from Alaitole, who has not received any medical treatment after being deliberately knocked down by a vehicle on 1st November 2022. His leg was broken as a result.


Investigations, by local researchers, into terrible violent abuse, including rape, by rangers in collusion with owners of so-called cultural bomas in Endulen and Olbalbal, against women who independently sell cultural ornaments in the Golini area have been stopped. Apparently, leaders decided that silence was preferable.


Then we have the ever-ongoing violence against Ngorongoro Maasai, inherent in the restrictions against any kind of cultivation in NCA and they are not allowed to build permanent houses and suffer all kinds of harassment by NCA rangers that want to restrict motorbikes, building materials, or demanding permits for just anything, including demanding ID for the Maasai to pass Loduare gate. This has worsened considerably since 2021 when permits for already funded social services are being denied. Samia Suluhu Hassan basically started her presidency by inciting against the Maasai in April 2021, shortly followed by widespread demolition orders that were withdrawn after protests. In September the same year, NCAA Chief Conservator Freddy Manongi, with Deputy Minister Mary Masanja in a video clip that’s still online, said there was a war between pastoralists and conservationists and that the latter needed to start cooking conspiracies, like he claimed that the former were doing.  


Remember that after the evictions from Ngorongoro Crater in 1975 and the re-introduction – following “grave concerns” by UNESCO - of a total cultivation ban in 2009 (lifted in 1992 after first being introduced in 1975), there was a very big blow against the Ngorongoro Maasai in 2017 when PM Kassim Majaliwa, through order and not law removed access for the Maasai to the three craters Ngorongoro, Olmoti, and Empakaai, which has led the loss of 90% of grazing and water for Nainokanoka, Ngorongoro, Misigiyo wards, and a 100% loss of natural saltlicks for livestock in these wards. Replacement salt provided by NCAA has in laboratories shown to be adulterated and has reportedly led to widespread cattle death.


Further, as mentioned in earlier blog posts, Endulen hospital has been downgraded with the aim of closing it down completely. Before that, Ngorongoro headteachers were, by former DED Mhina, instructed to transfer funds already in school accounts to Handeni district.


In January 2022, plans for fast-tracked “voluntary” relocations to Handeni and Kitwai “Game Controlled Areas” (this always means village land) were revealed. Ethnic hatred and defamation against the Maasai reached insane levels in the press and in a whole parliamentary debate on 9th February 2022. The journalists most dedicated to the hate campaign were/are Habib Mchange, Maulid Kitenge, Deodatus Balile, and OBC’s own Manyerere Jackton. These went on to form their own “environmental organization” MECIRA. Ngorongoro Maasai were organizing protests and prayer meeting. Then the neighbouring Loliondo Maasai were evicted from most of their grazing land via a brutal military operation, which increased the fear.


A small percentage of inauthentic, compromised or naïve among the Ngorongoro Maasai relocated to Msomera village in Handeni, which received enormous media coverage. Eventually, around January 2023, the Msomera (a registered village with its land use plan) villagers became organized and started speaking up about being informed at gunpoint and displaced to give room to the Ngorongoro migrants. The government is resorting to the usual lie that Msomera would have been a “protected area”. The Ngorongoro migrants, including the government’s poster boy, former MP Kaika Saning’oTelele are increasingly complaining about Msomera’s unsuitability for pastoralism and unfulfilled promises.


On 8th July, there was a Ngorongoro division community meeting held at Endulen ward. The main agenda was:


1. Feedback from MP.


2. Resuming all socio-economic development project with budget allocated but without building permit from NCA.


3. Resuming prayers and protest.


4. Taking action over restricted pasture areas like Ormoti, Empakaai and Ndutu.


5. Building toilets in the schools where the pupils are defecating in the bushes. (Permits are being denied for the construction of school toilets and everything else.)


On 31st July there are protests at Ndian Primary School in Nasipooriong', Endulen. The protestors are demanding permits to renovate, at their own cost, the school that has multiple cracks in the walls from class 2-6,.

Update 1st August: The headteacher has received threats and the Nasipooriong' village chairman and the leader of the Nyangulo age set have been called to report at Endulen police station.


The rejected, German facilitated, fake, and forced land use planning

Regarding the draft Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan 2023-2043, since last, now old, blog post I have got hold of the actual document. It makes me angry that sharing something that basic is so difficult for some people, but such anger is not what this blog is supposed to deal with. Already on 1st June, the German Embassy made a post in social media showing that they were digging their heels in defending their indefensible facilitation of the crime legitimation. Later there was a rumour that FZS would have done “something”, sacrificing a scapegoat of the nastier sort, but this was never confirmed in any way and is looking increasingly unlikely.


It may seem extreme that the Germans so shamelessly support this crime legitimation, but it’s totally in line with what they’ve been doing in Tanzania for decades and their partners are always FZS (this organization is one and the same as “the Germans”) TANAPA and other parts of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, against people living next to protected areas, or have had their land turned into a protected area.


This crime legitimation called Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan 2023-2043 was initiated by team of 40 state security and surveyors that in late October/November 2022 were sent to re-survey the villages in Loliondo and Sale using illegitimate or compromised village leaders, while the DC talked about Wildlife Management Areas! This was done in a very threatening way, and signs were put up, at least in Ololosokwan, setting aside zones - outside the stolen land – for exclusive grazing and tourism use. After the legitimate village chairman has returned from exile on Kenya, most of those signs have been thrown away.


On 28th February and 30th March meetings were held at Ngorongoro District Council Hall in Wasso to legitimize the brutal theft of the 1,500 km2 and the fake and forced land use planning. The legitimation efforts were led by DC Raymond Mwangwala, district officials, principally Ngorongoro Land officer and chairman of the land planning committee, Kelvin Aligaweza, the National Land Use Commission, and Frankfurt Zoological Society, with its partners TANAPA and the German Development Bank, KfW. The councillors of wards affected by the so-called “Pololeti Game Reserve” did not attend the meetings, and on 30th March the DC publicly threatened them for, as members of the ruling party, obstructing the project.


On 19th May, all Ngorongoro councillors who were present - those from NCA who had relocated to Msomera (Kakesio and Eyasi councillors) were not - in unison rejected the draft Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan 2023-2043 and issued a statement detailing the reason. In short:

-It was brought by the central government together with conservation organizations like NCAA, FZS and KfW (the German development bank) to legitimize the alienation of the 1,500 km2.

-It isn’t in the interest of Ngorongoro residents, since its aim is to legitimize the theft of 70% of their land.

-Passing the plan is to legitimize the end of life in Ngorongoro via the loss of housing, cultivation and grazing areas.

-It’s contempt of court, since there are four cases in the High Court and three in the East African Court of Justice, concerning the land.

-It violates several laws, since it didn’t involve the village assemblies.


While these days the worst could be feared, it was quite expected for the Maasai councillors (the majority) to reject the genocidal draft district land use plan, anything else would have been the deepest treason, but I don’t know why some usually non-supportive non-pastoralist councillors joined them, and even the hostile district chairman who’s employed as OBC’s community liaison since many years, and who has written (or at least put his name to) a foreword to the rejected draft district land use plan. Though the chairman needs legitimacy after being elected while ten councillors were illegally locked up in remand prison. However, this chairman, Mohammed “Marekani” Bayo quickly lost any momentary credibility when he lied to the press that the plan had been rejected because it was written in English!


As mentioned in earlier posts, the two local Maasai used by the government at the crime legitimation meetings were the always questionable Soitsambu village chairman, Marko Lorru, whose nasty defence of OBC and Thomson Safaris in social media in recent years, but before 2022, had already been revealing to me, and Joseph Parsambei of the NGO TPCF, who I years ago thought of as somewhat serious, but about whom I in more recent years have kept getting more worrying reports. By letting themselves be used in the propaganda for the fake and forced land use planning to legitimatize the worst crime in the history of Loliondo, these two have surpassed every boundary of the deepest treason.


On 1st June, the day after the magic intervention by Maasai representatives at a public event at the EU parliament, the German Embassy tweeted, “Yesterday we continued our open and fruitful #discussions with #HumanRights experts on Massai culture and living conditions in Loliondo and Ngorongoro.” The photo showed that their human rights expert was none other than the traitor Parsambei! The following tweet, showing Parsambei presenting a Power Point said, “Together with @EUinTZ and member states we discussed the importance of social infrastructure and how WMAs and Maasai can better benefit from tourism. Conservation shall never outplay human rights.” Do they still, after the massive, brutal and illegal alienation of grazing land which they are working hard to legitimize, want to impose WMAs? The malicious cluelessness of these people has no boundaries, and they are getting away far, far too lightly …


On 19th July Parsambei took his stinking treason some steps or leaps further, holding a talk, together with district land officer Kelvin Aligaweza about "certificates of customary rights of occupancy" (CCRO) for some elders, some Maasai and some Batemi (Sonjo) who aren’t affected by the massive land alienation other than as knock-on effects - and sending a clip all over media to show that there isn't any conflict in Loliondo and people want to work with the government on land use planning, which was exactly how it was presented.

-CCROs are a silly concept. Why would a government that doesn’t respect its own laws or basic human rights, respect an abbreviation made up by NGOs?

-When talking about such things while over 70% of the grazing land has been brutally and lawlessly stolen the stupidity gets truly malicious undertones.

-And when such talks are presented as that there isn’t any conflict and the Maasai want to work with the government on land use planning, it all reaches the most stinking levels of treason.


Sometimes there a slight tendency among some human rights activists to find excuses for the Germans and this is based on what they promise in private meetings. Though if keeping to what they say publicly and what they actually do, nobody can argue for anything other than having them chased out of the Serengeti ecosystem. Around 19th June I heard a rumour that FZS would have fired Masegeri Tumbuya Rurai, their most visible representative during the fake and forced land use planning to legitimate massive crime. Though I have been totally unable to confirm this information. Some have mentioned that Masegeri hangs on and some have mentioned that his sacking could just have been something deputy district council chairman Emmanuel Tonge said to sound nice (which he needed). Anyway, scapegoating Masegeri would be unfair since he’s one and the same as FZS and was so even before being employed by the Germans a decade ago. This individual was District Natural Resources Officer during the mass arson in 2009. In social media in 2012, before blocking me, he described the 2009 operation as a consequence of the Maasai rejecting a WMA, which the government and FZS wanted to impose on them. Before that he had been giving me somewhat sincere information about how to visit Loliondo safely (to be accompanied by someone from the district council and prevented from getting to know anything at all). In 2013 Tumbuya Rurai was described as the most dangerous person in the district who spent 70 % of his time working for OBC as their official informer and contact person, who had allegedly been rewarded with a Nissan Xtrail from their director Mollel. Tumbuya Rurai was reportedly very helpful preparing the map for the OBC-funded, rejected in 2011, Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan 2010-2030.


For a brief reminder of what the Germans do,

In March 2017, then Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism Jumanne Maghembe and Serengeti chief park warden William Mwakilema (current head of Tanzania National Parks Authority, TANAPA) told a parliamentary committee (and very much the press) that German funds would only be released on condition of turning the 1,500 km2 into a protected area. In Loliondo 600 women demonstrated against accepting the German money. These conditions for releasing funds were not denied by the Germans until two years later by representatives of the development bank in an interview with Chris Lang, and we didn’t know who was telling the truth, but maybe by now we have more of an idea. While Loliondo was attacked by mass arson implemented by Serengeti rangers – FZS’s partners - in August 2017, a most revolting picture was published of ambassador Hess’s predecessor Detlef Wächter. The picture showed Wächter smilingly handing over buildings for park staff in Fort Ikoma, in Serengeti National Park, to an equally smiling Minister Maghembe, while commenting on the long and successful partnership between Germany and Tanzania in protecting the Serengeti.


March 2017 protest against both Germans and OBC.

After the 2017 illegal mass arson operation, the then Ngorongoro MP and the District Council Chairman said that there wasn't any risk at all with accepting German funds, since they were meant for the whole of Loliondo and Sale, not excluding the 1,500km2.  However there haven’t been any projects at all in the now brutally and illegally demarcated area, while water projects outside it have been heavily used in government rhetoric for land alienation.


Reporting from a meeting with diplomats on 25th March 2022, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism wrote that the German ambassador Regine Hess, supported the government’s “efforts” in Ngorongoro. In closed meetings with human rights defenders, the ambassador’s message was “that’s not what I said”, but publicly she never denied it in any way.


In June 2022, FZS, that never has said anything about violence for conservation in the Serengeti ecosystem, seriously rattled by Survival International, expressed “shock” about the violence in Loliondo and distanced itself from any involvement in the land demarcation, but still claiming that the land status would be “uncertain”. However, in an interview in a hunters’ newsletter African Indaba back in June 2013 the late Markus Borner, FZS’s then recently retired long-term head of Africa programme and resident of Serengeti NP had declared his support for then Minister Kagasheki’s vociferous threats and lies about the 1,500km2 saying, “the present proposal seems a good way forward”. Besides showing a surprising ignorance about almost all basic facts, Borner said that the Maasai should have accepted a WMA, and that FZS after the land alienation would act as “mediator between communities and the central government”.


On 6th July 2022, Ambassador Hess met with Arusha RC John Mongella, one of the main implementors of the massive crime in Loliondo, and talked about the “cooperation” between the two countries, and the Germans kept showering the brutal and lawless Tanzanian government with money, in August 2022, Bärbel Kofler, German Deputy Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development visited Tanzania for more of the same.


On 20th December 2022, in a ceremony with the worst perpetrators of the crimes in Loliondo, PM Kassim Majaliwa and then Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana,  Ambassador  Regine Hess handed over 51 vehicles that – as reported by the embassy – “are part of the 20 million euros (approx. 49.4 billion shillings) committed funds by Germany for emergency funding and recovery for biodiversity in response of COVID-19 facilitated by the German development bank, KfW and Frankfurt Zoological Society, FZS”. The vehicles were to be distributed into Serengeti and Nyerere National Parks and Selous Game Reserve and would have a great impact on supporting “operations”. In the ceremony Majaliwa mentioned poachers and “encroaching livestock” as the objectives of those “operations”. The following day, in a creepily gleeful way, the German Embassy tweeted that during the vehicle handover ceremony Chana announced that one rhino calf had been named Majaliwa after the PM and a second female calf Regine after Ambassador Hess, “in appreciation of their efforts in supporting conservation in Tanzania”.


And as mentioned, the Germans have shamelessly facilitated the very threatening crime legitimation that’s known as the draft Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan 2023-2043, which was rejected by all Ngorongoro councillors in May.


The maliciously misleading NDLUFP document, including another Lake Natron threat

The rejected draft Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan 2023-2043 document, which was inexplicably hard to get hold of, describes the in 2011 rejected Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan 2010-2030 as “neither approved nor implemented”– without telling why it was rejected. (It was because it proposed the massive land alienation for a protected area which was brutally and lawlessly committed in 2022, in case anyone missed it).


The illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve” is presented as a done deal. Only in one place is it mentioned as something that came about as recently as 2022, but not one word about that it was done through a brutal and lawless military operation for demarcation and eviction, followed by illegal gazettement by government notice first by Minister Chana and then President Samia.


The draft only covers the wards in Loliondo and Sale affected by fake and forced surveying in October-November 2022, leaving out the whole of Ngorongoro division (NCA) and the wards of Engaresero (or Ngaresero), Pinyinyi and Oldonyosambu in Sale division. Still, some villages in the wards left out appear in the text, apparently due to copy and paste from elsewhere.


There’s an extremely malicious pretence that only the areas affected by the fake and forced 2022 surveying, but excluding the huge areas alienated for the illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve”, are governed by the Village Land Act. This is denying the existence of villages that have been registered, with their land use plans, for decades.


“Pololeti Game Reserve”, Ngorongoro Conservation Area and some “Lake Natron Game Controlled Area” are described as reserved areas with 500-metre buffer zones in which no human activities, except “conservation”, are permitted. In one place is it mentioned that even when they are reserved areas, are there human livelihood activities in NCA and Lake Natron GCA. It does of course not detail how human activities (except as thieves on their own land) were stopped in the illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve”. Nowhere is it mentioned that NCA is a multiple land use area.


The document does not show the wards of Engaresero, Pinyinyi and Oldonyosambu in its maps. Instead, they are divided into an “unsurveyed” area and a larger area called “Lake Natron GCA”, in the same green colour as the illegal “Pololeti GR” and described as a reserved area.


The only Lake Natron GCA that exists covers the whole of Sale division, except for Piyaya and Malambo that are in Loliondo GCA, and extends into most of the neighbouring vast Longido district (there’s also a smaller Longido GCA). This is the old Lake Natron GCA that totally overlaps with village land, not a protected area, but there are several hunting blocks that operators aggressively compete for. There have through the years been threats of a protected Lake Natron area. Some 15 years ago there were talks of an annexation to NCA, which was repeated in the 2019 genocidal MLUM review proposal for NCA, and in June 2020 there were vociferous threats of a game reserve, which were met by protests.

Existing GCAs that are village land, not protected areas. 27/28 are Loliondo GCA and 29 is Lake Natron GCA.


The disgusting attempt at legitimation of the massive Loliondo land theft and  of committing the same crime at Lake Natron, Ngorongoro side. There are also criminal plans for the Longido side. Unclear what the green colour on NCA means.

During the budget presentation in parliament, the horrible Deputy Minister Mary Masanja, made a most confusing and threatening intervention about Lake Natron in response to a question by Ngorongoro MP Emmanuel Oleshangai who had asked about why the demarcation of area B, in Malambo, of the illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve” includes areas of Engaresero, which is something mentioned by several people. Instead, Masanja lectured the Ngorongoro MP about the geography of Engaresero, lied that Lake Natron would have become a protected area with Wildlife Conservation Act 2009, and said that it was one of the areas that the government had decided to “upgrade”, but that there would be “participatory” talks about excluding Engaresero village from the protected area. Then I saw some confused comments that it would be a good thing, and now feel very, very bad about not having intervened. There’s nothing more dangerous than a minister talking about “reducing” a GCA. This is how they are bluffing all the time, and it means violence and massive land alienation.


I fear that Masanja could have been referring to Pindi Chana’s budget speech from 3rd June 2022 in which she besides Loliondo mentioned so many planned protected areas that I thought, or hoped, that it was just exaggerated empty talk.


3rd June 2022

Anyway, this draft District Land Use Framework Plan 2023-2043 has been rejected and belongs in the rubbish bin where it must be joined by the two illegal GNs. As the document also mentions, it was made with funding support from the German development bank KfW via Frankfurt Zoological Society which implements the Serengeti Ecosystem Development and Conservation Program (SEDCP). Don’t let the Germans get away with it! Drive them out of the Serengeti ecosystem!


Anniversary of the biggest crime and various people speaking up on the record

On 10th June, the, Civil and Legal Aid organization, CILAO, led by the always helpful Odero Charles Odero held a press conference in Arusha, marking one year since the start of the brutal and illegal demarcation. The statement was based on a fact-finding mission by human rights defenders, that was made at the end of May 2023 to Loliondo Division and part of Sale Division (Piyaya and Malambo Wards). They also visited NCA and Msomera, but the statement was about the so-called “Pololeti Game Reserve”. This statement called for:

1. The government should cancel its June 2022 notice that turned the area belonging to 14 villages into Pololeti Game Controlled Area.

2. The government should cancel its notice of October 2022 that turned the Village Land into the Pololeti Game Reserve.

3. The Government should consider the Law and Good Governance in fulfilling its responsibilities to protect and defend Human Rights as the Constitution states.


The same day, 10th June, a Zoom press conference was held in Mto Wa Mbu with 40 victims from Loliondo/Sale and from Ngorongoro division, and ten NGO representatives. Several of the councillors who were abducted and locked up for almost six months attended, as did a couple of councillors from Ngorongoro Division. This conference dealt with both the brutal and illegal demarcation of a “game reserve” in Loliondo/Sale and of the restrictions and suffocation to make the Maasai relocate from Ngorongoro division (NCA) to other people’s land 600 kilometres away in Msomera.


Oriais Oleng’iyo’s son and his youngest wife spoke at the press conference in Mto Wa Mbu. The same day that others lost so much and were injured, their father and husband was taken away and they have kept searching for him, always in vain. Oriais had six wives and his family has lost livestock, their houses and belongings. They are very bitter.


Joel Clemence Reson, councillor of Malambo, spoke of how the councillors were summoned to the DC’s office on 9th June 2022, taken to Chekereni police station in Arusha (a drive of many hours) at midnight, and held incommunicado there for seven days, sleeping on cement and buying their own food, since they fortunately had money in their pockets. Then charged with murder without legal representation and without being allowed to defend themselves. After many months in remand prison, they found their people tortured and their cattle confiscated. It would have been better to stay in prison than seeing the people without land, cows or peace, the councillor said. Some villagers were unrecognisable. Parents have had to take their children out of school and even mothers have had to go to town to search for work.


Kijoolu Kakiya, special seats councillor from Piyaya, spoke of being arrested on 9th June 2022, and then shockingly charged with murder, followed by suffering from ill health in remand prison. She does not understand the government’s motive for treating CCM leaders as gangsters or terrorists, and to this day it has not been explained to her who was ”murdered”. As a widow with eight children, she had 192 cows when she was abducted and when the bogus case was finally dismissed only seven remained. The remaining seven cows were seized, she was fined and is now in debt and destitute. Kijoolu has no way of making a living and feeding her children. Kijoolu also spoke up to the press after the Zoom conference in Mto Wa Mbu, about how restrictions are seriously affecting women and children in Ngorongoro division (NCA, not Loliondo), who are missing vaccine and die when not able to reach hospital for childbirth, and she was earlier interviewed by the fact-finding mission in late May.


Daniel Ngoitiko, councillor of Soitsambu ward, the only councillor who wasn’t abducted of those from wards affected by the brutal and illegal demarcation, explained what happened to him. Soitsambu is the ward in which OBC’s camp is found.  Daniel did not attend the party meeting or the DC’s meeting on 9th June 2022, since a child in his family (his child?) had died. As soon as he heard of the abduction of all the other councillors, he got on a motorbike and drove straight to Kenya where he stayed until the fabricated case against his colleagues was dismissed almost six months later and they were released. When he fled, he had 230 cows and 40 remained when he returned. Of 400 sheep 125 remained. Further, Daniel’s partner in livestock business had disappeared to DRC with his money. Almost all grazing land was gone and people in his ward had become poor. He called on all Maasai to come together, since the suffering is everywhere and not only in Loliondo, for allies everywhere to think of how to support them in this terrible struggle, and for God to help, since it seems like too much for earthly beings.

When Daniel was interviewed by the fact-finding mission in late May, he made it clear that sending in security forces and taking the land by force was against the law and not following procedures. In his ward where 99% depend on livestock for everything, almost all grazing land was gone after the illegal operation and only small residential and farming areas were left. Some 30,000 head of livestock have been lost in the ward and some people died of hunger in 2022. In case she has been badly advised, Daniel tells the president that she’s been fed poison about the Maasai.


Robert Kamakia, of the NGO PALISEP, from Orkiu, spoke of levels of poverty and suffering never seen before and was sure that the government and OBC were celebrating their success. He said that it’s important to put on record that absolutely no Maasai has agreed to give away the land and called on everyone to come together to fight for its return.


The retired teacher, Ephrahim (or Ephrem) Kaura, from Mairowa, Ololosokwan, again spoke to the fact-finding mission in late May. On 10th June 2022, he was badly beaten by soldiers using sticks, mostly on his knees, one of them stabbed his right leg with a bayonet, and he was brought to Kenya unconscious, where he spent many months getting treatment. Now Eprahim is back home. He says that the grazing land has been taken and now the night, that’s for dangerous wild animals and thieves, is used for grazing. He used to be able to do farmwork, herding and to give advice, but now he’s disabled while his children are still young. While in Kenya, he said that he still had his mind, but now he says it’s gone too.


Lenoi Leitura, member of Kirtalo village government, when interviewed by the fact-finding mission in late May spoke of how, because of loss of cattle, women are preparing a wild herb called mnafu (available after it rained) to eat, without any flour, oil or salt. She asked the government to return the land if it in any way cares for the people. During the operation last year, many women from Kirtalo slept in the bush with their children. Three women who were selling tea were arrested, including one who had a three-months old child and who was locked up for three nights. Others were raped and miscarried.


Yohana Toroge, Kirtalo village chairman, spoke about serious poverty after cattle death and asked the government to allow grazing in the alienated area. He made it clear that it was village land and that absolutely nobody had in any way participated or agreed to the protected area.


Yohana Masiaya, chairman of the CCM youth wing of Malambo Ward spoke of having been left with very small and insufficient grazing land after the operation of last year, and that the inflicted suffering continues to this day with cattle seizures, giving examples of one old man who had six hundred cows, and had been left with one hundred and a debt of 20 million shillings that he was forced to get into when fined.


Daniel Rago, councillor of Maaloni, one of those locked up on bogus charges for almost six months, spoke about cattle that return to the demarcated area when lost, and about an added 500-metre “buffer zone”. Somewhat weakly, he said that we must sit at one table with the government that defend “conservation” and us who defend livestock, to create a safe environment for both sides.


Kerry Purengey, chairman Sero sub-village of Ololosokwan, spoke of depending on water from Kenya after the 1,500 km2 area was alienated. Mairowa Chini sub-village chairman Mayorr Saingeu, said that half of Ololosokwan had been cut and now only remained residential and cultivation land, with almost no land for grazing. Leitura (first name?), chairman of Empopong sub-village of Kirtalo, too spoke of the cattle death and poverty caused by the government taking the land, and asked the same government to see the affected people.


Ndirango Laizer, former CCM chairman of Ngorongoro District, who was one of those locked up for almost six months charged with a “murder” committed the day after they were detained, addressed the press in connection with he Zoom conference in Mto Wa Mbu. He said that the situation for the Maasai of Loliondo and Ngorongoro is very difficult indeed. He himself lost 290 cows last year. He made it clear that it’s an absolute lie that anyone would have agreed to the massive Loliondo land alienation, or the relocation from NCA, sought by the government via strangulation of social services, while NCA is earning large sums for national coffers. They have never sat down at one table with the government, on the contrary, the PM received their recommendations (on 25th May 2022), but didn’t act. He finds very hurtful the talk about that the Ngorongoro Maasai would not be Tanzanians.


Traditional leader Metui Oleshaudo, Edward Maura, councillor for Nainokanoka, and James Moringe, councillor for Alaitolei are leaders from Ngorongoro division (NCA) who have lately been speaking up, about Loliondo, about the suffocating restrictions in NCA, about the Msomera scam, and about the government’s lies. Maura has stressed that it’s not only the Maasai of Ngorongoro, but pastoralists all over the country who are being tortured, like those who were evicted from Mkomazi in the 1980s and are now being chased away from Morogoro. While being a member of the ruling CCM party, he thinks that a new constitution is acutely needed.


Later, in a clip published by Watetezi tv on 27th June, from the fact-finding of late May, the councillor of Arash, Metthew Siloma, also features, speaking about the very serious loss of livestock in his ward caused by the massive land theft, and of how impoverished parents must take their children out of school. Arash village chairman Mepuki Lemberwa added that the rangers are seizing donkeys used to collect water from wells dug by the villagers themselves. Ololosokwan councillor, Moloimet Saing’eu, who 2015-2021 was working for OBC and against the people, spoke of the loss of livestock for lack of grazing, water and capture by rangers, and of the astronomical fines.


I’ve missed many who have spoken up, since they are too many, I’ve not been able to identify some of them, and have not understood what some were saying. Then, voices that are not being heard at all are, among others, those that were locked up on bogus murder charges for almost six months, but who aren’t leaders. I’ve only heard from one of them. They were badly beaten, tortured, both at Loliondo police station and in Kisongo remand prison.


A most disgusting budget speech by Mchengerwa

On 2nd June Minister Mohamed Mchengerwa, President Samia's son in law, held the 2023-2024 budget speech for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism. Loliondo isn’t mentioned at all by name. Instead, the speech celebrates having upgraded "Pololeti” (and Kilombero) to Game Reserves. The brutal and lawless demarcation of the illegal protected area that OBC have been lobbying for since many years is described as strengthening protection and sustainable use of natural resources, stimulating conservation and protection of water sources, and investment in photographic and hunting tourism. Mchengerwa said that after having placed “Pololeti GR” under the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority, this authority has sent 43 rangers to increase security. Further, NCAA together with the National Land Use Commission (the Germans aren’t mentioned) has surveyed 14 villages “bordering” the so-called game reserve, “solved” land conflicts in seven villages and facilitated land use plans for 36 villages (the fake and forced exercise that was rejected by all ward councillors) and built 112.63 kilometres of road that will be used for the security and development of the “game reserve”.  


In the 2023-2024 budget year, NCAA will do 38,640 patrol days in the so-called “Pololeti Game Reserve” and carry out six special operations jointly with other security forces. This is obviously a violent threat. Further, NCAA will maintain and plant boundary beacons bordering the “game reserve” and install systems for tracking endangered animals. NCAA will hold 30 meetings and eight assemblies to “educate” people about methods of coping with fierce and destructive wildlife. As if there were any animals more dangerous than the two-legged ones working for the extremely predatory and destructive government … The NCAA will also plant 460,000 tree seedlings and provide beekeeping training in 20 villages. Are there really any villages that haven’t received beekeeping training? It’s a good thing, but it’s being done everywhere, all the time.


NCAA will employ 80 people to strengthen the protection of “Pololeti Game Reserve” and buy vehicles for the authority.


The construction of NCAA headquarters will be completed in the Kemyn area of Karatu district. Regarding Ngorongoro Conservation Area (not Loliondo where people have already been violently evicted from the illegally demarcated “game reserve”), NCAA will continue “motivating” residents of 25 villages to “voluntarily” relocate out of the conservation area. We already know how that is being done: via restrictions on all normal human activities and criminal suffocation of social services.


The Ngorongoro member of parliament, Emmanuel Oleshangai, who sometimes has had good interventions, this time spoke up in what I found to be a not strong enough way. He put the record straight that the PM’s claims that the demarcation of the game reserve had been “participatory” was just very incorrect. We all know that. Then he pleaded for the Loliondo pastoralists that have lost almost all grazing land and whose livestock keep getting seized. There isn’t a ministry that makes people cry as much as the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, he said. He asked for whom “conservation” is being done. Then Shangai mentioned that the “Pololeti” boundary beacons even enter Engaresero and that livestock have been seized there too, which he had earlier asked about and which was “misunderstood” by deputy minister Masanja (see above). He spoke about elephants that destroy crops. He said there was an imminent threat of further protected areas at Lake Natron. He wanted the government to come clean about what the plans for NCA are. The MP wanted participatory talks, but the message should have been that the stolen land must be returned immediately, and social services returned to NCA.


Amnesty report

On 6th June, a report by Amnesty International was released. “The report reveals that brutal force was used against the Maasai to acquire the 1,500km2 of village land in Loliondo and highlights grievous defects in the decision-making process used to justify the forced evictions. It also exposes how the state continues to exclude, from its conservation plans, community members who have the right to and are custodians of the land, and instead displaces them from their traditional grazing lands, restricting their access to resources within their grazing land and providing no compensation.”


The focus of this report is on Ololosokwan and on the first days of the brutal and lawless demarcation exercise of 2022. Other villages are hardly even mentioned, Malambo (Area B of the illegal game reserve) is not even on the map, which shows the importance of on the ground reporting. Make video clips with your smartphone, or you don’t exist! Though someone did record people from Sanjan in Malambo leaving their homes following the eviction orders on 24th June 2022 … After widespread arrests, theft of smartphones, and general terror the reporting was radically reduced, while the victims from Ololosokwan have been much more accessible than others, since many fled to Kenya where journalism is easier and less risky than in Tanzania, especially Loliondo. Besides the violence of the first days in Ololosokwan, the arrests and very lengthy lock-up on bogus charges that were never investigated until the “murder” case was dismissed after almost six months, and the almost equally bogus arrests on “illegal immigration” charges are detailed in Amnesty’s report and put within the national and international legal framework.


The writing is to some extent uneven. First it seems like the report is getting into a complete mess of misunderstanding about Wildlife Conservation Act of 2009, but then this is salvaged as the report goes on.


What disappoints me is that it’s in the report repeatedly claimed that there were evictions in Loliondo in 2013. That’s simply not true and it’s an easily avoidable mistake. It seems like there can’t be a single article or report about Loliondo without this kind of mistake though, even if the claimed year varies … There were illegal mass arson evictions in the drought year 2009 when OBC were complaining about “too many” livestock. In 2013, there were serious threats and lies from Minister Kagasheki who was defeated when PM Pinda recognized the obvious, that the land was village land, and told the Maasai – who had garnered support from both opposition and ruling party - to go on with their lives as before Kagasheki’s threats. There were certainly no evictions in 2013. Confusion about 2015 is more understandable (but avoided by Amnesty), since there were brutal evictions, but from an area mostly inside Serengeti National Park where the Maasai had been living for years with an unofficial agreement. Since there had to be zero tolerance with the government invading village land, local leaders said that we could not react to this case in the same way, but still the story got its own life in international media. This was nowhere near Ololosokwan, but next to Arash and Maaloni. In 2017, as known, there was a terrible illegal mass arson operation on village land, which should not have been possible after all work to prevent that anything like 2009 would ever be repeated. The “reason” claimed by the DC and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism was that herders were entering Serengeti National Park “too easily”, while Minister Maghembe was lying Kagasheki-style, pretending that there was no village land. Then, bomas were in the terrible year of terror 2018 again arsoned, but only in Kirtalo and Ololosokwan, and in their dozens instead of hundreds like in 2009 and 2017. This crime was committed in November and December by soldiers from the Tanzania People’s Defence Force that in March the same year had set up camp in Lopolun, which was later made permanent with funds from NCAA. The crime of 2022 is the worst of all, since it’s still ongoing over a year later. Here I’ve very briefly mentioned the illegal operations that I’ve written more extensively about in other posts. Please, contact me with any questions. Don’t guess and don’t copy from newspaper articles, or even reports by serious organisations, or researchers.


Unfortunately, the recent mention by a journalist that the district council would have leased the hunting block to OBC is copied, when it of course was the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Minister Abubakar Mgumia in this case, allegedly quite directly on behalf of President Mwinyi. The first irregular contract (which soon was revoked) was in 1992 signed by Ahmed Saeed Abulrahman Alkhateeb on behalf of Mohammed Abdul Rahim Al Ali, the owner of OBC. The Ngorongoro DC, Col. Leban Makunenge, signed for the central government while the District Executive Director signed for of the Ngorongoro District Council. Richard Koillah, then MP for Ngorongoro, signed the contract on behalf of six villages (Ololosokwan, Soitsambu, Oloipiri, Olorien-Magaiduru, Loosoito-Maaloni and Arash) without any involvement or consent by villagers or village leaders. This does not mean that OBC leased the hunting block from the district council.


The Amnesty report is important. Even when Loliondo was for some time almost getting spoiled with support from important international organizations, compared to other areas under attack in Tanzania, more are needed, and especially those that like Amnesty talk directly to victims. On the other hand, after over a year, we know what happened, and while every kernel of truth is needed, the time for putting real pressure on the criminal Tanzanian is long past. We should not only be making demands for the land back without adding, “or else”, but who can enforce sanctions? I’ll keep recommending a full tourism boycott.

Amnesty ends the report by making a number of relevant detailed recommendations to a long list of authorities, and including the investigation of the killing (obvious self-defence)of the police officer Garlus Mwita, which I would not have included, but which highlights the fact that instead of making any kind of effort to investigate, this killing was used for locking up innocent people, including those already detained before the killing, for almost six months using repeated postponements without prosecution.


Court cases


Miscellaneous Criminal Application No. 68 of 2022 was dismissed on 17th May by judge Gwae and the Notice of Appeal has been filed.


Then 84-years old Orias Oleng'iyo from Ololosokwan has not been seen since 10th June 2022, at his home in the Engong'u area of Ololosokwan, with bullet wounds and held by security forces that had been sent in their hundreds to brutally and lawlessly demarcate 1,500 km2 of village land and very important grazing land, as the protected area that the “investor” OBC for years has been lobbying for. Unlike other abducted people from Loliondo, Oriais never appeared on lists of those who had been detained and was not among those charged with bogus charges that were dismissed after months of illegal detention and torture. His son Ndoloi, who last saw his father being taken away by security forces, filed an habeas corpus case in court.


The plaintiff was applying for:


1. The Court to order the defendants to bring before the Court Oriais Pasilange Ng'iyo who has been taken to an unknown location since he was arrested at his home in Engong'u Nairowa, Ololosokwan Ward, Loliondo, Ngorongoro District.


2. Court to order the respondents to set at liberty Oriais Oleng'iyo.


3. The Court to order the respondents to attend Court to explain the reasons for holding Orias Pasilange Ng'iyo against the Law.


 4. The Court to order the respondents to bring back the body of Oriais Pasilange Ng'iyo dead or alive.


The "reasons" found by the judge for dismissing the case were: Oriais Oleng'iyo's son failed to prove that the respondents arrested his father, they weren't those responsible for the demarcation exercise (meaning Inspector General of Police, and others, but not the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism), and there were no other witnesses. As said, this is being appealed.


Where is Orias Oleng'iyo???


Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 21 of 2022, the judicial review challenging former Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana's Government Notice No.421, of 17th June 2022, declaring the fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Controlled Area” had the government’s preliminary objections dismissed was heard on 29th May when it was agreed that it should proceed by way of written submission. On 31st July there has been a day of “clarifications” in court and the ruling has been scheduled for 1st September.


The case challenging President Samia’s Government Notice No.604, gazetting the fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve” on 14th October 2022 - Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 178 of 2022 was scheduled for hearing 30th May 2023, but postponed since the judge was sick.


There was a court hearing of the leave for judicial review on 23rd June and the ruling will be on 1st August.


In the East African Court of Justice, the ongoing case against the Tanzanian government’s fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve” is Reference No.37 of 2022. In late September 2022, the government side responded with some wildly lying objections, but then I haven’t seen anything scheduled. As mentioned before, the EACJ is not very speedy …


Appeal No.13 of 2022 East Africa Court of Justice of the strange ruling in the case about the 2017 mass arson operation (Reference No.10 of 2017) was heard on 15th May and the date for ruling will be communicated.


Application No.2 of 2022, a contempt of court application, filed in January 2022, when RC Mongella started making threats of alienating the 1,500 km2, against which the East African Court of Justice had issued an injunction in September 2018. An affidavit was filed after every court order, and everything else, had been violated. This important case was heard in November in Kampala, and I was told that it was probably scheduled for delivery of ruling on the Preliminary Objection in June, but still nothing has been heard.


Reference No.29 of 2022 in the East African Court of Justice is not about the brutal Loliondo land theft but challenges the coordinated and suffocating policies in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Apparently, there’s still nothing scheduled for this case.


On 28th July there was a ruling in Criminal Appeal No. 9 of 2023 filed by two cattle owners, Baraka Moson Kesoi and Raphael Oleruye Oloishiro, from Bulati in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, who in January were fined the usual extortion of TShs 100,000 per head of cattle and 25,000 per sheep or goat for grazing in the Nadengare area that’s shared between Malambo in Sale and some areas in NCA. This case is challenging:


 1. Imposition of TShs 100,000 fines as unfounded in the law.


2. Jurisdictions of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in imposing compounding fees in “Pololeti Game Reserve”.


The ruling was to be on 28th June, but postponed to 28th July, since the judge did not attend. On 28th July the ruling had a good part, that the 100,000 TShs fines are not lawful, and a very bad part, that NCA rangers seizing cattle outside NCA is indeed lawful. Then I’ve been told that even the first part wasn’t that good. Tanzanian courts aren’t independent at all and in this case the judge is believed to have been influenced by the president’s ranting about judges that rule in favour of pastoralists. I'll return to this ruling when I've understood it better.


The Samia Suluhu Hassan government’s war against all rural Tanzanian, and particularly the Maasai, continues. This is being done because of anti-pastoralism and an obsessive tourism cult. A total tourism boycott would hit this brutal government where it hurts the most.


Though everyone is under threat. Kalilani fishing village that’s under threat from Mahale Mountains National Park and is hardly mentioned in any media at all – even when TANAPA rangers last year opened fire from a boat on the lake, killing one villager - has filed a court case. After the filing, the Police, the Army, TANAPA and Immigration were removed from the village. They were there to evict the villagers to confiscate their land. People had already had to flee to sleep in the forest. Today 31st July the villagers have arrived in Kigoma Town for the case. FZS are involved in village land use planning in that area as well …


Kalilani villagers in Kigoma Town.

I feel bad about not having published a blog post in two months, even when there is so much to write about, with incomplete and confused information. I will try never to repeat this silence.


Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com

Peaceful Protests at Ndian Primary School in Nasipooriong’ Demanding a Renovation Permit that’s Blocked in the Tanzanian Government’s War Against the Maasai of Ngorongoro Conservation Area and the Government Responds with Extreme Provocation



Peaceful protests erupted and continued for over a week in Nasipooriong’ village in Endulen ward to demand a permit to repair Ndian Primary School. This is not about seeking funds but just to obtain a permit. No such permits have been granted since 2021 and this is a very calculated strategy in the Tanzanian government’s war against the Maasai. I’ve tried to provide a brief background to what’s going in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, which is not to be confused with Loliondo where the government uses other war strategies. As this blog post kept getting delayed, Maasai warriors in Endulen provided some justice to “journalists” who have been employed in a campaign of ethnic hatred since early 2022.


On 22nd July it was ten years since Moringe Parkipuny passed away to soon, and I forgot … I’m glad that he did not have to see this decade of escalating horror, but maybe he could now be proud of some people in Endulen.


In this blog post:

Protests at Ndian Primary School

The government press

Action taken at Endulen market

Joshua Olepatorro whose teeth were smashed out by NCAA rangers

The Germans again boasting of their support for human rights criminals

Background to the government’s cruel relocation drive

UNESCO and the horrible Dr Malebo

Don’t mix up Loliondo and NCA!

The Royal Tour


As reported in the previous blog post, on 31st July people had gathered at the Ndian Primary School, in the sub-village of the same name in Nasipooriong’ village, Endulen Ward in Ngorongoro Division (not to be confused with Loliondo/Sale Divisions), which is the same as Ngorongoro Conservation Area of Ngorongoro District. They were there to demand permits to repair the school with walls so heavily cracked that it’s unsafe for schoolchildren to stay there during heavy rains. The Maasai were demanding this even at their own cost, since their problem is that the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA), in its cruel UNESCO-instigated, and tourism-cult fuelled efforts to make them “relocate”, since 2021 is refusing to grant any permits for building or renovation.


The following day, 1st August, the headteacher, Ibrahim Mtunguja, received threats while the Nasipooriong’ village chairman, Kunaay Nakuta, and Endulen laigwanani of the Nyangulo age set (current warriors), Koising'et Olekoika, got calls summoning them to Endulen police station. At Endulen market on 2nd August the police attempted to capture the chairman, which led to a people’s march to the police station to free him, which was successful, and the police ran away! On the 3rd there was a meeting with people sent from the district council who were informed that the protests would continue until there was a permit, so protests continued at Nasipooriong’ Primary School with the message, “We aren’t moving, without a permit” and video clips and photos were being widely shared in social media, which had been done every day since the protests started on 31st July. The police were there, but without acting violent or intimidating anyone. On the 4th the protests continued, people marched to block the Endulen-Ndutu road and there were songs of prayer.


The placards held at the protests clearly show that the issue is not only the permit for the Ndian Primary School but the government’s planned suffocation for “voluntarily” relocation that targets the whole of Ngorongoro division, all schools and all health centres. There are messages such as, “DC, DED Ngorongoro and Arusha RC stop your evil plans over the people of Ngorongoro Division.”, “We are waiting for mass burial for our Ndian Primary School pupils if we don't take action as soon as possible.”, “NCAA why are you denying us building permits while government VIPs are building 5-star hotels at the Crater Rim?”, “CCM, you have betrayed people of Ngorongoro for such a long time that you have no space here”, “If you grant permits for development projects, how many animals will get killed?”, “There is no voluntary relocation from Ngorongoro,” “Hotel owners, tour guides, and company owners can’t decide anything about us in Ngorongoro.”.


James Moringe, councillor of Alaitolei, attended the protests on 2nd and 3rd August. Endulen is without a ward councillor since Emmanuel Oleshangai became Ngorongoro MP in February 2022, after William Olenasha’s untimely death in September 2021.


On the 5th the Maasai protestors started building a tented classroom for class seven, while waiting for the permit. However, the following day criminal NCA rangers demolished the tented classroom and were by force taking young men’s phones in Endulen ward. Their intention was to identify who had been sharing photos and clips from the protests demanding a permit to repair the primary school.


On Monday 7th August, the protests resumed and the following day Ngorongoro MP Emmanuel Oleshangai made a visit. Though people were sad and disappointed, since they had been promised that high government representatives would come. The Arusha RC and Ngorongoro DC – human rights criminals Mongella and Mwangwala - are reportedly refusing to listen to the protestors’ complaints. The MP promised to provide feedback about the permit on 18th August, and the protesters decided to wait for that.


On 11th August there were reports of a mason, sent by unknown people, doing renovation evaluation at Ndian Primary School. This mason didn’t talk to anyone but was checking the whole school building.


Examples from other schools:

Endulen Primary School toilet for 1,926 pupils. NCAA refuse to grant a permit for building new toilets.


Misigiyo Primary School – the roof of class one blew off in heavy wind in 2021. NCAA provided TShs 2,780,000 for rebuilding and deposited money in the school account but later refused to grant a building permit.


Tundu Lissu, survivor of a many-bullets assassination attempt, CHADEMA presidential candidate in the 2020 “elections”, and ally of the Ngorongoro Maasai since long before that, on 4th August tweeted, “The Ngorongoro Maasai in open protests to demand restoration of their ancestral lands & residency rights; & restoration of the social service programs illegally diverted as part of the starve-them-out-of-Ngorongoro strategy of the Samia regime. I STAND WITH THE NGORONGORO MAASAI!”

Most Tanzanians on social media were in support of the Maasai, with the usual exceptions.


The government press

In Tanzania there are “journalists” that are directly contracted to produce ethnic hatred propaganda against the Maasai. It’s obvious and everyone knows it, but still other media, very knowingly, use their material as if it were normal reporting. Following the authoritarian turn of recent years, with sharply increased repression, all regular Tanzanian media can be labelled as government press.


On 5th August, instead of reporting about the protest in Nasipooriong’, the rotten Tanzanian media reported about three individuals who wanted the government to speed up relocations out of Ngorongoro (“journalists” had obviously, as so many times before, been sent to Ngorongoro with NCAA instructions). The three are among some people who have registered to relocate and sold all their belongings, but then the government does not have the promised houses for them in Msomera, which perhaps is a calculated strategy. Such people are then being used against the efforts to stop suffocating restrictions and illegal blocking of social services in Ngorongoro.


Online media like Mwanzo tv and Watetezi tv did report on the Ndian protests, and on 9th August there was a brief, but good, radio piece on DW Kiswahili.


On the front page of the fabrications and slander paper Jamvi la Habari on 10th August it was reported that the Ngorongoro Maasai wanted the relocation speeded up, but to be able to move to a place of their choice. This was accompanied by old pictures of protests in Loliondo, making it seem like there would be big gatherings of people wanting to be relocated, including a headshot of Kijoolu Kakiya, special seats councillor from Piyaya in Sale – not even NCA/Ngorongoro division – who was abducted for over five months when massive land was brutally and illegally stolen in Loliondo. Kijoolu usually speaks up for land rights and has also spoken up against the restrictions in NCA, particularly about life-threatening effects on women and children who are missing vaccines and die when not able to reach hospital for childbirth. I hope she’ll sue the paper.


On 13th August, the rotten Tanzanian press was again engaging in the message of Ngorongoro Maasai who thank the government for the opportunity to move to Msomera where there, unlike Ngorongoro, are social services and agriculture. This is so perverse when it is the government that very purposefully is maintaining restrictions and accelerating illegal blocking of services to make the Maasai leave. On the 14th, the Habari Leo, the Daily News and many others were reporting about placard carrying people from Kapenjiro, of those who have registered to move, but are stuck because of the government’s unfulfilled promises. Though these people were of course not against the government, but against those speaking up for a stop to the suffocating restrictions and illegal blocking of social services, and who aren’t stopping anyone from moving anywhere ... My name was on at least one placard, which is strange. I’m a world authority on Loliondo, where I’ve met many people and have friends and enemies, and even that is now long ago, but I am just one of many people writing about NCA. I got a greeting in Messenger from one of the nastier friends of the Loliondo investors in the middle of the night of the 13th. Then Tanzanian media reported about a woman who was attacked by a hyena in 2018 and wanted to relocate. Quick googling will find news about people being attacked by hyenas in Handeni.


Action taken against extreme provocation at Endulen market

Without having announced anything to village authorities, in the afternoon of 15th August, the anti-Maasai campaigner Habib Mchange was at Endulen market, in front of children, using a government vehicle and loudspeakers, in the company of “government employees” and other “journalists” haranguing people about moving out of Ngorongoro. In a beautiful act of justice, the criminals were chased away and injured by Maasai warriors. Maybe the worm has finally turned.


Habib Mchange of the fabrications and defamation newspaper Jamvi la Habari is since early 2022 engaged in a campaign of extreme ethnic hatred against the Ngorongoro Maasai, and for relocation. He has together with other likeminded “journalists” formed an organization called MECIRA that lends its services to the government’s war against pastoralists. According to a statement issued by the NCAA the same evening as he was chased away by Maasai warriors, Mchange was at Endulen market “providing education to those who have registered to relocate” (he was advocating for everyone to leave) when he and his colleagues – together with “government employees” - were attacked and injured by some 200 Maasai warriors with traditional weapons.  Some have wondered from where the inciters of ethnic hatred and relentless advocates for relocation are getting their apparently substantial funding, and few have doubted the involvement of NCAA. The NCAA statement about “providing education” is a confession that this is in no way a case of journalistic work. The NCAA statement said that “in collaboration with the police, the Ngorongoro Conservation Authority is looking for all those involved in this incident and legal action will be taken against them”. Even when the NCAA openly say that Mchange was there to advocate for relocation, other media, always incapable of calling a spade a spade, still pretend that the criminals were doing journalistic work.


The injured criminals are reportedly Habib Mchange himself, Ferdinand Shayo from ITV, the freelancer Denis Msacky, and a translator. The other “journalists” involved in the anti-Maasai campaign were unfortunately not at Endulen market, particularly Manyerere Jackton, Deusdatus Balile and Maulid Kitenge (see below, and previous blog posts, for more about these criminals). The injured were taken to Karatu, not Endulen hospital.


On 16th August the frontpage of the Jamvi la Habari said, “The Ngorongoro MP plans murder strategies”.


To the sports presenter-cum-genocidal inciter Maulid Kitenge of Wasafi tv, the Ngorongoro DC, human rights criminal Raymond Mwangwala, kept to the message of the NCAA statement and added that everything was peaceful, with no disturbance to tourism.


The government's main enforcer of the war against the Maasai of Ngorongoro, and Loliondo, Arusha RC John Mongella, made a hospital visit to check on his genocidal inciters. At the same time, he ordered the Arusha Regional Police to hunt down and arrest everyone involved in the incident.


Now the government target is to arrest local leaders. There are some 30 vehicles at the Endulen NCAA zonal office, including FFU anti-riot police. The police have today, 16th August, searched the homes of the Endulen village chairman, Thomas Oltwati, and CCM ward chairman, Moses Oleseki, but they could not find these leaders. At 4:30pm Endulen police officers arrested a young man named Larasha Olenginina in his shop and took him to the Endulen NCAA office, instead of taking him to Endulen police station. Alaitole ward councillor, James Moring, has been summoned to report at Ngorongoro police station tomorrow at 8:00am, but the reason for this is unclear.


This – like all of Mchange’s Ngorongoro activity - is the work of a government sponsored fascist campaigner, and not a “journalist”. He got away far too lightly. Still, the action taken in Endulen is admirable.

Update: on 17th August there are reports that almost 30 people have been arrested in Endulen.

I will post further updates at the end of the blog post. 

In short:
The government/NCAA responded to protests over the blocking of renovation permits by escalating disinformation in media, and sending a provocateur, since early 2022 contracted to incite ethnic hatred, right into the market of the least timid village. Those who reacted are now being hunted.

Joshua Olepatorro whose teeth were smashed out by NCAA rangers

Reportedly, Joshua Olepatorro is doing well. He got help with his hospital stay but will need help to fix his teeth (any readers who can help with this?) and the ranger who smashed them out has been identified as Elibariki Israel Namungu. A court case has been filed and hopefully for the first time a criminal NCAA ranger will be prosecuted. On 13th July, 15-year old (he looks younger) Joshua from Nainokanoka was attacked by NCAA rangers when returning from having grazed cows in Olmoti crater. The rangers beat Joshua with the butts of their guns, so that three of his upper front teeth were smashed out, and then they left him there in the bush. Unlike other cases of violent assault and torture by rangers at Olmoti, this case has received some limited media attention.

This year there has been several cases of ranger violence in NCA reported, unreported, or silenced.


The Germans again boasting of their support for human rights criminals

On 3rd August, during the protests in Nasipooriong’, the clueless, or probably very evil Embassy of Germany in Tanzania, on Twitter continued the habit of boasting about funding human rights criminals. Dr. Katrin Bornemann the Head of Cooperation at the German Embassy together with the Permanent Secretary Dr. Hassan Abbas from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT) co-chaired the steering committee. As the biggest bilateral donor in the sector, showering the criminals with 120 million euros to keep making people cry in “mainly the regions Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Selous and Nyerere as well as Katavi Mahale National Parks and Corridor and Ruvuma Region.”


As far as I know, they (Frankfurt Zoological Society) have only a rhino project in NCA but have shamelessly funded the – rejected by all Ngorongoro councillors - draft Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan 2023-2043, the main object of which was to legitimize the massive brutal illegal demarcation, lobbied for by OBC that organizes hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, of a “Pololeti Game Reserve” in Loliondo and Malambo/Piyaya in Sale. With great brutality, abducting councillors from all affected wards for over five months, other illegal arrests and malicious charges without prosecution, shooting, beating, slashing, raping, destroying, stealing, disappearing Orias Oleng’iyo who has not been seen since 10th June 2022, to take away most grazing land and squeeze the Maasai into residential and agricultural areas, leaving them to grazing at night as thieves on their own land exposed to large predators that are much more difficult to handle at nighttime, extorting them with huge fines on their livestock, leading to terrible debt.


The rejected plan does not say much about NCA, but shows the whole area in the same colour, calling it a “reserved area”, and only once mentioning that there are human livelihood activities. (More about this in the previous blog post, and those before that one.) A decades long land rights struggle in Loliondo – even with a local police state where anyone criticising certain “investors” gets into trouble, and mass arson operations in 2009 and 2017 - has had the aim of avoiding something like the restricted (already before the current extreme measures) life under the yoke of NCAA.


Background to the government’s cruel relocation drive

All permits for construction or renovation of schools or health facilities in the 25 villages of NCA, even those already with government funds in their accounts, or third-party donations, have since 2021 been denied by Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority and since 2022 there’s a drive to manipulate the in every way suffocated Maasai to relocate to other people’s land, that in no way can accommodate pastoralism, 600 kilometres away. Though these are not the first restrictions or eviction efforts. There’s a population panic – used as an excuse for any human rights violations - on the part of the government and some international organizations, even when Ngorongoro is less densely populated than most areas of Tanzania and has become a huge tourism money-maker for government coffers and deep pockets, with the Maasai living there, in their land.


The Maasai already lost access to over 14,000 km2 when evicted from Serengeti in 1959 by the colonial government – accompanied by Bernhard Grzimek’s rallying cry, “Serengeti Shall Not Die” (this Nazi-party member also wanted the Maasai out of Ngorongoro and is still revered by the German embassy in Tanzania) -  and as a compromise deal, they were guaranteed the right to continue occupying the 8,292 km² Ngorongoro Conservation Area as a multiple land-use area administered by the government, in which natural resources would be conserved primarily for their interest, but with due regard for wildlife, and in case of conflict the interest of the Maasai would take precedence. This promise was not kept, and tourism revenue, as seen again and again, has turned into the paramount interest, with restrictions for the Ngorongoro Maasai.


In 1975, after a change in the NCA Act in 1974, the Maasai were brutally evicted from residing in Ngorongoro Crater and all cultivation was prohibited. The cultivation ban was lifted in 1992, but brought back in 2009 (or 2008), to the whole of NCA, after many “grave concerns” in the recommendations by UNESCO and IUCN. Now not even the smallest kitchen garden is allowed, which together with loss of access to grazing areas has led to malnutrition. The Maaai are not allowed to build permanent houses and suffer all kinds of harassment by NCA rangers, that want to restrict motorbikes, building materials, and demanding permits for just anything, including demanding ID for the Maasai to pass Loduare gate.


In 2006, there were relocations to Jema in Oldonyosambu ward of Maasai deemed not to be original inhabitants of NCA. It’s said that most of these people have returned - and in April 2021 they were threatened with eviction.


After a visit by PM Majaliwa in December 2016, the Maasai lost access to the three craters Ngorongoro, Olmoti, and Empakaai, which has led the loss of 90% of grazing and water for Nainokanoka, Ngorongoro, Misigiyo wards, and a 100% loss of natural saltlicks for livestock in these wards. This was done through order and not any change in the law. Replacement salt donated by the NCAA was found to be substandard, adulterated, and lead to the death of many cows.


In September 2019, the notorious chief conservator Freddy Manongi made public a Multiple Land Use Model review proposal, which was so destructive that it would lead to the end of Maasai livelihoods and culture in Ngorongoro District. Only 18% of the expanded NCA would remain for people and livestock. This genocidal zoning proposal included the annexation of the now brutally and illegally demarcated areas in Loliondo and Sale divisions that then Minister Pindi Chana indeed illegally declared annexed to NCA on 28th September 2022. The 2019 announcement was followed by so many protest statements – by NCA Maasai - that I lost count, while those in Loliondo almost pretended that nothing was happening, until the threats against Loliondo were issued on the ground by Arusha RC Mongella in early 2022.


On Election Day, 28th October 2020, non-party affiliated 23-year Salula Ngorisiolo was shot to death when NCAA rangers and police opened fire at unarmed voters who were protesting open and shameless election fraud at Oloirobi polling station in Ngorongoro ward. No Ngorongoro leaders at all have denounced this murder.


The ogress enters

Shortly after having come into office in 2021, Samia Suluhu Hassan started bringing up the need to “save” Ngorongoro from the Maasai, in an explicit way not used by any previous president. A week after her first of many speeches of this kind there was on 12th April 2021 demolition orders for private houses, primary schools, dispensaries, Endulen police station, churches, and a mosque, which after protests was stopped until further notice. This was accompanied with eviction orders against hundreds of individuals seen as “illegal immigrants” or having returned from Jema.


Also in 2021, in May, the NCAA headquarters were hastily relocated to Karatu, promotional spectacles headed by the infamous chief conservator Freddy Manongi were held on parliamentary grounds, and in September 2021 a clip was uploaded in which Deputy Minister Mary Masanja complains about having seen cattle on a trip with MPs and Manongi talks about a war, that pastoralists have many conspiracies and that conservationists must start cooking their own conspiracies. NCAA rangers assaulted several herders in August and September 2021. Protests were brewing but were cut short when MP Olenasha passed away on 27th September.


On 17th October 2021, Samia held a speech in Arusha talking about how important Ngorongoro is for tourism and that “we” can’t continue considering people’s interests while destroying it. She was accompanied and supported by the imposter Lekisongo from Monduli, who pretended to represent the Ngorongoro Maasai while supporting relocations. Several protest statements were issued by Ngorongoro Maasai against this individual, which didn’t deter him from later showing up acting as an imposter at spectacles together with PM Majaliwa and RC Mongella. In March 2022, Lekisongo was cursed by the Maasai of Ngorongoro, Loliondo and Sale.


Chief Conservator Freddy Manongi was supposed to retire in November 2021, but President Samia renewed his appointment for two more years. In multiple statements the Maasai have been calling for the removal of Manongi who apparently has deep personal anti-Maasai sentiments that he’s acting on all the time.


The year of horror 2022, a year that wont end

2022 started with a leaked fast-tracked plan for “voluntary” relocations of Ngorongoro Maasai. In the plan the Kitwai and Handeni GCAs are named as the areas for relocation and misleadingly described as protected areas that will be declassified. On the ground in Msomera, Handeni, there was of course a registered village with its land use plan and bewildered villagers looking on as houses were speedily being built for Ngorongoro Maasai. Arusha RC John Mongella was the recommended overseer of the project, and that’s what he become for the whole of the war against the Maasai in both NCA and Loliondo/Sale. The plan recommended seeking permission to use COVID-19 money allocated for the development projects to fund the eviction of Ngorongoro Maasai - and then on 31st March then DED Mhina sent letters to Ngorongoro headteachers ordering them to transfer COVID-19 funds for Ngorongoro schools to Handeni District council.


Towards late January 2022, Habib Mchange’s Jamvi la Habari newspaper, that focuses on fabrications and slander of opposition politicians, jumped into and accelerated a hate campaign against the Maasai of NCA that spread all over regular and social media, was joined by crazed sports presenters Maulid Kitenge and his friends. The old anti-Maasai Jamhuri paper with Deusdatus Balile and Manyerere Jackton who in over 60 articles has incited against the Maasai of Loliondo, soon joined in, and the “journalists” started an organization, MECIRA, with its sole focus on evicting the Maasai from Ngorongoro (have since moved on to also inciting against pastoralists elsewhere) - and were treated as serious actors by other media. Though many Tanzanians in social media who had earlier not paid much attention to Ngorongoro saw what was going on, were appalled, and started speaking up. On 13th February 2022, the new anti-Maasai organisation held a press conference sharing dehumanizing theories about the Ngorongoro Maasai. The Darmpya online news, asked questions, like how come the “allowances” for attending the press conference were so extraordinary heavy, who funded it, and for what purpose.


On 3rd February 2022, journalists who had covered a community rally in Nainokanoka were detained by NCAA rangers and local police, released, and then detained again and searched without warrant, then interrogated, harassed and verbally insulted at Lodoare access gate to NCAA. They were finally released on condition that they see Elibariki Bajuta, then head of NCAA’s protection division in Karatu, now deputy conservator. The journalists met Bajuta at midnight when he intimidated them and warned them about ever again entering NCA without accreditation from the authority (Manongi).


On 9th February 2022, parliamentarians competed in being wilfully or genuinely ignorant, hateful,and calling for evictions from Ngorongoro (Loliondo was mentioned, but mostly NCA). The Mtwara MP screamed that tanks were needed, there was much laughter and table banging, while only three MPs (all Maasai) spoke up for the Maasai. The arguments, besides the old population panic, ranged from dehumanizing colonial fantasies to crocodile tears about poverty and backwardness, to lies that rich people not from Ngorongoro, but from town or the neighbouring country, would own the livestock in NCA, to blaming Kenya for being behind the anti-eviction resistance with the aim of sabotaging tourism in Tanzania. Majaliwa said that the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Act would be reviewed, but first there was to be a seminar for the MPs and he would meet with people in Ngorongoro and Loliondo. On 12th February 2022, a one-sided “seminar” about Ngorongoro was held for the MPs who continued their hateful and defamatory incitement against the Maasai. At this seminar, one non-Maasai MP supported the Ngorongoro Maasai: Professor Kitila Mkumbo, MP for Ubungo.


In NCA many people stopped sleeping and started praying incessantly at combined prayer and protest meetings.


On 17th February 2022, Majaliwa held a brief agenda-driven meeting at the NCA hall, for leaders and closed to the public. There was confusion and thorough registering of the attendants. Two journalists were arrested and released later the same day. The local people who were locked out stayed outside the hall singing.


On 5th March 2022, Deputy Minister Mary Masanja brought a caravan of 600 women in diesel guzzling vehicles to Ngorongoro, squirting champagne, to celebrate tourism, CCM, or supposedly International Women’s Day. Meanwhile Maasai women climbed Mount Makarot to pray for their land. In early June, a similar tasteless, wasteful, and reckless spectacle was held by the CCM youth wing, UVCCM.


On 10th March 2022 in Arusha, Majaliwa held a fake meeting about Ngorongoro with Maasai from other areas, without any connection to Ngorongoro, led by the fraudster Lekisongo. At a huge protest meeting in Arash on 19th March, about both Loliondo and NCA, Lekisongo was officially cursed.


On 13th March 2022, Majaliwa made a much-publicised visit to Msomera Village in Handeni where houses were hurriedly being built to relocate Maasai from Ngorongoro, without consulting them, and without consulting residents of Msomera that’s a legally registered village.


On 25th March 2022, Damas Ndumbaro, a horrible liar, then still Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, met with ambassadors to tell them the “truth” about Ngorongoro and Loliondo, and his ministry reported that the German ambassador supported the government’s efforts in Ngorongoro, which has still not been publicly denied by any German representative.


On 3rd April 2022, the NCAA had found some real traitors to show off, unlike the previous imposters from other places than Ngorongoro, but mostly those who had already left long ago, like those that had worked in Ngorongoro for a while and were looking for a compensation deal. There were also some traitors, not for wanting to relocate, but for lending themselves to the dirty war against their own people. Then several groups – but still a very tiny minority - of in-authentic, compromised, or naïve Maasai registered to be relocated to Msomera and much paraded in media, with former MP Kaika Saning’o Telele (who in 2023 started complaining) as the worst example.


On 6th May 2022, the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues called on the government of Tanzania to immediately cease efforts to evict the Maasai people from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.


Then the president, at Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition’s own 10-year anniversary, expressed her displeasure with human rights defenders defending Ngorongoro Maasai and not her genocidal plans.


On 25th May 2022, a 60-member committee handed over reports on community recommendations to PM Kassim Majaliwa, which is what he had asked for. There was one report on NCA and one on Loliondo/Sale. The report writers weren’t shy to tell the truth and Majaliwa said that he would work on the recommendations. Majaliwa was known as a truly dangerous liar, to the extent of informing the public that the dying, or already dead, president Magufuli was hard at work with stacks on folders on his desk, and the PM would very soon get even worse, but dancing to his tune was seen as preferably anyway, when it included the opportunity to hand over reports telling the truth. Not sure what the PM had expected, or if he ever read the reports.


In June 2022 and ongoing, Loliondo was brutally and lawlessly attacked by security forces, demarcating and then evicting everyone from a fake and illegal “game reserve” (that was illegally gazetted months later). All councillors from affected wards were abducted and locked up for over 5 months, there were shootings, beatings, slashings with bayonets, rape, theft of motorbikes and telephones, destruction of houses, illegal arrests and trumped up charges, even shooting of cows, thousands fled to Kenya, everyone was supposed to squeeze into residential and agricultural areas with very insufficient grazing areas left, having to enter their own land as thieves at night for grazing, seizing and huge “fines” (extortion) on livestock that continue. Besides that this increased fear in NCA, some Maasai from Alailelai and Naiyobi wards in NCA share the Nadengare grazing area, now patrolled as a “game reserve”, with Malambo (area B of the fake GR) and have been extorted 100,000 TSh per head of cattle or 25,000 per sheep or goat. Two of them - Baraka Moson Kesoi and Raphael Oleruye Oloishiro, from Bulati – filed a criminal appeal to contest this abuse.


As the worst-case scenario became the reality in Loliondo I did not keep up with the “voluntary” relocations from NCA to other people’s land in Msomera that started in June 2022, with much celebratory Tanzanian media coverage. Hard enough was to tell people that it didn’t have anything to do with Loliondo.


On 1st July 2022, the councillor of Ngorongoro ward, Simon Saitoti, was arrested and joined to the murder charges against the Loliondo councillors that were abducted on 9th June, the eve of the brutal and illegal demarcation of a “game reserve”. They were charged, but never prosecuted, only locked up for over five months, for a killing that took place the day after they were abducted. First it was thought that Simon was arrested for being supportive of the Loliondo councillors, but then it has been revealed that he was only interrogated about investigations into hazardous replacement salt provided by NCAA.


In September 2022, NCA rangers attacked and tortured several people, among them Letee Ormunderei who was seriously injured and needed surgery for which there was fundraising. There were plans to prosecute the ranger Abraham Akyoo who brutalized Letee, but this didn’t materialize. Some say that he has been transferred to Eyasi.


A meeting was held on 12th October 2022 between government representatives and Endulen Hospital. The government plan was announced as to further suffocate key life serving services downgrading the hospital to a clinic, removing Xray and radiation services, relocating government employees and all employees above the grade of nurse assistant, removing ambulance service, delivery and mother and childcare and emergency facilities, while medical attendants should not exceed two people. Reportedly, the plan is to eventually demolish the whole hospital. Besides this, Flying Medical Service are grounded since March 2022, officially due to technical reasons, which they dispute. The numbers of unvaccinated children are growing.


On 22nd January 2023, NCAA rangers assaulted several young herders at Olmoti crater.  Some of the rangers were identified as Alais, Baby and Simony, but as far as I know, no legal action has been taken against them.


In late January 2023, the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights made a visit to Ngorongoro, Loliondo and Msomera, and it was totally, ridiculously commandeered by the Tanzanian government, that controlled every move, and only by accident did some victims of restrictions and blocked services in Ngorongoro, and some of the Msomera villagers that had been informed at gunpoint that they had to give way to the Ngorongoro migrants, get some access to the Commission  The Tanga RC could – standing right next to the passive commissioners - threaten the Msomera villagers as invaders with less rights than the Ngorongoro migrants. In Loliondo the Commission was prevented from meeting any victims at all.


On 29th March 2023, the Controller and Auditor General (CAG), Charles Kichere, announced that 2.5% of Ngorongoro households had been “relocated” at a cost of TShs 24.7 billion. In a threatening way, he said that the cost for “relocating” the remaining 22,000 households would be TShs 988 billion. The CAG did not disclose where the money is coming from.


In March 2023 I got reports about terrible violent abuse, including rape, by rangers in collusion with owners of so-called cultural bomas in Endulen and Olbalbal, against women who independently sell cultural ornaments in the Golini area. This had been going on since September 2022, and the women had also been locked up at Ngorongoro Police Station and fines had been extorted from them. Then local leaders decided to block any investigations into these crimes.


On 18th April, at a side event to the 22nd session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Tanzanian activists informed the attendants of the current state of the Loliondo evictions and the so-called “voluntary” relocations from Ngorongoro Conservation Area. The Tanzanian government was represented by Zuleikha Tambwe of the Tanzania Permanent Mission to the United Nations who would have been a better liar if she’d understood what she was supposed to lie about … On 21st April, the Tanzanian government issued “A rebuttal of claims about the so-called indigenous peoples in Tanzania”, and this was presented by UNESCO’s general secretary in Tanzania the horrible mega liar Dr. Malebo, together with Zuleikha Tambwe. The lies regarding NCA ranged from the usual population panic to using the government-created poverty against the Maasai themselves, to lying that the Msomera scam was designed in consultation with local community when the truth is that neither the Maasai in Ngorongoro not the Msomera villagers were even informed before hearing about it in anti-Maasai media, or in the Msomera case being overrun by government delegations demarcating their land for Ngorongoro migrants. The lies about Loliondo were even more insane …


In April and May 2023, the Msomera villagers started to increasingly speak up in the press about being invaded and having their land at gunpoint demarcated for Ngorongoro migrant. One of those speaking up is Sauda Kimweri who was arrested with a three-month old child for trying to prevent a Ngorongoro migrant from planting on her farm. The retired Msomera village chairman, William Kanyinge, has explained how Msomera, after having been a sub-village where people had lived since before colonial days, was registered as a full village in 1992, and how villagers had got title deeds to their own plots. In January 2022, a long caravan of vehicles, with armed escort and high government representatives, including Arusha RC, John Mongella, set up camp and started demarcation on people’s land in a very threatening way and in February 2022 Prison Services moved in to build houses for migrants from Ngorongoro.


Complaints from Ngorongoro migrants started being voiced, concerning unfulfilled promises about houses, and Msomera’s unsuitability for pastoralism. One of those who has voiced complaints is the government’s poster boy, former MP Telele.

On 17th May 2023, Vice President Philip Mpango visit Ngorongoro District to inaugurate various projects (in Loliondo and Sale divisions), mostly the Wasso-Sale road. Several youths from NCA handed over protest placards against the suffocation of social services in Ngorongoro division to the VP who picked them up and read some of them. There were reports that these youths were receiving threats.


On 19th May 2023, the Ngorongoro councillors voted in unison to reject Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan 2023-2043 (prepared, with staunch German support, to justify the massive, brutal and illegal land grab in Loliondo) and in support of a motion against the suffocation of social services in NCA, presented by Shutuk Kitamwas, councillor of Alailelai.


31st May 2023 turned into a magic evening when Noorkishili Nakero Naing’isa from Ololosokwan (Loliondo), Nengai Kilusu Laizer from Oloirobi, and advocate Joseph Oleshangai from Endulen for once could respond, there at the same venue, to the very, very malicious government lies spewed by Jestas Abouk Nyamanga, Tanzanian ambassador to Belgium, Luxembourg, and European Union Commission, and the horrible Dr. Malebo, UNESCO’s general secretary in Tanzania.


In his budget speech of early June 2023, the new Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Mohamed Mchengerwa, President Samia’s son in law, boasted about that 3,010 people from Ngorongoro had been voluntarily relocated to Msomera, to give way for “conservation”, with 15,321 heads of livestock and of how the government is showering them with houses, land and social services, including degazetting Handeni GCA so that they can take possession of the land. When the truth is that Msomera has been a registered village for decades, a sub-village before that, and its villagers informed at gunpoint that they must give way to the Ngorongoro migrants. Mchengerwa promised that there will be no turning back, no surrender, in completing this exercise which will continue to be done with “professionalism and speed”. “Let’s meet in Msomera”, he concluded.


UNESCO and the horrible Dr Malebo

As mentioned in several blog posts, on 21st March 2022, UNESCO issued a statement regarding Ngorongoro saying, “UNESCO has never at any time asked for the displacement of the Maasai people.” This was not and is not true. The Tanzanian government has through the years used UNESCO’s threats of delisting Ngorongoro Conservation Area as a World Heritage Site, its repeated population panic, and distaste for agriculture of any kind, or “modern” buildings, as an excuse to worsen the human rights situation. The most rabidly anti-Maasai press enjoy reporting about UNESCO’s support for eviction plans. UNESCO’s general secretary in Tanzania, Hamisi M. Malebo, not only supports relocation of the Maasai out of Ngorongoro Conservation Area but has in a shameless and loud way voiced support for the extremely violent and illegal demarcation of 1,500 km2 of essential grazing land in Loliondo and Sale for a “game reserve”. He is repeatedly used as the Tanzanian government’s “expert” in front of international organizations, and I have not seen any kind of indication that UNESCO would distance themselves from this individual. I’ve been informed that, while UNESCO is obviously a criminal organisation it has no legal relationship with the national UNESCO commission of Tanzania. Malebo though is having a great time using the name UNESCO and the organization has never objected.


When the genocidal Multiple Land Use Model review proposal was presented in September 2019, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) had once again visited Ngorongoro in March the same year and in their report repeated that they wanted the MLUM review completed to see the results and offer advice, while again complaining about the visual impact of settlements with “modern” houses, and so on. They also recommended the State Party to continue to, “promote and encourage voluntary resettlement by communities, consistent with the policies of the Convention and relevant international norms, from within the property to outside by 2028”.  As known, unlike recommendations about too many vehicles (the presence of which instead is loudly celebrated), the MNRT loves this kind of recommendation, and the resulting MLUM review proposal was so destructive that it would lead to the end of Maasai livelihoods and culture in Ngorongoro District, and as seen, the genocidal plan for Loliondo, including the annexation to NCA of the illegally demarcated land, has been brutally and lawlessly implemented.


As mentioned, the MLUM review report proposed to divide Ngorongoro into four zones, with an extensive “core conservation zone” that is to be a no-go zone for livestock and herders. In NCA this includes the Ngorongoro Highland Forest, with the three craters Ngorongoro, Olmoti and Empakaai where grazing these past few years has been banned through order by PM Kassim Majaliwa, not law. This has led to losing 90% of grazing and water for Nainokanoka, Ngorongoro, Misigiyo wards, and a 100% loss of natural saltlicks for livestock in these wards. The proposal is to do the same with Oldupai Gorge, Laitoli footprints, and the Lake Ndutu and Lake Masek basins. In the rest of Ngorongoro District, the proposal was for NCAA to annex the Lake Natron basin (including areas of Longido and Monduli districts, like Selela forest and Engaruka historical site) and the 1,500 km2 in Loliondo and Sale Divisions and designate most of these areas to be no-go zones for pastoralists and livestock. These huge areas include many villages and are important grazing areas, the loss of which will have disastrous knock-on effects on lives and livelihoods elsewhere. The in June 2022 implemented alienation and annexation of the 1,500 km2 in Loliondo caters almost perfectly to the wishes of OBC. Only 18% of NCA would remain for people and livestock. Is there any sincere person who would dare to say that this can be achieved through “voluntary” relocations? In Loliondo extreme violence was used and in NCA the brutality of restrictions keeps worsening to make the Maasai leave “voluntarily”.


Another example of the instigation by UNESCO is the decision about Ngorongoro in the 4 session of the “Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage World Heritage Committee” from July 2021, UNESCO is still requesting the State Party to provide information about “the status of agricultural activities in the property” when even the smallest kitchen garden had been banned since 2009, because of UNESCO’s repeated “deep concern” which has led to malnourishment. They continued being concerned with, “challenges resulting from the significant increase in the number of people residing in the property since its inscription”.


UNESCO has never expressed any concern, deep or otherwise, about that the MLUM review proposes a cultural genocide. Their partner in incitement, the IUCN, did issue a statement against the violent land alienation in Loliondo – maybe as damage control for the trophy hunting industry that the IUCN appears to be close to – but not one word from UNESCO. When you keep inciting an authoritarian government that values tourism revenue above human rights, is prone to violence and lawlessness, and full of pathological liars, to do something about too many people, you’re complicit to crime, however much you keep mentioning consultations with stakeholders and rightsholders, and international norms.


UNESCO’s general secretary in Tanzania, Dr Hamisi M. Malebo, on 28th February 2022, in a zoom meeting about developments in the tourism sector with one year of Samia Suluhu Hassan as president, explained that children in Ngorongoro can’t go to school and mothers can’t fetch firewood safely for the risk of being snatched by wild animals like lions, leopards and hyenas (in the spoken Zoom seminar he mentioned cheetahs as well!), so UNESCO’s recommendation to the government is to find the Maasai other places to live to avoid these challenges. Malebo did of course not say anything about that NCAA should stop blocking social services. This stupid crocodile-tears exaggeration has later been picked up by several government representatives and anti-Maasai journalists (again now in August 2023) while lying and inciting against Ngorongoro. So called human-wildlife conflict is not unique to Ngorongoro, which is not even the worst place, but occurs in many areas of Tanzania, not least Handeni district, besides that Ngorongoro is less deadly in many other regards, like traffic. At a public event in the European parliament on 31st May 2023, Noorkishili Nakero Naing’isa asked if people were killed by vehicles in Brussels, should everyone be relocated somewhere else?


On 28th January this year 2023, in front of the shamefully government commanded AfricanCommission for Human and People’s Rights Malebo continued in this vein defending the relocations of the Maasai to areas where they will be able to pursue economic activities “which are not permitted in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area due to its reserve status.” While at the same time denying any kind of unequal treatment of the Maasai in NCA who are obviously strangled by restrictions. Regarding Loliondo, not only did Malebo pretend that the land was not legally registered village land but lied that that it “had never been inhabited” and claimed that the government reached an “amicable decision” to leave the 1,500km2 as a wildlife corridor. So “amicable” that all councillors from affected wards were abducted the eve of the brutal and illegal demarcation!


On 21st April 2023, the Tanzanian government again used Malebo as their main liar and inciter when presenting the rather crazed “A rebuttal of claims about the so-called indigenous peoples in Tanzania”, to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Then again, on 31st May 2023, Malebo lied on behalf of the government at a public event in the European parliament. Though this was a magic event in which Maasai representatives got to respond to the lies. In May, I wrote about these two events.


Ambassador Nyamanga and the horrible Dr. Malebo.

Don’t mix up Loliondo and NCA!

Loliondo hunting block: Loliondo division plus Malambo and Piyaya wards in Sale division of Ngorongoro District. A local police state at the service of OBC – that has had the hunting block (4,000 km2) covering the whole of Loliondo and part of Sale, since 1993 - and the American Thomson Safaris that claim a private nature refuge. For many years a constant threat of robbing the Maasai of 1,500 km2 of vitally important grazing land, expecting them and their livestock to squeeze into the remaining land. Major illegal and extremely violent operations in 2009, 2017, and then the worst (and ongoing) in 2022 when the 1,500 km2 were brutally and lawlessly demarcated as protected area, evicting the Maasai. Vicious hate campaign by the reporter Manyerere Jackton since around 2010.


Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA): Ngorongoro division of Ngorongoro District. Harsh restrictions on every aspect of life under the rule of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA) and its chief conservator Freddy Manongi, instigated by UNESCO and IUCN. Blocking of funds for social services since 2021. Illegal transfer of COVID-19 funds to Msomera in Handeni to where the Maasai are supposed to relocate “voluntarily”, displacing the Msomera villagers. In 2022, a vicious hate campaign in media and in parliament. In September 2022, the management of the stolen 1,500 km2 in Loliondo was placed under the NCAA, which had been an open threat since 2019.


The Royal Tour

In Tanzania it’s still a required act of faith to attribute tourism arrivals to a cheesy travel documentary in which President Samia starred, and which can hardly have been seen by many people outside Tanzania at all. I still haven’t found anyone. This tourism cult illustrates the ideology behind sharply increased anti-Maasai violence since Samia Suluhu Hassan came into office. On 5th August, at the Africa tourism conference held in Mauritius, the Permanent Secretary to the MNRT, Hassan Abbas, was again engaging in this cult. A day later the president said that a sports bag from the Simba football club, placed on Kilimanjaro, was advertising Tanzania and joining hands with her documentary The Royal Tour. Still, several times a week Tanzanian media, full of praise, refers to The Royal Tour.  


When the president in September 2021 was to film the part showing Ngorongoro, there was heavy police deployment, and nobody was allowed near, while in other areas, like Moshi and Karatu, Samia addressed the public from atop her vehicle. Three staff members of the NGO Pastoral Women’s Council, together with the ward councillor and special sets councillor of Piyaya, and two people who were being given a lift, were detained until the evening, suspected of having planned to make protest signs out of a flip chart, and then they had present themselves to the police for further investigation.


President Samia travelled to the USA for 10 days for the premier of The Royal Tour, a “documentary” in which reporter Peter Greenberg travels a country with the head of state as his tour guide, often an authoritarian leader with no regard for human rights. The researcher Alex Dukalskis in his book Making the World Safe for Dictatorship describes President Kagame of Rwanda’s use of The Royal Tour as “authoritarian image management”, recommended by consultants who specialize in this.


The Maasai are shown off in The Royal Tour as a tourist attraction for four minutes. No other tribe or group of people are shown this interest. Greenberg mentions being fascinated by how “many villages” there are, which is a strange thing to say. Compared to where? Then it’s mentioned that, “it is not uncommon for a Maasai man to have 18-20 children”, obviously to further drive home the population panic. The Maasai are described as stubbornly clinging on to their ancient ways, but that they will be forced to change. The president calls the Maasai “newest arrivals”. Greenberg uses the word “primitive” about the Maasai. Similarly out of touch is a kind of joke about Maasai women being impressed by Greenberg jumping. President Samia uses the word “genocide” earlier in the film, but then she’s referring to elephants …



Meanwhile, there’s a terrible silence in Loliondo. Judging by earlier silences, this does not mean that nothing is happening, and much less that everything is good.


I can’t think of any better international action against the President Samia’s war on the Maasai than a total tourism boycott.


Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com







Manhunt in Endulen, Abducted MP, Tundu Lissu Blocked from Visiting Ngorongoro Conservation Area, and Maasai Protesting the Tanzanian Government’s War Against Them



Tundu Lissu made a glorious visit, against police orders, to Ololosokwan and Wasso, and was then illegally stopped from visiting Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Before that I had spent too long writing about other issues, mostly about how the Tanzanian government/Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA) responded to over a weeklong peaceful protests demanding a permit to renovate Ndian Primary School in Nasipooriong’, Endulen ward in Ngorongoro division/NCA some of which was also covered in the previous blog post. The response is increased disinformation propaganda in media (from an already high level), sending to Endulen market government provocateurs that since early 2022 have engaged in an ethnic hatred campaign against the Maasai, and then mass abduction of any man found in Endulen ward, the elderly, the sick, the very young, with the “excuse” that they would have participated when Maasai warriors chased away the government provocateurs. 31 of those first abducted were for over a week held incommunicado and not taken to court. Even Emmanuel Oleshangai, MP for Ngorongoro, was arrested/abducted for almost three days. Then followed several other arrests/abductions, including that of village leaders. Violence, destruction, and theft by the rangers and police is an integral part of the operation. The denial of renovation permits is a tool in the government’s concerted efforts to by suffocation via restrictions and blocking of social services make life unbearable so that the Maasai “voluntarily” move out of Ngorongoro. Another round of threats and arrests followed massive protests, mostly by women, against the government’s blocking of Tundu Lissu from visiting NCA.


This is not to be confused with Loliondo/Sale divisions where the government is using other strategies in its war against the Maasai, with a brutal military attack to demarcate a 1,500 km2“game reserve” in 2022, after many years of lobbying by OBC that organize hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, a local police state, several mass arson operations, “arrests” for the sake of intimidation, and on the eve of the illegal demarcation, abduction for over five months of councillors from the affected wards. Now the government and its German donors and facilitators are working hard to make local leaders accept fake and forced legitimation of this crime, which the councillors rejected, for the second time, on 9th September. 

Though it seems like the government is moving towards Loliondo-style tactics also in the NCA case.

There are several ongoing court cases against the brutal and lawless Loliondo land theft. The ruling in the judicial review challenging former Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana's cruel and unlawful GN No.421 is scheduled for tomorrow 19th September. Unless it’s again postponed, I must very soon write a new blog post about Loliondo. This one is mostly about NCA (Ngorongoro division). Update: Good news! The "Pololeti GCA" does not exist, which must meant that the "Pololeti GR" also does not exist!

EU parliamentarians who were to visit Ngorongoro and Loliondo were 24 hours before their departure, stopped by the Tanzanian government.


I fear there are important aspects that I’ve missed, but this blog post is already too delayed.


In this blog post:

Reminder of the protests at Nian Primary School

NCAA’s journalists kept “reporting”

Genocidal inciter chased form Endulen market

Manhunt in Endulen

Abduction of the MP

More government disinformation and propaganda

Visit by EU parliamentarians blocked by the government

Magic visit by Tundu Lissu cut short by the police

Manongi lying about ranger violence against Joshua Olepatorro

Flying Medical Service are back, at least temporarily

Cabinet reshuffle

Very brief background

Loliondo in next blog post

 Updates at the end.

Reminder of the protests at Ndian Primary School

As reported in the previous blog post, from 31st July to 8th August people gathered to hold protests at Ndian Primary School in Nasipooriong’ village, Endulen ward.  Villagers said they would not leave until they’d got a permit to repair the school with walls so cracked that it’s unsafe for schoolchildren to stay there during heavy rains. As known, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA), in its cruel UNESCO-instigated, and tourism-cult fuelled efforts to make the Maasai “relocate”, since 2021 is refusing to grant any permits for building or renovation. There were protest placards, chants, songs of prayer, and marches to block the Endulen-Ndutu road.


The Ndian headteacher, Ibrahim Mtunguja, received threats while the Nasipooriong’ village chairman, Kunaay Nakuta, and Endulen laigwanani of the Nyangulo age set (current warriors), Koising'et Olekoika, got calls summoning them to Endulen police station. At Endulen market on 2nd August the police attempted to capture the chairman, which led to a people’s march to the police station to free him, which was successful, and the police ran away. Otherwise, the police were present at the protests, but without intimidating anyone.


On the 5th the Maasai protestors started building a tented classroom for class seven, while waiting for the permit. However, the following day NCA rangers demolished the tented classroom and were by force taking young men’s phones in Endulen ward to find out who was sharing photos and clips from the protests.


On the 3rd there was a meeting with people – not sure exactly who - sent from the district council who were informed that the protests would continue until there was a permit. The protestors wanted high government officials to listen, which did of course not happen. The human rights criminals, Ngorongoro DC Raymond Mwangwala and Arusha RC John Mongella refused to in any way acknowledge that the protests were going on. Ngorongoro MP Emmanuel Oleshangai attended and promised to provide feedback about the permit on 18th August, and the protesters decided to wait for that, but were overtaken by events, terrible events. On 11th August there were reports of a mason, sent by unknown people, doing renovation evaluation at Ndian Primary School.


NCAA’s journalists kept “reporting”

As usual, the NCAA brought journalists to report that the Maasai wanted relocations to Msomera speeded up, and as usual, this is the material that the regular press published. Since early 2022 this kind of reporting, which isn’t new, is sped up into a frenzy of ethnic hatred, led by the editor/owner of the Jamvi la Habari newspaper, Habib Mchange, that used to focus on fabrications and slander about opposition politicians, and reporting about Mchange himself as the coordinator or director of different organizations that he apparently hoped for the government to contract. In early 2022, he hit jackpot with the organization MECIRA, an environmental organization for journalists with its sole focus on evicting the Maasai from Ngorongoro (later it was also contracted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism against pastoralists in Mbarali). Mchange was joined by the stupidly screaming sports presenter turned frontpage reviewer turned inciter of ethnic hatred, Maulid Kitenge, and the old anti-Maasai Jamhuri paper with Manyerere Jackton and Deusdatus Balile.


Manyerere Jackton has since around 2010, in over 60 articles, incited against the Maasai of Loliondo and for having them evicted from OBC’s core hunting area, which was brutally and illegally done in 2022. This “journalist” besides painting the Loliondo Maasai as non-Tanzanian and destructive, in the craziest way slandered everyone he remotely suspected of being able to speak up (this blogger very much included), openly boasted about being directly involved in illegal arrests of innocent people and sent strange one-liner emails when such arrests took place, while also fabricating stories for apparently no reason at all. Jackton’s colleague at the Jamhuri, editor Deusdatus Balile also joined MECIRA. Balile is chairperson of the Tanzania Editors Forum. On 13th February 2022, the new anti-Maasai organisation held a press conference, in which Balile announced that there were no graves in Ngorongoro and that the Maasai feed their sick and dying relatives to predators, among other insane hate propaganda, that was repeated in a three-hour parliamentary debate in which parliamentarians competed at who could make up the sickest stories about the Maasai, and literally call for sending tanks to Ngorongoro. The Darmpya online news (now Jambo tv), asked questions, like how come the “allowances” for attending the press conference were so extraordinary heavy, who funded it, and for what purpose.


Maulid Kitenge, with his colleague Oscar Oscar, arrived in Ngorongoro, apparently for the first time, in early February 2022, screaming like a pig in heat, as a dear friend of mine has described it, about everything he saw, basically including his own shadow, as something terrible and that the Maasai must be evicted – and so he has kept on. Like all enemies of the Ngorongoro Maasai, these “journalists”, from areas immensely more populated, engage in a population panic and painting the Maasai as destructive, primitive and backwards, at the same time as screaming about modern houses (never about the obscene luxury lodges) and pretending that the livestock belong to rich people from elsewhere. Then they cry crocodile tears about the lack of social services, when those are since 2021, when President Samia came into office, being very purposefully blocked by the cruel and criminal government that want to get rid of the Maasai. Attacks by wildlife make Kitenge (and the rest of the lying criminals, not least the Tanzanian UNESCO secretary Malebo) get into an ecstatic, screaming frenzy. They love such news and will pick up cases from years back, while ignoring that it’s a bigger problem in many areas of Tanzania, not least Handeni district to where they want the Maasai to relocate. As the relocations to Msomera began, the “journalists” report about everything that the Maasai get in the new location that they can’t have in Ngorongoro, ignoring who’s restricting them in Ngorongoro and why, that Msomera is other people’s land, and that not only the Msomera villagers, but also some of the government’s favourite migrants have started complaining, including the poster boy, former MP Telele.


There’s a lot more to say about such “journalists”, but they are clearly a creation of the NCAA and its chief conservator Manongi. To return to the protests at Ndian Primary School, the “journalists” were again sent to Ngorongoro – to report about three individuals who wanted relocations speeded up … not to report on several days of protest against the suffocations to make life unbearable for the Maasai with the aim to make them relocate. According to the Controller and Auditor General 2.5% of NCA households have been relocated. There are also some who have registered for relocation, maybe sold their belonging, but their relocation keeps getting delayed. Then NCAA/government uses this creation of their own to broadcast the message that “the Maasai want to be relocated”. The Jamvi la Habari used old pictures from Loliondo on their frontpage, to fake that there would have been a big manifestation in favour of relocations, and even a close-up of Kijoolu Kakiya, special seats councillor from Piyaya in Sale – not NCA/Ngorongoro division – who was abducted for over five months when massive land was brutally and illegally stolen in Loliondo. Kijoolu usually speaks up for land rights and has also spoken up against the restrictions in NCA, particularly about life-threatening effects on women and children who are missing vaccines and die when not able to reach hospital for childbirth. Then the journalists were off to Kapenjiro village where some placards-carrying people had been arranged. These people were thankful to the government for the opportunity of moving to Msomera, where there’s agriculture and social services, unlike in the terrible Ngorongoro, at the same time as angry with those speaking up against the suffocating restrictions and illegal blocking of social services … The message was that those were “NGOs” and people from other places (this blogger included, even if I doubt that any of the placard bearers know who I am). That’s the message that the government/NCAA want to drive through. That there are Maasai who want to relocate, and selfish people who want to stop them. In Kapenjiro, NCAA have teamed up with a most horrible traitors called Ndwala Ngoishiye.


Genocidal inciter chased from Endulen market

On 15th August, Habib Mchange appeared unannounced at the busy Endulen market, in a NCAA vehicle, carrying loudspeakers, with other “journalists” and “government employees”. In front of gathered children he started haranguing people about relocating out of NCA. Speaking on behalf of the government, he screamed that “we” now allow you relocate to Kitwai or wherever you want. Reportedly, Mchange’s gang were then chased away by some 200 Maasai warriors. Mchange himself, Ferdinand Shayo from ITV, the freelancer Denis Msacky, and the traitor Ndwala Ngoishiye who was there as a translator were taken to hospital in Karatu, not Endulen hospital that the government is doing its best to strangle and downgrade. Not even the NCAA statement the same evening pretended that Mchange had been doing journalistic work, but “providing education to those who have registered to relocate”. Still, much of the press pretended that it was a case of journalism, as did the NCAA in a later statement. The NCAA statement also said that “in collaboration with the police, the Ngorongoro Conservation Authority is looking for all those involved in this incident and legal action will be taken against them”.


To Mchange’s colleague in genocidal incitement, Maulid Kitenge of Wasafi tv, the Ngorongoro DC, human rights criminal (see earlier posts about Loliondo) Raymond Mwangwala, kept to the message of the NCAA statement and added that everything was peaceful, with no disturbance to tourism.


The government's main enforcer of the war against the Maasai of Ngorongoro, and Loliondo, Arusha RC John Mongella, made a hospital visit to check on his genocidal inciters. At the same time, he ordered the Arusha Regional Police to hunt down and arrest everyone involved in the incident.


On 16th August the frontpage of the Jamvi la Habari said, “The Ngorongoro MP plans murder strategies”. To other media MP Shangai patiently explained that he had left the market before the disturbances started and does not support taking the law into your own hands. It is indeed unlikely that he would have been involved, but if he had, he’d deserve a medal.


Most Tanzanians in social media supported the action taken by the warriors - as it was described by Habib Mchange's dramatization - and regretted that Maulid Kitenge had not been present. This is how low “journalism” in Tanzania has sunk. I suppose Kitenge was mentioned since he’s the loudest and most visible of the instigators of ethnic hatred, and because he has also used his pig-in-heat style to defend the very dodgy deal with the Dubai state-owned company DP World to control Tanzanian mainland ports, while critics of this deal are being threatened, harassed and arrested.


Manhunt in Endulen

On 16th August, some 30 vehicles were seen at the Endulen NCAA zonal office, including FFU anti-riot police. The police searched the homes of the Endulen village chairman, Thomas Oltwati, and CCM ward chairman, Moses Oleseki, but could not find them. They arrested a young man named Larasha Olenginina in his shop and first took him to the Endulen NCAA office, instead of taking him to Endulen police station.


NCA rangers and police started searching every single boma in Endulen ward, arresting every man that they could find. Most were already hiding and sleeping in the bush, so among those arrested were Daniel Olewanga who has just been released from hospital with TB, a man born with mental illness, old men and young boys, and even a non-Maasai shopkeeper who was accused of assisting the Maasai to stay in NCA. Daniel Olewanga was not allowed to take his medicine with him, he had tried to keep away from people to avoid transmitting TB to them, but was locked up in a cell with over 30 others. NCA rangers were firing bullets aimlessly, and towards specific people while chasing them, and NCA vehicles hidden in the bush along the road to ambush any man they could find. Reports about sexual assault against women during the manhunt – publicly denounced by women in Endulen on 24th August - are being investigated. It was first unclear to where those abducted had been taken, then it was found that some were at Manyara Kibaoni and some at Karatu police station. Some were also held at Ngorongoro Police Station. Most were badly beaten and the NCA rangers had special “greeting” that they used on those arrested, and which consists if slapping both ears at the same time, leading to temporary loss of hearing. Some of those arrested fainted because of this “greeting”. Some were tortured with cold water, and several, most it seems, were ordered to kiss the police cell wall and tell it, “I love you”. All were questioned about why they are resisting relocation out of Ngorongoro, and about who is organizing this resistance. Most were asked about who was organizing the protests at Ndian Primary School.

 Women's protest on 24th August. They are NOT relocating and President Samia got cursed.

On 21st August Odero Odero of Civil and Legal Aid issued a press statement and several Ngorongoro youths, Kisota Mollel, Melobo Ndara Poshe and Ezekiel Olemangi, held a press conference.


A habeas corpus was filed on the 21st and the following day lawyers could see the abducted men who had been terribly beaten and interrogated about why they were refusing to relocate to Msomera. On 24th August, they were released on bail - after over a week of illegal detention and maltreatment - the day after the Ngorongoro MP was released after almost three days (see below). 

Finally released on bail.

In a slightly separate and confusing (nobody has explained it properly) abduction, Mzee Peter Parsais, CCM chairman of Naiyobi ward – home of the traitor Ndwala Ngoishiye - was taken by NCA rangers on 19th August. Two NCAA vehicles were searching for Peter, the rangers arrived at his house and told his wife that they wanted to personally deliver a letter from CCM Arusha Region, so they wife told them where he was. The rangers took Peter’s stick and sword and took him away without telling to where. Later it was found that Peter was being held at a “safe house” with Tanzania Intelligence Services, and he was released on 24th August.


Meanwhile, Minister Mchengerwa inaugurated the second phase of relocation to Msomera and warned anyone “sabotaging” the exercise.


Denis Peshut from Endulen was in the morning of 29th August abducted and at noon found at Karatu Police Station to where everyone is currently being taken instead of Loliondo Police Station that’s the police headquarters in Ngorongoro district. He was denied bail since the Officer Commanding Station claimed that the police can't interfere with the NCAA intelligence unit. Denis was interrogated about the protests at Ndian Primary School, the chasing of government provocateurs at Endulen market, and the women's protest during the paramilitary hunt of any man in Endulen not fast enough. On 31st August he was finally granted bail. 


The night leading to 1st September, NCA rangers and police arrived in Ormekeke sub-village in a vehicle from the NCA Endulen zone, driven by Emmanuel Telele who’s employed by the NCA Alaitole zone. The security forces invaded the homes of the Nasipooriong’ village chairman, Kunaay Nakuta, and the Ormekeke sub-village chairman and traditional leader, Oreteti Olenjorio (not to be confused with his brother Ngakenya) by breaking the doors and destroying property. They slapped and insulted the village chairman’s wife. They also broke the doors of several relatives to those leaders, including the mother of the village chairman. After not being able to find the village chairman, the rangers stole ten buckets of honeythat belonged to him. Women were shocked and children ran away.


The rangers and police continued to Alaitole where the same night they arrested the ward councillor, James Moringe who had attended the protests at Ndian Primary School. Also arrested was the traditional leader Petei Ketaika. Both are of the Landiss age-set that are very middle-aged. The rangers and police could not find the Endulen village chairman. These two were taken to Karatu and in the afternoon they were released on bail. 


The arrests of men from Endulen ward continued on 4th September when Nyangulo traditional leader Zakayo Ponja was abducted from his place of work at a tourist camp in Serengeti and taken to Karatu Police Station. Zakayo can still not hear well after being tortured and he has pain and swelling in his chest. Ngakenya Olenjorio, CCM Secretary Endulen Ward, Moses Oleseki, CCM Ward Chairman, and Thomas Oltwati, Endulen Village Chairman were summoned by the Ngorongoro officer commanding station to report at Karatu Police Station and when they arrived, they were arrested.


Why Karatu and not Ngorongoro or district police headquarters in Loliondo town? Not only the police district headquarters, but the district council, the DC’s office, everything, is found in Loliondo/Wasso towns. The only thing that since May 2021 is located in the neighbouring Karatu district, is the NCAA headquarters, and the NCAA is clearly leading and directing the police work. So far 46 people have been interrogated without legal representation, forced to sign statements that that have not been read to them, and held for longer than stipulated by the law, in some cases more than a week incommunicado. Many of them have been severely beaten. Today, 18th September, they had to report at the police stations again, most of them at Karatu Police Station, to where all are supposed to return on the 21st for a “final decision”.


Abduction of the MP

On 20th August, the MP for Ngorongoro, Emmanuel Oleshangai, posted a letter in social media saying that his life and his family were in danger. The previous night, rangers had invaded his home, disturbed his family and issued threats to his life. The leader of the patrol, who was wearing a red t-shirt, said that if the MP was found, they should shoot him in the leg, or wherever, so that the job would be finished. His mother had fainted and still not recovered. After this, Shangai phoned the Ngorongoro district investigation officer Kwakaya to tell him that if they needed him, they should stop disturbing his family. Kwakaya told him to come to Karatu for questioning, which surprised the MP, since the district headquarters in Loliondo would have been expected. However, in the afternoon police in three vehicles again arrived at his home with the aim of arresting his wife, who’s innocent. So, he wanted to inform Ngorongoro resident and Tanzanians in general that is life is in trouble and security is not good. He explained that the problem stemmed from the accusations in the Jamvi la Habari that he’d been involved in violence at Endulen market, which he has already explained to media, and if the police wanted his statement, they should summon him for that and not come to his home with guns.


Shangai said that, if anything happens to him, we should know that it is at the instructions of the DC of Ngorongoro, Raymond Mwangwala and the RC of Arusha, John Mongella. I’d say, we should keep that (and who is the boss of those two) in mind regarding everything that happens in Ngorongoro.


On 21st August MP Shangai was on his way, together with several lawyers, to the Regional Crime Officer (RCO) in Arusha but was told that the RCO was busy and that he should instead report at the District Police Station in Karatu. They turned back, but at Rhotia (Marera), near Karatu, the road was blocked by a NCA vehicle and another vehicle with police officers. The MP was arrested and taken to Karatu Police Station to where he was already on his way.


At Karatu police station the MP was interrogated until past midnight. Among many other people, the Officers Commanding District of Ngorongoro and Karatu were present at the station. The accusation was about injuring the inciter of ethnic hatred at Endulen market. Then the MP’s lawyers were asked to leave and come back the following morning when he would be granted bail.


When the lawyers returned with tea for the MP in the morning, he was no longer at Karatu police station. The police officers said that he had been transferred in the middle of the night, on order by higher authorities, but they didn’t know where. The lawyers went to court to enquire but was told that the MP had not been brought. Then they went to Chekereni and Tengeru police stations without finding him. At Arusha Tourism and Diplomatic Police Station they were told to direct their questions to the RCO, but he was not available. The lawyers held a press conference about the MP and about the 31 men who had been locked up for a week and who had been tortured. Another night passed with MP Shangai’s whereabouts unknown.


The following day a habeas corpus was filed and in the evening MP Emmanuel Oleshangai was released on bail. Unlike the other arrested people from Endulen, he had been treated well, but had refused food during the whole abduction. I suppose this was because he feared for his life.


On 25th August there was a multitudinous reception of MP Olehsangai upon his return home to Endulen.


More government disinformation and propaganda

On 22nd August, while the Ngorongoro MP and over 31 abducted men from Endulen were being held incommunicado, NCA Chief Conservator Manongi, his deputy Bajuta, Minister Mchengerwa, Arusha RC Mongella, the Tanzanian UNESCO secretary, the horrible Dr Malebo,  Deputy Permanent Representative to the Tanzania Mission to the UN in Geneva, Hoyce Temu, the shameless Chairperson of the National Council of NGOs, Lilian Badi, the government’s favourite traitor from Kapenjiro, Ndwala Ngoishiye, and other criminals held yet another disinformation conference for media. I haven’t listened attentively to it all, but judging from what was reported by such outlets as the Daily News, East Africa tv and others, they went on with the same old propaganda, without touching on the ongoing manhunt, including abduction of the MP, in Endulen. There was population panic and insulting ethnic profiling of the Maasai, but mostly crocodile tears over how terrible everything is in Ngorongoro and how generous the government is helping the Maasai to relocate “voluntary”, which so many are registered for, and as perverse as usual was the silence about suffocating restrictions and blocking of social services as a strategy to very purposefully get rid of the Maasai. As usual, Dr. Malebo went on and on about wild predators eating the Maasai, and he listed every disease found in Ngorongoro (and of course elsewhere …) Still, UNESCO have not distanced themselves in any way from this individual.


Every day there are articles about how the Maasai in Ngorongoro want the relocation process speeded up, about how wonderful Msomera is, or how terrible Ngorongoro is. Sometimes the latter could be written by serious people instead of government campaigners, but then as a description of government policy and not about something the government is saving the Maasai from by relocating them. Regularly, lately several time a week, it seems, NCAA are bringing so-called “journalists” to Ngorongoro and Msomera. 

On 29th August there was a particularly bizarre case of reporting. The Maasai, besides the usual government message, were supposedly asking for forgiveness for “attacking journalists”. The statement was read by Ndwala Ngoishiye who technically is a “victim” of said attacks, since he was taken to hospital in Karatu, after acting as translator of the incitement.


Social media trolls calling for the relocation of the Ngorongoro Maasai have increased their presence in September.


Visit by EU parliamentarians blocked by the government

Three Green European Union parliamentarians - Michèle Rivasi, Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana, Claude Gruffat - were on 4th September due to travel to Ngorongoro and Loliondo as part of an independent observation mission, but 24 hours before departure, the Tanzanian government, through its ambassador to the EU, said it had decided to “defer this visit to a later date”. The EU parliamentarians were by ambassador Jestas Abouk Nyamanga promised that they’d be allowed to carry out this independent mission during an event at the EU parliament in May, in which the ambassador and the horrible Dr. Malebo were lying their heads off as usual, but at this same event, uniquely and in the most wonderful way, the Maasai representatives, Joseph Oleshangay, Nengai Kilusu Laizer, Noorkishili Nakero Naing’isa were able to set the record straight, right there at the same venue.


Apparently, the Tanzanian government had proposed a totally government commandeered visit, which was rejected by the EU parliamentarians, who were then no longer welcome, 24 hours before departure. The same happened to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous People, Francisco Calí Tzay, in December 2022. Unlike the EU parliamentarians, the rapporteur unfortunately did not issue a press statement, so Ambassador Nyamanga lied (one of his milder lies …) about him, saying that he had not come to Tanzania since allegations were unsubstantiated, as had been seen by the African Commission of Human and People’s Rights commissioners. That disgraceful ACHPR commission did indeed accept being commandeered by the Tanzanian government (described in several blog posts) and did not meet one single victim, or even an independent voice in Loliondo, and in Msomera the commissioners, some of whom were Swahili-speakers, passively sat next to the Tanga RC when he talked in a threatening way to the Msomera villagers. ACHPR have not released a report but a brief final communiqué recognises some problems, while praising the Tanzanian government …


For a quick reminder of the quite insane lies told by Tanzanian diplomats, who have apparently all been instructed to make fools of themselves: they claim terra nullius, that Loliondo has never been inhabited and is a protected area since German colonial times, that the demarcation was done in friendly agreement with the Maasai (so friendly that all councillors of affected wards were abducted on the eve of the demarcation, and kept abducted for over five months …), that the Ngorongoro Maasai are relocated so that they won’t keep getting eaten by wild animals, and that social services have been cut after relocation, since the population has diminished! And the Maasai are of course Kenyans, and so on.


Magic visit by Tundu Lissu cut short by the police

The deputy chairman of the opposition party CHADEMA, Tundu Lissu, peppered with 16 bullets in 2017 – which has still not been investigated - with over 20 surgeries, and a long-time ally of the Maasai, was to hold rallies in Loliondo and Ngorongoro on 8th (Ololosokwan, Wasso, Loosoito) and 9th (Mokilal, Endulen, Alailelai) September. CHADEMA sent a letter to inform the Officer Commanding District (OCD) Ngorongoro of these rallies but got the reply that in Ngorongoro Conservation Area a permit from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority is needed and that in Loliondo division, according to information, political activities, especially public rallies, are not permitted. Lissu declared that Ngorongoro was not a prison and the Maasai not its inmates, so he was going anyway.


Lissu’s entourage had been holding several rallies in Mara region, and for some reason that only seemed to bother me, and nobody else, they set out late from Mugumu, later than the announced arrival time in Ololosokwan, and it’s a 3-hour drive through Serengeti National Park.


The reception in Ololosokwan was overwhelming. People had been urged and threatened not to turn up, and there had been some sabotage to preparations, but despite of fuel prices, there was a long caravan of motorcycles receiving Lissu and people ran next to the CHADEMA vehicles for kilometres. They had been left alone with their tormentors for very long, and those in contact with people on the ground know the damage that this has done. Lissu did not show a detailed knowledge about the brutal and illegal demarcation of a “Pololeti Game Reserve” but enquired with young attendants and admonished them to have detailed statistics at hand. Though I’ve only seen short clips with bad sound from Ololosokwan. Lissu was presented a gift by the disappeared Orias Oleng’iyo daughter. A young man, one of many who were was illegally locked up in remand prison for almost six months at the start of the military attack on Loliondo, has gone through a radical personality change to the better after meeting Lissu. The police did not disturb this meeting.


Unsurprisingly, Maulid Kitenge shared a video clip of an almost deserted market area in Ololosokwan, lying that this was what Lissu had encountered.


Then the entourage was off to Wasso where another very well-attended rally was held, but maybe not with the same emotional significance in this town further from the stolen land and with many non-pastoralist inhabitants. The Maasai presence was however overwhelming in Wasso as well. The speech from Wasso is better documented, among other issues, Lissu mentioned that he had been speaking up for Ngorongoro when the two Ngorongoro MPs that he coincided with in parliament decided to stay silent. The message was that many people around the world care about what’s happening, the people of Ngorongoro are not alone. The police stayed passive.


Another meeting, in Loosoito (some mention Arash), was on the timetable, but it was already too late, and upon leaving Wasso, one of the CHADEMA vehicles hit a cow that instantly died, and the car was destroyed. The CHADEMA leaders drove to Karatu instead where they must have arrived very late at night, or early morning.


On the 9th, three meetings in NCA were scheduled. The CHADEMA leaders went to the NCAA headquarters in Karatu where they were told to obtain permits at Lodoare gate but were then stopped by the police some 12 kilometres before reaching the gate. At the same time, at the gate, Ngorongoro residents were blocked from returning home, even after paying entrance fees, as Joseph Oleshangay has reported about. Lissu’s entourage decided to sit down to block the Karatu road until they’d be allowed access to NCA. The huge waiting crowds in Mokilal, Endulen and Alailelai organized prayers and protests. After a standoff Lissu’s blockade of the Karatu road was broken off with teargas. Ng’atait ole Babu from Endulen who was travelling with the CHADEMA leaders was arrested. Lissu made a call with a message to the waiting Maasai that he’ll be back, that they aren’t alone, that Ngorongoro isn’t a prison and they aren’t its inmates, that they have the same rights as any Tanzanian, that those abusing them are violating the law, that they should stay strong and not be silenced, that “that mama” will be defeated.


Early next morning, Lissu, and those travelling with him, CHADEMA leaders, guards, and a journalist, were arrested, and so were the Karatu CHADEMA leadership. The location where Lissu was being held was not known until the evening when he was presented at Arusha police station. He had first been taken to Monduli. The accusations against Lissu are about illegal assembly and obstructing police work. He will be back to Ngorongoro.


Maasai women continued protests and a heavy presence of the anti-riot Field Force Unit descended upon them with threats. A police commander – some say he’s the Arusha RPC, but I haven’t been able to confirm – is seen in a clip threatening the Maasai not to make him hurt them. Two women, suspected by the NCAA of having organized the protests were arrested: Glory Julius and Noonguta Peshut. First they were driven to Karatu and then back to Ngorongoro where they were granted bail in the evening. Glory was during the arrest kicked, beaten with a stick, slapped and insulted, and for 12 hours she was not allowed to breastfeed her one-year-old child. Glory was on 24th August seen in social media clips of the women’s protests refusing to relocate to Msomera, and in which President Samia was cursed. Noonguta, who’s 66 years old, was pushed around badly, and hurt her back.

On 11th September social media accounts of the Ngorongoro DC, and of the district council shared a most disturbing picture with a text saying that Ololosokwan village council members, community development experts and conservationists from NCAA and the district council had done training on development projects and conservation “benefitting from Pololeti Game Reserve". The councillor Moloimet Saing'eu is in the picture. Some say that the village council members strongly deny having agreed to anything at all. Anyway, such government moves aren't damage control for CCM, but the contrary, escalating party desertion. 


There were reports on 12th September that police and rangers were seen approaching the Maasai elderly women asking them to bless them after the highest level of curse they were given on 10th September which can't be taken away by any means when given out. They got this curse when beating and insulting the women. The results are supposed to be turning crazy or dying a natural death. The curse on President Samia on 24th August was of similar strength.


Esupat Moses, born and bred in Endulen, as were her grandparents, was on 14th September arrested and locked up for 9 hours, accused of not being a resident of Ngorongoro. This is intimidation, and intimidation only.


I remember that on Election Day, 28th October 2020, non-party affiliated 23-year Salula Ngorisiolo was shot to death when NCAA rangers and police opened fire at unarmed voters who were protesting open and shameless election fraud at Oloirobi polling station in Ngorongoro ward. No Ngorongoro leaders at all have denounced this murder.


Manongi lying about ranger violence against Joshua Olepatorro

On 25th August, in a NCAA statement and in a video clip of chief conservator Manongi it was claimed that NCAA had met with the Nainokanoka village leadership and with the police, and that there were no testimonies at all saying that a ranger would have smashed out 15-year-old Joshua Olepatorro’s upper front teeth. Manongi went as far as saying that his rangers can’t do such a thing and have never done such a thing. This contrasts sharply with decades of testimonies of ranger violence in NCA, and elsewhere, everywere actually, in Tanzania. The following day there was a reply by Nainokanoka councillor Edward Maura and the village government setting the record straight regarding Manongi’s disinformation propaganda.


As reported earlier in this blog, on 13th July, Joshua Olepatorro – described as 15-year old, but looks younger - from Nainokanoka was attacked by NCAA rangers when returning from having grazed cows in Olmoti crater together with other young herders who all ran upon the sight of rangers. The rangers got hold of Joshua and one of them - identified by Joshua as Elibariki Israel Namungu - beat him with the butt of his gun, so that three of his upper front teeth were smashed out, and then they left him there in the bush, until he was picked up by his friends. Unlike other cases of ranger violence, this case received some limited media attention. The Nainokanoka councillor and the village chairman have already spoken to the press, and so has Joshua’s mother, and Joshua himself. The brutal assault has been reported to the police (NGO/RB/125/2023), but nobody has been arrested.


The Oakland Institute have also uploaded a video clip of Joshua and his mother. Joshua says that that the attack is common behaviour of rangers towards young herders. It’s what rangers do. His mother adds, “they hate us, they don’t want us here.” She’s determined to stand firm and get justice for her son, and she asks the president who’s a mother like her if she can feel the pain of her son.


Flying Medical Service are back, at least temporarily

In late August 2023, Flying Medical service got a temporary clearance to fly again. In social media, they reported that for reasons not made known to them, Flying Medical Service the only non-profit Air Ambulance Service in Tanzania, was grounded for the last 16 months by the ministry of health and the Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority.

“During those 16 empty months, we had to totally unnecessarily refuse to fly 146 emergency flight requests, not treat more than 9,294 patients, not vaccinate more than 31,628 children, not examine 7,192 pregnant women, not treat 231 TB patients, and not treat 102 HIV patients.”

As late as 27th August a pregnant woman died at the hospital gates in Arusha, over a day after having requested and been denied an ambulance flight. 

Cabinet reshuffle

In yet another one of her frequent cabinet reshuffles, the president transferred her son in law Mohammed Mchengerwa to become Minister of State in the President's Office in charge of Local Governments. This is allegedly in “preparation” for the 2025 elections. His time as Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism was brief, but nasty. New Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism is Angellah Kariuki. Mary Masanja was removed as deputy minister. Masanja has in a most rude and vulgar way for a couple of years represented the government’s anti-pastoralism and tourism cult. Apparently Masanja has not been transferred anywhere. Dunstan Luka Kitandula is new deputy minister. Damas Ndumbaro who first as Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism and then as minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs has been very active in the war against the Maasai, particularly in lying to foreign diplomats about Loliondo and Ngorongoro, is now Minister of Culture, Arts and Sport.


Very brief background

See the previous blog post for a more detailed background.

All permits for construction or renovation of schools or health facilities in the 25 villages of NCA, even those already with government funds in their accounts, or third-party donations, have since 2021 been denied by the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority and since 2022 there’s a drive to manipulate the in every way suffocated Maasai to relocate to other people’s land, that in no way can accommodate pastoralism, 600 kilometres away. These are not the first restrictions or eviction efforts, but the worst. There’s a population panic – used as an excuse for any human rights violations - on part of the government and some international organizations, notably UNESCO (see earlier blog posts) even when Ngorongoro is less densely populated than most areas of Tanzania and has become a huge tourism money-maker for government coffers and deep pockets, with the Maasai living there, in their land.


The Maasai already lost access to over 14,000 km2 when evicted from Serengeti in 1959 by the colonial government – accompanied by Bernhard Grzimek’s rallying cry, “Serengeti Shall Not Die” (this Nazi-party member also wanted the Maasai out of Ngorongoro and is still revered by the German embassy in Tanzania) -  and as a compromise deal, they were guaranteed the right to continue occupying the 8,292 km² Ngorongoro Conservation Area as a multiple land-use area administered by the government, in which natural resources would be conserved primarily for their interest, but with due regard for wildlife, and in case of conflict the interest of the Maasai would take precedence. This promise was not kept, and tourism revenue, as seen again and again, has turned into the paramount interest, with restrictions for the Ngorongoro Maasai.


In 1975, after a change in the NCA Act in 1974, the Maasai were brutally evicted from residing in Ngorongoro Crater and all cultivation was prohibited. The cultivation ban was lifted in 1992, but brought back in 2009 (or 2008), to the whole of NCA, after many “grave concerns” in the recommendations by UNESCO and IUCN. Now not even the smallest kitchen garden is allowed, which together with loss of access to grazing areas has led to malnutrition. The Maasai are not allowed to build permanent houses and suffer all kinds of harassment by NCA rangers, that want to restrict motorbikes, building materials, and demanding permits for just anything, including demanding ID for the Maasai to pass Lodoare gate.


After a visit by PM Majaliwa in December 2016, the Maasai lost access to the three craters Ngorongoro, Olmoti, and Empakaai, which has led the loss of 90% of grazing and water for Nainokanoka, Ngorongoro, Misigiyo wards, and a 100% loss of natural saltlicks for livestock in these wards. This was done through order and not any change in the law. Replacement salt donated by the NCAA was found to be substandard, adulterated, and lead to the death of many cows.


In September 2019, the notorious chief conservator Freddy Manongi made public a Multiple Land Use Model review proposal, which was so destructive that it would lead to the end of Maasai livelihoods and culture in Ngorongoro District. The proposal included the Loliondo 1,500 km2 land theft with annexation to NCA, which was committed in 2022.


Shortly after having come into office in 2021, Samia Suluhu Hassan started bringing up the need to “save” Ngorongoro from the Maasai, in an explicit and repeated way not used by any previous president. A week after her first of many speeches of this kind there was on 12th April 2021 demolition orders for private houses, primary schools, dispensaries, Endulen police station, churches, and a mosque, which after protests was stopped until further notice.


Also in 2021, in May, the NCAA headquarters were hastily relocated to Karatu, promotional spectacles headed by the infamous chief conservator Freddy Manongi were held on parliamentary grounds, and in September 2021 a clip was uploaded in which Deputy Minister Mary Masanja complains about having seen cattle on a trip with MPs and Manongi talks about a war, that pastoralists have many conspiracies and that conservationists must start cooking their own conspiracies.


2022 started with a leaked fast-tracked plan for “voluntary” relocations of Ngorongoro Maasai. In the plan the Kitwai and Handeni GCAs are named as the areas for relocation and misleadingly described as protected areas that will be declassified. On the ground in Msomera, Handeni, there was of course a registered village with its land use plan and bewildered villagers looking on as houses were speedily being built for Ngorongoro Maasai. Eventually Msomera villagers started speaking up about dispossession and abuse. Arusha RC John Mongella was the recommended overseer of the project, and that’s what he become for the whole of the war against the Maasai in both NCA and Loliondo/Sale. The plan recommended seeking permission to use COVID-19 money allocated for the development projects to fund the eviction of Ngorongoro Maasai - and then on 31st March 2022 then DED Mhina sent letters to Ngorongoro headteachers ordering them to transfer COVID-19 funds for Ngorongoro schools to Handeni District council.


A hate campaign against the Ngorongoro Maasai was sharply escalated in media and in the one-party parliament. Then meetings about Ngorongoro were held with Maasai imposters from other parts of Tanzania. Minister Ndumbaro held lying sessions with diplomats to tell them the “truth” about Ngorongoro and Loliondo. Then some in-authentic, compromised, or naïve Maasai registered to be relocated to Msomera and much paraded in media, with former MP Kaika Saning’o Telele (who in 2023 started complaining) as the worst example.


A meeting was held on 12th October 2022 between government representatives and Endulen Hospital. The government plan was announced as to further suffocate key life serving services downgrading the hospital to a clinic. This was adding to the harsh defunding of clinics and dispensaries and the unexplained grounding of Flying Medical Service for 16 months.


On 29th March 2023, the Controller and Auditor General (CAG), Charles Kichere, announced that 2.5% of Ngorongoro households had been “relocated” at a cost of TShs 24.7 billion. In a threatening way, he said that the cost for “relocating” the remaining 22,000 households would be TShs 988 billion. The CAG did not disclose where the money is coming from.


In his budget speech of early June 2023, the new Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Mohamed Mchengerwa, in a militaristic way promised that there will be no turning back, no surrender, in completing the relocation exercise to Msomera.


Loliondo in next blog post

Loliondo and NCA are two separate, but closely related issues …


The Loliondo Game Controlled Area, which is the same as the Loliondo hunting blocks, covers the whole of Loliondo division and part of Sale division of Ngorongoro district. The Maasai in Loliondo are not at all subjected to the suffocating restrictions of NCA – the NCA example has made them understand the dangers of having their land managed as anything other than regular village land - but have for decades been under threat of having 1,500 km2 of village land that’s important grazing land turned into a protected area. This land alienation has been lobbied for by OBC that organize hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai and that has had the hunting block (permit to hunt) since 1992/1993. For many years, a land rights struggle, has fought off this land alienation, despite of a local police state in which anyone that could criticize certain “investors” has been harassed, threatened, defamed and arrested, and despite of illegal mass arson operations in 2009 and 2017. Though under the most anti-Maasai president ever, in June 2022, through a brutal military operation, the 1,500 km2 was demarcated and the Maasai evicted.


All councillors from affected wards were abducted and locked up for almost 6 months, there were shootings, beatings, slashings with bayonets, rape, theft of motorbikes and telephones, destruction of houses, illegal arrests and trumped up charges, even shooting of cows, thousands fled to Kenya, everyone was supposed to squeeze into residential and agricultural areas with very insufficient grazing areas left, having to enter their own land as thieves at night for grazing, seizing and huge “fines” (extortion) on livestock that continue. Then 84-year-old Oriais Oleng’iyo was last seen injured and detained my security forces on 10th June 2022.

Following this massive, illegal land theft, there was German-funded and facilitated, fake and forced land use planning drive, leading to a draft Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan 2023-2043. The Ngorongoro councillors – under heavy pressure to accept it, including public threats by the DC – have now twice rejected this crime legitimization, even when they all are members of the very problematic CCM ruling party, and all compromised to some extent. The German-funded government will keep pressuring them. On village level there are some worrying signs of leaders going along with FZS ideas, particularly when they can use such to get rid of their least favourite neighbours. At least their efforts to make villagers abstain from attending the meeting with Tundu Lissu were an enormous failure. These are issues that I most very soon deal with in next blog post. I’m trying to keep this one focused on Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

There are several ongoing court cases against this massive land theft. In the midst of extreme government lawlessness in Endulen, NCA, the high court has ruled that the case challenging the president’s cruel and illegal GN (Government Notice) No.604 of 14th October 2022, turning 1,500km2 of important village land in Loliondo, since June 2022 invaded by security forces, into a “Pololeti Game Reserve” can proceed, and prohibits operation of the GN until determination of the case (substantial application). This is Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 178 of 2022. I have not understood what the practical on the ground implications of this ruling are, but it seems like, if the ruling in the other judicial review, concerning Pindi Chana's GN No.421, is favourable to the Maasai, all operation of the fake game reserve will be stopped by court order. 


The ruling keeps getting postponed in Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 21 of 2022, the judicial review challenging former Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana's GN No.421, of 17th June 2022, a week after the start of the military attack demarcating village land in Loliondo, declaring a fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Controlled Area”, that was in October the same year followed by the president’s equally illegal game reserve. Now the ruling is scheduled for tomorrow 19th September!


I still can’t think of any better international action against the President Samia’s war on the Maasai than a total tourism boycott.


Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com



Already on 18th September the deputy minister of Lands, Housing and Human Settlement Development, Geophrey Pinda, in Msomera declared that the Ngorongoro immigrants do not have the right to sell their land and houses. 

19th September

Good news in the high court! The ruling in Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 21 of 2022, the judicial review challenging former Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana's GN No.421 make it null and void!

The charges against singer Sifa Bujune, arrested on 13th September because a song, were read and is based on mentioning that a ranger smashed out Joshua Olepatorro's teeth.

20th September

Flying Medical Service air ambulance was on regular schedule to Naiyobi ward in Ngorongoro Conservation Area for treatment of patients, but was not allowed to treat children and pregnant women for lack of permit from the Ngorongoro District Medical Officer. Or such a prohibition by the DMO was alleged by "relocation" instigators.

22nd September

Four helicopters were seen circling over the null and void protected area. 


Partial Victory for the Maasai of Loliondo in the High Court and the Tanzanian Government Responds with the Most Destructive Contempt of Court, but Now at Least Some Criminals are Sued



On 19th September the High Court in Arusha declared that the 1,502 km2 brutal land theft called “Pololeti Game Controlled Area” in Loliondo was null and void for lack of consultation and for having been replaced by a “Pololeti Game Reserve” declared by the president. Besides that the same lack of consultation (including the abduction of all councillors of affected wards on the eve of the brutal and unlawful military demarcation attack) applies to the game reserve, it has its own court case with a court order to stop all operation until determination of the case. The relative independence shown by the court was a pleasant surprise, but it should not have come as a surprise that the Tanzanian government is lawless, issued a statement with its own “interpretation” of the ruling, increased harassment and threats, and after a brief reprieve, returned to seizing cattle and the situation is dire. Now those most directly involved, with concrete evidence of contempt of court, have been sued in their personal capacity, including DC Raymond Mwangwala.


The Tanzanian government, funded and facilitated by Germany (the Germans should not be allowed to get away with this …) continues its efforts to legitimize the massive, brutal and unlawful land theft.


The 77th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights is currently being held in Arusha and the journalist and activist Odero Charles Odero has there been harassed about his citizenship for speaking up about Loliondo and Ngorongoro. Then the ACHPR has been questioned for its government commandeered visit early this year and for not finishing its report. 


In Ngorongoro Conservation Area - not to be mixed up with Loliondo - restrictions and illegal suffocation of every aspect of life continue at the same time as incessant government propaganda to make the Maasai relocate. The people that following protests in Endulen were mass arrested are now harassed by having to report at Karatu Police Station every four days. The NCAA has again denied adulterated replacement salt, for which there were laboratory result already almost two years ago. At least it seems like the horrible chief conservator Freddy Manongi is finally retiring.


Almost every issue mentioned in this blog post needs to be written about in its own long blog post …


Where is Oriais Oleng’iyo?

The criminals just keep escalating their crime. When I had finally posted this blog post I got reports that TANAPA rangers had seized hundreds of cattle in the 1,500km2 area and driven them to Serengeti by force!

Updates at the end of the blog post. 

In this blog post:

The ruling - Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 21 of 2022

The government’s malicious interpretation of the ruling

Grazing and violence after the High Court ruling

At last sued for contempt of court!

Odero harassed about citizenship at ACPHR session – with good events and traitors

Continued pressure for German-funded crime legitimization

The Germans MUST be sued for their relentless facilitation of violent dispossession

We also have the cases in the East African Court of Justice

Brief Loliondo hunting block background

Briefly about the 2022 threats leading up to the brutal and illegal demarcation

Briefly about the brutal and illegal demarcation of an illegal "game reserve"

NCA, bye bye Manongi, and the government again denies well-documented adulterated salt, UNESCO again

Apologies and reflexions on very long and horribly delayed blog posts


The ruling - Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 21 of 2022

On 19th September 2023, in the High Court in Arusha, Judge Joachim Tiganga read the ruling in Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 21 of 2022, the judicial review challenging former Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana's Government Notice (GN) No.421, of 17th June 2022. This GN was signed a week after the start of the brutal and lawless military attack on Loliondo that on legally registered village land demarcated a protected area and evicted the Maasai from 1,502 km2 of important grazing land. Chana, in GN No.421 declared this land as a “Pololeti Game Controlled Area”. Then the GN No.421 was publicly announced by the minister in a government propaganda Zoom seminar on 22nd June 2022, the day before she participated in a military celebration of the violent and illegal demarcation. This ruling very clearly establishes that the “Pololeti Game Controlled Area” is null and void. The written version (available on 30th September) reduced my positive impression, since there isn’t any trace of empathy for people who’ve suffered enormous dispossession, violence, and upheaval of lives and livelihoods.


The main point was that the court determined that there was no consultation when establishing the “Pololeti GCA”, when the law requires consultation with relevant authorities, which in this case are the 14 affected village governments and village assemblies, the eight wards, and the district council. This can’t have been hard to determine for any judge who’d like to maintain a minimum of credibility. On 9th June 2022, on the eve of the launch of the illegal military attack on Loliondo, all councillors of affected wards, except one who fled, were abducted, charged with murder for a killing that took place the day after their abduction and locked up in remand prison, without a single court hearing, only postponements, until the case was dismissed by the Director of Public Prosecution on 22nd November 2022. The latest message for PM Majaliwa before the attack was on 25th May 2022 via “community recommendations” that the PM had requested and that clearly called for a stop to any plans of alienating the 1,500 km2, investigations into human rights violations, and the removal of OBC. Many Tanzanian government officials and diplomats told the dementedlie about “amicable agreement”.


The court also established that the disputed 1,502 km2 area is wholly falling within village land, and that this is unchallenged by the government. This is not difficult to establish. Besides the obvious customary tenure for centuries, the villages have certificates of registry to show. The land was owned and used by the Maasai before and during colonial times under customary ownership, which was recognized by the Land Ordinance of 1923. In the 1970s the villages in Loliondo and Sale were registered under the Village and Ujamaa Villages Act, in 1982 under the Local Government (District Authorities) Act, and then got further protection as village land belonging to the village assembly (all adult villagers) managed by the village council under Village Land Act No.5 of 1999. However, the Tanzanian government has been lying rather wildly about this issue, in their efforts to accommodate OBC’s (and others more discreetly) lobbying for turning their core hunting area into a protected area.


Some, just some, of the government’s varying lies:

LIE: In 2013, Minister Kagasheki made a vociferous attempt at lying that the Maasai were landless, that the 4,000 km2 Loliondo Game Controlled Area, which includes two towns, the district council headquarters and the DC’s office, would be a protected area, and that evicting them from the 1,500 km2 lobbied for by OBC, and squeezing them into the 2,500km2 with towns, district headquarters, agricultural areas, forest reserves and an American land grab, in reality would signify generously gifting them with this 2,500 km2. This lie was stopped by PM Pinda, who recognized that the land was village land, and told the Maasai to go on with their lives as before Kagasheki’s threat. (Unlike what everyone is writing these days, there was NOT any evictions operation in 2013. Only a nasty attempt.)


LIE: During the illegal mass arson operation of 2017 Minister Maghembe was pretending that at some undisclosed point the 1,500 km2 would have been turned into a protected area and that this area would have been invaded. At the same time the Ngorongoro DC and a statement from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism were not denying the village land but said that the aim of the operation was to remove the Maasai from a border area, since they otherwise could enter Serengeti National Park “too easily”, and that it didn’t have anything to do with the 1,500 km2, about which PM Majaliwa was to make a decision.


LIE (fortunately): In December 2017, PM Majaliwa announced his terrible decision, not denying that the 1,500 km2 was village land, but saying that a legal bill would be prepared to place the management of the area under a “special authority”. Fortunately, there never was any legal bill.


LIE: The government’s first response to the 2017 case in the East African Court of Justice was the Attorney General lying that the 1,500 km2 would at some unknown point have become some kind of protected area. Then the lie was changed to pretending that the mass arson had taken place in Serengeti National Park, when the government’s own documents show that the overwhelming majority of bomas were burned illegally on village land.


LIE: In 2022, for the military operation with brutal land demarcation, the concerted lie by all government officials and diplomats, was the most crazy terra nullius lie, saying that Loliondo had never since time immemorial been inhabited and that the British in 1951 declared it a protected area, which after independence was “invaded” by the Maasai – some foreign diplomats, during the brutal military attack against the Maasai, giggled stupidly when Minister Ndumbaro “reminded” them of this – and later extended to a lie about the Germans and 1891.


LIE:  Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 21 of 2022, and its applications, was on 4th November 2022, responded to by wildlife conservation officer Emmanuel Daniel Pius, saying that the demarcation was carved out of the 4,000 km2 Loliondo GCA that he claimed had been a “reserved area” since 1951, and that the villagers have never used the 1,502 km2 or been harassed by the respondents, but that the reason for the demarcation was “persistent encroachment” and increase in human population pressure, grazing, agriculture and settlement. Then he said that “Pololeti GCA” doesn’t involve the applicants’ villages, since those are outside the demarcated area, without explaining where the villages are if the whole 4,000km2 has been a protected area since 1951. He claims “consultation and participation leading to consensus” regarding the 1,502 km2 reserved area and 2,498km2 (where the DC’s office – like colonial officers’ for decades before 1951, when the current Maasai sections were already long-established in the area - and the district council headquarters are found) “allocated to villagers for settlement and other human activities”,while at the same time saying that leaders (all councillors from affected wards, except one who fled) were arrested for “perpetuating resistance” against the demarcation process in Loliondo and instigating violence against government officials involved in the process (a case dropped by the Director of Public Prosecution after over five months of postponements). This individual has also replied to the contempt of court Application No.2 of 2022, in which he uses totally different lies - about Serengeti, like the later set of lies used in response to the 2017 case in the East African Court of Justice - even when it is the 2022 demarcation – first as an open threat and then as a crime that was committed - that is the contempt.


Back to the ruling, the judge said that the old 4,000 km2 Loliondo Game Controlled Area (LGCA) did not cease to exist with the enactment of Wildlife Conservation Act 2009, but that it continues to co-exist with village land. GCAs declared under Fauna and Flora Conservation Ordinance 1951, or Wildlife Conservation Act (WCA) 1974 can and do totally overlap with village land and don’t restrict human activities, while GCAs enacted under WCA 2009 restrict all human activities – like national parks but allowing hunting, exactly like game reserves - and can’t overlap with village land. As long as it’s not a protected area, which it isn’t, this does not really matter. Huge areas all over Tanzania are old GCAs that don’t interfere with local land uses, overlap with village land, and only demarcate boundaries of hunting blocks. What’s peculiar with Loliondo is that a new GCA that is the same as a game reserve, was declared on top of the old GCA, and then changed to a game reserve, which is the same thing, and requires the same consultation, but is declared by the president.


The “Pololeti Game Controlled Area” is now, according to the court, dissolved for two reasons: mandatory consultation was lacking, and the president's decision to on 14th October 2022 (publicly announced on 1st November) declare a “Pololeti Game Reserve” on the same land automatically repealed its status.


GN No.604 of 14th October 2022, the president’s GN declaring a “Pololeti Game Reserve” -after the case against the minister’s GN had been filed - is dealt with in its own separate court case, the judicial review Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 178 of 2022. On 22nd August 2023, the court ruled that this case can proceed, and prohibited operation of the GN until determination of the case. This means that after the “Pololeti GCA” was declared null and void, all operation of the “game reserve” is stopped by court order, which apparently the NCAA - that’s since September 2022 is managing the stolen village land - first decided not to respect, until the lawyers on 26th September wrote to them that they will file a criminal complaint against anyone seizing livestock contrary to the court order, and then again stopped respecting after the attorney general’s office released its peculiar interpretation (see below) of the ruling. Since the president’s GN just replaced that by the minister, exactly the same lack of consultation applies to that GN, and by logic it must also be declared null and void.


Then there is a more questionable part of the ruling that was read on 19th September. The Court found no evidence linking Minister Chana to the decision to deploy security forces or use military force in the Loliondo operation and found that the minister was not involved in demarcating village land. Therefore, any illegalities in this process can’t be attributed to the minister. This sounds strange when you have seen Chana next to PM Majaliwa in Loliondo on 23rd June 2022, participating in a stomach-turning military celebration of the extremely brutal and lawless attack on the Maasai. And when announcing the null and void GN on 22nd June 2022, Chana made it clear that the demarcation was being done in accordance with it (the GN does indeed detail the beacons) and boasted about how all beacons had already been planted.


Pindi Chana table banging in agreement with the PM's threats and lies against the Maasai.

Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised that a judge will not throw away any kind of credibility by denying such an obvious crime – even if just described as a failure to comply with the law to conduct consultation, and not the massively and openly shown brutality and lawlessness that took place while every government representative was engaging in horribly obvious lies - but still I’m pleasantly surprised. However, those who committed this crime must be hunted down using other means. Many people have been involved in the brutal and lawless theft of grazing land and none of them must be allowed to get away.


Nobody can now stop the Maasai landowners from grazing their animals on their own land. Though it should not be forgotten that the very violent land theft was committed in flagrant violation of an injunction against it in the East African Court of Justice that was issued on 25th September 2018. More than court rulings and court orders are needed to obtain justice – and more is being done, while even more should be done.


The government’s malicious interpretation of the ruling

On 4th October 2023, the government released its own, rather malicious, “interpretation” of the ruling in the high court. In a statement, signed by Prisca J. Ulomi - one of those who have been sued for contempt of court -  from the office of the attorney general (one of the two respondents in Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 21 of 2022) the government recognises that the “Pololeti Game Controlled Area” is no more, but without mentioning the lack of consultation that’s one of the main points in the ruling. The statement also recognizes that there’s a court order prohibiting operation of the “Pololeti Game Reserve” until determination of the case concerning the president’s GN No.604 of 2022, Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 178 of 2022. The obvious bad intentions of the statement consist of pretending that the status quo that should continue until determination is a protected area where grazing without a permit from the director of wildlife is not allowed. The argument for this wilful and malicious stupidity is based on saying that the ruling mentions that the 4,000km2 Loliondo Game Controlled Area exists since 1951. As said before … this GCA does not restrict human activities, totally overlaps with the customary land tenure that was there since before colonialism and has always co-existed with village land. If the government is to continue pretending that it’s a protected area, the DC’s office, the district council headquarters, the towns of Wasso and Loliondo, hospitals and agricultural areas must be chased away for trespassing.


Grazing and violence after the high court ruling

The loss of livestock and impoverishment has been steep in Loliondo after most of the grazing land, and particularly dry season grazing land, was stolen by the government right before the bad dry season of 2022, expecting the Maasai to just squeeze into remaining areas where there’re two towns with district headquarters, agricultural areas, forest reserves, and Thomson Safaris’ ugly land grab. Many have got into terrible debt since first TAWA rangers and then those from NCAA (after the illegal protected area was placed under their management), assisted by police and Serengeti rangers, have been extorting from livestock owners a demented 100,000 TShs per head of cattle and 25,000 per sheep or goat for grazing on their own land. Grazing has only been possible like thieves at night, when large predators become a much more acute threat than at daytime.


After a NCAA ranger (remember that Pindi Chana in September 2022 announced that the illegal protected area had been placed under the management of NCAA) on 5th May 2023 was lightly injured by arrowshot by an unknown hero archer, some said that the rangers stopped patrolling at nighttime. By June it became much harder to get somewhat full information about livestock seizures, or about anything happening on the ground.


As mentioned, on 22nd August, the high court ruled that Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 178 of 2022, the case dealing with the president’s GN No.604 of 2022, declaring a “game reserve” can proceed and prohibited operation of the GN until determination of the case. When on 19th September Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 21 of 2022, the minister’s GN No.421 of 2022, declaring a “game controlled area” was ruled null and void, this meant that the always illegal livestock seizures were also illegal to the high court. Still the NCAA rangers kept on seizing livestock. On 23rd September, 352 sheep and goats were seized in the Ngimatuni area of Loosoito, Maaloni ward. Then 160 goats and 120 cows from Mbuken, Arash were seized in the same area on the 24th. On the 25th, 580 sheep and goats were seized in the Engurashi area of Manang' sub-village of Madukani, Malambo ward. In the Malambo case, the rangers were demanding “only” 24,000 TShs per sheep or goat, instead of 25,000.


On 26th September, lawyers on behalf of Ndoriany Koros, whose goats and cows were seized on the 24th, wrote a letter to NCA chief conservator Manongi, Pius Rwiza, conservator of “Pololeti Game Reserve”, Robert Laizer, who is in charge of the rangers in the fake and illegal protected area at Arash, and the director of wildlife Maurus Msuaha – telling them that they will file a criminal complaint against anyone illegally seizing livestock contrary to the court order. The same day all seized livestock were released without extortion.


I shouldn’t give any importance to such people, but for a picture of how disinformation works in the local Loliondo police state, a local non-pastoralist opportunistic “friend” of the government and of “investors” wrote an “article” that he shared in WhatsApp and on Facebook that 2,005 heads of livestock had been released after the pastoralists at a meeting at the DC’s office had admitted to breaking the law and asked for forgiveness, and the DC intervened talking to the conservators for the sake of strengthening the relation between the protected area and the community, and making sure that the pastoralists will respect the law and protect the “game reserve” from unnecessary conflict. To illustrate the “article” this individual, Paul Dudui, used a picture from a meeting about trachoma from the previous day.


Initially I was told that people were still afraid of grazing their animals on the stolen land at daytime, and on the 29th, 400 sheep were seized in Malambo, but directly released for a smaller bribe, without being taken to the camp where they’re usually held. Then a serious reclaim of the stolen land started, with reportedly widespread daytime grazing. People were regaining their confidence and faith in the legal system, which had been very low indeed. Still, on 1st October, 98 cows, belonging to Ntayia, were seized in Ololosokwan and locked up at Klein’s gate. The rangers were demanding the usual extortion money of 100,000 Tshs per head of cattle.


The DC summoned all councillors and village chairpersons from 14 villages with land in the illegally demarcated and alienated land to attend a meeting at his office on 4th October. Remember that being summoned to a meeting with the DC was how the councillors last year were abducted and locked up for almost six months. Only two councillors attended this meeting, in which the DC was reportedly very threatening, saying that livestock entering the 1,502km2 area would be seized and auctioned. This was the same day as the attorney general’s office released the statement with the maliciously stupid interpretation of the court ruling.


On 5th October, rangers were starting grass fires in the Klein’s area of Ololosokwan to disturb and harass herders. NCAA and JWTZ, Tanzanian army, vehicles were circulating Arash and Ololosokwan and the rangers and soldiers assaulted some young men, beating them and confiscating their phones, swords and spears. Still, they weren’t seizing any livestock.

JWTZ in Ololosokan.

First, on 6th October, there was good news that the livestock seized in Ololosokwan and locked up for several days, had been released without any extortion of money. However, in the evening it was reported that at least seven people had been assaulted by the rangers and soldiers, including Arash ward councillor Mathew Siloma. Lemao Sharab was cut in the face with a panga and Leteng’ena Lupa was badly beaten. Councillor Siloma reported in WhatsApp that he was followed to his boma and taken to the heads of the operation who were accompanied by surprisingly many soldiers. He recognized the “conservator” of “Pololeti” Pius Rwiza, the acting commander of the soldiers stationed in Loliondo, and the officer in charge of border issues. The councillor was told that all livestock must be removed from the 1,502 km2 area. Several youths were badly beaten and the councillor himself was forced to jump like a frog. Frog jump is common “punishment” used by Tanzanian security forces and even in schools.


On 7th October, over 1,000 cows in five herds were seized in the Klein’s area of Ololosokwan. In Arash, and Maaloni, the following livestock were seized:

Kisoombe Ng'atuny, 70 cows - Arash

Nekaya Mutangung, 93 cows - Arash

Miseyeki Sikoyo, 140 sheep, 120 goats - Arash

Lulungen Sikoyo, 92 sheep - Arash

Barnoti Kukutia, 200 cows – Maaloni


On 8th October 585 more cows were seized in Ololosokwan, and then some 100 more on the 9th.


On 10th October Ngorongoro youths - including several of the applicants - held a press conference denouncing the government’s contempt of court, the whole land alienation, with focus on the recent violence and seizures of livestock. They said that calves left in the bomas when the cows were seized could now not suckle, that the livestock seized in Arash were not fed or watered (in Ololosokwan they were), and that some smaller livestock had been suffocated. The youths reminded of that applications would be filed personally suing those involved in these crimes in contempt of court. 


The councillors of Ololosokwan, Arash, Malambo and Engaresero – under pressure by the cattle owners whose animals were held in bad conditions, particularly in Arash - approached the regional CCM secretary asking for help to release the livestock, and then the CCM secretary wrote to Arusha RC Mongella pretending that the councillors were agreeing with the land theft and grazing prohibition! In a meeting with the RC, he told the councillors to write a letter committing to keeping livestock off the stolen land, but they wrote a letter that while weak and pleading did not include such a commitment.


On 11th October the livestock seized since the 7th were released without extortion “fines”.


On 18th October, the rangers were again seizing livestock: some eight herds of cattle in the Oltigomi area near Klein’s gate in Ololosokwan, and 650 sheep and goats and 45 cows in the Lengijape area in Arash. Several sources from Ololosokwan reported about that the manager, Melau Laltalia, of Taasa Lodge on the stolen land was very much assisting the rangers. It’s not the first time that Taasa Lodge is a problem.


On the 21st 1,300 sheep and an unknown number of calves were seized in Malambo and taken to the Orn’goswa camp. More livestock seized in Iloope Ilokony, Arash on the 22nd and in Leken in Kirtalo. In Ololosokwan the criminal rangers seized 332 more cows and there were filming drones everywhere.

Potot Lose 134 cows

Mzee Rotiken 112 cows

Leile boma 69 cows

Mzee Ngatuny 17 calves


Kambatai Kimeriai from Kirtalo was on 21st October arrested with his motorbike when bringing food for his children. He was taken to Ololosokwan police station. When leaders tried to have him released, he was taken to Loliondo town by criminal rangers. This is part of the intimidation drive. On 23rd October, Kambatai was released on bail and with two others reportedly charged with “trespassing into protected area”.

The livestock have still not been released and the owners are under heavy pressure to pay the extortion "fines". David Mkenga, head of the rangers at Klein's gate, and one of those sued for contempt of court, is threatening with auctioning off the cattle held there. There are various reports that the councillor of Malambo is much weakened/compromised, urging people to raise money and pay the extortion.

Now people are saying that the cattle at Klein's gate are not being fed.


When I had finally posted this blog post, I got reports that TANAPA had again seized hundreds of cattle in Oloipiri, Kirtalo and Loosoito/Maaloni, and taken them to Lobo in Serengeti National Park by force! Their way of operating is sadly known. They take cattle into the national park so that it will be a case for the court in Mugumu, which they hope will auction them.

Updates at the end of the blog post.

Total tourism boycott on Tanzania now!

Sued for contempt of court

Finally, on 23rd October, the summons are out and I can write about those involved in the cattle seizures, against whom there is very concrete and obvious evidence, and who have now been sued in their personal capacity! They are:

Ngorongoro DC Raymond Mwangwala

“Pololeti” “conservator” Pius Rwiza

Prisca J. Ulomi, Head of the Government Communication Unit, who signed the letter from the attorney general’s office with the government’s “interpretation” of the ruling.

Robert Laizer, in charge of the rangers at Lengijape, Arash

David Mkenga, in charge of the rangers at Klein’s gate, Ololosokwan

Pius Rwiza SUED

Raymond Mwangwala SUED

There are so many people involved in these crimes that must be sued. Not least the bosses of the above-mentioned people, like RC Mongella, now retired chief conservator Manongi, and the director of wildlife Maurus Msuha. Then there are those, quite a few, even higher up in the hierarchy who must be seriously dealt with, ministers, PM and president.


We should thank the lawyers Joseph and Denis Oleshangai, Yonas Masiaya Laiser, Melau Alais, Jebra Kambole, Jeremiah Mtobesya and Mpale Mpoki for this. 

The court hearing is scheduled for 31st October.


Odero harassed about citizenship at ACPHR session – with good events and traitors

The 77th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights is going on in Arusha of all places. Human rights criminals like the Minister of Constitutional and Legal Affairs, Pindi Chana …, are holding speeches about human rights defenders. The very Tanzanian journalist and Executive Director of Civic and Legal Aid Organization (CILAO) Odero Charles Odero was at one side event on 19th October and spoke about human rights violations in Loliondo and Ngorongoro. He was next day, at the inauguration of the 77th session, picked up, detained and questioned by five Immigration officials, under the lead of Ali Fikirini, who had orders from above. They wanted to see his passport, for which he could provide a soft copy, and they had all kinds of stupid questions about his grandparents. Questioning Tanzanians' citizenship is one of the most classic tools for the Tanzanian government's stupid-evil harassment. Fortunately, Odero was accompanied by advocate Paul Kisabo who had been at the inauguration with him.


Odero again spoke up on 24th October, in a side event called The Coercive Conservation Model is broken, organized by Amnesty International, Minority Rights Group, Human Rights Watch and Protection International Africa. This event had the focus totally on Loliondo and Ngorongoro, with a few voices from other areas. ACHPR Commissioner Litha Musyimi-Ogana who was part of the ridiculously government commandeered promotional visit in late January-early February attended the event. Odero spoke briefly, but strongly, informing the commissioner that at this moment livestock were seized and people were being arrested and harassed, while the commission could still not present their report. It was a good meeting where also Edward Porokwa from PINGO’s, lawyer Joseph Oleshangay, Noorkishili Naing’isa from Ololosokwn and others spoke in an impressive way. The commissioner was aware that the commission had been prevented from visiting directly affected villages in Loliondo, but said that they had understood that thanks to social media, and had “strategies” for understanding what was going on. She also said that preparing a report normally takes two years, but that this one will be done quicker. Then she added some quite stupid defence of President Samia as a woman, saying that women have just arrived in state house and have a lot of injustices, created by men, to undo. Noorkishili had asked her to intervene as a woman and that the president was worse than any male president before her, which is a fact. Noorkishili also wondered how you can tell seized livestock to wait for the report.


There had initially been some problems for attendants dressed in Maasai attire to pass the gate, but otherwise I haven’t heard of any problems from this meeting.


Present at the meeting, but without saying anything, was one of the currently worst traitors in Loliondo – Rose Njilo of the NGO Mimutie. Already in early 2022 had I been informed that Rose Njilo and Joseph Parsambei (who has been heavily used by the government and the Germans in the legitimization efforts for the brutal and massive land theft) had been seriously compromised. I had also earlier seen some signs of this. While leaders and activists were being badly harassed in 2022, before the military demarcation attack in Loliondo, Rose thought it was a good idea to report Loserian Maoi and Robert Kamakia for cybercrime, since they had called her a “sellout” in a Loita Maasai group on WhatsApp. Fortunately, she did this in Arusha and not Loliondo, so the police officers mostly laughed, even if Loserian and Robert for some time had to attend the police station almost every day. I’ve heard Rose speak up in Clubhouse against the massive land theft in Loliondo, but very clear evidence that she indeed is a traitor of the nastier kind was made public on 22nd October, somewhat dampening the celebration of the summons presented to the Ngorongoro DC and other criminals. Rose had issued a press release agreeing with the government’s “interpretation” of the ruling in the High Court, which means that cattle should still be seized with extortion fines, and people arrested, and saying that there’s only a small group receiving money from abroad that’s opposing this, while everyone else want to work in harmony with the government, respecting boundaries, and that this brings development and work opportunities with the investors. Nobody thinks that Rose herself wrote this, but may she be cursed. 

Rose Njilo in early 2022 showing off having reported people for cybercrime.


Rose Njilo at the event

Continued pressure for German-funded crime legitimization

The government keep pressuring the Ngorongoro councillors to pass the German-funded and facilitated crime legitimization called the Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan 2023-2043. While they are all members of the ruling CCM party and more or less compromised, the Maasai councillors can’t agree to such a genocidal plan. The crime legitimization was initiated by team of 40 state security and surveyors that in late October/November 2022, while many village chairpersons were still in exile in Kenya or hiding, and the councillors were locked up in remand prison - were sent to re-survey the villages in Loliondo and Sale using illegitimate or compromised village leaders, while the DC talked about Wildlife Management Areas, which is still more land alienation and the last thing anyone would “need” … This was done in a very threatening way, and signs were put up, at least in Ololosokwan, setting aside zones - outside the stolen land – for exclusive grazing and tourism use. After the legitimate village chairman returned from exile on Kenya, most of those signs were thrown away.


On 29th February and 30th March 2023 meetings were held at the Ngorongoro District Council Hall in Wasso to pressure all local leaders to agree with the Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan 2023-2043. This was totally openly and shamelessly funded and facilitated by the Germans via Frankfurt Zoological Society. The DC openly threatened the councillors for, even as CCM leaders, being obstacles to the exercise. The councillors stood firm and on 19th May they rejected in unison the genocidal proposal that was not just meant to legitimize the massive, brutal and lawless land theft, but extending to same kind of dispossession to an area next to Lake Natron. The only leaders speaking in support of the government’s plan – pretending that it was only about village land use plans (also a danger) – was the years ago somewhat serious NGO personality Joseph Parsambei and the stupid and “investor-friendly” chairman of Soitsambu village, Marko Lorru. As reported in earlier blog posts, the Germans of course then used Parsambei as a “human rights expert” to “explain” to diplomats.


On 10th September the councillors were to vote again on the same genocidal plan, after having been given a Swahili version, as if that would change anything. Reportedly, security forces were seen all around the meeting. The councillors again refused to approve the proposed Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan 2023-2043. They also refused the Director of the National Land Use Commission the right to address the council since they had no prior information about his visit and that his addressing the full council is against the regulations. 24 councillors again signed to reject the proposed district land-use plan. I have not been able to find out if these were all of those present, as was the case in May when also the most unlikely non-pastoralists councillors, including the chairman who’s been working as OBC’s community liaison for years, and isn’t an ally in any way, rejected the plan. Anyway, the Maasai councillors are majority.


While local leaders apparently have behaved in an exemplary way regarding the horrible German-funded district land use plan, their behaviour trying to stop people from attending the political rally by opposition politician and long-term Maasai ally Tundu Lissu was reportedly ugly, and even the somewhat exemplary Ololosokwan village chairman was involved. Anyway, as reported in the previous blog post, the local leaders failed in the most spectacular way. Against the orders of the Officer Commanding District, who said political activities, especially public rallies, are not permitted in Loliondo, on 8th September Lissu arrived in Ololosokwan and was received by a long caravan of motorcycles while people ran next to the CHADEMA vehicles for kilometres. Attendance was massive by people who for so long had been left alone with their tormentors.


On 11th September social media accounts of the Ngorongoro DC, and of the district council shared a most disturbing picture with a text saying that Ololosokwan village council members, community development experts and conservationists from NCAA and the district council had done training on development projects and conservation “benefitting from Pololeti Game Reserve". The councillor Moloimet Saing'eu, who 2015-2021 worked for OBC, but since 2022 has been on the side of the people, is in the picture. It’s reported that the village council members strongly deny having agreed to anything at all, but they haven’t issued any public statement. I have not been able to find out what the supposed “benefits” from the crime called “Pololeti game Reserve” were described as. Development projects are done with German donor funds, so I suppose that’s what’s meant. The following day, a similar photo appeared from Oloirien.


I think the councillors by now must have understood that they should long ago have got rid of the big green snake, CCM. As seen again, by the RC’s behaviour when they sought assistance to release livestock seized in contempt of court, political leverage within the party to stop land alienation may have worked in the past, but those days are definitely gone after intra party dissent was crushed under Magufuli, and with Samia there’s a president with obvious personal hatred against the Maasai, and who has turned a sick tourism cult into state religion.


The Germans MUST be sued for their relentless facilitation of violent dispossession

Social media accounts of the DC’s office, and of the district office, keep reporting about projects by the German development bank (KfW) and Tanzania National Parks Authority, TANAPA, and local leaders show nothing but gratitude. However, if ever there was one, there’s no longer any shadow of a doubt that such German charity is used as a weapon in the war to finish off pastoralist livelihoods and culture for the benefit of tourism and conservation.


Remember that in March 2017, then Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism Jumanne Maghembe and Serengeti chief park warden William Mwakilema (later head of Tanzania National Parks Authority, TANAPA, until he recently was demoted to DC for Korogwe district) told a parliamentary committee (and very much the press) that German funds would only be released on condition of turning the 1,500 km2 into a protected area. In Loliondo 600 women demonstrated against accepting the German money and the district council decided to follow their advice. The conditions for releasing funds were not denied by the Germans until two years later by representatives of the development bank in an interview with Chris Lang, and we didn’t know who was telling the truth. Now we know.


While Loliondo was attacked by mass arson implemented by Serengeti rangers – FZS’s partners - in August 2017, a most revolting picture was published of the German ambassador at that time, Detlef Wächter. The picture showed Wächter smilingly handing over buildings for park staff in Fort Ikoma, in Serengeti National Park, to Minister Maghembe, while commenting on the long and successful partnership between Germany and Tanzania in protecting the Serengeti.


After the 2017 illegal mass arson operation had been stopped, the then Ngorongoro MP and the District Council Chairman at the time said that there wasn't any risk with accepting German funds, since they were meant for the whole of Loliondo and Sale, not excluding the 1,500km2.  However there haven’t been any projects at all in the now brutally and illegally demarcated area, while projects outside it are being heavily used in government rhetoric for land alienation.


Reporting from a meeting with diplomats on 25th March 2022, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism wrote that the then German ambassador Regine Hess, supported the government’s “efforts” in Ngorongoro. Publicly, the ambassador never denied it in any way. The Germans should be judged by what they say, and do, in public, and they must be sued in any possible court in the world.


In June 2022, FZS, that never has said anything about violence for conservation in the Serengeti ecosystem, or elsewhere, seriously rattled by Survival International, expressed “shock” about the violence in Loliondo and distanced itself from any involvement in the land demarcation, but still claiming that the land status would be “uncertain”. However, in an interview in the hunters’ newsletter African Indaba back in June 2013 the late Markus Borner, FZS’s then recently retired long-term head of Africa programme and resident of Serengeti NP had declared his support for then Minister Kagasheki’s vociferous threats and lies about the 1,500km2 saying, “the present proposal seems a good way forward”. Besides showing a surprising ignorance about almost all basic facts, Borner said that the Maasai should have accepted a WMA – which FZS together with the Tanzanian government for years had tried to impose on the Loliondo Maasai who wisely rejected it - and that FZS after the land alienation would act as “mediator between communities and the central government”.


On 6th July 2022, during the military attack on Loliondo, Ambassador Hess met with Arusha RC John Mongella, the main implementor of the massive crime, and talked about the “cooperation” between the two countries, and the Germans kept showering the brutal and lawless Tanzanian government with money, in August 2022, Bärbel Kofler, German Deputy Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development visited Tanzania for more of the same.


On 20th December 2022, in a ceremony with the worst perpetrators of the crimes in Loliondo, PM Kassim Majaliwa and then Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana, Ambassador Regine Hess handed over 51 vehicles, part of emergency funding and recovery for biodiversity in response of COVID-19, facilitated by the German development bank, KfW and FZS. The vehicles were to be distributed into Serengeti and Nyerere National Parks and Selous Game Reserve and would have a great impact on supporting “operations”. In the ceremony Majaliwa mentionedpoachers and “encroaching livestock” as the objectives of those “operations”.


On 3rd August 2023, Katrin Bornemann the Head of Cooperation at the German Embassy together with the Permanent Secretary Dr. Hassan Abbas from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism co-chaired the steering committee. While boasting about being the biggest bilateral donor in the sector, the Germans showered the criminals with 120 million euros to keep making people cry in “mainly the regions Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Selous and Nyerere as well as Katavi Mahale National Parks and Corridor and Ruvuma Region.”


And as mentioned, the Germans have openly and shamelessly funded and facilitated the very threatening crime legitimization that’s known as the draft Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan 2023-2043, with money from the German development bank KfW via Frankfurt Zoological Society which implements the Serengeti Ecosystem Development and Conservation Program (SEDCP). The plan was rejected by the Ngorongoro councillors in May, and again in September since:
-It was brought by the central government together with conservation organizations like NCAA, FZS and KfW (the German development bank) to legitimize the alienation of the 1,500 km2.

-It isn’t in the interest of Ngorongoro residents, since its aim is to legitimize the theft of 70% of their land.

-Passing the plan is to legitimize the end of life in Ngorongoro via the loss of housing, cultivation and grazing areas.

-It’s contempt of court, since there are four cases in the High Court and three in the East African Court of Justice, concerning the land.

-It violates several laws, since it didn’t involve the village assemblies.


We also have the cases in the East African Court of Justice

In the East African Court of Justice, the ongoing case against the Tanzanian government’s fake and illegal “Pololeti Game Reserve” is Reference No.37 of 2022. In late September 2022, the government side responded with some wildly lying objections, but then I haven’t seen anything scheduled. I almost wonder if the EACJ is operational. Even the website is down and I get a virus warning when I try to access it.


Appeal No.13 of 2022 East Africa Court of Justice of the strange ruling in the case about the 2017 mass arson operation (Reference No.10 of 2017) was heard on 15th May and the date for ruling was to be communicated. I really don’t know what is happening with this case. The ruling in Reference No.10 of 2017 Ololosokwan Village Council & 3 Others versus the Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania was to – after five years and a last-minute postponement right when massive contempt of court, violating an injunction issued in 2018, was taking place - dismiss the case since the Maasai has failed to prove that the 2017 operation took place on village land and not in Serengeti National Park! This when the government’s own documents clearly show that a huge majority of the bomas were burned on village land. The ruling also shows that the judges just didn’t understand what the witnesses said. For example, it mentions that one of the Maasai witnesses said he was acting chairperson of “Kilolo” village and was informed that homesteads had been destroyed in “Olototokum” village. Such villages don’t exist but refer to “Oloirien” and “Ololosokwan” respectively, and those were two of the applicant villages … After the ruling, Kenyan Maasai shared the information that one of the judges, Charles Nyachae, was the son of an infamous grabber of Maasai land in Kenya. Was the ruling a result of sloppiness – maybe on all sides – or were the judges compromised? At least the ruling established that there’s national park and then there’s village land, nothing else.


Application No.2 of 2022, a contempt of court application, filed in January 2022, when RC Mongella started making threats of alienating the 1,500 km2, against which the East African Court of Justice had issued an injunction in September 2018. An affidavit was filed after every court order, law, and human right, had been violated. This important case was heard in November 2022 in Kampala, and I was told that it was probably scheduled for delivery of ruling on the Preliminary Objection in June, but still nothing has been heard.


Reference No.29 of 2022 in the East African Court of Justice is not about the brutal Loliondo land theft but challenges the coordinated and suffocating policies in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Apparently, there’s still nothing scheduled for this case.


Brief Loliondo hunting block background

Otterlo Business Corporation, owned by Mohammed Abdul Rahim Al Ali, that organize hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, has had the 4,000 km2 Loliondo hunting block (permit to hunt) since 1993 (contract signed in 1992). They got the hunting block in the Loliondogate scandal covered by the reporter Stan Katabalo in 1993 until he passed away under suspect circumstances the same year. This area includes two towns – Wasso and Loliondo - district headquarters, agricultural areas, and Thomson Safaris’ land grab. So OBC have lobbied to have it reduced to their core hunting area bordering Serengeti National Park, and to make it a protected area (brutally and illegally done in 2022) which would signify a huge land loss to the local Maasai, leading to lost lives and livelihoods. OBC’s first irregular 10-year contract was revoked already in the corruption scandal in the 1990s and since then the hunting blocked has been renewed like any other hunting block.


Protests by local leaders against OBC’s construction near water sources, oversized airstrip and bad attitudes towards the Maasai and their livestock, led to some international press coverage in 2001-2002.


In 2008, the then Ngorongoro DC Jowika Kasunga coerced local leaders into signing a Memorandum of Understanding with OBC. There were supposed to be talks to coordinate grazing and hunting, but when the 2009 drought turned catastrophic, OBC went to the government to complain. As a result, the village land in the 1,500 km2 was illegally invaded by the Field Force Unit working with OBC’s rangers, with mass arson, dispersal of cattle, and abuse of every kind. 7-year-old Nashipai Gume was lost in the chaos and never found, ever since.


The Maasai moved back, and some leaders reconciled with OBC that went on to funding a Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan 2010–2030 that proposed turning the village land that had been invaded into a protected area. The Maasai were united, and the draft land use plan was rejected by Ngorongoro District Council in 2011.


In 2013, then Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Khamis Kagasheki lied to the world saying that the whole 4,000 km2 Loliondo Game Controlled Area (Loliondo Division and part of Sale Division of Ngorongoro District) was a protected area and that alienating the important 1,500 km2 meant generously giving the remaining land to the Maasai. This huge lie and ugly trick did not work, since the Maasai were more serious and united than ever, garnered support from both the opposition CHADEMA and from CCM, and then PM Mizengo Kayanza Peter Pinda stopped Kagasheki’s threats.


After the unity, efforts to buy off local leaders started creating serious divisions and weakening. Some found it convenient to benefit from openly praising the “investors” and attacking people who they at the same time expected to take risks to defend the land. Though nobody signed any MoU.


The investors (OBC and Thomson Safaris) had for years used the local police state that through the successive DCs, security committee, and most every government employee will threaten anyone who could speak up about them and engage in defamation and illegal arrests. The repression and fear of this police state became worse with Magufuli in office. There were lengthy illegal arrests, torture, and malicious prosecution, by 2016 – after OBC had written a report complaining about the Maasai and engaged the press - it was so bad that PM Majaliwa could enter the stage with a select non-participatory committee, set up by then Arusha RC Mrisho Gambo. Some of the members were local leaders and other representatives, serious NGOs included, that found themselves at the opposite side of the people when marking “critical areas” under spontaneous protests in each village. A much misused photo of a confrontation between police and Maasai is from these protests and not any other time. The proposal handed over to the PM was seen as a victory, even though it was a sad compromise (a WMA) that had earlier been successfully rejected for many years of better unity and less acute fear.


This picture is from 17th-19th March 2017 when villagers were protesting marking of "critical areas" that their own weakened leders were participating in. Do NOT use it for anything else.

A week earlier 5th - 7th March 2017, a Standing Parliamentary Committee - co-opted by Minister Maghembe who in January was making declarations that the 1,500km2 must be alienated - toured Loliondo and the members were told that German funds would only be released on condition of turning the 1,500 km2 into a protected area. In Loliondo 600 women demonstrated against accepting the German money and the district council decided to follow their advice. Local leaders saw RC Gambo as their "only friend", or that's the sole and weak excuse for their behaviour. 

Maybe since the Maasai showed such weakness, the government went on with the unthinkable and while everyone was still waiting to hear Majaliwa’s decision, on 13th August 2017 an illegal mass arson operation, like the one in 2009, was initiated and continued, on and off, well into October. Hundreds of bomas were razed to the ground by Serengeti rangers, assisted by NCAA rangers and those from OBC, TAWA, local police and others. People were beaten and raped, illegally arrested, and cattle seized. Some leaders were frightfully silent while others protested loudly. Minister Maghembe pretended that OBC’s land use plan would have been implemented and the operation was taking place on some protected land. Meanwhile the DC and Maghembe’s own ministry, said it was not about the 1,500 km2, since Majaliwa was to announce a decision about that, but that village land was invaded because people were entering Serengeti National Park “too easily”.


Oloosek 13th August 2017

The illegal operation wasn’t stopped until late October 2017, a couple of weeks after Hamisi Kigwangalla came into office. The new minister also made grand promises, like saying that OBC would have left Tanzania before 2018, but it was very soon clear that OBC weren’t going anywhere. On 6th December 2017, Majaliwa delivered his vague but terrifying decision that was about, through a legal bill, creating a “special authority” to manage the land. He also said that OBC were staying. The decision was celebrated in the anti-Maasai press (Manyerere Jackton in the Jamhuri). Implementation was delayed, still no legal bill has been seen, and it would of course have been contempt of court.


In March 2018, Kigwangalla welcomed OBC’s hunters to Tanzania (directing himself to a fake account that he thought was the Twitter account of the Dubai crown prince), and in April the same year, OBC - once again - gifted the Ministry of Natural Resources of Tourism with 15 vehicles. 

In March 2018, a military camp was set up in Lopolun, near Wasso in Loliondo, first temporary, but eventually made permanent with donations from the NCAA, and the soldiers started attacking and beating apparently random people.


In June 2018, the OCCID and local police tried to derail the case in the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) – filed during the illegal operation in 2017 - by summoning local leaders and villagers. Nobody dared to speak up about this, except for the applicants' main counsel.


On 25th September 2018 – a year after the illegal operation - the court finally issued an injunction restraining the government from evictions, destruction and harassment of the applicants, but this injunction was soon brutally violated.


In November and December 2018, soldiers from the camp in Olopolun tortured people, seized cattle, and burned bomas in Kirtalo and Ololosokwan. This was the lowest point ever in the land rights struggle (until theland theft of 2022) and I have still not understood how it could happen without anyone at all speaking up. Local leaders claimed to fear for their lives and thought that the brutality was directly ordered by President Magufuli. When RC Gambo in January 2019 condemned the crimes in a very vague way, they changed to thinking that OBC’s director had contracted the soldiers.


There were finally some promising developments in 2019 when OBC’s director Isaack Mollel was arrested on economic sabotage charges and OBC toned down (they never left and Mollel was never fired) their activities on the ground. However, the local police state was not dealt with and following a lengthy stay in remand prison Mollel was out, through plea bargaining, and after a while he went back to work. Speculations about Mollel’s misfortune include his clashes of egos with Kigwangalla and Gambo, and Magufuli wanting to send a message to OBC’s old friend Abdulrahman Kinana (and to Bernard Membe) that nobody is untouchable.


In September 2019, a genocidal zoning proposal for NCA was presented by chief conservator Manongi. It included the proposal to annex the 1,500 km2 (but in the form of two areas: a corridor bordering Serengeti and an area in Malambo, like in the illegal demarcation in 2022) and turn it into a protected area allowing hunting. This Multiple Land Use Model review proposal was met with countless protests from every kind of group of people from NCA, but near silence from Loliondo where leaders were pretending that the threat had been averted.


2021 brought Jumaa Mhina as new District Executive Director and he started working to kill the court cases against land grabbing “investors”. Though the village chairmen stood their ground and Reference No. 10 of 2017, Ololosokwan, Kirtalo, Oloirien, and Arash v the Attorney General of the United Republic of Tanzania continued before the EACJ until it was dismissed in September 2022. The case against Thomson Safaris in the Tanzanian court of appeal, however, was in 2022 killed using a law that was introduced after the case was filed.


Briefly about the 2022 threats leading up to the brutal illegal demarcation

On 11th January 2022, Arusha RC John Mongella summoned village and ward leaders from villages with land in the 1,500 km2 to inform them that the government would make "a painful decision for the broader interest of the nation". The leaders, even those who for years had worked for OBC and against the people, refused to accompany the RC for a tour of the 1,500 km2, or to sign the attendance list. On 13th-14th January in Oloirien there was a public protest meeting and a statement by village, ward, and traditional leaders.

A contempt of court application was filed in the East African Court of Justice, since the RC’s threats were in clear violation of the injunction issued in September 2018.


On 14th February 2022, Majaliwa came and was not much better than Mongella, but too well-received, since something worse was expected, because of the crazy anti-Maasai hate campaign, and parliamentarians calling for tanks to be sent to Ngorongoro. It wasn’t very clear what the PM had actually said.


Three days later, on 17th February 2022, in NCA, not Loliondo, Majaliwa ordered the disputed land to be marked by beacons, “so that we may know the boundaries”– while claiming that this was NOT a trick! Now we know what the intention was.


In late February 2022, President Samia visited the Expo Dubai 2020 and met with Sheikh Mohammed. “I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to Tanzania, where the business and investment environment are more than conducive. Come one, come all to Tanzania.”, the president said, according to the Tanzanian embassy, and the invitation has been taken up (see DP World, carbon scams etc.)


Then Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism Damas Ndumbaro on 8th March 2022 re-introduced Kagasheki’s lies in an interview with DW Kiswahili, and on the 11th Majaliwa again mentioned beacons and water projects for Loliondo when informing parliamentarians about a fake spectacle that he had set up in Arusha, without people from Ngorongoro, the previous day.

At a huge protest meeting in Arash on 19th March, several leaders spoke up in defence of the land, among them the Arash ward councillor Mathew Siloma spoke up very clearly and strongly. The message from this meeting was:

-PM Majaliwa is a liar.

-The Maasai are not renouncing one square inch of land.

-They request to meet with the president, since Majaliwa cannot be trusted.


On 31st March 2022, Abdulrahman Kinana was brought in from the cold, after having fallen out with Magufuli, and is now Vice-Chairman of CCM mainland. Kinana is one of OBC’s and Sheikh Mohammed’s best and oldest friends since at least 1993.


This video is from 24th March 2018, so don't pretend anything else.

CCM councillors that had spoken up against plans of robbing the Maasai of the 1,500 km2 were being intimidated, arrested, and summoned to be “interrogated” in Arusha. The councillors of Arash and Malambo had to keep reporting to the police.


On 25th May 2022, a committee handed over their reports of “community recommendations” on both NCA and the 1,500 km2 in Loliondo to PM Majaliwa who said that he was going to work on the recommendations. The Loliondo/Sale report recommended a stop to any plans of alienating the 1,500 km2, investigations into human rights violations, and the removal of OBC. That was what Majaliwa had to work with, but instead he stole the land, committed atrocities, and OBC is still there.


On 3rd June 2022, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana in her budget speech announced that her ministry expected to upgrade Loliondo to a Game Reserve, but she did this while listing huge areas of Tanzania for the same expectation. That did not sound believable or realistic in any way, and there was hardly any reaction, except for an intervention by Ngorongoro MP Emmanuel Oleshangai. At least I could not imagine that anything so brutal and unlawful could happen so soon, but it did.


Briefly about the brutal and illegal demarcation of a fake game reserve

On 8th June 2022, Wasso town was overflowing with security forces that went on to set up camps on the 90 km stretch from Ololosokwan to Piyaya, and in Malambo. Almost every Tanzania Regional Police Commissioner vehicle was seen in Loliondo on the day. The Maasai held prayers and deliberations, and in Kirtalo on the 9th a video clip with the message that they were ready to die for their land was prepared for Majaliwa. A coordinated threat with vicious propaganda, and the old lie from 2013, was issued primarily by Arusha RC John Mongella, who had recorded a message in connection with closed meeting the previous days, and PM Kassim Majaliwa, assisted by speaker of parliament Tulia Ackson, in parliament. They were soon joined by many government representatives repeating the same lie.


All councillors from affected wards – except the Soitsambu councillor who managed to flee - were on 9th June 2022, lured to a meeting by DC Raymond Mwangwala, they were abducted, bundled in two cars and driven to Arusha overnight. 

The following day illegal land demarcation - which is what Otterlo Business Corporation (OBC), that organizes hunting for Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, for years has lobbied for - began in a rain of teargas and bullets. Many Maasai were beaten, slashed by bayonets, hit by teargas canisters, raped and thousands fled across the border where many of them continued as refugees for several months, with their cattle. The then 84-years-old Oriais Oleng'iyo was last seen on 10th June with bullet wounds and detained by the Field Force Unit few metres away from his home where security forces were firing fireworks. A police officer was killed by arrowshot, which the government used to charge – with murder - the councillors who had been abducted the previous day, obviously without a thought on investigating the killing. Motorbikes and telephones were destroyed or stolen by the security forces.


There was a hunt for anyone who could have shared pictures of the crimes (which effectively has been done by everyone with a smartphone) and ten people, later joined by seven more, were illegally arrested, eventually, together with the councillors, charged with a bogus “murder”. The trial kept being postponed for inexistent “investigation”, there was never any hearing, only postponements, and they continued locked up in remand prison for well over five months. Three were released for reasons of health and studies. The flow of information was almost completely cut after the initial arrests.


On 15th June 2022, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Tanzanian Mission to the UN in Geneva, Hoyce Temu, in a widely shared clip, denied any state violence, parroting the malicious and obvious government lie about a “protected area” that had been “encroached” and about “peaceful talks” with local residents. Meanwhile, the councillors from affected wards were still abducted at unknown location, and their whereabouts were only known the following day when they were charged with “murder”.


Government representatives made multiple military style visits landing in helicopter to pose with beacons, tell lies, and issue threats.

On 13th June 2022, then Inspector General of Police threatened anyone who'd stir things up, and he particularly mentioned politicians that are using the Maasai for their own benefit.

The Minister of Home Affairs, Hamad Masauni, on 15th June 2022, directed Immigration to strengthen border security and ordered NGOs to be investigated. 

Immigration Commissioner for Border Control and Administration, Samwel Mahirane on 18th June 2022, threatened those that had fled, saying that they are known and will be dealt with.  

Commissioner General of Immigration, Anna Makakala, on 22nd June announced that there would be 10 days of flushing out illegal immigrants.


Minster Pindi Chana without following any law or procedure declared the illegally demarcated land as “Pololeti Game Controlled Area” (GN No.421, 2022) on 17th June, which was announced in a zoom meeting on the 22nd.


On 21st June 2022, spineless diplomats applauded Minister Ndumbaro’s obvious lies about what was happening. Also present and lying were then Deputy Minister Mary Masanja, Director of Wildlife Maurus Msuha and Minister of Foreign Affairs Liberata Mulamula. Though many international organisations condemned the government’s actions.

Mary Masanja greeting the UAE ambassador at the meeting in which diplomats were happy to be told lies. 


The much-expected court ruling in the case filed during the mass arson in 2017, and scheduled for 22nd June 2022, was the last minute shockingly postponed to September.

On 23rd June 2022, PM Majaliwa led a military celebration of the brutal attack on the Maasai.


On 24th June 2022, people were told to leave within 24 hours or all their livestock would be confiscated. Houses were demolished or razed. TAWA illegally seized livestock and demanded extortionate “fines”. The dry season deepened without access to the most important grazing area. In Ormanie, Arash ward, on 27th June, cows, donkeys, calves, and other livestock were shot by the security forces. 

As announced, there were mass arrests of people accused of being “Kenyan”. Nursing mothers were locked up, some children had both their parents arrested, and by November every one of the bogus immigration cases - only meant to terrorize and paralyze - had been dismissed. 

Loliondo refugees in Kenya

On 28th September 2022, Minister Chana announced that the illegally demarcated 1,500 km2 in Loliondo had been placed under the management of the NCAA.


On 30th September the East African Court of Justice dismissed Reference No.10 of 2017 on the grounds that the Maasai had failed to prove that the mass arson of 2017 was committed on village land and not in Serengeti National Park. This ruling was quite inexplicable when even the government’s own map show that the crime was committed on village land. Some confused and very unhelpful journalists confused this with the 2022 operation and reported that the court had approved “cordoning off” of the land. 


TAWA, at the height of the dry season, continued illegal seizures of livestock and extortion of huge fines, 100,000 shillings per cow and 25,000 per sheep or goat. NCAA rangers were reportedly trained and set up camp. In Malambo, on 8th November, the head of the NCAA camp announced that TAWA had left, and the boundaries were being guarded by the Field Force Unit.


On 31st October, or 1st November 2022, it was announced that President Samia had on 14th October declared a Pololeti Game Reserve (GN No.604, 2022). It came as a nasty surprise for the lawyers that on 1st November were in court for the mention of Miscellaneous Cause No.09 of 2022, even if it seems like it was also on Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation the previous evening.


Several court cases were filed to stop the brutal, fake and illegal protected area: two in the High Court and onein the East African Court of Justice, the ruling in the case filed in 2017 has been appealed, and there’s a contempt of court application.


On 1st November, in an NCA advertorial in the extreme anti-Maasai newspaper the Jamhuri, a “conservator” for the fake and illegal game reserve – Pius Rwiza - spoke of how calm and wonderful everything is after the demarcation. He says that the Maasai understand the demarcation but must keep a further 500 metres away from it! And he wanted them to create WMAs, outside the illegally demarcated 1,500 km2, which is another kind of land alienation that also was included in the OBC-funded draft district land use plan that was rejected by Ngorongoro District Council in 2011.


Towards the end of October 2022, there were reports of a notice issued by the DC about redrawing of village boundaries with new village land use plans, and some 40 state security and surveyors on the ground. Through intimidation and government installed traitors, it was said that the land use plan had been passed, but that would of course not be legal in any way.


Between 14th-17th November 2022, nine immigration cases against 62 people who still had such cases pending after the mass arrests in June and July were discharged for want of prosecution.


On 22nd November 2022, it was announced that the Director of Public Prosecution had no intention to continue with the ridiculous “murder” case against 24 people, including ten CCM councillors and the CCM district chairman. The leaders were, directly after being released, whisked off to CCM internal elections to vote for candidates close to RC Mongella.


On 20th December 2022, in a ceremony with PM Kassim Majaliwa and Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism Pindi Chana, the German Ambassador to Tanzania Regina Hess handed over 51 vehicles, part of 20 million euros committed funds by Germany for emergency funding and recovery for biodiversity in response of COVID19 facilitated by the German development bank, KfW, and Frankfurt Zoological Society, FZS. The vehicles will be distributed into Serengeti and Nyerere National Parks and Selous Game Reserve and will have a great impact on supporting “operations”. In the ceremony Majaliwa mentioned poachers and “encroaching livestock” as the objectives of those “operations”.


The Tanzanians online – who since early 2022 had become very sympathetic to the Maasai - toward the end of 2022, unfortunately, again became busy with wildlife trafficking from Loliondo, without presenting evidence in any form. Even OBC’s Mollel participated in a zoom seminar organized to deny this – instead of talking about the insanely brutal and illegal land alienation.


Livestock keep being seized, destroying everyone’s livelihood and mental health. 

23rd– 28th January, the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights visited, specifically to have a look at Loliondo and Ngorongoro, but the visit was co-opted by the government and the Commission did not see a single victim from Loliondo. Salangat Mako from Ololosokwan recorded a message for the Commission and then had to flee to Kenya for a while after threats.


Rangers from Bologonja in Serengeti National Park joined NCAA rangers/FFU in seizing cattle on village land in Ololosokwan, illegally declared a game reserve, and taking them to Mugumu for auctioning. They continued with this until they almost lost a court case and one of them suffered a fatal motorcycle accident.


On 29th February and 30th March 2023 meetings meant to legitimize the 1,500 km2 land theft via a Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan for the next 20 years was held at the Ngorongoro District Council Hall in Wasso. This was openly and shamelessly funded and facilitated by the Germans via FZS. The DC openly threatened the councillors for being obstacles to the exercise and the years ago somewhat serious NGO personality Joseph Parsambei openly came out as a traitor, as did the chairman of Soitsambu village.

On 5th May 2023, a NCAA ranger was lightly injured by an arrowshot from an unknown hero archer and there were reports that the rangers stopped patrolling at nighttime.


On 19th May 2023 the councillors at Ngorongoro District Council voted in unison to reject in total the government’s German-facilitated draft 2023-2043 Ngorongoro District Land Use Framework Plan.


A Maasai delegation visited Europe and on 31st May 2023, they attended a public event at the EU Parliament in which they, there at the same venue, could respond to the usual demented government lies spewed by Jestas Abouk Nyamanga, Tanzanian ambassador to Belgium, Luxembourg, and European Union Commission and Prof. Malebo, Tanzanian UNESCO secretary. Lawyer Joseph Oleshangay from Endulen, Nengai Kilusu Laizer from Oloirobi, and Noorkishili Nakero Naing’isa from Ololosokwan were there and spoke the truth.


On the anniversary of the brutal and lawless land theft, several local leaders and other victims gave their testimony of the crimes at a meeting in Mto Wa Mbu, and others had already been recorded by a fact-finding mission.


On 22nd August 2023, the high court ruled that Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 178 of 2022, the case dealing with the president’s GN No.604 of 2022, declaring a “game reserve” can proceed and prohibited operation of the GN until determination of the case.


EU parliamentarians who were to visit Ngorongoro and Loliondo were 24 hours before their departure on 4th September 2023, stopped by the Tanzanian government that had invited them.


On 8th September 2023, against orders by the Officer Commanding District, Tundu Lissu, held meetings in Ololosokwan and Wasso, with an overwhelming reception. 


NCA, bye bye Manongi, and the government again denies well-documented adulterated salt

This blog post is getting far too long, but for some quick updates about Ngorongoro Conservation Area where the government with restrictions on every aspect of life, and illegal blocking of social services is attempting to make the Maasai “voluntarily” relocate to other people’s land, with heavy media propaganda about Msomera in Handeni.


As detailed in previous blog posts, there was a manhunt and mass arrests in Endulen ward after a week of protests to demand a permit to renovate the badly cracked Nasipooriong’ Primary School, and by extension the blocking of all such permits since 2021, and the government provocateur and genocidal inciter, Habib Mchange, was chased away from Endulen market. Those arrested were held incommunicado for several days, many were tortured, and all were questioned about why they were refusing to relocate to Msomera. Even the MP, Emmanuel Oleshangai, was arrested/abducted and held incommunicado for two nights. Later, when Tundu Lissu was blocked from visiting Ngorongoro division on 9th September there were huge protests led by women and the presence of the Field Force Unit was heavily increased. Glory Julius was arrested and badly beaten. Currently, those who were arrested must report at Karatu Police Station every four days as a means of harassment and sabotage to make them lose time and money.


Also mentioned in the previous blog post, Flying Medical Service, after 16 months of being grounded for reasons not made known to them, got a temporary clearance to fly again. Infuriatingly, in NCA they are only allowed to attend to urgencies, but not provide vaccines or maternal and child care. Their long grounding added to the life-threatening situation with defunded dispensaries and the downgraded Endulen Hospital. “During those 16 empty months, we had to totally unnecessarily refuse to fly 146 emergency flight requests, not treat more than 9,294 patients, not vaccinate more than 31,628 children, not examine 7,192 pregnant women, not treat 231 TB patients, and not treat 102 HIV patients.” tweeted FMS.


The heavy propaganda for “voluntary” relocation to Msomera in Handeni continues, ignoring protests by displaced Msomera villagers and complaints about unfulfilled promises and the unsuitability for pastoralism by some Ngorongoro migrants, including the government’s poster boy, former MP Telele. On 18th September the deputy minister of Lands, Housing and Human Settlement Development, Geophrey Pinda, declared that the Ngorongoro immigrants do not have the right to sell their land and houses in Msomera, while landownership has been a main argument in the government propaganda. Otherwise, a very often heard government “argument” is that nobody owns land in Tanzania … On 25th September, Manongi signed a MoU with the army, or more exactly the national service, Jeshi la Kujenga Taifa (JKT), about building 5,000 houses in Msomera, Kitwai and Saunyi villages, half of them in Msomera. The construction was initiated in a very militaristic way on 6th October by what is supposed to be a 6,000-man JKT workforce. If 2,500 households can be made to relocate to Msomera, the village will be crowded indeed. On 15th October Minister of Defence and National Service Stergomena Tax visited Msomera to keep on praising President Samia.


On 7th October, the NCAA issued a statement again denying the already in December 2021 laboratory tested adulterated and hazardous replacement salt that the authority offered to the villages of Misigiyo, Kayapus, Mokilal, Oloirobi, and Irkeepus after they lost all saltlicks when access to Ngorongoro Crater was restricted in 2017. This was because the issue had again surfaced in social media when an article was published. On 15th October a press conference was held by Ngorongoro people setting the record straight. Only many months after his release did I understand that the reason that the councillor of Ngorongoro ward, Simon Saitoti, was arrested on 1st July 2022 and joined to the murder charges against the Loliondo councillors that were abducted on 9th June 2022 (for a killing that took place on the 10th) was that he has been speaking up about this dangerous salt that killed many cows. At least it was what he was interrogated about.


On 3rd October it was announced that the NCAA assistant conservator Elibariki Bajuta was being transferred to become DC of Urambo. Bajuta has in different capacities, I first heard about him as district tourism officer, exercised his personal hatred against the Maasai. The same announcement said that the head of TANAPA, William Mwakilema, was transferred to become DC for Korogwe. In Mwakilema’s case this was definitely a demotion, and I’m told this is obvious in Bajuta’s case too. Mwakilema is another criminal who was Serengeti chief park warden when the park management was the main implementor of the mass arson operation 2017. Nobody seems to know the reason why Bajuta and Mwakilema were transferred.


On 12th October, quite surprising, it was announced that the horrible NCA Chief Conservator Freddy Manongi has been replaced. It was indeed two years since President Samia renewed his appointment for two more years, when he was about to retire, but finally this very dangerous enemy of the Ngorongoro Maasai, who’s been chief conservator since 2013, will retire. The new chief conservator is Richard Rwanyakatoo Kiiza who comes from TANAPA.


Good riddance! 

15-year-old Joshua Olepatorro whose upper front teeth the NCA ranger Elibariki Israel Namungu on 13th August smashed out beating him with the butt of his gun is having some problems getting justice, since a criminal case requires cooperation from the police. His case was one mentioned in the song “Mnatuona nyani” (You see us as baboons) by the artist Sifa Bujune who was arrested for incitement and then charged with specifically the lines about Joshua as “false, deceptive, misleading, or inaccurate”, violating the Cybercrimes Act. Those lines of the song about the Tanzanian government’s attitude arevery well documented though.


As been detailed in several blog posts, UNESCO World Heritage Centre – with its many reports with “grave concerns” about “increase in the number of people residing in the property” is the main instigator of the Tanzanian government’s human rights violations in NCA. I must write more about this in a blog post about NCA, but for the first time in its State of conservation of properties inscribed on the of World Heritage List (Extended forty-fifth session Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 10-25 September 2023) UNESCO is addressing these “alleged” violations – that it claims to have received numerous letters about in 2021 and 2022 - urging the State Party to demonstrate, ensure and rebut, while stubbornly denying any own responsibility and putting a lot of faith in a not yet released report by the ACPHR that in January 2023 made government commandeered visit to NCA, Msomera and Loliondo.


On 13th October in social media the Tanzanian government’s favourite liar and inciter against the Maasai of Loliondo, UNESCO’s general secretary in Tanzania Hamisi Malebo again boasted of his spewing of disinformation at the UN. According to the Tanzanian government’s own “information”, which Malebo linked to, the occasion was a letter by Special Rapporteur Francisco Calí Tzay about Thomson Safaris, a tourism investor involved in a very ugly land grab in Loliondo, about which all information has been almost totally suppressed for years, even by those who should know better. However, Malebo did not seem to understand this, but parroted the government’s usual very deranged lies (see above) about Loliondo and NCA. Malebo is appointed by Tanzania and not UNESCO, but the organization has never distanced itself from this individual in any way.


At the World Travel Awards on 16th October at the Atlantis Royal Hotel in Dubai, Ngorongoro Conservation Area received the award as Best Tourism Attraction in Africa. Please boycott Tanzania! Total tourism boycott!


Apologies and reflexions on very long and horribly delayed blog posts

The reason for the length and delay of this blog post is that too much is happening and I’m having problem keeping up and keeping focus. As soon as I’m about to publish there’s new important information that’s unconfirmed, or not yet suitable for the public (this can cause very long delays). I’m trying to keep the writing brief, so that at least someone will read it, but fear misunderstandings if I don’t provide enough context, and this fear is well-founded through experience. I feel a terrible unease about missing some important aspect, or that some information could be withheld from me. Reporting about Loliondo has become better since the days when it was just atrociously misleading, and I don’t mean the obvious government/investor disinformation, but well-meaning reporters and researchers that didn’t seem to care about facts. Still, almost every article gets something significant very wrong. So, please get in touch with me if you’re writing about Loliondo. I’m one of very few people who remembers what has happened the past decade, and I want you to get everything right. Follow me on Twitter for speedier, but maybe unconfirmed information.

Where is Oriais Oleng’iyo?


Susanna Nordlund is a working-class person based in Sweden who since 2010 has been blogging about Loliondo (increasingly also about NCA) and has her fingerprints thoroughly registered with Immigration so that she will not be able to enter Tanzania through any border crossing, ever again. She has never worked for any NGO or intelligence service and hasn’t earned a shilling from her Loliondo work. She can be reached at sannasus@hotmail.com


27th October

The cattle owners were not allowed to pass Klein's Gate to got to their cattle held by the TANAPA cattle rustlers at Lobo in Serengeti.

The 48 cows belonging to Mzee Siloma and illegally held by NCAA rangers at Lengijape in Arash were released for a "reduced "extortion of  fee of 1,300,000. The other livestock are still being held and many sheep have "disappeared".

28th October

At dawn very high numbers of cattle have been seized in Malambo, Irkarian and Sanjan by the criminal NCAA rangers, some taken to their camp and some released after the rangers have been paid big bribes.

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